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Cambridge Delta Module 2

Lesson Plan
Skills (Speaking)
Title: Developing lower level learners’ speaking sub skills
for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Centre: TR013 Institute of Language Studies – IH Izmir

Date: 20.07.2017

Name: Saoirse Prehn

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

Delta Lesson Plan

General overview of the group of learners and the course. (5ai)

General This is a group of 14 Turkish lower pre-intermediate (A1-A2) learners, enrolled

Overview on a 6-week general English course at IH Izmir that runs from Monday to
Friday with 3 lessons a day from 10:00 to 12:45. During the first 3 weeks of the
course the group is being taught by 4 intensive Delta course candidates, of
which I am one. The course does not follow a set course book, and the
teachers use published and authentic materials selected according to the aims
of the lessons.
Most learners are 18-30 years old, with three students over 35. With the
exception of Nilgün, who did not have any formal English language education
before this course, they have all been studying English since primary or high
school. All of the learners’ L1 is Turkish.
They are highly motivated and their main reason for learning English is to be
able to communicate successfully while traveling abroad, e.g. when checking
in at a hotel or ordering at a restaurant, to be able to communicate in English
at job interviews and use English at work in Turkey or abroad. Some of the
students also want to be able to read books and watch films or TV series in
English, and one of them, Fatma, wants to become a teacher of English in
The learners enjoy communicative activities, although these can sometimes be
difficult to run, as the learners are not used to a communicative classroom.
The students also remarked that they prefer working in groups to working
individually or in pairs. These learners have a tendency to use L1 in the
classroom, but they are doing it increasingly less frequently as they
understand the importance of using English for practice.

Information about individual learners relevant to the lesson. (5aii)

Name L1 / Nationality / Reasons for Lesson Focus Lesson Focus

Age /Gender / Learning Strengths Weaknesses

Abdülkadir Turkish / Kurdish To improve job One of the May dominate

Özkan / 27 / male / prospects and strongest speaking tasks if
watching videos travel students in paired with a
production, much weaker
comfortable with student
long turns

Apti Mümin Turkish / To find a job One of the Can be a little

Bulgarian / 24 / abroad and have stronger unmotivated in
male / speaking better career students in groupwork,
and listening prospects (he terms of spoken should respond

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

doesn't have a production, uses well in pairs, with

job now) paraphrasing, checklist.
knows common
adjacency pairs

Ayten Özaydın Turkish / Turkish To write Correct use of Doesn’t feel

/ 24 / listening business letters adjacency pairs, comfortable
and travel self-corrects speaking to
whole class,

Bekir Öztürk Turkish / Turkish To travel and Uses repair Has difficulties
/ 35 / male / communicate strategies such understanding
working in with foreigners as echoing to fast spoken
groups and pairs
continue a English

Fatma Açıkalın Turkish / Turkish To become an Is comfortable Tends not to

/ 18 / female / English teacher with using volunteer.
reading; working and travel adjacency pairs
in pairs

Gizem Bilben Turkish / Turkish To find a job in a Is good at using Has difficulties
/ 25 / female / bank, write correct understanding
working in emails, intonation when fast spoken
groups and pairs communicate
it is modelled English.
with foreigners,
and travel

Gizem Durmaz Turkish / Turkish To travel, make Self-nominates Sometimes uses

/ 20 / female / friends in other in group unclear
reading and countries, and activities, can intonation and
listening, get better job produce sentence stress.
working in pairs prospects utterances in
and groups real-time

Ismail Saba Turkish / Turkish To Volunteers in Can sometimes

/ 28 / working in communicate, pair/group work, misinterpret
groups and travel, get better produces instructions
individually; job prospects accurate
speaking and “for all other utterances
aspects of life”

Mavera Turkish / Turkish To use the Can formulate Doesn’t

Demirkan / 22 / female / computer more language well volunteer in
working in efficiently, write group work
groups and pairs emails, browse

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

the internet, and


Merve Sönmez Turkish / Turkish To get better job Understands Doesn’t feel
/ 23 / female / opportunities, well, uses comfortable
reading and write business appropriate speaking in front
listening, emails, and intonation, self- of the class, will
watching videos; travel corrects be more
working in comfortable with
groups pairwork

