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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of

Diploma IV Certificate of English Study program
(English for Business and Professional Communication)
Politeknik Tonggak Equator

NIM. A1841215




Judicial responsibility on:

NIM. A1841215

Approved for a seminar by

Supervisors: Signature

1. First Supervisor : Fransiska Way Warti, S. Pd., M. Sc. ………………

NIDN. 1123106302

2. Second Supervisor : Dra. Yovita Angelina, M. Pd. ………………

NIDN. 1103126801

Approved by:
Head of Study Programme : Wui San Taslim, S.E., M. M. ………………
NIK. 009.1.0210.02




TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... i
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... v
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background ........................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Problem ................................................................................. 2
1.3 Scope of Research ................................................................................ 2
1.4 Purpose of Research ............................................................................. 2
1.5 Research Contribution .......................................................................... 3
1.5.1 Theoretical Contribution ............................................................. 3
1.5.2 Practical Contribution ................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 4
2.1 Theoretical Basis .................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Definition of Brand ..................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Criteria of Brand ........................................................................ 4
2.1.3 Foreign Brand Naming ................................................................ 6
2.1.4 Criteria for Foreign Brand Names .............................................. 6
2.1.5 Purchase Decision ....................................................................... 7
2.2 Empirical Study .................................................................................... 9
2.3 Conceptual Framework......................................................................... 12
2.4 Hypothesis ............................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD .............................................................. 13
3.1 Form of Research ................................................................................. 13
3.2 Place and Time of Research ................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Place of Research ....................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Time of Research ........................................................................ 13
3.3 Population and Sample ......................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Population .................................................................................. 13
3.3.2 Sample ......................................................................................... 13
3.4 Research Variable ................................................................................. 14
3.4.1 Dependent Variable ..................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Independent Variable .................................................................. 14
3.5 Technique and Instrument of Data Collecting ...................................... 14
3.5.1 Data Type .................................................................................. 14
3.5.2 The Technique of Data Collecting .............................................. 14

3.6 Validity and Reliability ........................................................................ 15
3.6.1 Validity........................................................................................ 15
3.6.2 Reliability .................................................................................... 15
3.7 The Technique of Data Analysis .......................................................... 15
3.7.1 Classic Assumption Test ............................................................. 16
3.7.2 Simple Linear Regression ........................................................... 16
3.7.3 Coefficient Correlation................................................................ 17
3.7.4 Coefficient Determination ........................................................... 17
3.7.5 Hypothesis Test ........................................................................... 17
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 20


Figure 1.1 The Most Spoken Languages Worldwide in 2021 .............................. 1

Figure 2.1 Five Stages of Purchase Decision ........................................................ 7
Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 12


Table 2.1 Previous Studies .................................................................................... 9

Table 3.1 Likert Scale ........................................................................................... 15
Table 3.2 The Scale of Coefficient Correlation .................................................... 17

Appendix 1 Observation Sheet.............................................................................. 20
Appendix 2 Questionnaire Framework ................................................................. 21
Appendix 3 Questionnaire .................................................................................... 23


1.1 Research Background

In this competitive business world, branding is one of the strategies to gain
potential buyers’ interest and awareness. Although brands and branding are not
new concepts, businesses are applying them to a broader range of situations where
branding plays an increasingly significant role (Wentz & Suchard, 1993, p. 39).
One branding strategy that can be used is Foreign Branding. According to Leclerc
et al.. (1994), “foreign branding is a strategy to spell or pronounce a brand name
using a foreign language.” (p. 263). One of the branding elements is a brand
name. A brand name creates impressions to customers about products overview.
A brand name is the first element that customers see. A brand name works
as an identity. People are recognized and know each other by the names, similar to
brand names, and it provides recognition and the essence of the product to the
customers (Mishra & Datta, 2011). Subsequently, brand names become the first
indicator to differentiate one product from another. Therefore, choosing a proper
brand name is crucial for the business. A good brand name can give a positive
overview of the products, yet a bad brand name can give a negative overview.
In this globalization era, the English language is used for daily
communication, academic purposes, also business purposes. Lots of people in this
world already use the English Language. According to Encyclopedia Britannica
(2020), English is a dominant language in most countries worldwide.

