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Actin-Based Plasticity in Dendritic Spines

Andrew Matus

The central nervous system functions primarily to convert patterns of sources converge, such as pyramidal cells in
activity in sensory receptors into patterns of muscle activity that consti- the cerebral cortex, whose dendrites com-
tute appropriate behavior. At the anatomical level this requires two monly have several thousand spines, each
complementary processes: a set of genetically encoded rules for building representing an excitatory synapse (3–6)
the basic network of connections, and a mechanism for subsequently fine (Fig. 1, A and B). Characteristically, spine
tuning these connections on the basis of experience. Identifying the locus morphology consists of an expanded head
and mechanism of these structural changes has long been among neuro- connected to the dendrite shaft by a narrower
biology’s major objectives. Evidence has accumulated implicating a par- neck (Fig. 1, C and D), but “stubby” spines
ticular class of contacts, excitatory synapses made onto dendritic spines, lack the neck, whereas filopodia-like “head-
as the sites where connective plasticity occurs. New developments in light less” spines also occur, especially during de-
microscopy allow changes in spine morphology to be directly visualized in velopment (4, 7–9). This distinctive architec-
living neurons and suggest that a common mechanism, based on dynamic ture depends on a specialized underlying
actin filaments, is involved in both the formation of dendritic spines during structure of cytoskeletal filaments. In contrast
development and their structural plasticity at mature synapses. to the dendritic shaft, whose cytoplasm is

Dendritic spines are the contact sites for most on the order of 1014 for the human cerebral Friedrich Miescher Institute, Maulbeerstrasse 66, 4058
excitatory synapses in the brain (1, 2) where cortex. Spines are particularly associated Basel, Switzerland.
they occur in vast numbers, estimated to be with neurons where inputs from diverse E-mail:

754 27 OCTOBER 2000 VOL 290 SCIENCE

dominated bymicrotubules (Fig. 1B) (4, 10), age to sensory input pathways and as a result How might this motility of spines and filo-
the spine cytoskeleton consists of microfila- of training (45–47). podia at nascent synapses influence patterns of
ments that form longitudinal bundles in core Experimental data suggest that actin-based connectivity during brain development? A re-
regions of the head and neck and a meshwork motility may be involved in all three of these cent study of dendrites in the sensory cortex of
of fine fibers at its periphery (4, 11). As in other stages. Growth cone turning, which underlies living rats provides fresh insights (28). As
cell types, these microfilaments are composed pathfinding by developing axons and dendrites with neurons maintained in culture, den-
of actin, which is present throughout the spine in the embryonic nervous system, depends on dritic spines and filopodia in the develop-
cytoplasm (12–14) and is closely associated localized rearrangements of the actin cytoskel- ing brain show constant protrusive activity.
with the postsynaptic density (PSD) (Fig. 1, C eton in response to concentration gradients of To assess the effect on dendrite morpholo-
and D), a disk-shaped organelle attached to the target-derived guidance molecules (48–51). Be- gy of sensory experience, time-lapse re-
postsynaptic membrane that provides a struc- cause in the past cell culture experiments fo- cordings of dendrites in the cortical area
tural framework for localizing functional mol- cused on the large axonal growth cones of where inputs from the whiskers arrive were
ecules including neurotransmitter receptors and sensory neurons, there was a tendency to regard made 1 to 3 days after cutting off the
ion channels (15–20). axons as the predominantly active partner in whiskers. This had no significant effect on
Immunohistochemical and cell transfec- circuit formation. However, time-lapse imaging spine number, but the level of motility in
tion studies indicate that actin levels in spines of hippocampal neurons developing in cell cul- both spines and filopodia was decreased by
are far higher than in neighboring structures ture has shown dendrites initially making a ⬃40%. This effect was prominent 11 and
(13, 14, 21) (Fig. 1B). This concentrated plethora of motile filopodia extending and re- 13 days after birth, the time when animals
spine actin consists exclusively of the cyto- tracting within minutes (25, 52). After a week begin to use the whiskers for exploratory
plasmic isoforms, ␤ and ␥, which are targeted in culture this activity gradually diminished as activity, but was far less pronounced either