Murat Aydın Turkish / Turkish To write emails, Recognises, Rather unnatural

/ 24 / male / understand sometimes uses rhythm and
competitive and computer adjacency pairs sentence stress
interactive language, read
activities and write reports

Nilgün Akpınar Turkish / Turkish To get better job Likes to learn Can become
/ 42 / female / prospects and and use flustered if
listening; visual travel adjacency pairs activity is
learner deemed too

Nurhayat Dirik Turkish/Turkish/ To travel, Enjoys drilling Finds speaking

40+/Female/ communicate and uses difficult, unused
speaking and with foreigners, intonation to paraphrasing
reading read books, and
watch films and
TV series in

Tilbe Çamlı Turkish / Turkish To develop her Has a solid Rarely

/ 22 / female / speaking skills in grasp of basic volunteers to
working in English and structures and speak in open
groups and communicate
produces class activities.
pairs; kinesthetic with foreigners
learner accurate

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

Overall aims and learning outcomes for the lesson in relation to language systems and / or language
skills and learner needs. (5b)

Outcome: Ls can have an informal conversation about where to go on holiday. Ls can keep a
conversation going.
Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ls will have developed their speaking sub skills to have an
informal conversation on the topic of choosing a holiday, in an appropriate manner.
Sub-Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ls will have used lexical phrases to make suggestions.

Analysis of meaning / use, form, pronunciation or (sub)skill of language relevant to this lesson. (5c)

 Intonation: Rising and falling intonation can signal new or important information, or
show approval of an idea.
Teaching: In stage 7, I will ask Ls to listen to the intonation of phrases to determine what the
meaning is, for example:

Duygu – I was thinking of Cesme.. = seeking approval

Ebru – Cesme? = questioning

 Turn-taking: ‘The fundamental rule of turn taking is speakers should take turns to hold
the floor’ (Thornbury (2005:8). It is important for Ls to use the skills they have in L1 to
give turns to each other, and respect turn-taking when they are speaking.
Teaching: In stage 2, the two roles of the speakers will be denoted on the white board
through a flow chart which visually shows how the turn moves from one speaker to the next.
Further, in stage 7, I will demonstrate what turn taking is by standing in front of the two
speakers in the dialogue, and showing how the turn moves from one to the other. I will CCQ –
‘do they speak at the same time?’ to raise Ls awareness of turn taking.

 Discourse markers: Discourse markers are used by proficient speakers to help with
fluency when interacting. If Ls are aware and able to use discourse markers it helps
upgrade their communicative skills.
Teaching: In stage 7, I will ask Ls to listen for discourse markers and we will discuss their
meaning and use in a conversation. Some of the discourse markers found in the authentic
example are so (to indicate a result of previous utterance), well (to initiate a turn, or to show a
different opinion) and or (to give two options).

 Echoing: This is an efficient repair strategy which proficient speakers use to check
information and to keep the conversation going.
Teaching: In stage 7, I ask the Ls to notice repeated words to raise their awareness of this
strategy and to encourage them to use it in their output. We see an example of it with Duygu
and Ebru are discussing camping.
Duygu – I’ve never been camping!
Ebru – Never?

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

Relevant links between this lesson and relevant aspects of previous and subsequent lesson(s) and
the course as a whole. (5d)

Previous Lessons
In a previous lesson I recycled common lexis for holiday activities, types of holidays and introduced
and drilled some lexical phrases to do with making and responding to suggestions. The theme of this
week was travel so the learners had practiced listening to travel vlogs on different European
destinations. Therefore, I felt the choice of destinations within Turkey would give them the
opportunity to actively use lexis to improve fluency.

Subsequent lessons
By drawing the learners’ attention to communication strategies like turn-taking, and discourse
markers, I can develop their use in future simulations and roleplays. They can use the same sub skills
to complete a speaking task where they discuss their last vacation/their weekend plans.