Figure 1.1 The Most Spoken Languages Worldwide in 2021


Based on the data above, English is the number one most spoken language
worldwide. Furthermore, according to (2021), 1.35 billion people
worldwide speak English as a native or as their second language.
The competition in the business world is getting fierce in this era. Therefore,
companies are looking for ways to make its product attractive. One of the ways is
by using of brand name in English. Nowadays, English language usage as a brand
name can easily be found in Indonesia. “Many local manufactures try to raise the
prestige of their product by creating brands in English.” (Rachmawati et al., 2016,
p. 52). The writer often sees Indonesian products using brand names in English,
such as Rollover Reaction, Social Cosmetics, Beauty Story, Dear Me Beauty, Rose
All Day, and others. Among them is Make Over, a beauty product that launched in
2010. Make Over is one of the local brands that goes International by supporting
The 2018 Paris Fashion Show. Moreover, a study conducted by Gupta & Verma
(2017), found out that foreign brand names are preferred for cosmetics products.
Previous research conducted by Shehzad et al. (2014), in their study entitled
Influence of Brand Name on Customer Choice and Decisions, found out a brand
image or brand name has a strong positive relationship with customer buying
behavior. Therefore, it is essential to know how a brand name in English can
attract buyer attention and affect purchase decisions. Based on these reasons, the
writer will research “The Effect of Brand Name in English towards
Purchasing Decision of Make Over Product.”

1.2 Research Problem

What is the relationship between brand name in English and Purchase

1.3 Scope of Research

1. This research is specific to a local Indonesian beauty product that is
Make Over.
2. The subject of this research is specific to the women customer of Make
Over products aged 17-30 in Pontianak.

1.4 Purpose of Research

To find out the relationship between brand name in English and Purchase

1.5 Research Contribution
1.5.1 Theoretical Contributions
This research is expected to be useful for knowledge and theoretical
development, especially for the readers and the next researchers with similar

1.5.2 Practical Contributions

1. This research is expected to be a reference to the readers who may start a
business with a brand name in English.
2. This research is expected to increase the writer’s understanding of the
relationship between brand names in English and purchasing decision.


2.1 Theoretical Basis

2.1.1 Definition of Brand
Brand names are frequently used for marketing tactics aimed at raising
customer awareness. “A brand can be defined as a set of tangible and intangible
attributes designed to create awareness and identity, and to build the reputation of
a product, service, person, place, or organization.” (Sammut-Bonnici, 2015, p. 1).
As quoted from Kotler et al. (2018), The American Marketing Association defines
a brand as “a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of
them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of the seller
and to differentiate them from those of competitors.” (p. 276).

2.1.2 Criteria of Brand

The customer uses a brand name to identify and verify the product they
used. Therefore, it is essential to create a good brand name. A credible brand
provides an overview of product quality, allowing satisfied customers to quickly
recognize and select the same product (Kotler et al., 2018). Therefore, Aaker
(1991) give some criteria required to create good brand names, which are:
1. Be easy to learn and remember – it is helpful if it is unusual, interesting,
meaningful, emotional, pronounceable, spellable, and/or involves a visual
2. Suggest the product class so that name recall will be high still compatible
with potential future uses of the name.
3. Support a symbol or slogan.
4. Suggest desired associations without being boring or trivial.
5. Not suggest undesired associations – It should be authentic, credible, and
comfortable and not raise false expectations.
6. Be distinctive – it should not be confused with competitors’ names.
7. Be available and protectable legally.
Moreover, Keller (2013) also stated that brand names must be made based on the
six general criteria of:
1. Memorability
Customers can easily recall and recognize the brand. Usually, a short brand
name can help the customer to remember easily. A brand name that is easy
to pronounce is easy to recall and recognize by the customer than a hard to
pronounce brand name. For example, Adidas will be easy to recognize and
memorize than Schwarzkopf.