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to spine heads by a sequence-specific mech- the filopodia were replaced by spines of mature before or after this period (28). There is
anism (21). High actin concentrations at cell morphology, suggesting that dendritic filopodia thus a strong correlation between enhanced
margins are often associated with dynamic may act as spine precursors. The timing of this morphological plasticity in spines and ex-
changes in cell shape (22–24), and time-lapse conversion in culture roughly matches the chro- perience-dependent refinement of circuit
imaging of living neurons has revealed spon- nological age at which a similar transition from connectivity. Moreover, the major effect
taneous shape changes in dendritic filopodia filopodia to spines of mature appearance occurs was on protrusive activity, which is char-
and spines (25–28) which are sensitive to on dendrites in the developing brain (9, 53). acteristic of actin-based mechanisms.
drugs that block actin dynamics (26, 27).
With the use of actin coupled to green fluo-
rescent protein (GFP-actin), dynamic activity A Fig. 1. Structural features of spine-
of the actin cytoskeleton in spines has been bearing neurons. (A) A living hip-
directly visualized, confirming its capacity pocampal neuron in cell culture
expressing ␥-cytoplasmic actin
for driving changes in synaptic morphology tagged with GFP-actin. The myriad
(26). In these imaging studies the rapid and fluorescent dots on the dendrites
spontaneous changes in spine shape contrast are spine heads where actin accu-
conspicuously with the relative morphologi- mulates. Bar, 15 ␮m. (B) Part of a
cal stability of the underlying dendrite, sup- dendrite from a GFP-actin– ex-
porting the hypothesis that dendritic spines pressing cell that was fixed and
then stained with antibodies
may be especially equipped for subserving against the dendrite-specific mi-
morphological plasticity (5, 6, 19, 29–36). crotubule protein MAP2. Red
MAP2 labeling shows microtubules
Dendritic Spines and Developmental concentrated in the shaft of the
Plasticity dendrite compared to green actin-
During brain development neuronal circuits GFP labeling of actin present in
dendritic spine heads. Bar, 5 ␮m.
are established in three distinct phases. The (C) A single spine synapse seen by
first involves the initial “wiring up” of the electron microscopy, and (D) a di-
nervous system during embryogenesis. This B agram of a spine structure. The
occurs independently of neuronal activity neurotransmitter glutamate (pink) is
through mechanisms that involve secreted stored within synaptic vesicles and
and surface-bound molecular guidance cues released into the synaptic cleft
where it activates receptors locat-
(37, 38). The second phase takes place post- ed in the postsynaptic density
natally during a relatively short critical period (PSD). Actin filaments are repre-
when synaptic connections are refined by sented by the barbed lines. ax.,
sensory and motor experience (39–42). The C D ax. axon; pre., presynaptic bouton;
pre. dend., shaft of dendrite; s.v., syn-
importance of this activity-dependent process
for the correct patterning of neuronal circuits aptic vesicle. [Images: (A) H.
s.v. Brinkhaus; (B) S. Kaech; (C) from a
has been demonstrated by experiments in micrograph given to the author by
which axons from the eye, surgically rerouted PSD
the late E. G. Gray]
into the auditory system, were shown to re- spine head
specify circuits in the auditory cortex so that
they acquired response properties character- spine apparatus
istic of the visual cortex (43, 44). In the third spine neck
phase, adulthood, plasticity is much reduced, dend.
but substantial changes in synaptic connec-
tivity can nevertheless occur both after dam- SCIENCE VOL 290 27 OCTOBER 2000 755

