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Universidade Pedagógica

Delegação de Quelimane

Departamento de Ciências da Linguagem Comunicação e Artes

Curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de Inglês (EaD)

Introdução aos Estudos Literários

Guia de Disciplina

Ano lectivo 2018


Dear Student,

Welcome to Introduction to Literature. This is the subject guideline, and it intends to give you an overview of the subject, the weekly
breakdown, attendance policy and expectations as well as the assessment criteria. As a teacher to be you are expected to have some
notions on literary studies to use it efficiently in language teaching. You are expected Distinguish Literary Texts from Non-literary
texts describe the similarities and differences of language used in literary and non-literary texts and explain the functions of language
used in literary and non-literary texts.

I look forward to a rewarding semester with you all.

Antunes Alexandre Tomás Jaime


Generic objectives:
a. Acquire general knowledge in literature;
b. Develop abilities to analyse and understand the discourse of literary and non-literary texts;
c . Use abilities acquired in literary studies to teach English Language.

I. Competence:
Trainees should be able to:
a. Distinguish Literary Texts from Non-literary texts;
b. Describe the similarities and differences of language used in literary and non-literary texts;
c. Explain the functions of language used in literary and non-literary texts.

Workload: 5 units, 150 semester hours (4 contact hours and 146 self-study hours).
Academic Credits: 6.

II. Course Schedule

Week Unit Contents Lessons and Activities

16/07-27/07/18 Introductory There will be the first introductory session, at the Resource Centre where
 Self-organization
Session you are meeting the head of the Course to get the orientation and
 Setting Weekly Schedule procedures for your distance learning process. You will get to know your
Local Tutor and have access to the subject guidelines as well as the
 Orientation and
Bibliography. This session is of an utmost importance since all the rules
procedures for distance
and procedures of your learning process will be defined on this day; make
learning process
sure you do not miss it.
 Training on the moodle
platform use. There will be training on the moodle platform usage and registration.
28-29/07/18 From the outlined content you will be focusing on the definition of
Introduction to  Defining African African Literature and differentiate with the Canon Literature.
Literature Literature
Required texts: Literary Theory-An Introduction by Terry Eagleton;
 Definitions of the Canon African Oral Literature by Okpewho;
Literature and Language Teaching by Gillian Lazar
 Importance of Literature
in ELT. Activities: Essay writing on the different concepts of Literature and its
importance. Visit the Platform to find out the activities to be submitted
and the due dates.

Evaluation: There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat in this unit
topic, and your participation is worth 1.0 mark for each forum and
2.0 for each validated chat. The chat will only be considered if you
interact with Tutor in the agreed time.

30/07- From 30th July to 5th August your study and reading must focus on the
05/08/18 Defining Features of Literature. In this Unit you will differentiate
The defining  Language and Register Register from Genre and Style, as well as Language vs Register.
Features of
Literature  Identifying a Required texts: Companion Introduction to Literature
particular Register;
Activities: From the provided texts in the platform identify the types of
 Register variation. Registers used and Discuss their differences.

Evaluation: You are expected to identify different types of registers

either on spoken or written language.

There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat in this unit topic, and
your participation is worth 1.0 mark for each forum and 2.0 for each
validated chat. The chat will only be considered if you interact with
Tutor in the agreed time

06-10/08/18 Context  Context and Register; In the outlined days (6th August to 8th August) you will get some
insights on Context and Register.

Activities: You will have to write a Contrast Essay. You will clearly
compare Context from Register and submit in space provided in the

Evaluation: There will be One (1) forum and there will be no chat in
this topic, you participation is worth 1.0 mark for the forum.
11-12/08/18 Presential (local) tutorship: In this tutorial you must discuss all aspects covered during the three weeks.

From 13th to 19th August you will be learning on how to distinguish the
. context of situation from the context of culture.

Context of situation; Additional resources: Literature and Language by Carter. Worksheets

Context will be uploaded in the platform
Features of context
13-19/08/18 Activities: Read the provided text and identify the features of context.

Evaluation: You are also expected to read different texts (literary and
non-literary text and identify the features of context.

