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Modeling Multi-Phase Systems Using Bond Graphs

Jurgen Greifeneder Francois E. Cellier

Fakultat Verf.-technik und Techn. Kybernetik Dept. of Electr. & Comp. Engr.
Universitat Stuttgart The University of Arizona
P.O.Box 210104
70550 Stuttgart Tucson, Arizona 85721-0104
Deutschland U.S.A. Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu

Abstract be treated using approaches that are quite similar to

the ones presented here. They were excluded only be-
This is the second in a series of three papers. The cause of space limitations.
rst paper [3] discussed the modeling of conductive as
well as convective ows of a single homogeneous sub-
stance through a homogeneous medium. This second
paper discusses the phenomena associated with phase
change, i.e., it discusses, from a bondgraphic perspec- In the previous paper [3], C- elds were discussed that
tive, phenomena such as evaporation and condensa- varied only in their position in space. In principle,
tion, solidi cation, melting, and sublimation. As- multi-phase systems could be treated in the same fash-
sumptions of quasi-stationary or equilibrium condi- ion, as the bondgraphic topology of C- elds connected
tions are minimized to ensure the largest possible de- by R- elds remains the same in the presence of multi-
gree of generality in the conclusions reached. Prob- ple state phases. Only the internal descriptions of the
lems associated with modeling the dynamic behavior individual C- elds would have to be adapted to the
of multi-substance systems will be left for discussion new situation.
in the third paper of the series [4]. A thermodynamic However, such an approach would lead to a further
model of a pressure cooker shall serve as an example increase in complexity of the C- eld models, and it
of a multi-phase system. would deprive the modeler of the possibility to analyse
each phase separately. Also in multi-element systems
Keywords: Thermodynamics; Multiphase; Bond (cf. [4]), it makes sense to separate the phases, as
graphs; Condensation; Evaporation; Pressure cooker. di erent elements of the same phase will be connected
closer to one another than di erent phases of the same
element. For this reason, the authors decided to in-
1 INTRODUCTION troduce one CF-element for each phase and each sub-
This paper discusses primarily issues surrounding the Once the decision has been reached to model in-
thermodynamic modeling of evaporation and conden- dividual phases through separate C- elds, the ques-
sation. It does not consider e ects such as undercooled tion needs to be answered, how phase changes, such
steam or overheated liquid. Such e ects are inher- as evaporation and condensation, can be represented
ently unstable, and can only exist during a transitory in the resulting bond graph. Since phase changes are
period. They require a statistical approach for their of a dissipative nature, it makes sense to represent
treatment that is incompatible with the bondgraphic them as R- elds. However, it will be necessary to let
world view that has been embraced in this publication. go of the demand that R- elds should not contain any
On the other hand, phenomena involving other stable element data, as these phenomena will indeed depend
phase changes, such as solidi cation and melting, can on the substances that they are applied to. At this
point, it is therefore necessary to leave the parallels of { psat > pfl : The liquid is saturated (respec-
network theory [1]. tively oversaturated), and evaporating can
As explained earlier, no quasi-stationary or equilib- be observed.
rium assumptions shall be made, i.e., di erent phases
can be at di erent temperatures and di erent pres-  gaseous state
sures (although they will not di er much). It turns { psat  pgas : The gas is too hot to conden-
out that this decision actually simpli es the modeling sate. Statistical condensation can certainly
task. It means, of course, that the new modeling ele- be ignored, because its e ects are always
ments will have to be supplied with saturation data. smaller than those of statistical evaporation.
Consequently, a phase transition does not
{ psat < pgas : The dew line is crossed. In a
DENSATION suciently disturbed system (the presence
of the disturbing butter y will be assumed),
Evaporation occurs when the state of a liquid is forced uid will fall out.
to pass through the saturation line into the area of
wet vapor. Evaporation is by itself a statistical event,
i.e., it occurs at all times { sometimes stronger, some- 8
times less strong. It represents the reaction of a <0
> if p  psat ;
uid molecule to energy boosts obtained from other _ evap = 0
M if Mliq = 0; (1)
molecules in collisions. Rv  (psat ; p) otherwise
Condensation is the counterpart of evaporation. It
represents the chance of the gas to reach a more stable 8
state. It occurs whenever the state of the gas reaches <0
> if p  psat ;
the wet vapor area after passing through the dew line _
Mcond = 0 if Mgas = 0; (2)
(gas in the wet vapor area already contains liquid). >
: Rc  (p ; psat ) otherwise
When modeling di erent phases by separate C-
elds, a phase transition element is needed that takes These equations could also have been written using
boiling (i.e., evaporating) liquid from the C- eld, rep- the saturation temperature Tsat = T (p) instead of the
resenting the uid state, over to the C- eld, represent- saturation pressure.
ing the gaseous state. This element can be designed
in analogy to the generalized RF-element, as its ows
will be driven also by di erences in potentials.
Inside the wet vapor area, pressure and tempera-
ture are no longer linearly independent, i.e., either of
them can be calculated from the other. Suppose, the
saturation pressure is calculated for a given tempera-
ture (psat = p(T )). If the true pressure is compared
with the saturation pressure, the following cases can Figure 1: Cross-section through a uid pipe with a
be distinguished: supposed interface between 2 phases, steam and water.
Here the exchange between the phases is driven by the
 uid state chemical potential (Thoma [10])
{ psat  pfl : The state of the uid is outside A di erent approach had been suggested by Thoma
the wet vapor area. For modeling purposes, [10]. He determined the resulting mass ow across the
it can be postulated that no evaporation oc- phase change directly as a function of the di erence
curs, as the statistical molecular movements of the chemical potentials  between the two phases
lead only to a small amount of evaporation. (cf. Fig. 1). This approach would lead us around the
This evaporation can be ignored except if need to supply the phase transition element with in-
the simulation is to extend over a very long formation about the saturation pressure (or the satu-
time period. ration temperature, respectively). Unfortunately, this
seeming advantage is compensated by the fact that saturation pressure 0,4736 bar
now, the chemical potentials of both phases need to speci c volume 1029,03 cm 3
be known, which is cumbersome, as the chemical po- spec. saturation volume 1029; 30 cm
tentials themselves change under evaporation and con- kg3
densation. Furthermore, one needs to consider the sit- spec. dewpoint volume 43410000; 00 cmkg
uation that one of the two phases does not exist at all pfl  (vsat ; vfl ) 0; 000027 kJkg
at some point in time. Computing the chemical po- change in speci c entropy 6; 0437 kgkJK
tential of an emerging phase is essentially impossible, enthalpy of evaporation