Glutamate Receptors Regulate Spine found to reversibly block actin motility in drugs on spine morphology (26, 76) as well
Formation and Stabilization spines of hippocampal neurons (62). AMPA as the bipartite arrangement of actin filaments
Recent data implicate receptors for gluta- also effectively inhibited spine motility when in the spine cytoplasm (11) and suggests a
mate, the neurotransmitter at excitatory syn- NMDA receptors were blocked, suggesting model in which a stable core of actin is
apses, in both the initial formation and the that NMDA receptor–induced outgrowth of capped by a corona of dynamic filaments
subsequent stabilization of dendritic spines. new spines and AMPA receptor– dependent (36). This arrangement could account for the
Glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-D-as- stabilization of established spines may in- differing effects on spine morphology of
partate (NMDA) subtype appear to be in- volve distinct mechanisms. AMPA- and NMDA-receptor activation: the
volved in regulating spine outgrowth. Several former suppressing motility by disassembling
recent studies have suggested that stimulation Calcium Links Synaptic Activity to peripheral actin filaments through local in-
protocols leading to long-term potentiation Morphological Plasticity creases in Ca2⫹ levels; the latter perhaps
(LTP) (54, 55) are associated with increased Like LTP-related spine induction, which de- activating mechanisms that lead to spine
production of dendritic spines and filopodia pends on activation of Ca2⫹-permeable growth by producing higher levels of Ca2⫹ in
and, like LTP itself, this increased spine pro- NMDA receptor channels (56–58), AMPA the spine cytoplasm. Still higher levels of
duction is blocked by NMDA receptor antag- receptor–induced stabilization of spine mor- NMDA receptor activation produce patholog-
onists (56–58). A link between these two phology also depends on Ca2⫹ influx, in this ical changes in neurons mediated by Ca2⫹
phenomena and actin-based spine motility is case through voltage-dependent Ca2⫹ chan- influx (77, 78), with degenerative changes in
suggested by studies showing that drugs that nels (62). Ca2⫹ thus appears to be involved in spines among the earliest events (79). Inhibi-
inhibit actin dynamics suppress LTP (59, 60). both the initiation and the subsequent stabili- tion of the calcium-dependent phosphatase
These effects first become significant during zation of dendritic spines, a situation remi- calcineurin protects spines from this excito-

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the maintenance phase of LTP beginning niscent of its effects, at an earlier stage of toxic damage (79), suggesting calcineurin as
⬃20 min after stimulation (60), a delay sug- neuronal development, on actin-based growth a potential mediator between postsynaptic
gestively similar to that required before out- cone motility when differing levels of cyto- Ca2⫹ fluxes and the actin cytoskeleton.
growth of new spines becomes apparent after plasmic Ca2⫹ can produce opposite turning
LTP-inducing stimulation (56–58). responses to the same local stimulus (63, 64). Synaptic Activity and the Regulation
Other studies implicate glutamate receptors Synaptic contacts are generally made onto of Spine Morphology
of the ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isox- the tips of spine heads (Fig. 1, C and D) so that A potentially important factor in the succes-
azole propionate (AMPA) subtype in maintain- ion currents elicited by receptor activation orig- sive induction and stabilization of dendritic
ing spines at established synapses. In hip- inate at the periphery of the spine and are spines, particularly during development, is
pocampal tissue slices, spines were found to spatially isolated from the shafts of dendrites. the sequential appearance of different gluta-
degenerate over a period of days after axons The potential significance of this arrangement mate receptor subtypes. When excitatory syn-
were cut, but this effect could be largely pre- is evident from calcium imaging studies show- apses are first formed they show only NMDA
vented by the addition of micromolar concen- ing that postsynaptic Ca2⫹ fluxes evoked by receptor currents and, because these receptors
trations of AMPA (61). Conversely, pharmaco- “weak” stimuli occur primarily within individ- require strong stimulation for activation, they
logical blockade of AMPA receptors led to ual spines, whereas stronger stimuli recruit appear to be functionally “silent” (80–82).
spine loss at rates comparable to that produced Ca2⫹ responses in additional spines and in local Activation of NMDA receptors induces new-
by cutting axons. Exposing neurons to tetrodo- areas of the dendritic shaft (65–69). In this way ly formed synapses to acquire AMPA recep-
toxin, which blocks activity-evoked release of spines perform two distinct functions: first, as tor–mediated responses, apparently through
neurotransmitter, had no effect on spine mor- biochemical compartments where Ca2⫹ levels physical insertion of receptors into the
phology, but treating cells with botulinum tox- can be regulated independently of the underly- postsynaptic membrane (83–85), suggesting
in, which blocks neurotransmitter release en- ing dendrite; and second, as summation units that spine maturation may involve AMPA
tirely, mimicked the spine loss induced by cut- capable of integrating inputs arriving from var- receptor– dependent mechanisms.
ting axons or blocking AMPA receptors. These ious sources according to their strength (33, How might the sequential appearance of
results suggest that the low level of AMPA 70–74). An important feature of this process is glutamate receptor subtypes at nascent syn-
receptor stimulation produced by glutamate that during synaptic activation the Ca2⫹ ion apses influence spine morphology? Figure 2
spontaneously released from presynaptic bou- undergoes a subtle role change, from serving as presents a hypothetical scheme incorporating
tons is sufficient to maintain spine morphology a charge carrier passing through an ion channel salient aspects of the data discussed above.
at mature synapses (61). In constrast to the to acting as a signal transduction molecule ca- Figure 2, A and B, represents the initial step
period of days required for spines to regress pable of influencing a wide variety of metabolic of spine outgrowth, which appears to be pro-
after AMPA receptor blockade, blocking syn- and structural functions inside the postsynaptic moted by activation of NMDA receptors (56,
aptic activity for several hours was found to cell. Thus, the characteristic morphology of the 57). At least during development, nascent
lead to a large increase in spinelike protrusions spine, in which the head is spatially separated spines predominantly occur as motile filopo-
from dendrites in hippocampal slices (2). These from the dendrite by the neck, makes it possible dia (Fig. 2B) (9, 25, 28) whose role may be to
two sets of experiments are not necessarily for excitatory synaptic transmission to influ- “search” the developing neuropil for appro-
contradictory because both the extension and ence cellular events over a wide range, stretch- priate presynaptic partners (86). The subse-
retraction of cell extensions involve actin-based ing from individual synapses to the entire den- quent activity-dependent acquisition of
motility. Together, these observations raise in- dritic tree. AMPA receptors (Fig. 2C) (83–85) provides
teresting questions about the innate spine-pro- The stabilization of spine morphology by a mechanism that may stabilize spine mor-
ducing capacity of dendrites and the underlying AMPA receptor activation occurs through the phology by suppressing actin-based spine
mechanism that determines the balance be- suppression of actin-rich protrusions from the motility (Fig. 2, C and D) (62). The steps
tween spine production and suppression. surfaces of spine heads, which round up as shown in Fig. 2, B and C, may mark the
The potential involvement of actin in reg- dynamic actin at the periphery collapses, transition to a state in which spine mainte-
ulating the morphological stability of spines leaving intact more stable actin filaments in nance depends on continued stimulation of
is supported by recent experiments in which the center of the spine (62, 75). This is con- AMPA receptors (61). Current evidence sug-
micromolar concentrations of AMPA were sistent with both the effects of actin-blocking gests that each of the transitions in this se-