There will be two (2) forums and (1) one chat in this unit topic, and your
participation is worth 1.0 mark for each forum and 2.0 for each
validated chat. The chat will only be considered if you interact with
Tutor in the agreed time

20-24/08/18 From 20th August to 24 August, you will further your knowledge on
Poetry. You will differentiate literal from literary language taking into the
Poetry Literal Language nature of discourses.

Literary Language Additional resource: Language, Discourse and Literature by CARTER,

R. and SIMPSON, P.

Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism by Charles M.Gayley and

Fred N.Scott;
Activities: Read the provided text and identify the literal and literary
texts. Show with reference to the text the main features that distinguish
Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in
the discussion in the platform.

There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat in this unit topic, and
your participation is worth 1.0 mark for each forum and 2.0 marks for
each validated chat. The chat will only be considered if you interact with
Tutor in the agreed time.

25-26/08/18 Presential (local) tutorship: In this tutorial you must discuss all aspects covered during the two weeks.

27/08- Features of literary texts Dear student, on the week of 27th August to 2nd September, you will be
02/09/18 Poetry reading of the features of Literary texts: Linguistic devices, rhyme,
Linguistic Devices rhythm stanzas, verse and meter.

Additional resource: Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism by

Charles M.Gayley and Fred N.Scott; pp.451-458.

Activities: Read the provided Poems in the Platform and discuss your
answers through the platform.

Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in

the discussion in the platform.

There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat (Chat time: From 19:00-
21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is worth 1.0
mark for each forum and 2.0 for each validated chat. The chat will
only be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time.
03-07/09/18 The absence of specific context Read poetry and spot the absence of specific context in poetry from 3rd to
Context in poetry 7th September.
Activities: Do the provided activities in the platform.

Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in

the discussion in the platform through forums and chats.
There will be one (1) forum and no chat in this unit topic, and your
participation is worth 1.0 mark for the forum.
08-09/09/18 Presential (special) tutorship: Highlights from Unit 1and 3.

10-14/09/18 Review and preparation for the first written test

15-16/09/18 1st Written Test Dear Students on 15th -16th September you will sit for the First written
test, so I advise you to review all the topics covered in the previous units

Make sure you understand what has been discussed in the platform and
chats. Visit the platform for the discussions carried out so far.
In the outlined contents your learning will focus on Literary
 The sender in communication. You get some insights on the difference between a
Literary text; normal communication from literary communication. You will as well
Comparative further your knowledge on the sender and addresser of literary and
Study of  The sender in non- nonliterary texts.
Participants in literary texts;
Literary and Non- Resource: WIDDOWSON, H. G. Stylistics and the teaching of
Literary Texts  The addresser in literary Literature.
Activities: read the chapter from Widdowson on Literary
Communication and summarize in 200 words and submit in the provided
space in the platform.

Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in

the discussion in the platform.

There will be one (1) forum and (1) one chat (Chat time: From 19:00-
21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is worth 1.0
mark for each forum and 2.0 for each validated chat. The chat will
only be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time.

24-30/09/18 
The addresser in This section is a continuation of the previous unit topic on Participants of
Comparative non-literary text; Literary and non-literary texts. You focus now will be on the addresser
Study of and addressee in literary and non-literary texts.
Participants in  The addressee in
Literary and Non- Literary text; Activities: Read the provided texts and identify the participants:
Literary Texts addresser and addressee.
 The addressee in non- Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in
literary text the discussion in the platform on forums and chats.

There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat (Chat time: From
19:00-21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is
worth 1.0 mark for each forum and 2.0 for each validated chat. The
chat will only be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time.

06-07/10/18 Students Scientific Journals

08-14/10/18 From 8th October to 14th October you will be learning on the
Receiver in literary and non- literary texts.
Study of Activities: Read the provided texts and identify the receiver in both types
Participants in  The receiver in literary of text.
Literary and texts;
Non-Literary Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in
Texts  The receiver in non- the discussion in the platform.
literary texts.
There will be Two (2) forums and (1) one chat (Chat time: From
19:00-21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is
worth 1.0 mark for each forum and 2.0 for each validated chat. The
chat will only be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time

15-19/10/18 On this week you will be studying the transactional and interactional
functions of language. You will learn to identify functions of language in
different types of texts.

