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Mock 1, Book 2

104. All the following are reasons for needle breakage except:

a.Needle touching bone

b.large needle gauge

c. sudden movement by the patient

d. Excessive lateral pressure upon injection

105. Which disease causes both renal and cardiac complications?


b.scarlet fever

106. Primary teeth calcification begins at:

a.first month in utero

b.third month in utero

c. fifth month in utero
d.7th month in utero

107. What is true regarding the parasympathetic system's effect on the heart?

a.increase in AV.nodal delay

b.Decrease in K outward current

C. Increase in Ca++ inward movement
D. Decrease in inward Na++ current

108. Platinum and palladium are added to dental gold alloy in order to:

a.increase malleability

b.increase strenghth
c. Decrease strength
d.decrease melting temperature

109. A 45 year old patient had a car accident, large amount of blood loss. Which of the following is the
expected physiological consequence:

a.left ventricular end diastolic volume will be reduced

b.sympathetic activity of cardiac muscle will be decreased

c. Parasympathetic activation of cardiac muscle will be increased
d. Peripheral vascular tone will be decreased
110. Substance A is freely filtered through glomerular filtration membrane. It is neither reabsorbed by
renal tubular cells nor is it secreted into the tubular lumen. The clearance of substance A provides a
measure of:

a.Renal blood flow

b.cardiac output
c. Glomerular Filtration Rate
d. Renal plasma flow

Clearance= GFR - Reabsorption (0) + tubular secretion (0)

111. While inserting the rubber dam, you notice leakage interproximally between the molar teeth. What
is the cause?

a.Holes are too far apart

b.Holes punched are too close together

C. Too much tension on the rubber dam arch holder
d. Too broad a rubber dam arch form

112. Patient presents for an assessment. Heavy smoker, pneumonia (INCOMPLETE)

a.lichen planus

b.white sponge nevus

c. Leukoedema
d. Oral candidiasis
e. erythroplakia

113. The second canal in a mandibular incisor is located in:

a.labial to main canal

b.lingual to main canal

c. in the main canal

d.distal to the main canal

114. Polyether material is not recommended for full arch impressions in dentate patients because:

a.Exihibit viscoelasticity

b.exhibit high elastic modulus (very stiff)

c.are thixotropic
d.are hydrophillic

115. What is the primary use of Nirtous Oxide and Oxygen in dentistry today is:

a.substitude agent for local anthesia

b.general anesthetic agent
c. Agent of conscious sedation
d. agent for the managment of COPD

116. Unbagged sterilized instruments:

a.can be stored for up to 24 hours if placed in airtight container after sterilization

b.can be stored for 7 days if placed in sterile bags after sterilization

c. can be stored for up to 1 year if wrapped after sterilization

d. Must not be stored after sterilizaiton

117.The central action of caffeine is princially on:

a.cerebral cortex

b.corpus callosum
c. Hypothalamus
d.spinal cord
e. medulla

118. Tissue necrosis, pain and bleeding are significant criteria used in the clinical diagnosis of:

a.lichen planus

b.Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

c. chronic inflmatory periodontal disease
d. A & Bonly
e. B & C only

119. In healthy humans, the perio probe tip usually penetrates to:

a.1mm coronal to attachment of junctional epithelium the most coronal site of attachment of junctional epithelium

c. 1mm above the crest of bone

d. To the most coronal intact fibers of the connective tissue attachment

120. Which grade of mobility is distinguished by depressability (vertical displacement)?

a.Grade 1

b.Grade 2
C. Grade 3
d. Grade 4

121. An ameloblastoma can develop from which of the following cysts?

C. Residual
d. Lateral periodontal

122. Unconsciousness in syncope results from:

a.electrolyte imbalance

b.neurogenic shock
c. Cerebral hyperexemia
d. Cerebral hypoxia

123. Which drug is used in treatment of mild allergic reactions:


c. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
d. proproxyphene

124. A patient with myxedema is characterized by all except:


b.statin skin.fine hair

c. Being dull, slow moving, expressionless
d. puffy face and upper eyelid droop

125.Which condition has the highest white blood cell count?

a.Acute myeloblastic leukemia

b.polycythemia vera
C. Aplastic anemia
d. Infectious mononucleosis

126. The most common complication caused by supernumerary teeth are:

a.Malposition of permenant teeth

b.Interference with eruption of permenant teeth

c. Dentigenerous cyst
d. Resorption of roots

127.Small round defect in tissue that exposes some bone is called:


c. Osseous crater
128. While excavating caries from the surface of a permanent tooth, a carious exposure occurs. What do
you do?