2. Meaningfulness
The brand represents a category, an element of a product, or the type of
individual who might use the brand. Consider the product's underlying
meaning. This is important for product awareness and recognition, for
example, Dear Me Beauty and Fair and Lovely cream.
3. Likability
The brand should be appealing and playful. A brand name also needs to be
aesthetically pleasing to the target customer. Often, the creativeness of the
brand name is essential to capturing the character of a brand, for example,
4. Transferability
The brand can introduce a new product with the same or different category.
A marketer must bear in mind that the brand name should be able to be used
across market groups, for example, Apple, which is a fruit name and thus
does not preclude brand and product expansions.
5. Adaptability
The brand should be adaptable and updateable. Customer perception values
and opinions change over the years. The more versatile a brand name is, the
easier it is to change it to suit the needs of the customer. Additionally, a
brand name can be altered to suit a range of consumers or marketing
6. Protectability
The brand legally protectable and competitive with similar brands should
retain its trademark right and not become generic. Marketers must choose a
brand name that is legally protected globally, register it formally with the
proper regulatory authorities, and actively protect the trademarks from
unauthorized illegal infringement.
Brand names play an important role in giving an impression to people. When
looking at a product, consumers will notice the name first, rather than other brand
features. These will lead them to brand characteristics and brand awareness. To
improve brand awareness, brand names should:
1. Simplicity and ease of pronunciation and spelling
The brand names simplicity makes it easier for people to understand and
interpret the brand name. Short names are easier to remember since its
simple to encode and remember. A brand name pronunciation and meaning
should be straightforward, clear, and intelligible. However, how a brand
name is spoken can affect its meaning, leading to various impressions. A
hard to pronounce brand name can lead to mispronouncing and

2. Familiarity and Meaningfulness
Brand names should be memorable and known to customers in order to use
the pre-existing knowledge. The interpretation might be either concrete or
abstract. Customers have their own memory. Familiar and meaningful
names can help customers understand and recall their memory to understand
the meaning of brand names.
3. Differentiated, Distinctive, and Unique
Although selecting a short, easy-to-pronounce, recognizable, and
meaningful brand name might aid in client comprehension, brand names
should be different, distinctive, and unique to increase brand recognition. A
different, distinctive, and unique brand name makes it easier for the
customer to distinguish the product.

2.1.3 Foreign Brand Naming

According to Leclerc et al. (1994), foreign branding is a strategy to give a
brand name in a foreign language. “The phenomenon of foreign branding has been
so far interesting mostly to the specialist in marketing, with the focus on its
effectiveness in terms of sales.”(Walkowiak, 2018, p. 218). The idea of foreign
brand naming is to utilize country image and influence consumers’ perception of a
product (Melynk et al., 2012). Brand names in foreign languages are considered as
a foreign country of origin. Foreign brands are now impactful and valued much
more than local brands (Kaprefer, 2012).
Some people triggered by globalization may cause them to be more
interested in products with foreign brand names. Based on previous research
conducted by Gupta & Verma (2017), most people in Delhi city have confirmed
their decisions to purchase a product with foreign brand names. Also, foreign
brand names generate a feeling of superiority. English has become the all over the
place language in the world, which automatically makes it a prominent language
in the business sector, as its help business to reach the customer. Based on the
explanation above, using foreign brand naming, especially in English, to introduce
a product to customers can draw a good impression that affects purchasing

2.1.4 Criteria of Foreign Brand Names

In creating a foreign brand name, there are some criteria to build a good
image for the product to influence customers’ perceptions which affect purchase
intentions. According to Kapferer (as cited in Tauhidi, 2008), a good foreign
brand name should have criteria as follow:

1. Brand name should have a positive meaning in a foreign language.
Some words may have different meanings in different countries. Therefore,
marketers need to investigate the meaning before deciding on a brand name
to avoid a wrong perception to customers.
2. Brand names should be easy to pronounce.
Some foreign languages may find it hard to be pronounced by locals. It is
important to choose an easy name to be pronounced so that customers can
easily remember the brand names.
3. The foreign language that is used should come from a good image country.
Each country has its own image. Choosing a language from a country with a
good image is important to draw a good image and high quality for the
4. Brand names should have a suitable meaning with the product.
It is essential to choose a name from a foreign language that has a similar
meaning. Customers may look for information about the brand names.
Therefore, it is better to choose a suitable foreign name.

2.1.5 Purchase Decision

A purchase decision is when someone defines a need, creates possibilities,
and selects a particular product. According to Peter and Olson (2010), the key
process in customer decision making is the integration process combined with one
or more alternatives. Therefore, there are several stages before a customer
purchases a product or service.

