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Rancell Alberto Severino Montas



technical English 2





The biggest problem in society lies in the lack of direction, planning, execution and control

of activities that seek the development of a group and the achievement of common goals. The

core of the matter is basically in the lack of leadership and people with talent for the

administration and potentialization of human talent. This is where it is necessary for qualified

and motivated people to emerge to facilitate processes of change and social development.

This work provides some tools that can be useful for those who wish to guide others, motivate

them and convince them in favor of a just and common cause. In addition to compiling some

concepts and theoretical foundations essential for practice.


• It is the capacity that a subject has developed to make an important change happen

among a group of people who follow him voluntarily.

• It is the action of motivating and leading people with common interests in order to

achieve beneficial objectives.

• A person's ability to get his or her followers to commit to achieving common goals.

Chiavenato, Idalberto (1993), highlights the following:

"Leadership is the interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, directed through

the process of human communication to the achievement of one or several specific


A person whom a group continues to recognize as a leader or guide.

The current following the German Max Weber, considered the founder of modern

sociology, distinguishes three types of leadership that refer to as many forms of authority: The

charismatic leader, to whom his followers attribute conditions and powers superior to those of

other leaders; the traditional leader, who inherits power, either through custom of holding a

prominent position or because he belongs to a family group that has held power for a long

time, and the legal leader, who rises to power through official methods , be it elections or

voting, or because it demonstrates its quality as an expert over others. This figure is

commonly recognized in the field of politics and private enterprise.


• He is the person who leads a group, capable of working on assertiveness, has authority

and can capture what those around him think and want.
• Leader is the one who inspires a positive and encouraging vision of the future in others,

and the one who gives a sense of direction and purpose.

• Leader is someone who has higher purposes, who has the characteristics of not



• Desire for change: “Leaders have a deep desire to wake up each day with a different

view of the world and believe they can bring about change. From that moment on they start to

move,” says Dana Weis, an Israeli journalist.

• Commitment: Aharon Horwitz, director of Presen Tense Group, believes that “if you

want to be a leader you have to commit yourself and get people to commit to your project”.

The most important thing “is to get your first follower”. Charisma and good communication

skills are needed.

• Initiative: This quality is essential to be a good leader. Pulling the cart and proposing

different things make a difference. Do it and let others realize that it has been done, too.

• Lose fear: The specialist in personal training, Ariel Halevi, assures that the barrier of fear

of failure must be broken because “before achieving success one has to make all the necessary

mistakes from which one can learn”.

• Understand your environment: Shájar Shimron, an expert in coaching, assures that a

leader must know how to discover the capacities of each one of the team members,

understand that “all human beings are different” and show sensitivity towards them.

• Ego and modesty: Ariel Halevi, CEO of Debate, assures that “ego is what moves people

to take a step forward” and clarifies that “a leader has to know how to manage his ego and be

modest”. Modesty and ego are two qualities that do not conflict.
• Be optimistic. The majority of experts from Congress emphasize that being optimistic

is one of the qualities of leaders and entrepreneurs and a great support to achieve success.

• Effort. One has to be passionate enough to go ahead and put a lot of effort into the

project. Handle adversity head on and not get carried away by pessimism. The effort must be

above everything else.

• Creativity. Being creative is important, but you have to handle this quality with care. It is

dangerous to be too creative if it leads you to lose focus on what you want to achieve.

• Objectives. Every leader must set a series of challenges on their way and set a

deadline to achieve them.

qualities of a leader:
skills of a leader:



• It exists by authority.

• Considers authority a command privilege.

• Inspires fear.

• Knows how things are done.

• Says to one: Wow!

• Handles people like tokens.

• Arrive on time.

• Assign homework.


• Exists by goodwill.

• Consider authority a privilege of service.

• Inspire confidence.

• Teaches how to do things.

• Says to one: Let's go!

• Does not treat people like things.

• Arrive earlier.

• Set the example.


It is important because it is the ability to guide and direct.

An organization may have adequate planning, control and organizational procedure and not

survive the lack of an appropriate leader.

It is vital to the survival of any business or organization.

On the contrary, many organizations with poor planning and poor organization and control

techniques have survived due to the presence of dynamic leadership. Unify skills of group



 Staff. - My relationship with myself.

 Interpersonal. - My relationships and interrelationships with others.

 Managerial. - My responsibility to make others carry out a certain task.

 Organizational. - My need to organize people.


a. Factors that affect leadership styles

Leadership implies interrelation of the following elements:

The qualities, abilities and needs of the leader

The needs and expectations of the group

The demands or requirements of the situation

That interrelationship suggests that no leadership style works perfectly for all situations.

