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4. Various investigation methods necessary for canal works
The purpose of conducting investigation is to obtain basic data necessary for studying canal route selection,
canal structures, facility design, construction methods as well as management plans.
Therefore, it is desired that the investigation is carried out systematically in a well-planned manner from
the early phase of the project.
4.1 Investigation planning
Although it is most common to start an investigation with project outlines, then to proceed progressively
with more detail information, different investigation items, ranges, objectives, contents, and accuracies are
required depending on each phase. Therefore, an adequate investigation plan shall be established up front
so that the investigation will be what the subject canal needs, and the investigation shall be proceeded
based on this plan.
There are different investigations required for canals depending on requirements of planning, design,
construction, maintenance and operation, and others.
Also, contents of the investigation include 1 data collection and interviews; 2 reconnaissance; 3 field
investigation, survey, field tests, field observation; 4 laboratory test; 5 pilot construction,
post-construction observation, and 6 supplement investigation.
Further, since investigations are not only subject to technical issues but also in many cases subject to
constraints because of degree of broad influences on the society, and since the time between the start of
investigation and the construction execution extends over a long period of time, the investigation shall be
supplemented when needed in each phase as it progresses in order to avoid reworks. Therefore, although
division of the investigation into distinct phases is difficult, similar to the procedure of project execution, it
is divided into 1 investigation for planning; 2 overall design investigation; 3 construction execution
investigation; and 4 supplement investigation. The procedure of an investigation is as shown in Figure
(Project flow) (Investigation) (Investigation objective) (Main contents of investigation)
Selection of     Data research
investigation area Determination of basic items meteorological and hydraulic data,
    flow volume, required water topographical and geological map, aerial
    level, basic configuration of photogrammetry, regional development plans,
Investigation   overall canal network
Canal route proposed, etc.
Field investigation
surface and geological reconnaissance,
Investigation for
  planning   irrigation and drainage systems, etc.
Development of  
(proposed) plan   Study of basic design and construction Data research
  Investigation for methods meteorological and hydraulic data, site
  overall design conditions, etc.
locations and structures for the canal
Development of   and each facility Field investigation (including laboratory
overall execution calculation of rough estimate of the test)
design document  
construction costs topographic and route surveying (center
    Canal route proposed, etc. line), geological and soil tests, etc.
Start of project      
  Data research
Construction execution Fixing finalized route construction conditions, compensation
investigation detailed design and construction
  objects, etc.
Development of planning, finalization of Field investigation (including laboratory
construction execution management plan test)
design document Calculation of the construction costs,
  structures and topographic survey, land
etc. survey, geological and soil tests, etc.
Start of construction
    Feedback to design and Data research Supplement
  investigation construction Field investigation
Completion of Design changes, etc. for the above
Figure 4.1.1 Procedure of an investigation

4.1.1 Phases of investigation
(1) Investigation for planning
This is the investigation to tentatively develop the master plan of canal network. Existing data and
others regarding meteorology and hydrology, land topography, geology, site conditions, etc., are
studied from broad view points concurrent with field reconnaissance and other necessary investigation,
to propose two or three routes by conducting the comparative study for several candidate routes.
(2) Investigation for overall design
This is the investigation for the overall execution design, etc. In this investigation phase, finalization
of routes proposed in the investigation for planning phase, surveys, field investigations, soil tests and
others to collect data necessary to study general design/construction and rough estimate of
construction costs are performed, then the master plan of the canal is finalized in this phase.
Occasionally, changes in social conditions and advancement in technology after the plan development
result in reconsideration of the plan, however, a thorough investigation is required to prevent basic
items from changes.
(3) Investigation for construction execution
This is the investigation for the construction execution design. Based on the results of the investigation
for overall design, detailed design is developed, and the construction costs are calculated. Also,
surveys, field investigations, soil tests, etc. to collect data required for studying construction plan are
carried out.
(4) Supplement investigation
This is the investigation to collect necessary data regarding items need to be further studied in detail
when the field conditions significantly differing from what is originally expected, and when
reconsideration of locations or structural systems of canal structures is required because of natural or
social conditions, etc.
4.1.2 Investigation items
In planning and construction of canals, investigation items required for each investigation phase shall be
determined beforehand, and the investigation shall be carried out rationally and efficiently according to
appropriate procedures and methods. Major development investigation items for each investigation phase
are the following.
(1) Investigation items regarding planning
These are investigation items necessary for the development of the project plan, and used mainly to
confirm and review internal and external situations of the project area, relationships with other
projects, various regional programs, and various information obtained from existing data.
1 Project area
2 Existing irrigation and drainage network
3 Existing irrigation and drainage facilities
4 Customary practice for irrigation and drainage
5 Long-term prospect of water demand
6 Possibilities for rationalization of agricultural water
7 Current land use status
8 General situations of society, economy, and farming within the region and project area
9 Actual status of the distribution of river discharge
10 Relationship with other projects
11 Regional development plan
(2) Investigation items for design and construction
These are the items for obtaining the necessary base data for finalization of specific design and
construction plan, and mainly intended to gain understanding of natural and site conditions, etc.

1 Topography
2 Soil conditions, nature of soil
3 Meteorology, hydrology (temperature, rainfall, water level, discharge, river condition,
groundwater level)
4 Site conditions (social conditions, construction conditions, environmental conditions)
(3) Investigation items for operation management
These are the items necessary for determining the method and facilities for operation management
after the canal construction, and are intended to investigate the sample cases in similar neighboring
areas, operation management equipment based on the future operation management system concept.
1 Meteorology, hydrology
2 River conditions
3 Basic data on observation, control, communications, and registration facilities
4 Water management system and control data of existing canals
5 System and level of operation management after completion of canal
6 Road condition, traffic volume, etc.
(4) Other investigation items
These items may include investigations relating to land acquisition or compensation required in
association with the construction execution, natural environment, social and living environments,
historical and cultural environment. The investigation shall cover not only the construction areas but
also the area influenced by the construction.
1 Investigation related to compensation
2 Environmental investigations (nature, social living)
3 Investigations for historic sites and cultural assets
4.2 Investigations

4.2.1 Topographical investigations and surveys

Topographical investigations and surveys include collection of various topographic maps, control point
surveying which determines the reference points of positions and heights, topographic survey which
generates topographic maps and plans, route surveying which is used in investigations, planning, execution
design, etc. for linear structure construction, and other river surveying and land surveys. A series of detailed
investigation efforts are described below.
(1) Data collection
This is used to plan and design of investigation planning. Maps such as listed below shall be collected
if it is possible.
• Topographic maps (scale 1/25,000 or 1/50,000) published by Government
• Land-use maps (Land Classification Maps published by Government)
• Maps published by local municipal governments (scale 1/1,000 to 1/10,000)
(2) Control point surveying
This determines the position of necessary reference points based on known control points, and is
divided into the control point surveying (coordinate representation of positions) and the bench mark
survey (height representation of positions) under a narrow definition. This is the survey of reference
for topographic map development, route surveying, and land survey.
(3) Development of topographic maps
Although the topographic maps are developed with data such as existing topographic maps obtained
through data collection, when such existing data is not available, field investigations and interviews
shall be conducted to develop the topographic maps (scale 1/1,000 to 1/5,000)