States assumptions about the learners’ knowledge, abilities and interests relevant to the aims and
learning outcomes of the lesson (5e)

 Ls are familiar with holiday lexis, they have studied functional language for making
suggestions and responding to suggestions. They have practiced using lexical phrases related
to likes and dislikes and the appropriate intonation. They are familiar with the topic of holiday
destinations in Turkey and will have enough extralinguistic knowledge to complete the task.
They will not be aware of speaking sub skill terminology such as turn-taking but will be able to
understand the skills from the context of the video example.
 Ls are able to use lexical phrases associated with making suggestions but need more practice
to use the correct intonation when responding. They may have trouble opening and closing
the conversation in a natural way and indicating when their turn is finished/encouraging
others turns. I assume they will be able to understand the gist of the video, in order to notice
the sub skills they will need to complete the task again.
 All the learners want to be able to use their English to communicate orally. By developing the
sub skills needed to have a conversation they will be able to apply this to many different
situations such as, making plans for dinner, telling others about their city. As the topic is about
places in their country that they go to on holidays I assume they will have a lot of ideas to
keep the conversation going.

Potential problems in relation to the lesson aims and learning outcomes; the learners and the
learning context; the equipment, materials and resources to be used (5f) and appropriate solutions
to these problems. (5g)

Anticipated problems with meaning / use, form Appropriate solutions to the problems
and pronunciation or sub skills

Terminology of sub skills I will simplify the terms, exemplify them and use
Ls will not be able to process and use the pictures to help the Ls identify the 4 sub skills I
metalanguage associated with speaking sub want them to focus on.

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

skills – intonation, turn-taking etc.  Intonation – music will be modelled by

me and I will use my hand to show the fall
and rise necessary. I will elicit different
functions of intonation – interest,
politeness, etc.
 Turn-taking – I will physically
demonstrate this by standing in front of
the two characters and showing how one
speaks, then the other. I will ask CCQ
such as ‘Who is speaking?’ ‘Do they speak
at the same time?’
 Discourse markers – useful words I will
play the video to 0.14 and see if the Ls
can recognize ‘Well’ as a discourse
marker. If not, I will draw their attention
to it, and the pause which follows it.
(I will also accept lexical phrases like ‘How
about….?’ as these will also help with fluency in
the speaking activity.)
 Echoing – repeated words. I will ask the
Ls what words they remember being
repeated in the conversation. If they
cannot remember I will play the video to
0.18 and ask them why Cesme is

Identifying sub skills I will exemplify and demonstrate all the subskills
Ls may find it difficult to pick out the examples as above, but I will also demonstrate with the
of sub skills in the video clip whole class by playing the first 30 seconds of the
video and getting FB on any sub skills they
When we start the activity, I will pause the video
regularly to allow Ls to check together. They will
FB to another group after the first listening, and
they will have an opportunity to repeat the task.

Using sub skills I will provide a checklist for L whose role it is to

Ls may find it hard to automatize the sub listen and check for the sub skills. This will direct
skills the activity and keep the Ls on task.

Anticipated Problems with the Learners, the Appropriate solutions to the problems
Learning Context, the Equipment, Materials and

Learners Learners
Learners are mixed-level I will pair Ls according to abilities so they can
scaffold their strengths.

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

Ls may have difficulties following instructions Demonstrate activities where possible.

Equipment Equipment
There may be issues with the video clip Double check the audio and video before class.
The projector may not work I will check the classroom before my class and
ensure it works, My computer screen is large
enough, and the class small enough that I can use
this to display the pictures if needs be.
The audio might not work I’ll buy a Bluetooth speaker and play the audio
from my phone if the audio doesn’t work.
The power may cut out I will have enough power on my computer and
speaker to use these if the power cuts.

Materials / Resources Materials/ Resources

Ls may find it difficult to understand the video I will tell the learners it is not sufficient to
example understand all of the video, just to notice how the
characters interact. I will let them watch the
video numerous times and I can slow the speed of
the video if necessary.
Punctuality / Attendance Punctuality / Attendance
Late arrivers If Ls arrive late they can join a group who will help
them talk about their favourite holiday
Absent students I will adjust my pair/group work according to
group numbers.

Material and /or resources used and their sources. (5i) (Also see Appendices)

Name, type and brief description of material Source

PPT of photographs of popular holiday From google images

destinations in Turkey

PPT of flowchart of roles T’s own.

Video clip of 2 friends discussing holiday Authentic recording, T’s own


Checklist of subskills T’s own.