The best style is the one that is considered the most appropriate to a particular situation.

Leadership tries to meet the genuine needs and expectations of the group, performing the

required functions. In this way, leadership is related to the situation, that is, it depends mainly

on the demands of the task to be carried out.

The study of leadership as a process, and not as a result of individual characteristics, can

help us recognize the two main parts in the leadership process: a) Task orientation b)

Relationship orientation.
Internal and external factors that influence leadership styles:

b. Types of leadership

• THE AUTOCRATIC LEADER: An autocratic leader assumes all responsibility for

making decisions, initiates actions, directs, motivates and controls the subordinate. Decision

and gluttony are centralized in the leader. He may consider that he alone is competent and

capable of making important decisions, he may feel that his subordinates are unable to guide

themselves, or he may have other reasons for assuming a solid position of strength and

control. The response requested from subordinates is Obedience and adherence to his

decisions. The autocrat monitors the performance levels of his subordinates in the hope of

avoiding deviations from his guidelines.

• THE PARTICIPATORY LEADER: When a leader adopts the participatory style, he

uses consultation to practice leadership. He does not delegate his right to make final decisions

and gives specific guidelines to his subordinates, but he consults his ideas and opinions on

many decisions that concern them. If he wishes to be an effective participatory leader, he

listens and seriously analyzes the ideas of his subordinates and accepts his contributions

whenever possible and practical. The participative leader cultivates the decision-making of his

subordinates so that his ideas are increasingly useful and mature.

He also encourages his subordinates to increase their capacity for self-control and urges

them to take more responsibility to guide their own efforts. He is a leader who supports his

subordinates and does not assume a dictatorial posture. However, the final authority in

matters of importance remains in his hands.


LEADER: Through this style of leadership, the leader delegates the authority to make

decisions to his subordinates. He can tell his followers “Here is a job to do. I don't care how
they do it." As long as it's done right." This leader expects subordinates to take responsibility

for their own motivation, guidance, and control. Except for the stipulation of a minimum

number of rules, this style of leadership provides very little contact and support for followers.

Clearly, the subordinate has to be highly qualified and capable for this approach to have a

successful end result.


A. DEMOCRATIC LEADER FACILITATOR. -feels that he has many opportunities.

 To facilitate the group process.

 To listen to ideas, proposals and responses from others.

 To set group goals by consensus.


 They feel part of the group process.

 They feel appreciated and valued.

 They identify and commit themselves to the objectives of the group.

 The members of the group acquire a commitment and a sense of responsibility and

try to have the highest performance.

B. PERMISSIVE LEADER. -Gives a high degree of freedom to his subordinates.

 Assume as mature people and let the group organize itself.

 Listen to everyone becomes an intermediary, but does not decide anything.

 Does not set goals by consensus.

 Make decisions do and undo according to their interest.

 They feel happy with the freedom they have.

 They do not identify and commit themselves to the objectives of the group.

 Group members become undisciplined only by compromising with the goals of

their small group.

C. CONTROLLING LEADER. -The leader feels that he has many responsibilities.

 Coordinator.

 To provide answers.

 Setting and setting group goals.


 They feel too controlled.

 They feel blocked and underutilized.

 They only feel committed to personal goals.

 Group members acquire less commitment and a sense of responsibility and try to

perform adequately.

How to improve our leadership?

The 5 conditions to enhance leadership

1. Challenge processes: ATTITUDE

• Go out in search of opportunities that represent a challenge and that allow us personal

• Permanently innovate to improve, dare to experience new things, take risks and learn

from the successes achieved.

2. Inspire a shared vision: VISION

• Imagine an uplifting and uplifting future.

• Bring other people together around a common vision by appealing to their principles,

values, interests, hopes and dreams.

3. Empower others to act: COMMUNICATION

• Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals.

• Strengthen people through the transfer of power, giving them possibilities of choice and

the development of competence.

• Share information with your team and offer support. This action enhances legitimacy as

an authority.

4. Provide Encouragement: MOTIVATION

• Recognize individual contributions to the success of projects.

• Encourage the group to make suggestions and make their point of view known.

• Show concern for team members' needs and celebrate team accomplishments on a regular


5. Serve as a model: EXAMPLE

• Set an example by behaving in a manner consistent with shared principles and values.

• Obtain small wins that promote steady progress and generate commitment.

Leadership is the ability to influence individuals to make them want to achieve the

objectives of the group the importance of leadership. It is the link between the workers and

the organization's future plans and perceptions. It is working to unify the efforts of workers

towards achieving the goals set. Control over the work and draw the necessary plans to solve

problems. The development of individuals and their training, care and motivate them. The

ability to increase individual development and humanitarian and practical




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