For reference, recent topographic maps are produced mainly by aerial photogrammetry, and existing
photographs are sometimes used to create a topographic map by the photo planimetry technique.
The scale of the aerial photogrammetry shall be determined with consideration of intended purpose of
the topographic map and the land conditions. The number of control points to be provided and their
positions shall be determined according to required precision, representation details, etc.
(4) Route surveying
With this survey, map-based studies including selection of approximate canal routes are performed
based on available topographic maps. Ground surveys are then performed for routes selected by
the map-based studies. The ground survey is the actual survey in the field to obtain data to be used
for the overall execution design and construction execution design (Table 4.2.1).
  Table 4.2.1 Standard of survey map preparation
Surveying Contour
Survey map Scope of survey Scale Station interval Comments
method interval
Topographic Aerial Entire related     Methods and precision for
map photogrammetry, area 1/5,000 - 2.0 - 1.0 m   surveying follows the
  etc.       “Surveying Work
Plan     Irrigation canal   Procedure & Application
    1/1,000 - 1.0 m Drainage   Standard (Ministry of
  1/200 canal   Agriculture, Forestry and
      0.5 m   For convenience, the
Longitudinal Route surveying Approximately Approximately longitudinal section
section -Center line 30 - 100 m 100 - 50 m (horizontal) may be plotted
  surveying wide on each 1/1,000 - on the plan with the same
  -Profile and side of route 1/100 scale.
  cross leveling For drainage canal, contour
  -Plain survey interval of at least 0.5 m is
Transverse necessary in order to obtain
section 1/200 - 1/100 data about the depth,
Plan view of Plain survey
Irrigation canal volume, and area of
structures for structures   1.0 m Drainage
1/200 - 1/50
0.5 m
Land map Land survey
Remarks Survey maps shall be prepared in accordance with phases described in “4.1 Investigation planning” so that the required
precision is obtained.
1 Center line surveying
This is the survey to locate the center line of the canal on the ground. Center stakes are driven from
the starting point at a constant interval and precision, and are marked with the station number
sequentially from the starting point. Intermediate stakes are placed where necessary.
2 Profile leveling
This is to measure the height of stakes at station points and intermediate stakes installed on the
center line as well as the height of the ground in order to produce a longitudinal section along the
center line of canal, and BM (bench marks) used for reference shall be placed at a constant interval.
The longitudinal section shall include the planned water levels and canal bed heights to use them in
designing the canal system and facilities.
3 Cross leveling
This is the survey to produce the transverse sections by finding positions and heights of changing
points of land forms and planimetric features in the direction perpendicular to the center line of
survey stations. The transverse section shall include the cross sectional areas of excavation and
embankment to use them in designing the canal system and facilities.

4 Plain survey
The plain survey is used to measure the land topography and boundaries by using the plane table,
and to produce plans by incorporating the place names and planimetric features into the
measurement results. The plain surveys include plain surveys along the canal route and plain
surveys at major structures, and necessary scope and scale shall be selected for each. The resulting
plans are used in designing, construction planning, etc.
(5) Land survey
In land survey, width pegs of the land are installed on the line perpendicular to the center line for the
purpose of producing the land map. This map is mainly used in land compensation and others.
(6) Irrigation and drainage network investigation
The acreage, facilities, water volumes, water levels, and elevations of farmland surfaces for each
irrigation network necessary for planning and designing the irrigation water canal shall be obtained
from interviews with the local people concerned, reconnaissance and actual measurement, etc. based
on the topographic maps with scale 1/5,000 to 1/1,000. The results shall be organized in the irrigation
network summary table and used to confirm or revise the irrigation network schematics and pattern
diagrams. (Table 4.2.2 (a)) For the drainage network, the drainage network schematics and pattern
diagrams are also confirmed and revised in the same manner.
(7) Investigations for custom of water use and social conditions.
Investigations for custom of water use are important in planning and designing the irrigation facilities,
thus, conditions such as the quantity, positions, accumulative area, water levels, and water volumes of
the diversion works have to be fully studied in the investigations (Table 4.2.2 (b)). The investigation
for social conditions is also important in designing drainage crossings, and it is necessary to
investigate drainage crossings such as roads and drainage canals as well as underground structures
such as water/gas supply lines and telephone lines (Table 4.2.2.(c), (d)).
Table 4.2.2 Sample form for various investigations
(a) Investigations for irrigation network

Irrigated area (ha) Irrigation water requirement Maximum paddy    
Left or Discharge of (m3/s) field surface Diversion
Facility Survey Diversion the main canal water Remarks
name station method right side elevation (m)
of the canal (m3/s) Upland others Upland Others level
field field
No.1 No. 2 +
pipe Right 10.00 200 − 0.40 − 0.40 18.85 19.15
diversion 5.50 method
(b) Investigations for custom of water use
Left   Irrigated area  
    or Name of (ha)
Water quantity (m3/s) Facility
Name of Name right the Customary practice
the river of the     Other   Intake Remarks
side irrigation period
system river of Upland Others Size Structures
water field
the Maximum Normal Maximum Normal
○○ radial bar
(Example) ○○ flow pipe Year
Left sluice 800
○○ river river
pipe 1200 mm 2m×2 m round
diameter × 1 gate
× 1 unit
(c) Investigation for drainage crossings
  Roads or railroads Quantity to be irrigated and drained  
Structure Managed Road width Managed Discharge Cross Remarks
Type Load Type
  by (m) by (m3/s) section
Main  Engineering    
No. 2+9.00 Road   Divisin of 6.00 T-25
○○ line road the ○○
(d) Above- or under-ground structures
      Water or gas supply lines Power or telephone cables  
Facility Survey   Structure Pipe Elevation Pipe Elevation Remarks
name station Type Managed diameter of the pipe Type Managed diameter of the pipe
by (mm) top (m) by (mm) top (m)
Water No. 3+2.50 Pipe Cast iron ○○ city 450 17.65    
supply line

4.2.2 Geological and soil surveys
(1) Items and methods of investigations
Soil and geological investigations which identify locations, structures, type of structure, construction
methods, etc. of a canal are necessary to perform design/construction, and have to be carried out with
such considerations in mind. The following survey are carried out in consideration of the cost and the
scale of project as much as possible.
Data research
for planning Field investigation
Consideration items for
  overall design
  Soil survey
• Surface/geological surveys
  • Boring (for major locations)
  • Standard penetration test
• Sounding
  • Groundwater survey
phase Soil test
Can the stratum
be assumed?
Consideration items for construction
execution investigation
Surface and geological surveys
Preliminary studies for construction methods
Determination of investigation
and testing items
Supplement Soil survey
• Boring (for major locations)
• Standard penetration test
• Others (including in-situ tests)
• Sounding
• Groundwater survey
    Can the geological
  profile be assumed?
execution Supplement
investigation investigation Development of sampling plan

Collecting undisturbed samples

Soil tests

Assembling the results of

investigations and tests
Study of construction methods
Are investigations
and tests adequate?
Figure 4.2.1 Geological and soil surveys flow chart for open channels, culverts, and siphons.

