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大家好, 我们是四组. Hi everyone, we are Group 4. Today, we will introduce you a little bit
about the Han dynasty. Our presentation has 4 parts which open with my presentation about
the overview of the Han dynasty, and then Huong Giang will show you some achievements
of the Han dynasty. In the third part, we will explore the reign of Hàn wǔdì through the
presentation of Thanh Thao, and last but not least, Thuy Linh will tell you about the detail of
Hàn wǔdì. Now, let’s start with my presentation about the overview of the Han dynasty.

The Han Dynasty was one of the great dynasties of Ancient China. Much of Chinese culture
was established during the Han dynasty which is sometimes called the Golden Age of
Ancient China. It was an era of peace and prosperity, it allowed China to expand into a
significant world power.

When were the Han Dynasty and the two time periods of the dynasty?
The Han Dynasty ran for over 400 years, from 206 BC to 220 AD. It was the second Imperial
dynasty after the Qin Dynasty. It was followed by the Three Kingdoms period.
The Han Dynasty was split into two basic time divisions. From 202 B.C. to 9 A.D., it was the
Western Han Dynasty(Chang’an) and from 25 A.D. to 220 A.D., it was the Eastern Han
Dynasty(Luoyang). There was also a short interruption of Han power from 9 A.D. until 25
A.D. when the Xin Dynasty was in power.

What was life like?

Many people lived in the cities. Life was nice for the rich who lived in big houses that were
finely decorated with carpets and art. They wore silk robes and were well educated. Life in
the city was difficult for the poor who lived in crowded houses and often went without food.
Life in the countryside was better for the peasants. They had to work hard, but they generally
had food and shelter. Taxes were reduced during the Han Dynasty and people who tilled the
soil were often respected.
Merchants were generally not respected. However, they were able to become rich, especially
with trade improving due to the Silk Road and general peace in the country. Laws were made
to make merchants wear white clothes and pay high taxes.

One of the most important things that I want to introduce to you is the Civil Service
which has a large effect on some next dynasties.
One of the first things that Emperor Gaozu did was to establish civil service. He gathered a
number of educated men about him to help him run the empire. Later Han emperors would
establish examinations and schools to make sure that only the most intelligent men would run
the government. This method of government would run for over 2,000 years.

A country of billions of people- China plays an important role in the development of the invention in
the world, especially in the Han dynasty. The Han dynasty was a time of great achievements and
inventions that increased production and advancements have led many to call this dynasty is the
golden age of China

One of the most important inventions was paper. The invention of paper greatly helped make books
more convenient to use and cheaper and paper helps us to record the most accurate and accurate
events with the preservation of such data for a long time. - Helps people to remember the most
information and complete textual data.

Other important inventions include iron casting, crop rotation, and acupuncture as well as
advancements in medicine, mathematics, building, agriculture, engineering, and astronomy

The Chinese continued to master iron working their swords and armor became well known and they
even developed an iron plow to help farmers. iron plows allowed a farmer to till more ground in a
day increasing grain production and another invention the wheelbarrow allowed workers to haul way
more weight than they otherwise could up to 300 pounds more

And a special thing that during the Han dynasty, a foot-powered loom was introduced that increased
the production of silk this was important because silk was a very valuable trade good, so valuable that
sharing how silk was produced was punishable by death

