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Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wa barokatuh

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

The honourable, Brothers and Sisters at Kwarran Pesanggrahan

The honourable Brothers/sisters at Dewan Kerja Ranting
The hounourable Brothers/sisters in the Committee
The honourable Juries
The honourable Brothers and Sisters as the Companion coach
And all my comrades in the competition that I'm proud You of….

Praise to Allah SWT. Who always protects us and gives us health so that we can
attend and take part in this LT 2 competition.
Shalawat and greetings are poured out to our great prophet Muhammad SAW.
Who always guides us to the right path, hopefully we will get his intercession in
the hereafter. Aamiin
Before I start this speech, allow me to introduce myself, I am Raissa Talitha S.
from Team Lily, Ambalan Ibn Battuta, Gudep Number 10,094 of SMP Islam Al
Hikmah Jakarta with the theme of my speech is being Contribution to State
Defense in the Digital Era.

My brothers and sisters from Sabang up to Merauke,

Nowadays, the spirit of defending the country has begun to vanish, it
happens because of a personal interest that benefits someone. It is different from
the past time of our parents, the sense of defending the country or nationalism is
very strong and even upholds the dignity of the country to the last drop of blood.
One of the factors could be, from social media for delivering news quickly is
not as sophisticated as it is today. Thus, the souls of defending the country are still
very on fire in that ancient society. The situation is no longer thick, but just like a
potato, which is a bear at this time. This is because a social media is so
sophisticated that makes a person forget himself. Forgetting the identity, to refrain
himself from spreading fake news that can cause the destruction of a country so

My brothers and sisters from Sabang to Merauke,

It is as sophisticated as it is today, like the nuclear bomb that surpassed the

atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the impact of the digital era is so
powerful today. The awesomeness, consciously or unconsciously, turns out that in
a matter of seconds, news that floats in the air through networks, both in cities and
remote areas now, we can easily find some news throughout the world. This is
where we are as the millennials, need to be wise in sorting and choosing the news
that is widely spread and endlessly as a form of defending the country in the
current digitalization era.
All of this can be done by utilizing digitalization in full responsibly and
wisely by applying ethical norms. As millennials who don't know time to be aware
of today's advanced technology, we should refrain from spreading fake news that
can destroy the nation's future. Being wise in creating content and articles because
this phenomenon often occurs, for the sake of money everything is done including
destroying the nation's future thinking. Because defending this country is not just
taking up arms to fight like before. For what used to be seen is, now the way to
defend the country is no longer visible because our current war is in cyberspace.

My brothers and sisters from Sabang to Merauke,

However, currently defending the country is our big task together. As the
nation's successors, using social media is to respect each other both within the
country itself and among other countries. If not us who else, if we want this
country to remain intact and have a name, be respected by the whole world, Yes…
don't like deceiving others by using social media as a place for personal needs.
But, make this digital era a place to contribute to defending our country in
this millennial era. Thereby creating peace and sustainability so that a sense of
unity and brotherhood is maintained.
This is my whole speech. Come on, be wise in the era of digitalization by
contributing as a successor who has a young soul to defend the country through
digitalization. Hopefully by instilling national defense, love for our homeland, and
Bhineka Tunggal Ika in our souls, we can unite in diversity through social media
and advanced technology that we have today.

Long live my Indonesia

Wabilahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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