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In recent years, participation in manifold talent groups as well as community campaigns has

become a significant component of highschool students. Regarding this, a multitude of

adolescents proclaim their goals of self-development, whereas others perceive non-
scholastic activities as a pretext for obtaining documental recognition. Personally speaking,
both attitudes are pertinent to specific aspects and the nature of extracurricular schemes has
shifted towards more tangible outcomes.

On the one hand, involvement in clubs and projects serves beneficial purposes.Firstly,
students can acquire diplomatic quality through community projects. To illustrate, different
initiatives regarding the execution of a campaign may result in intractable conflicts, which
necessitates pupils to develop diplomatic abilities that render their personal ideas anodyne,
forestalling potential oppositions. For example, tactfully including other members’
suggestions in one’s own strategies instantiates diplomatic quality. Meanwhile, academic
clubs prove a catalyst for the expansion of theoretical knowledge. This is especially
applicable to member-to-member discussions as well as internal competitions, which
accommodate a broad array of multidisciplinary insights. For example, COC, a Vietnamese
club modeled on a knowledge contest programme, frequently organizes educational
debates, wherein constituents can broaden their horizons through exchanging individual

On the other hand, contemporary circumstances reinforce the concerns that community
enterprises merely provide accreditations. To elucidate, many universities, nowadays,
consider practical skills as requisite criteria in examining applicants. Therefore, certificates ,
remarkable testimonies of such attributes, can favor their owners over pupils with only
academic achievements. In fact, this type of recognition is an indispensable component in
case Vietnamese after-graduates attempt to apply for international scholarships. Favorably,
the larger the extent of the project, the more attention that its members can receive.
Likewise, clubs rigidly associated with their members’ schools are fertile grounds for school-
related benefits. Simply put, pupils with clubs’ certificates, which bear testament to their
contributions, certainly receive incremental assistance, and even extra marks, as
compensations for loss time on studying. Positively, such grants allow utmost exploitation of
intellectually incompetent students.

From my point of view, youngsters are increasingly concentrating on earned certifications

rather than intangible skills. The primary rationale is that those with solidified monetary
foundations expend insubstantial efforts on the project in that they can hire professionals to
administer it. As a result, hardly any competence is cemented throughout the scheme. In
much the same way, other than robustly striving to enlarge the social magnitude of their
minor projects, many students effortlessly exaggerate them by means of media platforms,
which reduce the apparent time requisite for eventual acknowledgement. Such a practice is
visually prevalent in the form of Facebook posts, encompassing convincing pictures and
ostensible captions. Consequently, the essence of voluntary enterprises has been altered in
favor of pragmatic causes.
To encapsulate, while there exist conscientious youngsters who participate in extracurricular
activities with a view to self-improvement, a wide array of students predominantly search for
realistic results. Furthermore, it has become typical for community works to be exploited for
such purposes, with the help of communication facilities.

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