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Hernandez Guerrero Evelin Montserrat.

Hernandez Martinez Jimena Sarahi.

Lechuga Martínez Kenia Elizabeth .

Mora Ortega Ana Laura.

Mota Ramos Itzel Zitlali.

Muñoz Martìnez Josè Ramòn.

Solis Constantino Jocelyn.


During this project we work with predetermined times, which are a collection of valid
times assigned to different movements and groups of basic movements which cannot be
evaluated in an exact way with the normal or ordinary procedure using the stopwatch to
measure times. . These times consist of a database of basic movement times. Both the main
movements and the complexities involved in completing the movement are considered.

To achieve the established objective, the tools of the MTM method are used, which stands
for Methods Time Measurement. Which is a type of time tool that allows calculating
theoretical execution times of activities totally influenced by man. Ideas for optimizing job
design and work methods arise from the use of these times.

The MOST technique consists of three sequence models, which are as follows: 1.-The

movement of general sequence.

It is used when the movement of the object is performed freely over space. 2.-The

controlled sequence movement.

It is used when the object that is moved remains in contact with a surface or
adhered to another surface, that is when the object is said to be dragged.

3.-The sequence of use of tools-

With the MTM and as engineers we seek to contribute to the development and continuous
improvement of processes within any operation. Including the exercises used in our Project.
The objective of this project based on the MOST methodology is to compare the times in
which operation work is carried out, and in this way to know which method is more
effective, since in one the times are measured using the methods of Most and in the other
the times are measured in a timed manner, in such ways, draw learning curves and choose
the suitable operator for the established tasks, that is, the average operator.

In each activity, the results of times between one operator and another have a variation. It
seems to be insignificant, however, the variation of times can cause the completion of the
operations to be delayed and this can cause a delay in the deliveries as well. The use of the
Most is allowing us to do the analyzes with greater precision instead of doing it by timed
MOST is faster to apply.
MOST can be applied from memory.
MOST has universal access.
It has adequate precision.
It is easy to understand and learn.
Requires minimal desk work.
Delivers consistent results.
Allows the use of supplements.
Economic installation.


PMTS: A Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) is a work

measurement technique that analyzes the basic human movements
required to perform specific manual tasks in a given environment.
The predetermined times are a collection of valid times assigned to
movements and groups of basic movements, which cannot be
accurately evaluated with the ordinary procedure of the
chronometric study of times. They are the result of the study of a
large number of samples of diversified operations, with a device to
take time, such as the
cinema camera, which is capable of measuring very short elements, as well astheir
characteristics, these basic movements can be properly grouped to form the complete
elements of operations.

MOST: The predetermined times are a collection of valid times assigned to movements and
groups of basic movements, which cannot be accurately evaluated with the ordinary
procedure of the chronometric study of times. They are the result of the study of a large
number of samples of diversified operations, with a device to take time, such as the cinema
camera, which is capable of measuring very short elements, as well as their
characteristics, these basic movements can be properly grouped to form the complete
elements of operations.

- THE GENERAL SEQUENCE OF MOTION for the movement of a free object in space.

To identify the exact way a general move is executed, analysts consider 4 sub-activities;
action distance, which is primarily a horizontal distance, body movement, which is
primarily vertical, gain control, and placement. Analysts assign time-related index numbers
to the applicable subactivity. MOST uses 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, and 16 as index numbers.

- THE SEQUENCE OF CONTROLLED MOVEMENT for the movement of an object
when it remains in contact with a certain surface or is attached to another object and this
controls its movement. In the execution of controlled displacement sequences, the
following sub-activities may prevail: action distance, body movement, gain control,
controlled displacement, process time and alignment.

- THE SEQUENCE WITH THE USE OF TOOLS for the common use of hand tools
(screwdriver, hammer wrench, etc.). It encompasses a combination of general movement
and controlled movement activities. Other sub-activities unique to this activity include:
fasten, loosen, cut, surface treat, record, think, and measure.
The sequence of general movements deals with the movement in space of an object. If
under manual control, the object follows an unconstrained path in space. It allows us to
take, put or place an object and return.

ACTION DISTANCE deals with all actions in the space of the fingers, hands and feet,
loaded or unloaded.

