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Animal Perception Including
Differences With Humans
Colin G. Scanes
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States

1.1 INTRODUCTION paucity of human senses may be viewed as a

detriment or as a means of freeing up neurons
Humans and animals use their senses to per- and allowing the brain to be used for other tasks,
ceive the environment to locate food, water, such as higher-level thinking. For instance, al-
mates, shelter, dangers, such as predators, or to though Neanderthals and anatomically modern
communicate between other members of their humans had similarly sized brains, Neander-
species. Animals have marked differences in thals had larger visual systems and presumably
their sensory systems depending on their evo- associated brain areas (Pearce et al., 2013).
lution and environment. This chapter will con-
sider the senses under the following sections.
• auditory perception in Section 1.2. DETECTION
• light/visual perception (sight) in Section 1.3.
• chemoreception in Section 1.4. Ears detect the auditory frequency of sound
• tactile perception or touch in Section 1.5. or acoustic waves in the air (or for aquatic mam-
• other senses in Section 1.6. mals in water). Sound varies with wave fre-
quency (pitch) and amplitude (loudness). Low
These are discussed in detail in succeeding
notes have a relatively low frequency of sound
sections. It should be noted that wild mammals
waves per second (hertz or Hz) while high notes
do not appear to be able to detect many envi-
have a high frequency (high kilohertz or kHz or
ronmental stimuli that humans in the developed
Hz × 1000). The ear is made up of the following:
societies are able to, by using various artificial
devices. For example, we can detect nonvisual • The external ear consists of the pinnae or
spectra, such as infrared, radio waves, and gam- auricles and the ear canals (also named as
ma radiation using instruments. The relative the external auditory canals or external

Animals and Human Society
1 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 1.  Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans

auditory meatus). The ear canals end at the 1.2.1  Auditory Differences Between
tympanic membrane or eardrum. Human and Animals
• The middle ear with three bones (the
auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, and stapes) There are marked differences between the
in the air-filled tympanic cavity. frequencies of sound detected by the ear in hu-
• The inner ear including the semicircular mans and animals (Table 1.1). Ultrasound is
canals (responsible for balance) and cochlea above the highest range of sound/vibrations of
(responsible for hearing). air normally detected by the human ear (above
20 kHz). Animals including cats, rats, and mice
The pinnae have important roles in transmit- can detect ultrasonic sound with mice and rats
ting sound (Ballachanda, 1997) acting to do the communicating via ultrasonic vocalization
following: (Carruthers et al., 2013).
• filter sound attenuating low-frequency The pinnae can be moved (rotate) in some
sound animals including cats, mice, rats, some breeds
• amplifying middle frequencies of sound of dogs, and bats. This facilities detection of
the spatial location of the origin of the sound
People and animals can locate the direction (cats, Musicant et al., 1990; Phillips et al., 1982;
of sounds based on various factors including reindeer, Flydal et al., 2001). Moreover, this is
the time differences in detection by the two used for echolocation in bats with the pinnae
ears, and amplification of different frequencies focusing certain frequencies of ultrasonic sound
together with movement of the head and body. (Kuc, 2009). The evolution of echolocation is in-
In some mammals, the pinnae rotate partially to teresting. It is thought that echolocation based
aid in location (discussed in Section 1.2.1). on laryngeal ultrasonic vocalization was devel-
Sound is transmitted to the middle ear; first oped in the ancestors of horseshoe bats and Old
inducing vibrations of the tympanic membrane World fruit bats. It was subsequently lost in the
and then the auditory ossicles in the air-filled ancestors of Old World fruit bats and then re-
tympanic cavity. The vibrations are detected by gained in some with tongue clicking ultrasonic
sensory hair cells in the organ of Corti within the vocalization (Jones and Teeling, 2006; Razak
inner ear. This leads to depolarization of the au- and Fuzessery, 2015; reviewed by Jones and
ditory neurons (Uemura, 2015). Holderied, 2007).

TABLE 1.1 Range of Sound Frequencies Detected Between Humans and Different Animal Species
Species Lower limit (Hz) Upper limit (kHz)

Human 20 20
Dog 67 45
Cat 45 78
Mouse 1000 91
Bat 2000 110
Whale 1000 123
Different units in lower and upper limits.
Based on Elert, G., 2003. Frequency range of human hearing. Available from:; Fay, R.R., 1988.
Hearing in Vertebrates: A Psychophysics Databook. Hill-Fay Associates, Winnetka, IL; Heffner, R.S., Heffner, H.E., 1985. Hearing range of the domestic
cat. Hear. Res. 19, 85–88; Heffner, H.E., Heffner, R.S., 2007. Hearing ranges of laboratory animals. J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. 46, 11–13; Warfield, D.,
1973. The study of hearing in animals. In: Gay, W. (Ed.), Methods of Animal Experimentation, IV. Academic Press, London, pp. 43–143.