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decisions

Post-purchase Behaviors

Figure 2.1 Five Stages of Purchase Decisions

According to Kotler et al. (2018), the customer typically passes through five
stages which are:
1. Problem Recognition
The buying process begins when a customer notices their needs or
problems. Customers’ needs or problems are triggered by internal and
external stimuli. A marketer can take advantage of to identify what customer
2. Information Search
In this stage, the customer starts looking for information to solve the
problem or fulfill their needs. Information sources are divided into four
groups: personal, commercial, public, and experiential. Each of these
sources has a different influence on customers purchasing decisions.
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
After gathering information about their needs, the customer will evaluate
their options to determine which one is the most suitable solution for their
problem. Kotler et al. (2018) stated several fundamental concepts to assist
marketers in comprehending the customer evaluation process: First, the
consumer is attempting to meet demand. Second, the customer is seeking for
certain benefits from the product solution. Third, the customer sees each
product as a set of features with varied benefits.
4. Purchase Decisions
This stage is the focus of the purchase decision stages. In this stage, the
customer is ready to pull the trigger and buy the product or services. The
customer has decided which product and services are ideal for them.
However, the customer frequently uses "mental shortcuts" in the decision-
making process, known as heuristics or rules of thumb. There are three
types of heuristics. Such as First, conjunctive heuristic, select a product that
complies with the basic minimum standard. Second, lexicographic heuristic,
the customers choose the best brand. Third, the elimination-by-aspects
heuristic, the customer assesses brands and eliminates those that fall short of
the minimum standards.
5. Post-purchase Behavior
This stage happens after the customer has decided to purchase. However,
this does not imply that the purchase decision is complete. In this stage, the
customers consider whether they made the best decision or not. When the
products or services they purchase meet and exceed their expectations, they
will be satisfied. Whereas, when the products or services they buy fall of
their expectations, the customers will be dissatisfied.

2.2 Empirical Study
Table 2.1 Previous Studies
No Year Writer Title Purpose Method Object/Case Result
1 2014 Umer Influence of This study This research Effect of brand This study shows that
Shehzad, Brand Name examines the is a name on customer a brand image or
Salman on Customer effect of brand quantitative decision-making, brand name has a
Ahmad, Choice and names on research using understanding strong positive
Kashif Iqbal, Decision. customer buying a non- customer buying relationship with
Muhammad behavior in the probability behavior to the customer buying
Nawaz, Saqib University of convenient brand, and behavior.
Usman Gujranwala, sampling identifying the
Faisalabad, and technique with customer's emotions
Lahore. 250 regarding brands
2. 2019 Loeky Rono The Influence This study aims This research Foreign brand name 1. Foreign brand
Pradopo of Foreign to know whether is quantitative and brand image of name
Brand Name foreign brand research with CFC toward Sales significantly
and Brand name and brand 100 of PT Pioneerindo influences the
Image of CFC image influence respondents. Gourmet brand image of
toward Sales PT Pioneerindo International Tbk. CFC of PT
of PT Gourmet Pioneerindo
Pioneerindo International Tbk Gourmet
Gourmet sales increase. International Tbk
International with a score of

Tbk 0,682.
(Pengaruh 2. Brand image
Pemberian significantly
Merek influences sales
Berbahasa of CFC of PT
Asing dan Pioneerindo
Citra Merek Gourmet
CFC International Tbk
Terhadap with a score of
Penjualan PT 0,754.
Pioneerindo 3. Foreign brand
Gourmet name and brand
Internasional image
Tbk) simultaneously
affects sales of
International Tbk
with a score of

3 2016 Rachmawati, Influence of This study aims This research The influence of The use of brand
I., Sary, F. P. the Use of to know the is quantitative brands in English names in foreign
and Perdani, Brands in a influence of research with on the purchase- language
D. R. Foreign brands in English 400 decision process of simultaneously
Language on the purchase- respondents. consumers of influences the
(English) on decision process cosmetic products purchasing decision-
the Purchase of consumers of made in Indonesia. making process for
Decisions cosmetic products Indonesian-made
Process of made in cosmetics. Only the
Cosmetic Indonesia. benefits, culture,
products personality, and user
Made in attributes influenced
Indonesia. the buying decision-
making process of
customers of
Indonesian cosmetic