since the statistical e ects at that instant are domi- r0 = T  s 2134:33 kJ

nant. kg
The entropy ow of the evaporation can be written as:
Thoma's approach, although conceptually sound,
has to the knowledge of these authors never been fully _
worked out. The description of Thoma's `model' is evap = MMevap (3)
sketchy at best. Furthermore, his model does not ac-
count for the fact that temperature and pressure will
eventually equilibrate between the two phases inde- _
pendent of any phase transition ow. Also, Thoma
Sevap = evap  Sfl + MTevap  r0 (Tfl ) (4)
let unresolved the question (he did not even ask it) of
the corresponding volume ow. To answer that ques- where the rst term denotes the transport of entropy
tion, saturation data tables would have to be provided, with the converted mass, and the second term denotes
even if Thoma's approach were being used. the additional entropy needed to compensate for the
activation energy.
Condensation is essentially the reverse process of
Evaporation and condensation processes are - sim- evaporation. Condensation occurs, when the gas pres-
ilar to the R- eld - not allowed to change the mass sure is higher than the dew pressure (the latter one
of the surrounding system, i.e., the mass ow leaving being identical to the saturation pressure on the uid
the liquid phase must be identical to the one reaching side). Yet, evaporation and condensation are not en-
the gaseous phase, and vice-versa. Furthermore, if the tirely reversible processes. The entropy needed to
system in which the phase change occurs is closed, the overcome the activation energy in the process of evap-
same holds true for volume ows. oration is taken from the liquid phase, whereas this
energy stays as entropy in the gaseous phase during
condensation, i.e. the processes of evaporation and
What happens to the entropy during evaporation? condensation are indeed truly dissipative in nature.
Like in all mass ows, the mass leaving the liquid Making use of the Heaviside function h,
phase carries its own entropy along. However, this (
does not account for everything that happens. From
somewhere, the activation energy needs to be provided ( ) = 1 if x > 0;
h x (5)
0 otherwise
that allows the former liquid to turn itself into the
more highly energetic gaseous phase. This requires a the equations (1) and (2) for the mass ows of evapo-
heat ow (latent heat) away from the liquid phase. ration and condensation can be rewritten as:
The remaining liquid cools down in the process. In
the literature, the corresponding enthalpy is usually M _ evap = Rv  (pfl ; psat (Tfl )) 
referred to as r0 . It is larger than the enthalpy carried  h(pfl ; psat (Tfl ))  h(Mfl )
naturally with the mass by several orders of magni-
Mcond = Rc  (psat (Tgas ) ; pgas ) 
 h(psat (Tgas ) ; pgas )  h(Mgas )
Let us provide an example of evaporating water at a
temperature of T=353.15 K, and a pressure of p=1bar Since both evaporation and condensation can occur si-
(reference [5]): multaneously, the two ows can be merged by de ning
the evaporation as a positive and the condensation as CFgas Gas Phase CFliq
a negative ow:
_ = M_ evap ; M_ cond
M (8) 3 CD, DVA, 3
Ø Condensation Ø
The two volume ows can be written as: 3
(and Evaporation)