1.3 Vision 3
There are some other differences in the ex-
ternal ear between humans and animals. For
instance, there are no pinnae in birds. Similarly,
there are either no or very small pinnae in marine
mammals of the order Cetacea (dolphins, porpois-
es, and whales) and Pinnipedia (a clade within the
order Carnivora). In Cetaceans, the auditory canal
is not open to the tympanic membrane. Instead
it may be narrow and plugged with wax. In Pin-
nipeds, a valve closes the auditory canal.
It is interesting to also consider hearing in
human ancestors with other great apes. Based FIGURE 1.1  Comparison of what dogs and people see.
on the morphology of the auditory canal, there Source: Based on Coren, S., 2008. Can Dogs See Colors? Psychol-
ogy Today. Available from:
are differences in sensitivity to frequencies
1.5–3.5 kHz between humans and chimpanzees
and also with the early hominin species, Aus-
tralopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus monochromatic light, even dim light, down to a
(Quam et al., 2015). few photons (Solovei et al., 2009). The cones are
responsible for color vision and require bright
light. The photopigment in rods is called rho-
dopsin. In the cones, the photoreceptor mole-
Dog whistles produce a sound in the ul-
cules contain forms of opsin linked to 11-cis reti-
trasonic range above the audible sound fre-
nal. In most mammals but not humans, there are
quency range for humans (>23,000 Hz).
two distinct photoreceptors in the cones detect-
Dogs are used as hearing dogs for the
ing blue and red light (Okano et al., 1992) with
the following absorption maxima in dogs (Neitz
et al., 1989):
• blue pigment (absorption maxima 429 nm)
1.3 VISION • red/yellow pigment (absorption maxima
555 nm)
The protein, opsin, is involved in photorecep-
Fig. 1.1 summarizes the approximation of a
tion in all animals. Opsin is an ancient protein
comparison of colors that a dog and a person
found in insects and vertebrates (Yokoyama and
would see.
Yokoyama, 1989) whose common ancestor lived
about 950 million years ago (see Chapter 10,
Section 10.1). In vertebrates at least, the opsin is 1.3.1  Differences in Vision Between
a G protein-linked transmembrane protein. The Humans and Animals
collision of photon(s) with light is detected by
The number of rods and cones are similar at
the interaction of a photon with the 11-cis iso-
least between humans and other primates:
form of retinal and its transformation to an all-
trans confirmation and then induction of confor- • There are 3.1 million cones in rhesus monkey
mation of the opsin molecule. (Wikler et al., 1990) and pigtail macaque
There are two photoreceptor cell types in (Macaca nemestrina) (Packer et al., 1989)
the eye: (1) rods and (2) cones. There are over compared 3.2 million in human (Jonas
20-fold more rods than cones. The rods detect et al., 1992).

4 1.  Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans

• There are 61.0 million rods in rhesus monkey and independent gene duplication in the an-
and 60.5 million pigtail macaque (M. cestors of the New World monkey—the howler
nemestrina) as compared to 60.1 million in monkey (Dulai et al., 1999). Moreover, the blue
human (Jonas et al., 1992). and red/green pigments resulted from a much
earlier gene duplication about 250 million years
However, there are differences between
ago (Yokoyama and Yokoyama, 1989). In con-
nocturnal versus diurnal species with larger
trast to the three photopigments in higher pri-
eyes and greater density of rods in the retina
mates including humans, there are four in chick-
of nocturnal species, such as cats, mice, rats,
ens and other birds with absorption maxima of
and deer, compared to diurnal species, such as
the following: violet/ultraviolet, 415 nm; blue,
cattle and humans (Solovei et al., 2009). More-
455 nm; green, 508 nm; and red, 570 nm (Okano
over, there are differences in the structure of
et al., 1989, 1992) (Fig. 1.2).
the rods (Solovei et al., 2009). Thus, nocturnal
species have much better night vision than di-
urnal species. 1.3.2  Extraretinal Detection of Light
There are also differences in cones between
(Pineal and Hypothalamus)
humans and most mammals. In humans, there
are three distinct photoreceptors detecting blue, Unlike in humans and other mammals, light
green, and red light (Fig. 1.2) (reviewed by Yo- can be detected within the brain, and specifi-
koyama and Yokoyama, 1989). cally the hypothalamus, of birds (reviewed
by García-Fernández et al., 2015). It has been
• blue pigment (absorption maxima 420 nm)
known since the 1930s that reproductive func-
• green pigment (absorption maxima 530 nm)
tioning is influenced by light detected in the hy-
• red pigment (absorption maxima 560 nm)
pothalamus (reviewed by Kuenzel et al., 2015).
The red and green pigments are found only The opsin, vertebrate ancient opsin, present in
within primates and specifically in Old World the hypothalamus neuroendocrine cells (e.g.,
monkeys and great apes (clade Catarrhini). in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone ex-
These pigments resulted from gene duplica- pressing neuroendocrine cells) is different from
tion about 35–40 million years ago in the com- that in the rods and cones (reviewed by Davies
mon ancestor of Old World monkeys and great et al., 2012). In addition, there is light detection
apes (Ibbotson et al., 1992; Yokoyama and together with photosensitive proteins expressed
Yokoyama, 1989). There appears to have been in the avian pineal (Kubo et al., 2006; Okano
a parallel development of trichromatic vision et al., 1994).