It is important that the geological and soil surveys should be conducted, in accordance with each phase
of 1 Investigation for planning phase; 2 Overall design investigation phase; 3 Construction
execution investigation phase; and 4 Supplement investigation, rationally to organize investigation
items in line with objectives such as determination of canal routes, structures, etc. based on the results
of data research and site reconnaissance, and to establish an investigation plan including investigation
methods and testing methods.
While general contents of investigations are shown below, the actual selection of items shall be made
based on the type, size, importance, the soil character of the canal with reference to this information.
Figure 4.2.1 shows geological and soil surveys flow chart for open channels, culverts, and siphons,
and Figure 4.2.2 shows the same for aqueduct bridges.
Data research
for planning Field investigation
Consideration items for
overall design investigation
Soil survey
  • Ground surface/geological survey  
  • Boring
• Others (including in-situ tests)
  • Standard penetration test  
  • Groundwater survey  
investigation   (rock)
phase Is the bearing
layer soil?
Soil test
Consideration items for construction
execution investigation
Surface and geological
  Preliminary studies for construction methods
Determination of investigation
  and testing items
Geological and soil surveys
    Can the geology    
    be assumed?    
  Is the bearing  
execution   layer soil?
investigation Supplement (soil)
phase investigation
Development of sampling plan Are there any cracks
in the rock mass?
Collecting undisturbed samples
Soil tests
Assembling the results of
investigations and tests
Study of construction methods
Are investigations
and tests adequate?
Figure 4.2.2 Flow chart of geological/soil survey for aqueduct bridges, etc.

1 Geophysical exploration method
Geophysical exploration method is suited for geological survey of relatively shallow ground, and is
roughly classified into surface exploration methods and borehole logging methods. While the elastic
wave exploration method of surface exploration methods are generally employed, the velocity
logging or PS logging of borehole logging methods is used as necessary. When using them, it is
necessary to understand applicability and limitation of each method, and to consider the results by
integrating various information.
2 Sounding
This is an investigation method to explore the properties of the soil layer by measuring the
resistance of penetration, rotation, and withdrawal of an inserted resistance element attached to a
rod which is inserted into the ground. In addition to the geological structure which can be known
from this method, the properties of the soil may be indirectly rough-estimated from the test values.
Some of these investigations are used in combination with other investigations such as borings. In
general, standard penetration tests in combination with exploratory drilling are often used. Also, for
soft ground, double tube cone penetration test or Swedish sounding test is more economical and
suited for wide area investigation (Table 4.2.3).
There are various sounding methods other than listed in Table 4.2.3, and each of them has its own
characteristics and application conditions, however, those considered not common are excluded.
Electrical cone penetration test is the investigation method having the filter attached to the cone to
estimate the soil layer category of the ground and the ground constants by measuring the edge
indentation resistance and the pore water pressure of the cohesive soil ground and sandy ground,
and is suited for continuous investigations.
Table 4.2.3 Characteristics and applicable ground of sounding methods
    Estimated value
Name of Continuity Measured value from the measured Applicable Possible depth Characteristics Investigation
method value ground method
Swedish Continuous Settlement by Convert to N-value Any ground Approximately The work procedure Static
sounding test each loading of the standard except boulders 15 m is easier compared to
(Wsw), number of penetration test or and gravels the standard
half-turns for to compressive penetration test.
each 1 m strength “qu” value.
penetration (Nsw) (There are number
of formula being
Portable cone Continuous Penetration Unconfined Cohesive soil Approximately Simplified test and Static
penetration test resistance compressive and humus soil 5m extremely quick
strength of clay, ground
Double tube, Continuous Edge indentation Shear strength, soil Cohesive soil Depends on the High reliability of Static
electrical cone resistance: qc property ground and penetration the data
penetration test Pore water recognition, sandy soil equipment and
pressure: µ consolidation ground the capacity of
characteristics locking device.
In-situ vane Discontinuous Maximum Undrained shear Soft cohesive Approximately Exclusively used for Static
shear test rotational strength of soil ground 15 m soft cohesive soil,
resistance cohesive soil and direct
moment measurement of “cu”
Borehole Discontinuous Pressure, Deformation Any ground or Basically no Mechanical meaning Static
horizontal borehole wall modulus, initial rock mass restriction of the estimated
loading test displacement, pressure, yield where the applied value is clear.
creep amount pressure, undrained borehole wall is
shear strength of smooth and
clay self-supporting
Standard Discontinuous, N-value Density, strength, Any ground Basically no Widely accepted and Dynamic
penetration test minimum (specified angle of friction, except cobble restriction performed in most of
spacing is 50 number of blows) modulus of rigidity, stones and applied ground surveys
cm. and bearing boulders
capacity of sand,
cohesion of clay,
Simplified Continuous Nd (specified Nd = (1 - 2) N Same as above Approximately The work procedure Dynamic
dynamic cone number of blows) Concept equivalent 15 m (When it is easier compared to
penetration test of N-value gets deeper, rod the standard
friction penetration test.
becomes larger.)

3 Boring
Boring investigation is conducted to, in addition to collecting samples of underground soils and
rocks, perform various in-situ tests or to burry measuring instruments using the boreholes. While
geophysical exploration and sounding are methods to indirectly investigate the ground, the boring is
the investigating method to continuously collect representative and undisturbed samples directly in
the fields. This is an important investigation method which can obtain samples that are directly
useful for design and construction planning (Table 4.2.4).
Table 4.2.4 Types of boring methods (soil survey methods)
Confirmation method
Classification name Advancing method Applicable ground
of layer change
  The bit attached to the tip of core barrel Observation of the core collected By selecting the appropriate
  is rotated to advance and perform core sampler, it can be applied to
  sampling. Core sampling and cleaning grounds covering from soils to
Core boring are done alternately to allow continuous rocks, however, it is not suited
core sampling. for grounds with gravels and
cobble stones. Best suited for
Rotary mechanical boring

rock mass.
  The rotating bit attached to the tip of rod Determination is made by It can be applied to all stratum
  crushes the ground to advance. Drilling drilling advance rate and cuttings of soils and rocks, however, it
fluid (slurry, etc) is used to stabilize the in the drilling fluid. For the hand is not suited for grounds with
Non-core boring
borehole wall. Cuttings are removed by feed system, it can be done by boulders and cobble stones.
circulation of the drilling fluid. sensing the handle lever.