Functions of The transactional and interactional Activities: Read the provided texts and identify the function of
language in functions of language. language.
Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in
the discussion in the platform.

There will be One (1) forum and (1) one chat (Chat time: From 19:00-
21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is worth 1.0
mark for the forum and 2.0 marks the validated chat. The chat will
only be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time

20-21/10/18 Presential (local) tutorship: In this tutorial you must discuss all aspects covered during the two weeks.

22-28/10/18 In this week you will learn the aesthetic function of language.
Functions of The aesthetic function of language.
language in Activities: Read the provided text and identify the function of
literary and non- language used in the text.
literary texts
Evaluation: The answers from this activity should be sent through
There will be one (1) forum in this unit topic, and you participation is
worth 1.0 mark for the forum .

29/10- Functions of The functions of literary texts On the outlined content the focus will be mainly on functions of
02/11/18 language in compared to the functions of non- language in literary and non-literary texts.
literary and non- literary texts
literary texts Activities:
Compared the function of language in literary and non-literary texts.

Evaluation: your learning will be assessed through your participation in

the discussion in the platform.

There will be One (1) forum and (1) one chat (Chat time: From 19:00-
21:00 Thursdays) in this unit topic, and your participation is worth 1.0
mark for each forum and 2.0 for the validated chat. The chat will only
be considered if you interact with Tutor in the agreed time
03-04/11/18 Second Written test
Dear Students on 03-04 November you will sit for the 2nd written test, so I advise you to review all the topics covered in the
previous units, make sure you understand what has been discussed in the platform.


12-18/11/18 Review and preparation for Exams

19-23/11/18 Review and preparation for Exams


24-25/11/18 Normal Exams

01-02/12/18 Re-Sit Exams

1. BOOTH, W. The Rhetoric of Fiction. London: Penguin, 1977.
2. BROWN, G.& Yule, G. Discousre Analysis. Cambridge, CUP, 1983.
3. BRUMFIT& Carter. Literature in Language Teaching. Oxford, OUP, 1978.
4. CARTER, R. (ed.) Literature and Language. London: Allen and Unwin,1982.
5. CARTER, R. and Simpson, P. Language, Discourse and Literature. London: Routledge, 1989.
6. CULLER, J. Literary Theory. A Very Short Introduction, California, Stand Ford University, 2007
7. EAGLETON, T. Literary Theory. 7th ed. Oxford. Blackwell Publishers, 1997.
8. ELLIS, J.M. The Theory of Literary Criticism: A logical Analysis, Los Angeles, University of California Press,1974
9. GOWER & PEARSON. Reading Literature. Canada. Longman, 1986.
10. HASAN, S. Spoken and Written Language. Oxford: OUP, 1985.
11. LEECH & Short. Style in Fiction. London. Longman, 1981.
12. LEECH, A. Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. UK. Longman, 1983.
13. SHAW, V. The Short Story. London. Longman, 1984.
14. TOOLAN, M. A Critical Linguistic Introduction. Routledge,1988.

15. WELLEK, R and WARREN, A: Theory of Literature, Harmond Sworth: Penguin, 1986
16. WIDDOWSON, H. G. Stylistics and the teaching of Literature. UK. Longman, 1975.
17. WIDDOWSON, H. G. Practical Stylistics. UK. Longman, 1977.
18. VERMEULEN, E. (2013). Module Companion: Introduction to Literature Student Version. Beira: Universidade Pedagogica da
20. WIDDOWSON, H. G. (1977). Practical Stylistics. UK. Longman.

Numbers and types of Assessments:

Types Numbers
Written tests 2
Assignments Forums Written work Chats
1 1 1

For independent studies there will be 3 assignments as shown above. Each is

worthy 20.0 marks. You will have to participate in twenty forums worthy 20.0
marks and ten chats worthy 20.0 marks as well.
Exam (normal, re-sit) 1,1

Tutor: Antunes Alexandre Tomas Jaime

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