FIGURE 1.2  Comparison of spectra absorption by cone pigments between (A) human and (B) starling. Source: Based on
Osorio, D., Vorobyev, M., 2008. A review of the evolution of animal colour vision and visual communication signals. Vision Res. 48,
2042–2051. Elsevier and open access.

1.4  Chemical Senses 5

1.4  CHEMICAL SENSES coincident with the acquisition of trichromatic

vision (Gilad et al., 2004). There is evidence that
Mammals have a least four distinct systems the human versus the chimpanzee lineage had a
of chemoreception: higher rate of loss of OR genes (becoming pseu-
dogenes) (Gilad et al., 2003, 2005). There are also
• olfactory chemoreception (sense of smell) major losses of the number of functional OR and
• vomeronasal chemoreception (detecting the sense of smell in marine mammals (Ceta-
pheromones) ceans, such as whales and porpoises, and Pin-
• taste or gustatory chemoreception (on niped carnivores, such as sea lions) and reptiles
tongue) including sea turtles and sea snakes (Kishida
• trigeminal chemoreception (for noxious and Hikida, 2010; Kishida et al., 2007). These are
compounds, e.g., in cheek) independent and parallel following the transi-
These will be considered next. tion to a marine environment.
Dogs have an exquisite sense of smell due
to the sensitivity of their olfactory system with
1.4.1  Olfactory Chemoreception over 1300 OR genes. There is evidence for poly-
Humans and other mammals detect a vast morphisms in the OR genes with heterozygous
number of volatile chemicals; these being per- dogs having greater detection abilities (Lesniak
ceived as odors or odorants. The olfactory sys- et al., 2008). This olfactory ability is used for
tem consists of the olfactory epithelium lining sniffer dogs (see Chapter 2).
the posterior nasal cavity with neural processes
to the olfactory bulb and other brain regions.  Odor Detection in Pigeons
The terminals of the olfactory sensory neurons It is perhaps surprising that the speed of re-
are present in the olfactory epithelium. These turn of homing pigeons was reported to be im-
contain specialized/modified cilia, which con- proved under smoggy polluted conditions in
tain the olfactory receptors (OR) in the cell mem- the Peoples Republic of China (Li et al., 2016).
brane. Binding of odorants to specific OR then There is evidence that environmental odor plays
leads to the generation of action potentials. a role in homing pigeons (Gagliardo et al., 2011)
These contain OR. In most mammals, there and that severing the olfactory nerve impairs
are over 1000 different such receptor proteins homing (Papi et al., 1971).
encoded by the OR gene family with over 1000
different genes (reviewed by Buck, 2004).
1.4.2  Taste or Gustatory  Comparison of Olfaction Between Chemoreception
Humans and Animals
The ability to taste ingested food and if neces-
Humans have about 350 functioning OR
sary spit it out is an obvious advantage. If food
genes and over 600 OR pseudogenes (Gilad
or water contains a toxicant, it may be bitter and
et al., 2003; reviewed by Buck, 2004). This is
not swallowed. A sour taste may reflect spoiled
in contrast to the situation in most mammals
food. If a food contains sugar and is sweet, it will
where there are over 1000 OR (e.g., mice and
be swallowed.
pigs) (Gilad et al., 2003; Nguyen et al., 2012;
What can we or animals taste? The well-
reviewed by Buck, 2004) and over 1300 genes
established tastes in humans and throughout
in dogs (Olender et al., 2004). Catarrhinine
the vertebrates are the following:
primates (Old World monkeys and the great
apes) have increased numbers of OR pseudo- • sweet
genes (Gilad et al., 2003; Rouquier et al., 2000) • bitter