Based on the previous study, this research has some similarities and
differences. This research analysis is about the effect of foreign brand names on
customers' decisions on Indonesia's products. Previous research conducted by
Umer Shehzad, Salman Ahmad, Kashif Iqbal, Muhammad Nawaz, Saqib Usman
(2014) The difference between the previous researches with this research is the
location of where the research was conducted. Other research was conducted by
Loeky Rono Pradopo (2019). The difference between the previous researches with
this research is the variable. Previous research focuses on sales increase.
Meanwhile, this research focuses on customers’ purchase decisions. The
following previous research was conducted by Rachmawati, I., Sary, F. P., and
Perdani, D. R. (2016). There is also a difference found between the previous
research and this research, which is the product. Previous research provides
several brands; meanwhile, this research focuses on one product. To sum up, this
research and the three previous pieces of research have similarities in the object of
research which is a brand name. Three previous pieces of researches also use a
brand name as independent variables. In addition, the method of research that was
used in previous research and this research is also the same, which is quantitative
research. The three previous pieces of researches aimed to provide scientific and
precise information data for this research.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the relationship between the dependent
variable, which is Brand Name in English (X), and the independent variable,
which is a purchase decision (Y). Those variables will be analyzed to know the

Brand Name in English (X) Purchase Decision (Y)

Analysis using SPPS

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.4 Hypothesis
Based on the conceptual framework mentioned before, the hypothesis is
made. Therefore, there is a hypothesis in this research, which is:
H1: There is a relationship between brand name in English and Purchase decision.


3.1 Form of Research

The writer will use a quantitative method with an associative approach to
finding out the effect of brand names in English on purchasing a local beauty
product. The quantitative method is a method that involves numeric data and tends
to use statistical analysis. Therefore, the writer will use the quantitative method, as
the data for this research will be numerical. In addition, according to Sugiyono
(2018), associative research determines the influence or the relationship between
two or more variables. In this research, the writer will examine the relationship
between a brand name in English as an independent variable and purchase
decision as a dependent variable.

3.2 Place and Time of Research

3.2.1 Place of Research
The writer will conduct this research in Pontianak.
3.2.2 Time of Research
The research will begin in February 2022 and estimated to finish in May

3.3 Population and Sample

3.3.1 Population
The population is one of the things that must be set on before beginning the
research. Further, Sugiyono (2018) defines population as a generalization region
containing objects or subjects with specified characteristics and specifications that
are examined and concluded. The population in this research is customers of Make
Over products.

3.3.2 Sample
According to Sugiyono (2018), a sample is a part of the number and
characteristic of the total population. The sample of the research must represent
the population that is being studied. The writer used purposive sampling to find
the sample. Purposive sampling is a technique to collect the sample with certain
considerations (Sugiyono, 2018). According to Roscoe (1975), samples ranging
from 30 to 500 are recommended. The writer will look for 50 people to become
the respondents in this research. The classifications for the respondents for this
research are: informants who lived in Pontianak, women aged 17-30, and who
have seen and purchased Make Over products.

3.4 Research Variable
3.4.1 Dependent Variable
While doing research, the dependent variable is the one that is measured in
an experiment and represents a result. The dependent variable in this research is
purchase decisions (Y).

3.4.2 Independent Variable

An independent variable is a variable that influences the dependent
variable and whose variable that does not depend on others. The independent
variable in this research is a brand name in English (X).

3.5 Technique and Instrument of Data Collecting

3.5.1 Data Type
1. Primary data
Primary data is the data collected directly provided to the data
collector (Sugiyono, 2018). The writer will collect data for this study
through observation and a questionnaire. In this research, the writer
will do an observation on Make Over brand. Moreover, a
questionnaire is a data collection technique that includes a set of
questions on the topic. The questionnaire will be distributed online by
Google form.
2. Secondary data
Secondary data are collected indirectly by the data collector. It is
collected through other people and documents (Sugiyono, 2018). In
this research, the writer will use literature reviews such as journals,
articles, books, and the internet.

3.5.2 The Technique of Data Collecting

To test the variable in this research, several questions of each variable that
are related to the topic will be prepared. The question will be prepared in the form
of a questionnaire in a Google Form. It will be distributed to selected people who
qualify for the classification listed before. The selected people can access the
Google form by the link and choose the answer. In order to simplify the answer,
Likert scales will be used. Generally, Likert scales are often called summative
scales. According to Sugiyono (2018), the Likert scale evaluates an individual or
group attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of social phenomena. Likert scales
measure respondent attitudes by agreeing or disagreeing. There are five levels,
from left (strongly disagree) to the right (strongly agree), as:

Table 3.1 Likert Scale
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Then, the writer will distribute the Google form link through group chat, and the
writer will ask for help to spread the link to get more respondents. The estimated
time needed to answer the question is 5-10 minutes.