  The bit attached to the tip of wire line Determination is made by By selecting the appropriate
  rod is rotated to advance. Samples are drilling advance rate and cuttings sampler, it can be applied to
taken into the inner tube then collected in the drilling fluid. Observation grounds covering from soils to
Wire line boring
by using the wire lope. of samples collected. rocks, however, it is not suited
for grounds with gravels and
cobble stones.

  The rotating auger is pressed in the Observation of representative Grounds without possible
  ground to advance. Samples are taken samples taken out by the auger. borehole wall failure. Best
  out by periodically withdrawing the suited for the medium ~ hard
Auger boring auger. However, in the case of the cohesive soils, moist sands
continuous auger, it will advance with some cohesiveness, and
continuously. Larger diameters are silts.
available for mechanical augers.
  Moving a heavy bit ups and downs Determination is made by Suited for soils and fissured
  crushes the ground to advance. Slurry is drilling advance rate and cuttings rocks, but difficulties arise in
removed periodically by bailer, etc. in the drilling fluid. soft viscous clay or loose
Percussion boring
Types of this boring method include Determination of soil layer sands.
rope type, anchor drill type, and boundary is generally difficult.
down-the-hole hammer type.
  The diamond bit attached to the tip of Observation of samples From the surface to shallow
core barrel is rotated to advance and collected. point of relatively hard
Diamond core cutter
perform core sampling. ground. Pavement, tunnels,
various structures.
  Excavation by hand, or digging by back Direct observation of excavated Any stratum of soils and
  hoes, clamshells, and the caisson surfaces rocks. Earth retaining work or
Test pitting method, etc. Shoring and/or blasting are other measure is required for
sometimes required. collapsing grounds, grounds
lower than groundwater level.
4 Standard penetration test
This is the test to obtain N-values to know the relative values of hardness/softness and degree of
compaction of the soil in the in-situ test. This test is also used in combination with the exploratory
drilling to investigate major structure locations frequently. Generally, the N-value obtained by the
standard penetration test indicates strength characteristics of any soil except cobble stones and/or
boulders. The unconfined compressive strength and/or cohesion are estimated for cohesive soils,
and the angle of shear resistance, etc. is estimated for sandy soils. However, since there are
occasions where the correlation with N-value suffers deterioration due to sand gravel layer or
existence of groundwater, and where correction is necessary depending on the depth, full attention
shall be required in conducting this test.

5 Test pitting investigation
This is the investigation method which creates an outcrop artificially by drilling pit excavations,
adits, shafts, etc., to observe soil properties and geological conditions and to collect necessary
The adits are nearly horizontal working tunnels connecting the main tunnel to the surface ground,
and used as passages for removal of rock wastes, delivering materials, access tunnels for workers,
drainage, air supply/ventilation, etc.
The shafts are tunnels drilled from the surface ground in vertical direction connecting the surface
ground and underground tunnels, and used as working tunnels for removal of rock wastes,
delivering materials, etc., by the used of elevators, etc.
6 Groundwater investigation
The main objectives of this investigation are measurement of the groundwater level and the field
permeability test. The groundwater level is determined using boreholes, which are described above,
and wells. The field permeability test is performed to obtain the hydraulic conductivity of the
ground, and the methods include those described in Table 4.2.5.
Table 4.2.5 Methods of permeability test using boreholes

Testing method Application

(1) Unsteady method A method to obtain the hydraulic conductivity by The hydraulic conductivity is obtained from
Recovery method measuring changes of the water levels with time, Bosch Lech formula.
Flooding method by temporary lowering the water level inside of The range of the hydraulic conductivity is
the measuring pipe by pumping up the water, or given by:
raising the water level by injecting water. k = 1 × 10-6 to 1 × 10-4 (cm/s)
Generally, the recovery methods of unsteady
methods are often used to calculate the
hydraulic conductivity of grounds.
The flooding method tends to underestimate
the hydraulic conductivity due to clogging, etc.
(2) Steady method A method to pump up from or inject water into The steady methods are often performed for
Recovery method the measuring pipe then to obtain the hydraulic highly permeable grounds where unsteady
Flooding method conductivity of the ground by measuring the methods are difficult to perform.
pumping discharge when the water level becomes
The flooding method is a method which obtains the hydraulic conductivity by injecting water into
boreholes, auger holes, etc. in cases of low groundwater level.
The recovery method is the method which obtains the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer by observing
descending or recovery conditions of the water level when the groundwater level is lowered by pumping up
in case of high groundwater level, and is used in combination of the discharge well and the observation
Other than described above, there is a tracer technique which is used in investigating the actual velocity or
leakage (flow) paths by detecting the dyestuff or electrolyte substance, which was injected to boreholes or
shafts, coming out of other boreholes, shafts, adits, or surface discharge points. If boreholes are used to
perform this type of test, dry drilling shall be used as a rule, and bentonite fluid to stabilize the borehole
wall shall not be used.
Additionally, in the single borehole hydraulic conductivity test, the test method as well as the calculation
method for the hydraulic conductivity varies depending on factors as shown in Table 4.2.6, including
testing with or without the measuring pipe, the forms of hydraulic conductivity testing part at the tip of the
pipe, based on self-supporting capability of the soil, and the groundwater conditions.


