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Paula Ibarra.
 Would you mind picking up the poop of your dog? The kids play here.
 ¿Can you turn the music off, please? It’s very loud and i need working.
 ¿Can you repair the air condition please? Here is really hot.
 Would you mind keeping your cat inside? he plays very rough with my
 Could you mind looking over my kitchen, please? I think there is a leak.
 Would you mind taking out your garbage, please? the hallway starts to
smell bad

To: Mario.
Hi Mario, I have the flu so I won't be able to attend class today, so I'm going
to give you some instructions, please do them.
first ask veronica for the math homework and give it to the teacher, also go to
the painting group and tell the teacher that you can get my painting, finally
take notes of everything and bring them to my house please.

Thank you, see you soon.

hello rebecca
How is everything going there in Brazil? Well, I wanted to talk about a party
that is going to be held in Cali, it's called Petronio, it's the day when people of
African descent meet in the bullring and there you will find food stalls and
When you arrive they give you a driver so you can tour the place, before going
you should know that it is better to go with someone to make it more fun, after
entering you can eat something typical from Cali, either food or alcohol. It's
really a great experience, you should come and we can go together.

See you soon, with much love Paula.

I do the interview with my best friend.
She told me about her frustrated dream, when she was a child she wanted to be
a professional gymnast and she practiced it for two years, she was very good
but the day came when her father took her out and after a long time she came
back. But it was not the same anymore, it was also too late to turn
professional, so she decided to leave and start looking for a university major
and he wanted to be an international business person.
Now she studies international business, unfortunately she did not continue
practicing the sport she loved the most. These days she realized that this career
was not for her, she felt too frustrated not knowing what to do but she set
herself the task and said "I'm going to get a job". Tuesday of last week she got
a job and she's doing great in her new job, she said "I'm going to work hard
and in about two years I'm going to move into an apartment"

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