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St Aloysius School

Class VI
Unit Test – I
Time: 1 hour MM: 50

A. Check the Right Answer (1*10)

a. Who built the Difference engine?
Herman Hollerith     Blaise Pascal     Charles Babbage     Howard Aiken
b. Select the era of the first generation of computers.
1959-65     1965-71     1940-56     None of these
c. In which country was the Abacus developed?
China     Japan     Thailand     Russia
d. Which was the first computer to handle both numeric and text data?
e. Where was Abacus developed?
China     Japan     Korea     Nepal
d. What do we call a set of instructions which tells the computer what to do?
Programmer     Programming     Program     Programming Language
e. Which language is regarded as a Low Level Language?
C++     Java     Machine Language     4GL
f. Which language is machine independent?
Assembly Language     Machine language     Low Level Language     High Level Language
g. Which program converts assembly language into machine language?
Assembler     Compiler     Convertor     Interpreter
h. What do we call the program written in Assembly Language?
High level Program     Object Program     Interpreter     Source Program
i. Which language uses mnemonics codes in place of binary numbers?
English Language     Machine Language     High Level Language     Assembly Language
j. Which translator program converts the whole program at once?
Interpreter     Compiler     Programmer     None of these

B. Fill in the blanks (any 5) : (1*5)

a. Machine Language is also known as ……………………………
b. Computer is a ……………… ,which cannot do anything on its own.
c. 4GL stands for ………………………
d. A ..................... is a set of instructions, which tells the computer what to do.
e. ............... language consists of binary numbers, i.e., 0 and 1.
f. In binary language, 0 means ............... and 1 means ............. state.
g. An ........ converts a high level language program into machine language, line by line.

C. State True (T) or False ( F) (1*5)

a. Programs written in Machine language are very difficult to write and debug.   ..................
b. Machine language is very easy to learn.   ..................
c. Interpreter converts one line of a program at a time.   ..................
d. The language FORTRAN was designed for business users.   ..................
e. Programming is the process of writing specific instructions in a computer language.   ..................
D. Answer the following (Any 10)
a. Which generation of computers did UNIVAC belong to?
b. Of which subject did Charles Babbage was the professor?
c. Which generation of computers used microprocessors?
d. In which generation was the Fortran language developed?
e. What is the full form of ENIAC?
f. Which language is expressed in the form of Binary Numbers?
g. Which language uses mnemonic codes in place of binary numbers?
h. Which translator program is used to convert assembly language into machine language?
i. Which translator program translates the whole program at once?
j. What is the full form of LLL?
k. Name the first mechanical computer?
l. Who is considered as the father of computers?
m. Which was the first electronic digital computer and who invented it?
n. Write any three features of fourth generation computers?
o. Name the types of Micro computers. Explain any two?

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