a.Do indirect pulp cap

b.Do direct pulp cap

C. Begin root canal therapy
d. temporize the cavity and observe

129. Pain that radiates to the ear is most likely from:

a.Maxillary molars

b.Maxillary premolars
c. Mandibular molars
d.mandibular premolars
130. There is a small defect on die. A few days after fit PFM crown, the patient returns with sensitivity.
What is the management?

a.Redo the crown

b.check the occlusion

C. Check the proximal contacts
d. Check for tooth sensitivity

131. Seating a crown for a patient, to restore a mandibular tooth. What do you check first?

a.occlusal contacts

b.proximal contacts
c. The marginal fit
d. Path of insertion

132. Treating an anxious patient who is fearful of needles. Her speech started to slurr (INCOMPLETE)

a.Angina pectoris

b.Heart attack
c. Syncope
d.allergic reaction

133. On which surface is caries most prevalent?



134. A 55 year old patient, has 3-4mm loss of attachment in 7/28 teeth with bleeding on probing. What
is the diagnosis?
a.generalized moderate chronic periodontitis

b.localized moderate chronic periodontitis

c. generalized severe chronic periodontitis
d. localized severe chronic periodontitis

135. The difference between scaling and root planning is the elimination of:


c. Cementum (diseased)
d. dentin

136. Red, raised lesion on the middle, dorsum of tongue. Lesion best treated by:


c. Coritcosteriod

137. Patient had a fixed orthodontic appliance removed. Unsatisfied with color of his teeth. You discuss
treatment options of bleaching with the patient. Which agent will you use?

a.35% hydrogen peroxide

b.10% hydrogen peroxide

D. 30% carbamide at home
e. 10% carbamide at home

We should use the least concentration after ortho because of the sensitivity of the teeth

138. After apicectomy, perform a retrograde amalgam filling. The filling should be:

a.Bevelled 45 degree and shallow

b.Bevelled 45 degree and deep

c. Beveled 10 degrees and shallow
d. Beveled 10 degrees and deep

For MTA 0-10 degree and shallow

139. In order to avoid sodium hypochlorite from extruding periappically, the needle must not:

a.Do not bend needle

b.needle must not engage the wall of the canal

c. don't go more than 1 cm in the canal
d. Needle needs to reach the full working length

140. Cross infection is:

a.infection directly from another person

b.infection from micro organisms in environment

c. An infection to an immunocompromised patient
d. An infection to a person who is not vaccinated

141. Probing depth 4-5 mm, in 35% of teeth in elderly patient indicate:

a.Mild generalized chronic periodontitis

b.sever generalized chronic periodontitis

c. Mild localized chronic periodontitis
d. Severe localized chronic periodontitis

4-5 probing depth = 1-2 attachment loss which mean mild

142. Abscess around root of primary molar will affect the permanent by causing:

a.Abnormal eruption

c. Ankylosis
e. hypoplasia

143. Child has a very wide maxiallry lateral incisor (mesiodistally) Cleft on incisal edge. What is the


C. Enamel defect
d.dens in dent

144. Dry mouth, angular chelitis, parotid gland enlargement.

a.sjogren's syndrome

b.systemic disease
c. Lichen planus
d. Erythema multiform

145. Muscial keratosis on buccal mucosa. Broken restoration on same side. Attributed to the
proliferation of:

a.stratum corneum

b.stratum spinosum
c. Stratum basalis
d. Basement membrane
146. Pharyngeal phase of swallowing, motor neuron in swallowing centres are activated to perform
which of the following:

a.initiate 2nd wave of peristalsis palatopharyngeal fold

c. Inhibit respiration
d. Open the lower esophoegeal sphincter

147. The daily cumulative dose of Diflunisal is:

a.800 mg

b.1200 mg

148. Cyst associated with impacted canine. When removed and histologically examined, the cyst was
solid. What is the diagnosis of this odontogenic cyst?


b.odontogenic keratocyst
C.adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
d. Odontogenic myxoma

149. Patient accidently swallows crown during fit. No sign of suffocation. Management?

a.initiate Hemlich maneuver

b.refer for chest x ray

C. Are antibodies to prevent secondary infection

150. Patient had extraction of two third molars. Two days later, patient returns with bleeding. Medical
history not significant except for bruising and knee swelling when he was a child. Blood tests indicate
normal bleeding time and factor VIII of 14%. What is the likely diagnosis?

a.Hemophilia A

b.liver cirrhosis
c. Vitamin K deficiency
d. Thalassemia

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