3.6 Validity and Reliability

3.6.1 Validity
In a quantitative study, testing the validity is essential to test the quality of
the data. Valid means that the instrument is capable of measuring what is intended
to be measured (Sugiyono, 2018). Therefore, a questionnaire given to the
respondent is expected to be valid. To test the validity of the data, the writer will
conduct a test through SPPS (Statistical Package for Social Science) application.
The data will be analyzed to obtain the result. There are two ways to identify
whether a questionnaire is valid or not, which are:
1. Comparing the r count to the r table. If the test shows the value of r count ≥
r table, the questionnaire is valid.
2. Looking at the significant value. If the test shows the signification value <
0,05, the questionnaire is valid.

3.6.2 Reliability
A reliability test is carried out after the validity test result is valid.
Reliability is a test to know the consistency of a measure. The ability of a
measuring instrument to consistently measure the phenomenon it is designed to
assess is defined as reliability (Ho, 2014). In other words, a reliability test is to
measure if the questionnaire still gives the same result if it is measured again at a
different time. To test the reliability of the data, the writer will use SPSS
(Statistical Package for Social Science) application. The data will be tested and
interpreted. In this research, the writer uses Cronbach’s Alpha. The questionnaire
is reliable if the value of Cronbach’s Alpha is > 0.6.

3.7 The Technique of Data Analysis

After the data has been collected, the writer will begin to analyze the data.
In this research, the writer uses SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)
application to obtain the result. This research analyzes the effect of brand names
in English towards customers purchase decision. Therefore, a simple linear
regression analysis will be carried out because there is only one independent
variable to analyze towards the dependent variable.

3.7.1 Classic Assumption test
1. Normality Test
Before doing a simple linear regression, several tests should be
performed. The Normality test is one of them. A normality test is used
to determine whether the data is normally distributed. Before
continuing with the following test, data should be distributed
normally. If the significant value (Sig.) is greater than 0,05, the data
are normally distributed.
2. Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test is used to determine whether there is a
difference in variance from residual between one observation and
another. Heteroscedasticity occurs when the variance from residual is
varied. A good regression model does not have heteroscedasticity
symptoms. Scatterplot and The Glejser test is used to determine the
heteroscedasticity symptoms. A scatterplot test is conducted to see
heteroscedasticity symptoms through the graphic. The data does not
have heteroscedasticity symptoms if the graphic does not indicate a
pattern. In addition, to strengthen the result, Glejser test is conducted
to indicate heteroscedasticity through statistic scores. The data does
not have heteroscedasticity symptoms if the significant value (Sig.) >
3. Linearity Test
The linearity test is used to determine if the independent and
dependent variables have a linear relationship. A linear relationship
between the two variables is deemed to be valid data. If the value of
the significant deviation from linearity is more than 0.05, the
independent and dependent variables have a linear relationship.

3.7.2 Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression attempts to predict the value of one variable
related to another. In other words, this test is used to determine the dependent
variable's value when the independent variable increases or decreases and the
direction of the relationship between the two variables, whether positive or
negative. In this research, the equation for this simple linear regression is as
𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑒

Y : Purchase decisions
a : Constanta

b : Regression coefficient
x : Brand name
e : Error

3.7.3 Coefficient Correlation

The coefficient correlation test is used to determine the relationship between
dependent and independent variables. The greater the coefficient of correlation
means the closer the relationship between the variables.

Table 3.2 The scale of coefficient correlation

The scale of coefficient
Relation level
0,00 – 0,199 Very weak
0,20 – 0,399 Weak
0,40 – 0,599 Intermediate
0,60 – 0,799 Strong
0,80 – 1,000 Very Strong

3.7.4 Coefficient Determination

According to Ho (2014), a coefficient determination measures the strength
of the computed equation. This test represents the portion of variations accounted
of the independent variable toward the dependent variable. The range of
coefficient determination is zero to one. Generally, suppose the value of the
coefficient determination is close to one. In that case, it indicates that the
independent variable explains the vast majority of the information required for the
dependent variable to be determined.

3.7.5 Hypothesis Test

Sugiyono (2018) defines a hypothesis as a temporary answer to the
formulation of the research problem in the form of a sentence. A T-test will be
adopted to examine the hypothesis in this study. The t-test is used to evaluate if an
independent variable significantly affects the dependent variable.


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APPENDIX 1: Observation Sheet



Name : Silvia

Study Program : English for Business and Professional Communication

Object of Observation : Make Over Brand

Observation Start Date :

Observation End Date :

Observation Aspects : Memorability, Meaningfulness, Likability,

Transferability, Adaptability, and Protectability.