Table 4.2.6 Forms of test sections in the single borehole hydraulic conductivity test

Forms of test section Single layer ground Multiple layer ground

  Auger method
Entire borehole wall of the test hole (Unsteady method/recovery method, −
Flooding method)
Tube method
The bottom surface of the measuring pipe −
(Unsteady/steady method)
Piezometer method
Void at the tip of the measuring pipe
(Unsteady method/recovery method, Flooding method)
Packer method
Specified section of the test hole wall
(Steady/constant head)
Also, rough estimate of the hydraulic conductivity for different soil categories can be derived from Table
Table 4.2.7 Permeability and soil category
Hydraulic conductivity: k (cm/s)
Permeability Practically Very low Low permeability Medium High permeability
impermeable permeability permeability
Sands and
Fine sands, silts, mixture of gravels
Corresponding Cohesive soil sand-silt-clay Clean gravels
soil type (GW) (GP)
{C} {SF} [S-F] {M} (SW) (SP) (GW) (GP)
Constant head
Method to directly Special falling Falling head permeability test Special falling
measure the hydraulic head permeability permeability test head permeability
conductivity test test
Method to indirectly
measure the hydraulic Calculate from the result None For clean sands and gravels, calculate
conductivity of consolidation test from the grain size and void ratio
7 Investigation of the bearing capacity and deformation of ground as well as in-situ test
This investigation is performed to obtain mechanical constants regarding bearing capacity and
deformation. While it is desirable to obtain the bearing capacity and deformation properties of the
ground directly from a loading test, it is sometimes possible to estimate necessary data from results
of other tests such as standard penetration test and shearing test. The loading tests include the plate
loading test in which the loading plate is installed, then the load in vertical direction is applied to
measure the settlement, and the lateral ground loading test in which boreholes are pressed in
horizontal direction, then deformation coefficient of the ground is obtained from its relation with
displacement. For the sandy grounds, the bearing capacity during earthquake cannot be examined
solely by this loading test because of liquefaction problems. Major items for in-situ test and how the
results are used are shown in Table 4.2.8.
Table 4.2.8 Major in-situ tests

Name of test Values to obtain from test results Use of test results Reference (test standard)
Ground plate loading test Bearing capacity of soil Designing spread foundation, etc. JGS 1521
Pile driving test Bearing capacity of pile Designing piles  
Pile loading test Bearing capacity of pile Pile construction JGS 1811
L.L.T. test, etc. Coefficient of lateral subgrade reaction kh Designing piles and sheet piles JGS1421
Field permeability test Hydraulic conductivity h Studying groundwater, etc. JGS 1311 to 1312
Field density test Dry bulk density γt Compaction execution control JIS A 1214
JGS: Japan Geotechnical Engineering Society Standard

8 Soil test
Soil tests are classified broadly into the physical properties tests, the mechanical properties tests,
and the chemical properties tests. When the investigation is conducted, the physical properties test
shall be performed at first to classify the subject soil in accordance with Japanese unified soil
classification system.
The physical properties test is used to roughly estimate the soil classification and its properties
obtained from past data, and to understand the soil’s basic properties such as voids ratio, degree of
saturation, density, etc.
The mechanical properties test is conducted in accordance with soil engineering consideration items.
Since undisturbed samples are taken from the ground soil, and disturbed samples are taken from
soil materials such as the embankment and backfill, it is necessary to fully study sampling
procedure when performing boring investigations or test pitting investigations.
The chemical properties test or rock test are performed as required by the field conditions. Major
soil test items and how the results are used are shown in Table 4.2.9.
Table 4.2.9 Major soil tests

  Name of test Values to obtain from test results Use of test results Reference (test
Density test of soil Density of soil particles Particle size analysis of soil by float for JIS A 1202
particles specific gravity measurement,
calculation of basic properties of the soil
Moisture content test Moisture content Calculation of basic properties of the JIS A 1203
soil contents, rough assessment of the
Physical properties test

soil properties (for natural moisture

Liquid limit and plastic Liquid limit and plastic limit Particle size analysis of soil by float for JIS A 1205
limit test for soil   specific gravity measurement,
Plasticity index, consistency classification of the soil, specification of
index the soil as material, determination of
cohesive soil’s stability under the
natural condition.
Grain size analysis Grain size accumulation curve, Specification of the soil as material, JIS A 1204
effective grain size, coefficient of classification of the soil
uniform, coefficient of curvature
Wet density test of soil Wet density, dry density Calculation of basic properties of the JGS T 191
soil, degree of soil compaction

Soil compaction test by Moisture content – dry density Understanding of compaction JIS A 1210
stamping curve characteristics, determination of design
Maximum dry density, optimum and construction conditions for
moisture content embankment, calculation of compaction
Direct shear test Shear strength parameter (c, φ) Stability analysis and calculation of  
Mechanical properties test

Unconfined compression c: cohesion earth pressure for sliding JIS A 1216

test of soil φ: angle of shear resistance  
Triaxial compression test  
of soil  
UU JGS 0521
CU JGS 0523
CD JGS 0524
Consolidation test of soil Void ratio – loading curve, Calculation of settlement and settlement JIS A1217
preconsolidation load, coefficient speed for cohesive soil
of consolidation, hydraulic
conductivity, etc.
Permeability test by stage Hydraulic conductivity Determination of suitability as material, JIS A1218
loading of soil seepage flow analysis, calculation of
drainage discharge
Specific gravity and Specific gravity in saturated Determination of rock properties, JIS A 1109
swelling rate test for fine surface-dry condition, absolute calculation of basic properties JIS A 1110
Rock test

and coarse aggregates dry specific gravity, percentage of

water absorption
Unconfined compression Unconfined compression strength Determination of rock properties  

JGS: Japan Geotechnical Engineering Society Standard

Note: This is shearing resistance angle. However, in this technical document the commonly used term “internal friction angle” shall be

(2) Investigation for planning
1 Data research
Data research includes collection of available data and general understanding of the conditions of
the subject area.
In data research, the following data shall be collected as needed to perform investigations as much
as possible.
a. Geological maps (1/50,000, 1/75,000, 1/200,000, etc.)
b. Geotechnical engineering maps (1/25,000, etc.)
c. Soil maps (by the Comprehensive Development Department of the Economic Planning Agency,
or by the Agricultural Research Service of each prefecture: 1/200,000, etc.)
d. Aerial photographs
e. Soil survey records
f. Construction records, operation management records
g. Records regarding wells and groundwater systems
h. Records regarding disasters
i. Databook regarding the environment
2 Site reconnaissance
Site reconnaissance is important for selection of the investigation method, and includes
confirmation of the overall conditions obtained from the data research on the fields, and, at the
same time, sampling and sounding as needed. Particularly for the case of a large canal plan, it is a
good idea to include geotechnical experts to perform broad and macroscopic observations. It is
desirable to bring experts in various technical fields in such investigations.
It is particularly desirable to investigate the following items in the site reconnaissance.
a. Overview of the topography and geology
b. Geology and soil properties of outcrop
c. Unstable topography and past disaster area (active fault, topography with past land slides,
d. Superficial sediment
e. Slope condition
f. Land use, kinds and growth conditions of plants
g. Conditions of existing facilities
h. Location of spring water, water level of wells
i. Flammable gas
j. Testimonies of local elder citizens
(3) Overall design investigation
1 Investigation contents
The overall design investigation clarifies, in a comprehensive manner, the geology and soil
properties of the tentatively proposed routes based on the overall conditions obtained by the data
research and site reconnaissance during the investigations for planning.
While the investigating method varies depending on the purpose, structure, size, importance of the
canal, it is common to make selection from the following items.
a. Sounding (penetration tests, etc.)
b. Sampling by auger boring
c. Sampling by mechanical boring, and standard penetration test
d. Geophysical underground exploration (elastic wave exploration, sonic prospecting, electrical
prospecting, geophysical logging, etc.)
e. Observation and sampling by test pitting, trenching, cutting technique, etc.
f. Field permeability test (recovery method, flooding method)
g. Observation and sampling by tunnel adit
h. Physical properties and mechanical properties tests of soil

