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Eyes, neck and stretching exercises are advised to practice before starting of work (upon arrival),
during mid-day and after work (before going home). The estimated duration is 5-10 minutes.

a) Palming:

 Palming the eyes has two important effects: first, it requires that the eyes are
closed for a while, which is good for eye strain on its own. Second, it may
help the eyes circulate blood and liquid better, helping the eyes recover from
hard work more easily.
 The participants are asked to warm the hands by rubbing the palm together
and close the eyes gently and bent the chin towards the chest. Using the
palm, the eyes are covered gently, at the time the elbow should be kept
over the table as shown in Fig. 1
 Palming is advised to be done for 10 seconds.

Fig. 1
b) Blinking:
 The quickest way to reduce some symptoms of eye strain is to help the
eyes relubricate themselves. If the eyes are dry from spending a long
time looking at one thing, then blinking can help trigger the eyes to
produce tears to moisten your eyes. Blinking quickly several times can
also help spread the tears across the eyes, reducing burning or sore
 This step will be done for 10 seconds and the participants will count the
number of times they blinked.

c) Vertical and Horizontal Movements:

 Moving the eyes vertically and horizontally can help stretch tired muscle,
reduce eye strain and loosen tight eye muscles. The movement with the
eyelids closed also helps spread tears across the eye to reduce dryness. 

 Step 1: Close the eyes, then slowly “look” up towards the ceiling, then
back down to the floor. Repeat three times.
 Step 2: With your eyes still closed, “look” to the left, then to the right.
Repeat three times. 
 The duration will be 1-2 minutes.


i. Upper trap stretch:
 This stretch works to straighten and relax the cervical spine and neck.
 Sit or stand, keeping the upper body straight and tall. Let the left hand
dangle or hold at the side.
 Use right hand to gently cup the top of the head, right above the left
 Slowly and with control, pull head towards the right shoulder. Wait
until a gentle stretch in the neck is felt.
 Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Fig. 2

ii. Chin tucks:

 This stretch reduces tension in the neck muscles by lengthening the
neck. It can also improve the head and neck posture.
 Sit up straight and tall.
 Gently push the chin to the neck.
 Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
 Repeat 4 times.
 The duration will be 20 seconds.

Fig. 3
iii. Neck Extension:
 Neck extension relieves tension in the neck.
 Sit up straight. Gently move the head backward, looking up at the sky.
 Hold for about 5 seconds, then return to starting position.
 Repeat 4 times.
 Duration will be 20 seconds.

Fig. 4

iv. Shoulder Roll:

 Shoulder rolls relieve tension in the shoulders and neck. It helps to
relieve a tension headache or pain from a pinched nerve.
 With good posture, lift the shoulder blades up. Roll them down.
 Repeat for 5 or 6 times each.
 Repeat in the opposite direction.
 Duration will be 15-20 seconds.

Fig. 5

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