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Explain the paradigm in conceptualizing a research


To better understand the research purpose and direction, the paradigms of conceptualizing the
research must be established by the researcher. Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are all
important in conceptualizing the research design:

Ontology - Simply put, the term relates to the beliefs about reality as perceived by the researcher. The
concepts of Realism and Relativism are the two considerations under ontology. In the manner of
pursuing the truth, realism inclines toward objective measurement of the observable phenomena. On
the other hand, relativism gears toward the notion that truth is relative therefore the context with
which the phenomena was observed must be taken into consideration. Realism accepts what is concrete
and absolute while relativism cogitates upon description and analysis.

Epistemology - The manner of investigating is of the essence of epistemology. There are two ways to
distinguish it: etic and emic. Etic manner of investigating involves the researcher to observe the
phenomena without getting in touch with the variables. On the other hand, emic manner of
investigating engage the researcher to be immersed in the environment where the variables are being
observed. To put it in an analogy, etic is like observing a fish in its fish tank while emic is like getting
inside the fish tank to observe the fish.

Methodology - This involves philosophies by which the processes were based upon. In determining the
methodology, the researcher has to decide between experimental and phenomenological. Experimental
methodology requires the researcher to observe and record data produced in the environment that can
be replicated by other researchers. Phenomenological methodology, on the other hand, relies on
thematic analysis and thorough description.

2.See if you can match the flow chart and the narrative. Comment on their similarities or differences.

Both the flowchart and narrative started from the same step: reading about the subject that
interests the researcher. As expected, the narrative provided with more details about the research.
Every step has been in congruence with the narrative and flowchart up until data collection. From the
step of data collection up until transforming draft writing into finished product was not mentioned in the
narrative. The flowchart served as a framework for the narrative, although the narrative did not give
insight as far as data collection, interpretation, and conclusion. On a plus note, the narrative was able to
point out that the topic has been widely researched upon. It also mentioned about the research gap that
the research would be able to fill. However, the narrative did not specify the actual research questions
where the research will be based upon.

3. Why do you think you need to consider the following in your thesis/dissertation project? Explain
your answer.

              3.1 Adviser - The research adviser is a member of the faculty who will provide guidance
throughout the research writing process. It is important that the research adviser be consulted in a
professional manner throughout the process in order to ensure smooth transition in the research
writing steps. Deemed as the “supervisor of research progress”, the research adviser is expected to
provide feedback and suggestions in the writing process therefore the schedule of the research adviser
must be considered. After the consultation with the research process the research adviser will endorse
the researcher for defense.

              3.2 Dissertation Committee - The dissertation committee is a group of professionals who possess
expertise in the research topic. It is imperative that the dissertation committee is selected carefully in
order to have adequate resource person for the research writing. They are to read draft, to provide
feedback on the methodology, and to redirect the scientific thinking behind the methodology if the
situation requires it.

               3.3. Library - Arguably the most important aspect in writing the research, libraries provide
researchers with materials and resources in finding framework to base the research upon. Since
information in libraries are arranged accordingly, information can be accessed by the researcher easily.
In the case of onsite libraries, locally produced researches are available to browse which will be an
advantage since they are usually not published online. For online libraries, they provide up-to-date
information for the researcher since online information can be updated with ease. As such, libraries
offer credible authorship for the researcher, prevent copyright dispute, provide reliable data, and assist
in achieving overall writing impact.

               3.4 University community such as the faculty, computer technicians, and student colleagues -
The university community can be considered as additional research resource. Due to the professional
background of the people in the community, the researcher can discuss matters related to research. The
members of the community can then provide peer-critiquing that will enable the researcher to improve
his research. Substantial suggestions can also be given by the university community in the form of
referrals and anecdotal references of their academic endeavors.

                3.5 Dean of the Graduate School - By default, the Dean of the graduate studies gives a holistic
overview of the goals of graduate studies. The Dean offers support about the community perspective on
the contributions of research. They set the norms and expectations from the researchers and research

4. Which among these skills need reinforcement on the basis of yourself? Elucidate your answer.

Based on my personal assessment, I would need reinforcement on the technical aspects of

research writing. The groundwork for research writing skills has been provided in my previous
educational attributions. However, an in-depth insight as to the methods and tools for analysis and
description is in deficit. For me, the most crucial aspect of research writing is determining the research
methodology and data analysis. Once data is gathered and collated, the researcher must decipher the
implication of the data to the existing body of knowledge. The interpretation must be solid and accurate.
Those things can be achieved if technical skills are present.

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