Observation Duration Observation

No Observation Results
Time of Time Aspects

1 Memorability

2 Meaningfulness

3 Likability

4 Transferability

5 Adaptability

6 Protectability

Obstacles during observation:

APPENDIX 2: Questionnaire Framework

Indicator Questions

I can recognize "Make Over" easily.

I can remember or recall "Make Over" easily.

"Make Over" pops up when I talk about cosmetics

I think "Make Over" has a meaning that suitable is

for the product.
"Make Over" has a good meaning, thus creating a
Meaningfulness good image.

"Make Over" has a positive meaning in the

Indonesian language.

"Make Over" represents a high-quality product.

Brand “Make Over” looks appealing and attractive.

Name in
“Make Over” gives its own distinct characteristics
in my mind.
I will not confuse if “Make Over” launched a new

I will not confuse if "Make Over" launched other

products but still related to beauty products.

I think the "Make Over" name can be used for

another product.

I have already known "Make Over" as a beauty

product for a long time.

"Make Over" can always be remembered as a

beauty product for a long time.

I think "Make Over" can always do innovation in

the future with the same name.

“Make Over” is a legal product name.

I think "Make Over" can compete with other

Protectability brands.

I think the "Make Over" brand name cannot easily

be copied by other brand competitors.

I decided to buy “Make Over” when I wanted to

Problem buy a beauty product.
I decided to buy “Make Over” because I need it.

Information I am looking for information about “Make Over”

Search before making a purchase.

Evaluation of I have decided to buy “Make Over” after

Purchase Alternatives comparing the product with other brands.
(Y) I choose to purchase “Make Over” over other
Purchase brands.
Decisions I choose to purchase "Make Over" because it meets
my minimum standard.

I feel satisfied after purchasing "Make Over"

Post-purchase because it matched my expectations.
I will recommend “Make Over” to relatives.

APPENDIX 3: Questionnaires

Dear all participants, my name is Silvia, a student from Politeknik Tonggak
Equator majoring in English for Business and Professional Communication. I
would like to convey this questionnaire to all the participants. If you are willing to
fill out this questionnaire, the answer will be used for research with the title “The
Effect of Brand Name in English towards Purchasing Decision of Make Over

Thank you for your participation and availability of time to fill out this

Respondent Identity:
Name :
Gender :
Age :
City :

Do you know the brand of “Make Over”?

Yes No

Do you ever purchase the “Make Over” product?

Yes No

Put a mark on the answer that best fits your opinion. The answer scale is divided
into five: SD: Strongly Disagree, D: Disagree, N: Neither, A: Agree, SA: Strongly

No English Brand in English (X) SD D N A SA

1 I can recognize "Make Over" easily.
2 I can remember or recall "Make Over" easily.
3 "Make Over" pops up when I talk about
cosmetics brands.
4 I think "Make Over" has a meaning that suitable is
for the product.
5 "Make Over" has a good meaning, thus creating
a good image.

6 "Make Over" has a positive meaning in the
Indonesian language.
7 "Make Over" represents a high-quality product.
8 “Make Over” looks appealing and attractive.
9 “Make Over” gives its own distinct
characteristics in my mind.
10 I will not confuse if “Make Over” launched a
new product.
11 I will not confuse if "Make Over" launched
other products but still related to beauty
12 I think the "Make Over" name can be used for
another product.
13 I have already known "Make Over" as a beauty
product for a long time.
14 "Make Over" can always be remembered as a
beauty product for a long time.
15 I think "Make Over" can always do innovation
in the future with the same name.
16 “Make Over” is a legal product name.
17 I think "Make Over" can compete with other
18 I think the "Make Over" brand name cannot
easily be copied by other brand competitors.

No Purchase Decisions (Y) SD D N A SA

19 I decided to buy “Make Over” when I wanted
to buy a beauty product.
20 I decided to buy “Make Over” because I need
21 I am looking for information about “Make
Over” before making a purchase.
22 I have decided to buy “Make Over” after
comparing the product with other brands.
23 I choose to purchase “Make Over” over other
24 I choose to purchase "Make Over" because it
meets my minimum standard.
25 I feel satisfied after purchasing "Make Over"

because it matched my expectations.
26 I will recommend “Make Over” to relatives.


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