2 Selection of investigation points
While the investigation points are selected based on the size, importance, existence or non-existence
of problems, topography, and the investigation contents of the canal, common items to be based on
for selection are the following.
a. Table 4.2.10 shall be referenced to for the standard interval of investigation points along the
However, investigations shall be performed as many as possible where methods such as sounding
or auger boring are possible to take advantage of their ease of use. Also, the investigation
intervals shall be adjusted within the limit of standard longitudinal interval depending on the size
and importance of the canal.
Table 4.2.10 Standard interval of investigation points
Topographical category, Standard longitudinal
Canal structure Comments
size of structure interval (m)
  Wide plain 300 - 600 Notes:
Open channel Narrow plain 200 - 400 1. Investigation interval shall be longer when
(including Plain in a valley 100 - 200 the ground geology is uniform.
culverts) Flat platform 300 - 600 2. Investigation interval shall be shorter when
Undulating platform 150 - 300 the topography has many transitions.
Long siphon 150 - 300 3. Standard depth shall be determined by
Siphon reference to Figure 4.2.3.
Short siphon 100 - 200
  4. Investigation in transverse direction shall
Long tunnel 200 - 700
Tunnel be performed as needed.
Short tunnel 100 - 200
  To be determined as
b.The investigation shall focus on those locations for proposed major structures such as pumping
station, siphons, entry/exit of tunnels, abutments of aqueduct bridges, bridge pier foundations,
flood ways, spillways, gate parts, and on zones such as soft ground zones, permeable grounds,
expansive clay grounds, and fault areas.
c. Since the results of investigation contribute to not only the data for design and construction but
also to macroscopic understanding of the ground, even when a compacted layer which is
considered to be the bearing layer of the soft ground above is reached, the investigation shall go
through as deep as possible by efforts such as investigating further down to verify the thickness
of such layer.
(4) Construction execution investigation
1 Investigation contents
During the overall design investigation, the routes are finalized, and canal structures and their
location are tentatively determined. The detailed and intensive investigations for each of
investigation subjects are performed. The results are normally used to determine the canal structures
and their locations, to design and construct foundation treatments, and to estimate the construction
cost. Although the investigation contents differ depending on purpose, it is common to determine
investigation items, scope of investigation, investigation methods, and precision depending on the
type, size, and ground condition of each structure.
Standard investigation items and soil tests for each part of canal structures are shown in Table
Also, while the depth of investigation varies with the structure type, conditions to be considered for
design, and ground conditions, standard depth of the investigation borehole required in construction
execution investigation phase can be approximated as shown in Figure 4.2.3.

Table 4.2.11 Investigation of major items for foundation ground and soil materials and
investigation method
   Major investigation items
Geological and soil survey
Soil tests Remarks
Subject methods
  1. Foundation ground Geological structure, bearing Collection and analysis of Investigations and tests for
  capacity past data, reconnaissance,
  item 1 to 3 listed in the left
  boring, sounding columns shall be performed
2. Embankment Classification of soil, quantity of Collection and analysis of Moisture content, specific as a general rule. Foundation
  material (1) soil available for collection, past data, reconnaissance, gravity of the soil grain, ground includes those
  conditions of collection boring, sampling liquid/ plastic limits, ground to be used as
  gradations foundations for canal,
  3. Tunnel ground Geological structure, geology Collection and analysis of Unconfined compression, siphon, etc.
  (including types of rock, rock past data, reconnaissance, specific gravity and water  
properties), groundwater geophysical exploration, absorption, others  
  boring, groundwater survey,
  field permeability, test pitting  
4. Embankment Compaction characteristics, Test pit investigation, boring Compaction, triaxial Investigations and tests for
  material (2) shearing strength, permeability, compression or single shear, item 4 to 8 listed in the left
  erosion resistance, quantity of soil permeability, others columns shall be performed
  available for use as needed.
  5. Excavated ground Conditions of groundwater, shear Groundwater survey, field Density, shear, physical
of canal strength, density, permeability permeability, sampling property test of soil, others
  6. Foundation ground Conditions of groundwater, Groundwater survey, field Density, shear, physical
  of canal consolidation settlement, shear permeability, sampling property test of soil, others
  strength, settlement, permeability
  7. Foundation grounds Conditions of groundwater, bearing Groundwater survey, plate Density, shear, physical
  for major structures capacity, settlement, consolidation loading test, foundation pile property test of soil, others
such as pumping settlement, shear strength test
  station, bridges, etc.
  8. Foundation ground Conditions of groundwater, bearing Groundwater survey, field
  for siphons capacity, shear strength permeability, plate loading
  test, foundation pile test
• Minimum D=2d
    • When B≤H, then D=B
• When B>H, then D=H
Excavation line
  Original ground line
(a) Open channel canal
Original ground line
Sheet pile
Original ground line D = 3d or greater
D= 2B or D=1.5H,
whichever is greater.
(b) High embankment (c) Revetment by steel sheet pile or (d) Retaining wall
concrete sheet pile
Original ground line
Original D=B or 5m,
ground line whichever is greater.
  (g) Tunnel, culvert, siphon
(e) Aqueduct bridges or water pipe bridge with independent footings (A≥2B)
(f) Aqueduct bridges or water pipe bridge with adjacent or continuous footings (A<2B)
D = 2L
Figure 4.2.3 Standard depth of investigation borehole

Major classification Intermediate classification Small classification Subclassification
        Gravel with wide range of grain sizes (GW)
Gravel (G) Uc≥10
      Fine-grained fraction < 5% Classified gravel (GP)
      Sand fraction < 5% Uc<10