The Han dynasty up to this point was run according to a Taoist Wu Wei ideology,
championing economic freedom and government decentralization. These policies were
important in stimulating economic recovery following the post-Qin dynasty civil war.
However, That also has a lot of downsides. Prudence within the ruling class also slowed
social mobility and encouraged a widespread disregard for the law by the aristocrats, leading
to an increase in local bullies and oppressors. Unlike the emperors before him, the young
and powerful Emperor Wu was not willing to live with the status quo. Just a year after his reign
at the end of 141 BC, Emperor Wu heeded the advice of Confucian scholars and launched an
ambitious reform, historically known as the Jianyuan Reform (建) ). The reforms include:
- Officially endorsed Confucianism as the national philosophy (乡儒术). Previously, the more
libertarian Taoist ideals were held in esteem;
- Forcing noblemen back to their own fiefdoms (令列侯就国).
- Removing checkpoints that were not sanctioned by the central government (除关). Many
lords of vassal states had established checkpoints along main state roads that went
through their territory with the purpose of collecting tolls and restricting traffic.
Emperor Wu wanted to seize the control of transportation from local authorities and
return that control back to the central government;
- Encouraging the reporting and prosecution of criminal activities by nobles (举谪宗室无行者).
Noblemen engaged in activities would be impeached and illegal and their assets or
lands could be confiscated back as state property;
- Recruiting and promoting talented commoners in government positions (招贤良) in order to
reduce the administrative monopoly of the noble class.
However, Emperor Wu's reforms threatened the interests of the nobles and were swiftly
defeated by his powerful grandmother Grand Empress Dowager Dou, who held real political
power in the Han court and supported the conservative factions. After the death of Grand
Empress Dowager Dou in 135 BC, Emperor Wu had full control of the government. Emperor
Wu began military campaigns focused on territorial expansion. This decision nearly
destroyed his empire in its early stages. Reacting to border incursions by sending out the
troops, Emperor Wu sent his armies in all directions but the sea: Conquest of the south,
Conquest of Minyue, Conquest of Nanyue, War against the northern steppes, and Invasion
of the Korean Peninsula.

The yellow line indicates the territory under the Qin empire (the dynasty prior to Han). The
territory of the Han empire (dark orange) before Emperor Wu's reign, the new territory (bright
orange) conquered during Emperor Wu's reign (r. 141–87 BC) and combined the largest
expansion under Emperor Wu's reign (outlined with wide brown line).
During his reign, Emperor Wu of Han brought a new breeze to the feudal court, replacing the
outdated ones. Although not yet perfected, it is the foundation for China's later


Han Wudi (漢武帝)

● 156 BC – 29 March 87 BC
● born Liu Che (劉徹) and courtesy name Tong (通)
● the seventh emperor of the Han dynasty of ancient China, ruling from 141 to 87 BC
Han Wudi was the seventh emperor of the Han dynasty of ancient China, ruling from 141 to
87 BC.[2] His reign /rein/ lasted 54 years – a record not broken until the reign of the Kangxi
Emperor. During his 54 years on the throne, Emperor Wu set 11 era name (niên hiệu). It is
worth noting that the first 6 era names were regularly changed by him every 6 years; 4 years
after that, he also change regularly every 4 years; finally valid for 2 years, he passed away:
Jian Yuan (建元; 140 - 135 BC)
Yuan Guang (元光; 134 - 129 BC)
Yuan Shu (元朔; 128-123 BC)
Yuan Shou (元狩; 122 - 117 BC)
Yuan Ding (元鼎; 116 - 111 BC)
Yuan Feng (元封; 110 - 105 BC)
Tai Chu (太初; 104 - 101 BC)
Tien Han (天漢; 100 - 97 BC)
Tai Shui (太始; 96 - 93 BC)
Zheng He (征和; 92 - 89 BC)
Hou Yuan (後元; 88 - 87 BC)

1. Before ascending the throne ( trước khi lên ngôi)

● Since childhood, Luu Che was smart and agile

● the head pri ncess tried to

activate Liu Rong ( lưu vinh), helping Liu Che( lưu triệt) to become crown
● Liu Che became crown prince when he was only 7 years old