A commentary of between 500 and 750 words, providing a rationale for the lesson with reference
to learner characteristics and needs and the candidate’s reading and research in the background
essay. (5k)

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

Rationale from Research

I have started my lesson by setting it in the strong social context of choosing a holiday because this
will engage the learners, activate schemata and give them a meaningful reason to speak. Asking
students to close their eyes helps them imagine the place better, and gives them time to formulate
their answer. Using visuals to check their feedback will generate interest and personalize the topic.
The learners are then given an opportunity to rehearse and plan before attempting the task. This is to
reduce communicative stress, (Bygate, 2009) and also to input any lexical items and phonological
support they may need. This will increase their chances of successfully completing the speaking task of
choosing a holiday destination.
When the learners watch the semi-authentic conversation they are given a model of natural spoken
discourse (Thornbury, 2005) and build awareness of the subskills needed for the task. I interact with
the learners to provide a scaffold to extend their competence. At this level, Ls require the teacher to
explicitly explain and demonstrate the skills. The checklist will help focus their listening.
By repeating the task learners are given the opportunity to use the subskills and improve their
abilities. This is a task-based approach to sub skills development following the cycle of perform-
observe-re-perform. (Willis, 2005).
By giving the learners the role of listener and giving them a checklist of subskills to tick off as they
seem them being used, autonomy is encouraged as the learner takes the role of self-regulator. Thus
this learning process follows Thornbury’s (2005) suggestion for learners needs – awareness,
appropriation and autonomy. ‘Appropriation’ is integrating these sub skills into their existing
knowledge (Thornbury, 2005).

Rationale Related to Learner Characteristics and Needs

The learners indicated in their needs analysis that they find speaking difficult. Therefore, a lesson
which focuses on developing speaking sub skills is high in face-validity. As these learners are studying
in a non-English speaking environment (as monolingual learners studying in their home country of
Turkey), they have very few opportunities to observe or practice their speaking skills. This is why it is
necessary to focus on them explicitly in class and give the learners sufficient opportunities to develop
The learners have indicated a desire to use English when they travel so the topic of holiday
destinations will be interesting to them. In situations when they travel, using the sub skills presented
in this lesson will be invaluable in easing their communication. By using destinations within Turkey, I
am allowing them to use their own background knowledge to speak confidently. This will keep them
engaged in the topic also.
In previous lessons with a speaking focus, I’ve noticed that some students, like Kadir and Ismael, make
an effort to be very communicative. However, others complete the task as quickly as possible and
then sit in silence. By allowing the learners sufficient time to rehearse, I hope this scaffolding will give
them the confidence to speak for a longer period of time and use the lexical phrases and sets that we
have studied in their conversation. I also hope that the skills they see in the video will be helpful to
them in real life when they speak in English.
By setting clear time limits, and instructing them which sub skills to listen for, I am helping them focus
in each task.

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2


Bygate, M. (1987). Speaking, OUP.

Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach Speaking, Pearson.

Willis, J. (2005) A framework for task-based learning, Longman.

Word Count: 557

Description of procedures and activities appropriate to achieving the stated overall aims and stage
aims. (5h) Appropriate timing for each stage and /or group of stages in the procedure. (5j)

Time Stage Number Procedure Interaction Aids and

and Name Pattern Materials

60m Stage Aims

3m 1.Lead In T asks Ls to close their eyes and think of T-Ls Ppt of

where their favourite place in Turkey is. popular
To set the T asks Ls to share their favourite places L-L-L holiday
context for the with their group and explain why they destinations
diagnostic task, like it. in Turkey
to engage the As FB, show Ppt pictures of popular
learners and to holiday destinations in Turkey and see if
activate their anybody had the same.

10m 2.Task T divides class into pairs/groups of 3. L-L Flowchart of

Rehearsal T sets task roles
1. You are going on holiday together, so displayed on
To give Ls the you need to talk about where you like ppt
opportunity to to go, why, what you do there and
plan roles for the where you stay. T writes question words
conversation and on board (with small sketches to help
to activate the with ideas).
lexis for the task. 2. At the end of the conversation, you
will choose one place that both of you
3. Before you speak, you have 10
minutes to plan together what you will
say. You can write a dialogue (A: B: ) to

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

help you decide.