    Gravel (G)
Sand mixed gravel (G-S)  
    < 15% Fine-grained fraction < 5%
5% ≤ sand fraction < 15%
Sand with wide range of grain size mixed
gravel (GW-S)
      Fine-grained fraction mixed gravel (G-F)
Classified sand mixed gravel (GP-S)
      5%≦ fine-grained fraction < 15% Uc<10
      Sand fraction < 5%  
fraction < 15%
  Fine-grained fraction sand mixed gravel (G-FS)
5%≤ fine-grained fraction < 15%
    5%≤ sand fraction 15%  
      Sandy gravel with wide range of grain sizes
    Sandy gravel (GS) (GSW)
Uc ≥10
Gravelly soil (G) Sand gravel (GS) Fine-grained fraction < 5% Classified sandy gravel (GSP)
Gravel fraction 15% ≤ sand 15% ≤ sand fraction Uc <10
> sand fraction fraction Fine-grained fraction mixed sandy gravel (GS-F)
5% ≤ fine-grained fraction < 15%
5% ≤ sand fraction
    Fine-grained faction type gravel (GF)
    15% ≤ fine-grained fraction
Sand fraction < 5%
Fine-grained fraction mixed Fine-grained faction type Sand mixed gravel (GF-S)
  gravel (GF) 15% ≤ fine-grained fraction
15% ≤ fine-grained fraction 5% ≤ sand fraction < 15%
Coarse grained soil Fine-grained faction type sandy gravel (GFS)
(Cm) 15% ≤ fine-grained fraction
coarse-grained 15% ≤ sand fraction
Sand with wide range of grain sizes (SW)
Sand (S) Uc ≥ 10
Fine-grained fraction < 5% Classified sand (SP)
Sand fraction < 5% Uc < 10
  Gravel fraction Fine-grained fraction < 5% Gravel with wide range of grain sizes mixed
    < 15% 5% ≤ gravel fraction < 15% sand (SW-G)
  Fine-grained   Fine-grained fraction mixed sand (S-F) Classified gravel mixed sand (SP-G)
Uc < 10
5% ≤ fine-grained fraction < 15%
  fraction < 15%
  Gravel fraction < 5%  
    Fine-grained fraction gravel mixed sand (S-FG)  
    5% ≤ fine-grained fraction < 15%
1.5% ≤ gravel fraction < 15%  
  Gravelly sand with wide range of grain sizes
    Gravelly sand (SG) (SGW)
Uc ≥ 10
Sandy soil (S) Gravelly sand Fine-grained fraction < 5%
Sand fraction (SG) 15% ≤ gravel fraction Classified gravelly sand (SGP)
≥ gravel fraction Uc < 10
15% ≤ gravel
fraction Fine-grained fraction mixed gravelly sand
5% ≤ fine-grained fraction < 15%
5% ≤ gravel fraction
Fine-grained faction type sand (SF)
  15% ≤ fine-grained fraction
  Gravel fraction < 5%
Fine-grained fraction mixed Gravel mixed fine-grained faction type sand (SF-G)
sand (SF) 15% ≤ fine-grained fraction
15% ≤ fine-grained fraction 5% ≤ gravel fraction < 15%
Fine-grained faction type gravelly sand Notes:
(SFG) 1. Uc: uniformity coefficient
15% ≤ fine-grained fraction 2. Percentage content(%) indicates the percent
15% ≤ gravel fraction by mass for the soil material.

(a) Engineering classification system of coarse grained soils
Figure 4.2.4 Classification system of the Japanese unified soil classification system
Additionally, when the following situations are anticipated, it is necessary to have the investigation deeper
than the standard depth.
a. When it is necessary to consider consolidation settlement, foundation construction method including
pile foundations, or liquefaction, etc. in soft grounds.
b. When it is necessary to consider boiling, heaving, or floor heave, etc. due to reasons including
confined groundwater, etc.
c. When temporary sheathing work is required for construction execution.

Major classification Small classification Subclassification
WL < 50% Silt (low liquid limit) (ML)
Silt (M)  
  Classify on plasticity chart WL ≥ 50% Silt (high liquid limit) (MH)
Cohesive soil (Cs)   WL < 50% Clay (low liquid limit) (CL)

Clay (C)  
Classify on plasticity chart WL ≥ 50% Clay (high liquid limit) (CH)
Fine-grained soil Fm   WL < 50% Organic clay (low liquid limit) (OL)
Fine-grained fraction ≥ 50% Organic soil (O) Organic soil (O) WL ≥ 50% Organic clay (high liquid limit) (OH)
Organic, dark color,
organic odor Organic and volcanic ash type Volcanic cohesive soil (OV)
WL < 50% Volcanic cohesive soil (low liquid limit) (VL)
Volcanic cohesive soil Volcanic cohesive soil (V) 50% ≤ WL < 80% Volcanic cohesive soil (I-type) (VH1)
(V) Geological
background WL ≥ 80% Volcanic cohesive soil (II-type) (VH2)
    Undecomposed and fibrous Peat (Pt)
High organic soil Pm
Containing many organic
High organic soil (Pt) High organic soil (Pt)  
Decomposed and dark color Muck (Mk)
Waste (Wa) Waste (Wa)
Artificial material Am Artificial material (A)    
Improved soil (I) Improved soil (I)
(b) Engineering classification system of mainly fine-grained soils
Figure 4.2.4 Classification system of the Japanese unified soil classification system (cont.)
2 Assembling the results of investigations
The results of geological and soil surveys and tests shall be used as source data to produce borehole
logs or soil profiles, to confirm geological and soil conditions of finalized routes, and at the same
time, to design the canal in details.
a. Classification of soils
Soils are classified, and then their characteristics are estimated. For reference, this classification
system is shown in the following Figure 4.2.4. in accordance with the Japanese unified soil
classification system which has been developed by incorporating Japanese soil characteristics into
the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM) method.
Classification of soils is divided into 4 stages (major classification, intermediate classification,
small classification, and subclassification), and soils shall be classified to the level necessary
depending on the purpose.
Classification shall be done based on soil observation results including gradation distribution,
liquid limit, and plasticity index of the soil, in accordance with engineering classification system
of the soil and plasticity chart shown in the following part, to obtain the classification name and
classification symbol for the soil.
After classification of the soil, the outline of mechanical properties such as permeability,
compaction, and shear, shall be obtained by reference to Table 4.2.12.
Additionally, when higher accuracy is required, soil test for the specific soil shall be performed to
prepare source data for the canal design.

Table 4.2.12 Mechanical properties of soils (for reference)
Notes: 1. GM: Among GF, the one which fine-grained fraction is mainly silt.
GC: Among GF, the one which fine-grained fraction is mainly clay.
SM: Among SF, the one which fine-grained fraction is mainly silt.
SC: Among SF, the one which fine-grained fraction is mainly clay.
2. Rank order is a conceptual order in each property.
Additionally, points of difference between the Japanese unified soil classification system and the ASTM
Unified Soil Classification System are shown in Table 4.2.13.