_ evap  vsat (Tliq )

qevap = M (9) Phase Transition- CD, Transition- boundary
_ cond  vsat (Tgas )
qcond = M (10)
element DVA element

3 3
where vsat denotes the saturation volume, and merg- 3 CD, DVA, 3
ing the two volume ows, one obtains: Ø Evaporation
(and Condensation)
fl  v fl (Tliq ) ; M_ cond  vsat (Tgas ) (11)
_ evap
3 3
The equations for the entropy ow can be derived CFgas Fluid Phase CFliq
in the same way, as was done for the RF-element.
In fact, the condensation-evaporation element looks Figure 2: Modelling a two phase environment, using
structurally exactly like the RF-element. Only the in- four C- elds.
ternal equations describing it are di erent.
M_ to merge with the gas phase? It can be assumed that
= (12)
M fog that touches the surface of the liquid will join with
S_ 1 = (gfl ; ggas )  M_ + (pfl ; pgas )  q (13) it. Also, gas bubbles that rise to the surface of the
liquid will merge with the gaseous phase above. Fur-
( r0 (Tfl ) _ thermore, gravitation will help gas bubbles to rise to
_ =   Sfl + Tfl  M , if M_ > 0 the surface and will aid the heavier fog particles in
S_ gas + S_ 1 + (Tfl ; Tgas )  S_ gas , otherwise sinking down to the liquid surface. These forces are
(14) opposed by cohesion forces. It turns out that this is a
( r 0 (Tgas )
very dicult problem that can only be modeled in a
  Sgas ; T
gas  M
_ , if M_ < 0 statistical sense. It will not be discussed any further
S_ gas =
S_fl + S_ 1 + (Tfl ; Tgas )  S_fl , otherwise in this paper.
(15) Another problem that still needs to be discussed
is the case that a phase may not exist at a given
Obviously, this model is still somewhat simpli ed, point in time. In that case, the (partial) pressure,
as it only takes into account two separate phases. In volume, mass, and Gibbs enthalpy of that phase are
reality, the model will have to deal with four separate zero, whereas its temperature and entropy are unde-
C- elds: ned. All model equations must be protected against
 CF liquid, as discussed division by zero and/or use of unde ned variables. In
the case of the CD- and DVA-elements introduced in
 CF liquid, but distributed homogeneously in the the companion paper ([3]), this can be accomplished
gas phase by a combination of a fudge factor , as proposed in
the companion paper, and a boolean variable that
 CF gas, as discussed distinguishes a non-existing phase from an existing
 CF gas, as small bubbles in the uid phase, one. Examinating the condensation-evaporation ele-
ment for the case of a non-existing target phase, one
whereby the four CF-elements are connected by discovers that it will be totally reversible, as the evap-
condensation-evaporation elements as shown in Fig. orating/condensating ow will not be mixed together
2. with mass having another potential. During the rst
One question still needs to be answered: When in nitesimal instant, the ow chart of this element can
does the fog leave the gas phase and join the uid be redrawn as shown in Fig. (3).
phase? When do the gas bubbles leave the uid phase Summarizing, the equations for the condensation-
T. T
SF .
S element is discussed, the behavior of which is primar-
T .
ily in uenced by another element (the colder surface).
g g
. SF . The problem here is that the dew point temper-
M p
ature can be computed, using tables, but the model
q SF
q has no direct way of knowing, when the dew point has
been reached. To solve this problem, there are two
meaningful ways:
Figure 3: Condensation-evaporation element for the
case of a not yet existing target C- eld
 Taking the gas phase, one can calculate what
pressure the gas would have if it were cooled down
evaporation element (KV) are given as follows: to the temperature of the adjacent surface. Us-
ing this ctitious pressure, one could then go on
Mevap = Rv  (psat (Tliq ) ; pliq )  as usual and determine when the conditions for
(6) a condensation would be satis ed. However, the
 h(psat (Tliq ) ; pliq )  h(Mliq ) ctitious character of this methode would make
it impossible to provide an explicit bond graph
Mcond = Rc  (pgas ; psat (Tgas ))  model | the modeler would have to be content
(7) with an iconic representation of the overall e ects
 h(pgas ; psat (Tgas ))  h(Mgas ) of the phenomenon.
M_ = M_ evap ; M_ cond (8)
 Closer to reality, but unfortunately associated
with a higher computational cost, is the intro-
duction of a boundary layer, as proposed by
q = M_ evap  vsat (Tliq ) ; M_ cond  vsat (Tgas ) (11) Luttmann [7]. The boundary layer can be rep-
resented by yet another C- eld, the volume of
which is a function of the gas volume. This C-
T_S = (gfl ; ggas )  M_ + (pfl ; pgas )  q (13) eld is connected on one side to the gas phase,
and on the other side to the adjacent surface. Un-
fortunately, it is not trivial to model the proposed
r0 (Tliq ) _ _ volume dependance. One possible solution is to
<  Sliq + Tliq  M  , M > 0
> connect the C- eld of the gas and the one of the
S_ liq = 1
S_ gas  Tgas + T_S , M_ < 0; Mgas > 0 boundary layer by an RF-element with a volume
> T liq
:S_ , otherwise ow that is proportional to the di erence between
(16) the pressures of the two neighboring C- elds.
<  Sgas
 ,M <0
> The contact to the cold surface will be modeled