6 1.  Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans

• sour (acidity or low pH) • The bitter taste receptor is mediated by the
• salty 25 members of the type 2 taste receptor
• umami: savoriness/glutamate, such as in families (Meyerhof et al., 2010).
monosodium glutamate • Salt is detected by epithelial-type sodium
channels leading to depolarization of the
Additional candidate or putative tastes include
receptor cell.
detectors for fatty acids/lipids and water (Bach-
• Sourness is detected by proton (hydrogen
manov and Beauchamp, 2007).
ion) gated cation and chloride channels.
Taste is mediated by taste buds or gustatory
papillae on the surface of the tongue. Specific  Is Taste Reception the Same Across
molecular receptors are responsible for taste. Mammals and Birds?
When a specific stimulus binds to the receptor,
In a number of species of the order Carnivora
there is depolarization, which is transmitted to
including cats, there is no taste reception to sug-
the taste receptor cell, and activation of a neuron
ar and other sweeteners. This is due to the gene
[in branches of three cranial nerves: VII (facial),
Tas1r2 becoming inactive as a pseudogene (Jiang
IX (glossopharyngeal), and X (vagus)] via the
et al., 2012; Li et al., 2005, 2009). In an analogous
intervening synapses (reviewed by Bachmanov
manner, there is also loss of functional umami
and Beauchamp, 2007; Purves, 2001). It was as-
taste reception in bats (Zhao et al., 2012). Inter-
sumed that all molecular taste receptors span
estingly, based on genomic data, penguins ap-
the cell membrane. This is true for the taste 1
pear to have lost the ability to taste bitter, sweet,
and 2 families of receptors (T1R and T2R) are
and umami (Zhao et al., 2015). This may be ex-
members of the superfamily of G protein-cou-
plicable in terms of their diets of cephalopods
pled receptors (Zhang et al., 2003; reviewed
and fish or their swallowing food immediately
by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007). These
with no time in the mouth.
consist of extracellular, intracellular, and trans-
membrane domains, the latter across the plasma  Presence of Molecular Taste
membrane. These form dimers and activate the Receptors in Other Organs
G protein, gustducin. These receptors are in the
Molecular taste receptors are also present in
apical microvilli of the taste cells (reviewed by
the gastrointestinal tract. For instance, activa-
Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007). However,
tion of umami receptors in the colon leads to
some other taste stimuli including sodium, pro-
peristalsis (Kendig et al., 2014) and activation of
tons (pH), some bitter, and some sweet com-
the sweet taste receptors in the small intestine
pounds enter the cell.
leads to the release of glucagon-like peptide 1
Sweet taste is primarily mediated by a het-
(Jang et al., 2007) and the expression of sodium
erodimer of two members of the type 1 taste
glucose cotransporters (Margolskee et al., 2007).
receptor family, Tas1r2/Tas1r3; the heterodimer
The impact of gastrointestinal molecular taste
being two different molecules linked together as
receptors in livestock or poultry has received
a functional unit (reviewed by Bachmanov and
little attention.
Beauchamp, 2007). The molecular taste recep-
tors are the following:
• The principal umami taste receptor is 1.4.3  Vomeronasal Chemoreception
a heterodimer of two members of the The vomeronasal or Jacobson’s organs (VNO)
type 1 taste receptor family, Tas1r1/ detect pheromones and other chemical signals
Tas1r3 (reviewed by Bachmanov and by their binding to VNO chemoreceptor cells.
Beauchamp, 2007). [It should be noted that pheromones influence