Since childhood, Luu Che was smart and agile/ ae.ʒil/ so the head princess hoped
her daughter could marry him when they grew up.
At this time, Emperor Jing made Liu Yong( lưu vịnh) become the crown prince. In
fact, the head princess wanted A Qiao( A Kiều) to be the future queen, but Liu Yong( Lưu
Vịnh) didn't like A Qiao, so the head princess tried to activate Liu Rong ( lưu vinh), helping
Liu Che( lưu triệt) to become crown prince. Not long after, Liu Yong was canceled, Liu Che
became crown prince, and Liu Che's mother, the beautiful Wang( Vương) was crowned
empress. At that time, Liu Che was only 7 years old. Emperor Jing( vua Hán Cảnh đế)
celebrated Wei Wan( vệ oản) as a scholar and teacher of Liu Che. Wei Wan teaches Liu
Che to ride a horse and shoot arrows, literature
(Lúc này, Cảnh Đế đã lập con trai của Lật Cơ là Lưu vịnh làm thái tử. Kỳ thực, trưởng công chúa
muốn A Kiều làm hoàng hậu tương lai, nhưng Lưu vịnh không thích A Kiều nên bà ta giận dữ chuyển
hướng sang Lưu Triệt. Trưởng công chúa ra sức đã kích Lưu Vinh, trợ giúp Lưu Triệt làm thái tử.
Không lâu sau, Lưu Vinh bị phế bỏ, Lưu Triệt được làm thái tử, mẹ của Lưu Triệt là Vương mỹ nhân
được phong làm hoàng hậu. Khi đó, Lưu Triệt mới 7 tuổi.)

2. After ascending the throne (sau khi lên ngôi)

● In 141 BC, Emperor Jing( hán cảnh đế) died, Liu Che became emperor
● Han Wudi was controlled by Dou Dowager
Dou Dowager(Đậu hoàng thái hậu) was a talented woman who was a devotee of Hoang
Lao's doctrine, advocating the use of a "tasteless" policy to govern the country. On the other
hand, Emperor Vu advocated ruling the country according to "usefulness". She ordered
Emperor Wu to do anything to discuss with her.

● After Old Empress Dowager Dou died, Emperor Wu concentrate all power

In 141 BC, Emperor Jing( hán cảnh đế) died. Liu Che succeeded him at the age of 16,
determined to become an emperor as talented as his grandfather and father. But, there is
also the empress dowager. Dou Dowager(Đậu hoàng thái hậu) was a talented woman who
was a devotee of Hoang Lao's doctrine, advocating the use of a "tasteless" policy to govern
the country. On the other hand, Emperor Vu advocated ruling the country according to
"usefulness". She ordered Emperor Wu to do anything to discuss with her.
The Dowager Empress’s family is very crowded, most of them have been
ordained( phong hầu), but they are not in their own land, but stubbornly stay in the capital to
collude( thông đồng) with each other, forming a powerful faction. dare to touch. They monitor
the emperor. Whatever Liu Che did, Dowager immediately grasped it.
Four years later, after Old Empress Dowager Dou died, Liu Che immediately eliminated all of
the Dou family, appointed a series of Confucian students as officials and promoted Tian Fen
as prime minister. On the idea of governing the country, Liu Che announced the abolition of
the centenarians and monolithic Confucianism to concentrate all power

Năm 141 TCN, Cảnh Đế băng hà. Lưu Triệt kế vị khi 16 tuổi, ông quyết tâm trở thành một hoàng đế
tài giỏi như ông nội và cha. Nhưng trên Lưu Triệt còn có thái hoàng thái hậu. Đậu lão thái hậu là một
người đàn bà tài giỏi, là người sùng bái học thuyết Hoàng Lão, chủ trương dùng chính sách “vô vị” để
trị nước. Còn Vũ Đế lại chủ trương trị nước theo “hữu vị”. Bà ta lệnh cho Vũ Đế làm bất cứ việc gì
cũng phải bàn bạc với mình. Bị Đậu hoàng thái hậu quản thúc Gia tộc của Đậu lão thái hậu rất đông
đúc, phần lớn đã được phong hầu nhưng bọn họ đều không ở đất phong của mình mà ngoan cố ở lại
kinh thành để cấu kết với nhau, tạo thành một bè đảng thế lực, không ai dám động đến. Bọn chúng
giám sát hoàng đế. Lưu Triệt làm bất cứ việc gì Đậu lão thái hậu cũng lập tức nắm được. Bốn năm
sau, sau khi Đậu lão thái hậu qua đời, Lưu Triệt lập tức diệt trừ hết người nhà họ Đậu, bổ nhiệm một
loạt Nho sinh làm quan và thăng chức cho Điền Phần làm thừa tướng. Trên tư tưởng trị quốc, Lưu
Triệt tuyên bố bãi bỏ bách gia, độc tôn Nho học. Để tập trung mọi quyền lực vào tay mình .

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