S_ gas = _ _ _
Tgas Sliq  Tliq + T S , M > 0, Mliq > 0
1 using a (fast) CD-element. The other leg of the
:S_ liq condensation element would either be placed di-
, otherwise rectly in the uid phase, or {as scetched in Fig.
(17) 4{ in another boundary-layer element, represent-
ing the interface between the liquid face and the
COLD SURFACES The former approach is computationally more ef -
Another phenomenon that needs to be discussed is the cient. The latter approach re ects somewhat better
condensation on cold surfaces. If an adjacent surface the physical reality, and thereby, is more in line with
has a lower temperature than the dew point temper- the bondgraphic spirit. Therefore, this is the approach
ature (Ttau = T (pgas )) of the element, there will be that has been chosen in the research e ort reported
formation of dew on this surface. For the rst time, an here.
CFGas CFGas Boundary
CD (t) SE: 293 K CD (t)

3 3 Rand-
3 CD 3 Air in Steam in
Ø CD .
S gas Ts
3 3
Conduction (CD) CD 3 CF
Level out of pressure (DVA)
Condensation- and Evaporation
Condensation- and Evaporation Ø Surface

CD RF: ∆p CD CD RF: ∆p CD
3 3 Ts
S liq
3 CD 3
3 3 DVA
Air steam
CFliq CFliq
CD (t) CD (t)

Figure 4: Bond graph model of an evaporation- DVA CD KV CD DVA

condensation element including a cold surface and two
boundary-layer elements. For readabilty, the cross-
couplings were eliminated, although they exist in re- water

CD (t)