A: Action distance. It includes the movements or action of the fingers,

hands, and feet, as well as walking distance.
B: Body movement. It includes vertical movements, up/down, i.e.
bending, sitting, etc.
G: Get control, take. It comprises the manual movements, used to obtain
manual control of an object.
Q: Place, Position or place. Understands the manual movements used in leaving
or placing an object.

A_B_G_ A_B_P_ A_.

Which follows certain characteristics, which are 5 steps, vital in the sequence.

1. Obtain or reach the object. (A_B_).

2. Get the object under control. (G_).

3. Move the object from its original place to the workplace. (A_B_).

4. Put the object temporarily in one place. (P_).

5. Return to your workplace. (A_) It

also follows three phases:

1. Obtain (A_B_G_). They are the actions that involve reaching and obtaining an object.

2. Put (A_B_P_). Describes the actions involved in placing or putting an object in a place.

3. Return (A_). Which indicates the distance to return to your normal workplace.

Describes the manual movement of an object that follows a controlled path, that is, the
movement of the object is restricted in at least one direction by contact or attachment to
another object, or because the job requires the object to be deliberately moved along a
specified or controlled path.


Describes the manual movement of an object that follows a controlled path, that is, the
movement of the object is restricted in at least one direction by contact or attachment to
another object, or because the job requires the object to be deliberately moved along a
specified or controlled path.


(ABG) MXI (A):

The acronyms in parentheses were defined in the sequence of general

It covers all manually guided movements, the actions of objects along a controlled path.
It occurs when the machine starts to work and there is no operator action.

It refers to the manual actions that follow a controlled movement to align objects.
Advantages of the MOST System.

Times reflect 100% performance level.

MOST is quick to apply, requiring only 10 hours of analysis time for every hour
of measured work.
Can be applied from memory.
Has universal access.
It has adequate precision.
It is easy to understand and learn.
Requires a minimum of written work. It
has a multiple level system.
Offers consistent results.
Encourages development methods. • Allows the use of supplements.
Economic installation.
Movimiento General
Movimiento general ·2
Performance rating:
Movimiento controlado
Uso de herramientas

General Movement Operation 1

To determine what the average operator was, we first had to take into consideration
various times with all the members. Too many shots were taken, first with the stopwatch
and then with the MOST, with this we managed to obtain the TN and the Standard Time in
a faster way.

Next, the activity and the meaning of each acronym for this operation will be explained in
more detail:

A: Distance traveled with 7 steps B:

Body movements

G: light object grab

P: Set the object aside

Based on the learning curves and the result of the time recordings, the average operator was
chosen, who was the person who carried out the activities in a calm manner, who knew
exactly the stages of the operation to be carried out, and did so at a moderate pace. and
based on that, a rating was given to the performance that he had at the time of performing
the operation. And finally, the supplements were taken out, these depended on how boring,
uncomfortable or tired I was to perform the granted operation, all based on the opinion of
the average operator.
General Movement Operation 2

Time samples were made to each of the members and it was possible to get the TN and
the Standard Time thanks to the MOST tables that were used to know precisely how much
the TMU would be.

The average operator was taken based on the results of the samples carried out, comparing
the amounts they were giving. It was also in the learning curve that it was possible to
visualize more of the curve that is needed to be able to determine the average operator.
Based on the opinion of the average operator, we took the supplements of what it was like
to carry out this operation, which was somewhat tiring and monotonous.
Controlled Movement Activity 1

To get the results of this type of movement, some tests had to be taken first, then average
tests in order to decide which would be our average operator.

The following points were taken into consideration in order to obtain the TN and the
Standard Time:

A: Distance traveled when performing the activity B:

Movements made by the body

G: hold an object

M: Controlled movement that is pushing the object X:

Time the process takes

I: Alignment type
For the average operator of this activity, the taking of average times was taken into
consideration and the operator with a balanced score would be considered as the average
operator. Based on the attitudes of the operator, a rating was given to the performance
according to how the assigned activity was carried out. The supplements were considered
due to the opinions of what it was like to carry out this activity for the operator.