756 27 OCTOBER 2000 VOL 290 SCIENCE

quence is reversible if stimulation from the pears to promote outgrowth of dendritic spines learning in humans (95).
presynaptic terminal fails (61, 62). Such a without the intermediate filopodial state so Whether adaptive processes in the adult
scheme may help to explain experience-de- prominent during development (57, 58). brain involve actin dynamics is now a ques-
pendent shaping of neuronal circuits because tion of considerable interest, particularly with
it would make sense to require a mechanism Dendritic Spine Plasticity in Adulthood respect to learning and memory. It is remark-
that depends on strong stimulation, like that Studies on slice cultures (27) and in living able that during memory formation the tran-
of NMDA receptor activation, for the initia- brain (28) indicate a significant decline in sient electrical signals carrying information
tion of new connections but to then support dendritic spine motility during the postnatal through the brain’s circuitry are converted
them with a mechanism sensitive to low rates period, raising the question of how much of into stable records that are immediately avail-
of neuronal activity, like that of AMPA re- the plasticity evident during development re- able for recall yet are capable of lasting for
ceptor activation. Learned responses could mains in adult brain tissue. One indication is many years. Actin, with its ability to transit
thus be maintained during periods when they the presence of high concentrations of actin between dynamic and stable states of cellular
are not actually being used. Similarly, should in dendritic spines at synapses in adult brain structures, is a good candidate for mediating
synaptic stimuli fall below a certain threshold (12–14). This need not imply that spines are this apparently instantaneous transition from
indicative of disuse, it would be appropriate constantly motile. A key feature of actin fleeting perception to enduring memory. The
for synaptic connections to be broken and function is its ability to support both motile new techniques for imaging dynamic activity
re-formed in new configurations. and stable structures. The actin in spines at at brain synapses may soon allow this hy-
Various interesting questions remain to be synapses in the adult brain may thus represent pothesis to be tested.
answered. One of them concerns the extent to the supporting cytoskeleton of a stable struc-
which postsynaptic glutamate receptors regulate ture that nevertheless retains the potential for

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758 27 OCTOBER 2000 VOL 290 SCIENCE

Actin-Based Plasticity in Dendritic Spines
Andrew Matus

Science 290 (5492), 754-758.

DOI: 10.1126/science.290.5492.754

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