(Don’t worry about spelling, don’t use
your phones, I can help you with words
you need.)
4. T indicates flowchart on ppt.

T monitors, helping with language input,

pronunciation if needed, notes down
common requests.
T checks Ls progress after 5m, makes
them aware of the time.

4m 3.Diagnostic T tells Ls You will now have a L-L

Speaking Task conversation about your holiday. Do
not read from your paper – this is a
To allow T to speaking activity. It’s OK if you make
diagnostically mistakes, try to keep speaking.
assess Ls’ sub T sets time limit of 2 minutes to discuss
skills and choose a place.
T monitors, making notes of sub skills
Ls switch roles and repeat task.

2m 4. Reflection T asks Ls if their conversation was a Ls-Ls

success – what did they choose? was it
To allow Ls to easy/difficult to speak for 2 minutes? Ls Ls-T
reflect on task discuss with another pair.
completion, to FB to WC
create a need for
authentic input

3m 5. Introduce T displays video scene on ppt. T T-Ls Authentic

authentic model introduces the characters (Ebru and recording
Duygu) and asks Ls to guess what is
To expose Ls to happening/what they are talking about.
If Ls guess holiday – ask them to guess Ls-Ls
sub skills in a
meaningful what places are talked about.
T writes predictions on side of board. Ls-T
Ls watch once to see if predictions are
Ls discuss in groups and FB to T.

5m 6. Awareness T asks Ls if their conversation was the T-Ls Video clip

raising same as the one in the video. How was it
To help Ls notice T reassures Ls that it’s not important to Ls-Ls
the gap between understand all the words in the video.

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

authentic output Ls watch the video again and report

and their output. differences to their group.

9m 7. Focus on T introduces sub skills – intonation Video clip

sub skills (music), turn-taking (demonstrate T-Ls
physically), useful words (discourse Sub skill
To raise Ls’ markers - give example), repeated WC – T checklist
awareness of sub words (echoing - elicit example).
skills needed for T plays video if necessary to Ls-Ls
a successful demonstrate individual sub skills.
conversation T gives each student handout – checks
the sub skills again. Asks Ls to check with
group if they understand each.
T tells Ls to focus on these when they
watch the video.
T plays first 10 seconds, checks for any
sub skills with entire class.
After each 30 seconds T stops video to
check in groups for sub skills.
Ls change groups.
Repeat task.

2m 8. Reflection T asks Ls what they can use to help their T-Ls

conversation. WCFB, T writes ideas on
To allow Ls to board.
reflect on sub

12m 9. Speaking Divide Ls into groups of 3. 1 learner is T-Ls Sub skill

task repitition given the role of listener and a checklist checklist
to complete as they listen to the L(listener)-
To give Ls dialogue between their classmates. The L-L
opportunity to other two repeat the speaking task. T (dialogue)
practice sub skills demonstrates with 2 learners and
by repeating a checks with ICQs (Who is talking? Why
task, to upgrade are they talking? Who is listening? Why
Ls output. is this person listening? What do they
need to check? How long is the activity?
What do we do at the end?)
Ls have 2 minutes to complete the task.
Listener gives feedback.
Listener role is changed in group and
task is repeated, until everyone has tried
listener role.
T monitors, noting common linguistic
errors and examples of good

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination
Cambridge Delta Module 2

language/subskill use.

3m 10. Reflection T instructs Ls to discuss in their groups. T-Ls

Which conversation was best? Who
To allow Ls to was the same as the video? Did you use Ls-Ls
reflect on skill any new ideas from the video?
FB to whole class OCFB

5m Delayed Error T praises Ls, giving specific examples of T-Ls

Correction of good use of sub skills. T writes 3-4 issues
subskills (conversation breakdowns) and asks Ls Ls-Ls
to talk in groups about how they can be
To help output changed to be better. Ls-Ls
Ls’ output in
terms of Ls write ideas on board.
linguistic and

2m End Lesson T asks Ls what they studied today. Do T-Ls

they think it will help them when they
To reflect on have conversations in English? Do they
what was only use this for talking about holidays?
achieved in the What other time can they use it?

Developing lower level learners’ sub skills for making suggestions about a holiday destination

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