COOKER Figure 5: Bond graph model of the pressure cooker

As an example for the discussed theory, a pressure example. The circles represent C- elds together with
cooker was simulated (cf. Fig. 5). their corresponding 0-junctions.
New in this model is the presence of a second el-
ement in the gas phase: air. Due to its presence, cooker is removed from the stove and is placed un-
the equations had to be revised, and the pressure der cold water (T=293K). Dew forms immediately in
of the steam inside the condensation element had to the boundary layer, whereas condensation across the
be replaced by its partial pressure. The resulting phase boundary starts somewhat later.
model re ects the fact that humid air can exist even
at room temperature, whereas, without the air, the For reasons of heat conduction, the stove is pre-
steam would immediately condensate. dominantly connected with the C- eld of the water
Modeling air and steam as ideal gases had the ad- by a CD-element and the cold water source to the gas
vantage, that the partial pressure of the steam could boundary layer. Figures 6 - 7 show the simulation
p V : The dis-
be computed fairly easily as psteam = Vsteam  results.
advantage of this solution, in particular in the pres-
ence of liquid water, was that correctors had to be
For reasons of stability, a DVA-element was placed
in parallel with the RF-element that controls the
boundary layer.
At time=0, the pressure cooker, which at that time
is at room temperature (T  293K ) and has just been
closed (p  101P a, humidity  0:5) is placed on a hot
surface (T = 393K ). As expected, the pressure and
the temperature rise. The pressure release valve was
omitted that would prevent a real pressure cooker from
exploding. It was assumed that the walls are strong Figure 6: Temperature graphs of the simulated pres-
enough to withstand arbitrarily high pressures. sure cooker.
After half of the simulation period, the pressure
[2] Greifeneder, J. (2001), Modellierung thermody-
namischer Vorgange unter Verwendung von Bond-
graphen, Diplomarbeit, Universitat Stuttgart, Ger-
[3] Greifeneder, J. and F.E. Cellier (2001), \Model-
ing convective ows using bond graphs," Proceed-
ings ICBGM'2001, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
[4] Greifeneder, J. and F.E. Cellier (2001), \Modeling
multi-element systems and chemical reactions using
bond graphs," in preparation.
Figure 7: Pressure graphs of the simulated pressure
cooker. [5] Kohlrausch, F., G. Lautz, and R. Taubert (1968),
Praktische Physik zum Gebrauch fur Unterricht,
6 CONCLUSIONS Forschung und Technik, 22rmnd edition, Teubner
Verlag, Stuttgart.
The paper discussed di erent aspects of the rather [6] Lamiri, S. (2000), Modeling of Steam Genera-
complicated processes of evaporation and condensa- tion Processes Using Finite and In nite Dimension,
tion. It was found that describing phase transitions Ph.D. dissertation, Universite de Lille, France.
is not simple enough to model them without any as-
sumptions. Yet, a convenient way was found to model [7] Luttmann, F. (1990), A Dynamic Thermal Model
simple phase transitions. The example of a pressure of a Selfsustaining Closed Environment Life Support
cooker was used to show the practicality of the advo- System, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona,
cated approach. Tucson.
Earlier publications dealing with bond graph mod- [8] Ould Bouamama B., J.U. Thoma, and J.P. Cas-
eling of phase changes used two C- elds only, one for sar (1997), \Bond graph modelisation of steam con-
each phase. The new model is more detailed as it densers," Proceedings IEEE International Confer-
accounts for vapor within the gaseous phase and air ence on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Orlando,
bubbles within the uid phase spearately, introduc- Vol.3. pp. 2490-2494.
ing separate C- elds for them. Also the treatment of
condensation on cold surfaces by introducing a C- eld [9] Ordys, A.W. (1994), Modelling and Simulation of
representing the boundary layer is new. Power Generation Plants, Springer-Verlag, London.
The choice of state variables in modeling phase
changes is non-trivial and has important conse- [10] Thoma, J.U. (1990), Simulation by Bondgraphs,
quences. This paper di ers from earlier publications Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
[8, 11] in its selection of state variables. [11] Thoma, J.U. and B. Ould Bouamama (2000),
Due to space limitations, the paper is somewhat Modeling and Simulation in Thermal and Chemi-
sketchy in its discussion of the details of the pressure cal Engineering. A Bond Graph Approach, Springer-
cooker example. A full account of the pressure cooker Verlag, Berlin.
model will soon be available [2]. An important prob-
lem that was not addressed in this publication is how
the parameter values can be obtained. Some of them,
such as Rv and Rc , are notoriously dicult to nd
[6, 9].

[1] Gilles, E.D. (1997), \Netzwerktheorie verfahrens-
technischer Prozesse," Chemie Ingenieur Technik
69(8), pp. 1053{1065.

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