1.5 Touch 7
the VNO and olfactory epithelium with the re- discern differences between reds, oranges, and
sponse in pigs to the pheromone androstenone greens would have distinct advantages for
not mediated via the VNO (Dorries et al., 1997).] fruit-eating animals during foraging (Surridge
Activation of the VNO by specific pheromones et al., 2003).
leads to physiological or behavioral changes
(reviewed by Dulac and Axel, 1995). There are
two gene families of VNO chemoreceptors, 1.4.4  Trigeminal Chemoreception
V1R and V2R, with over 100 genes (Dulac and Trigeminal nerve terminals can be activated
Axel, 1995). The V1R and V2R proteins have by capsaicin, a chemical responsible for the sen-
seven transmembrane domains and are linked sation of spicy hot foods containing chili pep-
to G proteins. The activation of the V1R or V2R pers or plants of the genus Capsicum (Liu and
proteins increases intracellular inositol 1,4,5-tri- Simon, 2000). In addition, the trigeminal nerve
sphosphate and hence with an ion channel of the terminals detect acid (e.g., in vinegar), acting
transient receptor potential family (TRP) playing via H+-gated ion channels, and other noxious
a critical role in signal transduction (reviewed stimuli. These include air pollutants (e.g., sulfur
by Keverne, 1999; Zhang and Webb, 2003). dioxide and ammonia) and carbon dioxide (e.g.,
The tubular VNO are found at the base of the in cold sodas).
nasal septum or in the roof of the mouth. The
pheromones are detected by chemosensory neu-  Animal–Human Differences in
rons with axonal projections to the accessory Trigeminal Responses
olfactory bulb and other centers, such as in the The trigeminal system of birds is not sensitive
amygdala and hypothalamus (reviewed by Du- to capsaicin, the usual model for trigeminal che-
lac and Axel, 1995). moreception in mammals (Mason et al., 1991).  Differences Between Humans and

Animals: Vomeronasal Chemoreception
There is still controversy as to whether or
not adult humans even have vomeronasal or- 1.5.1  Animal–Human Differences: People
gans and whether humans have functional Do Not Have Whiskers or Vibrissae
vomeronasal chemoreceptors (reviewed by
Meredith, 2001). Perhaps this is not surprising Vibrissae are stiff specialized hairs. They
given that the existence of human pheromones function as tactile or touch sensory organs. They
is still not fully established (reviewed by Mere- can be either macrovibrissae (long whiskers)
dith, 2001). Similarly, there appears to be loss of or microvibrissae (Prescott et al., 2014). Macro-
vomeronasal signaling in bats (Zhao et al., 2011). vibrissae are found on the face of most mam-
Components of the VNO chemoreception sys- mals including rodents, carnivores, and many
tem are not functional throughout the catarrhine primates (Fig. 1.3). Humans are one of the few
primates (Old World monkeys and great apes) mammals that are devoid of vibrissae. It has
with V1R and TRP genes becoming nonfunc- been suggested that vibrissae are particularly
tional or pseudogenes (Zhang and Webb, 2003). useful to provide an awareness of the environ-
It has been suggested that the reddening and ment in nocturnal species.
swelling of the vulva at the time of estrus in Old The movement of or shear forces in vibrissae
World monkeys is a superior signal than phero- are transduced to Merkel cells in the epidermis
mones and made the VNO dispensable (Zhang and then via a synapse-like process to adren-
and Webb, 2003). Alternatively, the ability to ergic afferent neurons (Cha et al., 2011; Ikeda

8 1.  Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans

FIGURE 1.3  Vibrissae are sense organs in various animals, but have been lost in humans through evolution. (Top row)
Vibrissae by the nose of a dog. (Middle row) Vibrissae by the nose and mouth of a cat and rats. (Bottom row) Vibrissae on sea
lion and walrus. Source: From Wikimedia Commons.

et al., 2014; Ma, 2014; Maksimovic et al., 2014). Driel, 2011). While people do not have vibrissae,
In rodents, vibration of the vibrissae plays a cancers of the Merkel cells is an uncommon but
role in intraspecies communication (Mitchinson highly aggressive skin carcinoma in people (Sib-
et al., 2011). ley et al., 1980; Tilling and Moll, 2012) and dogs
Based on a comparison of the human ge- (Joiner et al., 2010).
nome to that of the chimpanzee and other spe-
cies, it was possible to identify deletions in the
human genome responsible for the loss of the 1.6  OTHER SENSES
vibrissae enhancer from the human androgen
receptor (McLean et al., 2011). There was also Birds have two magnetoreceptor systems:
a loss of penile spines as a result of this dele- one based on magnetite in or near the beak, and
tion (McLean et al., 2011) leading to desensiti- the other in the retina based on putative magn-
zation of the penis, longer duration of coitus, etosensory molecules, the cryptochromes. These
and presumably strengthening of bonding (van allow detection of the direction of the Poles and

hence facilitate migration (reviewed by Mourit- Gilad, Y., Przeworski, M., Lancet, D., 2004. Loss of olfac-
sen and Ritz, 2005). tory receptor genes coincides with the acquisition of full
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Further Reading
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