Activity 2 Controlled Movement

The times were taken into consideration to be able to determine who would be the average
operator, based on these data it was possible to obtain the learning curve, the Normal Time,
the Standard Time, and in order to have the TMU we have to multiply by 10 the amount
that comes out when we add the initials of the MOST.
The average operator wrote that it was a good activity that you had to do, for this reason the
amount of supplements was a little low. The corresponding analyzes and calculations were
carried out in order to determine that she was the average operator, obtaining the learning
curve and the rating of the performance that she had when carrying out this activity.
Use of Tools, Activity 1

To elaborate this type of activities, the taking of different time samples must be taken into
account in order to define who will be the average operator who will carry out the
necessary takings to extract the TN and TE. To know with certainty that what we are doing
is correct, the following aspects must be taken into account:

A: Distance that is collected

B: Movement made by the body

G: Control achieved, hold light object P:

Positioning of the light object

M: Measurement of the distance to be traveled

The times were very important to be able to determine the average operator since, based on
these results, the learning curve was obtained, the standard time, the qualification of the
operator's performance and based on the opinion of the operator, we base ourselves to draw
the supplements of the activity carried out.
Use of Tools, Activity 2

Based on the number of samples made, the calculations were made to be able to remove the
TMU from this activity, each detail was observed, calculated and analyzed to remove the
average operator. Normal time and standard time were also taken out.

The average operator was chosen because he was the one who carried out the activity more
calmly, at a calm pace. He got the performance grade based on the attitude he took when
doing this activity.

The proper use of the time study allows to know as accurately as possible what is the time
that is invested in each production process trying to reduce unnecessary time within the
production cycle.

By applying the study of time in the production process, the unnecessary use of human
resources can be reduced, in order to reduce the costs involved in the production of a good
or product within the organization.

One of the most important techniques used in the study of time is the stopwatch, which
allows you to control the amount of time a person spends to perform a certain task.

Due to the presence of unproductive time, the designed capacity established by the
company cannot be carried out in its entirety, since despite the fact that the processes are
carried out quickly and efficiently, the presence of tolerances affects its normal
development, reducing the number of units produced in the year.


● Jimena Ssraí Hernández Martínez: El uso de los tiempos predeterminados nos

ayuda a Disminuir el porcentaje de tolerancia e improductividad dentro del proceso de
producción a través del uso de técnicas que permiten su identificación, para así alcanzar los
objetivos que la organización establece en un tiempo determinado.

● Jocelyn Solis Constantino: The great advantage of the MTM over conventional
timing methods is that when carrying out the work study, the method is analyzed in
a very precise way, with which important improvements are achieved in methods,
processes, quality, ergonomics and consequently We reduce production times.

● Kenia Elizabeth Lechuga Martínez: Work measurement is a very important part of

the success of any company or work team. Well, it provides essential data for its
good administration, quality and operation. The predetermined times are tools that
help improve the production process, omit the heavy and unnecessary economic
expenses and make sure that the times are
invested properly, having as a great benefit the increase in productivity and with
this higher profits.

● Itzel Zitlali Mota: As Industrial Engineers we must be able to set standards

regardless of the methodology we use, being at the forefront of technology and
having an analytical, organizational and systemic capacity for the proper
implementation of these systems in any field in which we develop. Many
companies choose to use these systems or methods, as it is very useful for their
administration and operations.

● José Ramón Muñoz Martínez: The time invested to standardize operations is less
using MOST techniques than using a stopwatch. Therefore, within engineering,
this tool is used to extract the times of an operation more effectively.

● Ana Laura: The basis for the development of higher aggregate movement block
systems. It conveys the main features of the MTM method and forms the basis for
the understanding and application of additional motion block systems. MTM
proves to be the main work measurement tool for use in the new work method,
showing itself as a suitable instrument for integrated use in all the individual
phases of the value added chain.

● Evelyn Hernández: With all the advantages of these tools, we realized that they
help us to optimize processes, quality, work methods and improve the level of
productivity. This within companies can help plan production to reduce costs in a
1. GENERALIDADES «BASIC-MOST». (2019). Generalidades Basicas.

Recuperado 2020, de




2. MOST - Estudio del Trabajo II. (2020). Estudio Del trabajo ll. Recuperado

2021, de


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