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Student: Jhonny Sosa

Miss. Claudia Morales

English l-A

March 29, 2022

What's special about your home town?

Danlí is the city of

Honduras determined as

the city of the hills and of

culture. ¡It is a charm! It is

located in the east of the

country. Danli is

recognized as a city of hills since around the city it is populated with hills, its territory is

divided into 38 villages and 720 farmhouses, we also have the beautiful Jamastran

Valley. Colonial history can be seen in every corner of Danlí. For example, the structure

of the Catholic church has a baroque style, predominant in old buildings. The municipal

museum is 157 years old and to date its historical essence is preserved, inside the

museum you can find a wide collection of pre-Columbian and rustic pieces. In the

center of the city there is a park right there is located the Immaculate Conception

Church and in front of the park the famous museum. One of the main work activities in

the city is the manufacture of cigars, my mother currently works in a cigar factory.

Usually the residents to go to their jobs do

it by bicycle, motorcycle, bus or taxi,

something curious is that the taxi only costs

25 lempiras. In Danli there is also the

largest cross in Latin America, a copy of the Medjugorje cross, also the catholic

university of Danlí campus Santiago Apostol has a copy of the church of Megjorge in

its facilities. In Danlí there are many places to eat but one of the best is located next to

the park called Pizzeria Napoles where they sell Italian food. ¡Very delicious! We also

have many stalls selling our dishes in the park, such as baleadas, catrachas, etc. ¡Very

delicious! Danlí really is a place to visit, it has many tourist places, if you like to climb

we have the Cerro San Cristobal, if you want something like a dip we have the Santa

Emilia farm, among others. Danli is famous for being a place of art and culture, the best

date to visit us is at the international corn festival where there are various cultural

activities and art presentations by our best artists, if you really love art and culture,

¡Danlí is your city!

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