Table 4.2.13 Points of difference between the Japanese unified soil classification system and the ASTM
Unified Soil Classification System.
Unified Soil Classification System
Item Japanese unified soil classification system
(ASTM standard)
Treatment of volcanic cohesive None Expression by symbol “V” is used by geological
soil judgment.
Boundary grain size between 4.75 mm 2.0 mm
gravel and sand
Classification criteria by the • 75 µm sieve passing amount is less than 5% • Gravel fraction > sand fraction (G)
mixing ratio of fine-grained Uc ≥ 4 GW, other than listed in Fine-grained fraction < 5%
faction in coarse grained soil, and 1 ≤ Uc’ ≤ 3 the left GP (G), (G - S), (GS)
classification regarding judgment Uc ≥ 6 SW, other than listed in Fine-grained fraction = 5 to 15%
of grain size acceptability.
1 ≤ Uc’ ≤ 3 the left SP (G – F), (G FS), (GS – F)
(symbol “W” and “P”)
• 75 µm sieve passing amount is equal to or Fine-grained fraction ≥ 15%
greater than 5%, and less than 12% (GF – S), (GFS)
Combined expression by symbols such as • Sand fraction ≥ gravel fraction (S)
GW-GM. Fine-grained fraction < 5%
• 75 µm sieve passing amount is greater than (S), (S-G), (SG-F)
12% Fine-grained fraction = 5 to 15%
GM, GC (S-F), (S-FG), (SG-F)
SM, SC Fine-grained fraction ≥ 15%
(SF-G), (SFG)
• Fine-grained fraction < 5% of Subclassification
Uc ≥ 10 W
Uc < 10 P
Classification on plasticity chart • (GM, GC, SM, SC) of coarse grained soils is • No classification of coarse grained soils on
classified plasticity chart.
• Classifies fine grained soils on plasticity chart • Among fine grained soils, cohesive soil (Cs) is
(WL < 50%, Ip > 7, on or above Line-A) CL classified on plasticity chart.
(WL < 50%, Ip < 4, below Line-A) ML (WL < 50%, Ip > 6, above Line-A) (CL)
(WL ≥ 50%, on or above Line-A) CH (WL < 50%, Ip < 6, below Line-A) (ML)
(WL ≥ 50%, below Line-A) MH (WL ≥ 50%, above Line-A) (CH)
(WL ≥ 50%, below Line-A) (MH)
Special soils, examples of None • Names for special soils and colloquial terms
colloquial terms are expressed by assigning symbols.
Examples: Kanto loam (VH1), (VH2)
Masa-do (decomposed granite soil)
Shirasu (SV), etc.
(a) Major classification of soil materials
Engineering classification of ground materials are performed based on Figure 4.2.5. Those soil
materials composed of grain sizes less than 75 mm excluding rock fractions are classified into
major classifications mainly by observations according to percentage content (percent by mass,
the same applies to the rest of document) of coarse-grained fraction or fine-grained fraction,
content amount of gravel faction or sand fraction and organic compounds, and whether it is
artificial material or not. The percentage contents in Figure 4.2.6 are component fractions of 75
µm to 75 mm for coarse-grained fraction, less than 75 µm for fine-grained fraction, 2 to 75 mm
for gravel fraction, and 75 µm to 2 mm of sand fraction.
Soil materials assigned to each major classification shall then be categorized into intermediate
classifications, and further into small classifications as necessary in accordance with the Japanese
unified soil classification system.
(b) Intermediate classification of soil materials
Coarse grained soils shall be classified into the intermediate classifications depending on gravelly
soils classified into major classifications, gravel fraction of each sandy soil, percentage contents
of sand fraction and fine-grained fraction.
Fine grained soils shall be classified into the intermediate classifications depending mainly on
observation results which are supplemented by classification results based on the plasticity chart
of Figure 4.2.7.
(c) Small classification of soil materials
Coarse grained soils shall be classified into the small classifications for each gravelly soil and
sandy soil for which intermediate classification is assigned based mainly on gravel fraction, sand
fraction, and fine-grained fraction obtained from grain size analysis results.

Rock type materials Rm
  Rock fraction ≥ 50%
Cohesive soil (Cs) Rock fraction mixed soil materials Sm-R
0% < rock fraction < 50%
Soil materials Sm
Rock fraction = 0%
Note: Percentage content(%) indicates the percent by mass for the ground material
Figure 4.2.5 Engineering classification system for ground materials
  Gravelly soil (G)
Coarse grained soil Cm Gravel fraction > sand fraction
      Coarse-grained fraction > 50% Sandy soil (S)
  Classification by grain size Sand fraction ≥ gravel fraction
Classification by grain size  
      Cohesive soil (Cs)
  Fine grained soil Fm Organic soil (O)
Soil materials Sm   Fine-grained faction ≥ 50%
  Classification by observation
    Volcanic cohesive soil (V)
Highly organic soil Pm Highly organic soil (Pt)
      Soil containing many organic compounds
Classification by its origin
through observation    
Artificial material Am Artificial material (A)
Material artificially processed
Note: Percentage content(%) indicates the percent by mass for the soil material.
Figure 4.2.6 Engineering classification system for soil materials (major classification)
Plasticity chart Line-A
Plasticity index Ip

Liquid limit WL (%)
Figure 4.2.7 Plasticity chart
Fine grained soils, etc. shall be classified into the small classifications for each fine grained soil,
highly organic soil, and volcanic cohesive soil based mainly on observation results, the plasticity
chart, and liquid limit.
(d) Type and mixing
The component grain ranked second in percent by mass for the soil material shall be expressed
by attaching terms such as “○○ type” for the component percentage equal to or greater than
15% and less than 50%, and “○○ mixed” for the component percentage equal to or greater than
5% and less than 15%.

(e) Classification of gravelly soils
i. “Gravelly soils (G)” shall be classified into “gravel (G),” “sandy gravel (GS),” and
“fine-grained fraction mixed gravel (GF)” by intermediate classification.
ii. When grain size analysis results are available, “sandy gravel (GS),” and “fine-grained fraction
mixed gravel (GF)” classified into intermediate classifications from “gravelly soils (G)” shall
be classified into small classification based on the percentage content of “fine-grained
fraction” and “sand fraction” that are expressed in “( ) type” or “( ) mixed” as
described above.
(f) Classification of sandy soils
Sandy soils are classified in the same manner as gravelly soils.
(g) Classification of fine grained soils
i. Fine grained soils are classified into “cohesive soils (Cs),” “organic soils (O),” and “volcanic
cohesive soil (V)” by observation, etc. Among them, “cohesive soils (Cs)” are further
classified into “silts (M)” and “clay (C)” of the intermediate classification by plasticity chart,
and subsequently classified into “low liquid limit L” and “high liquid limit H” of the small
classification based on the liquid limits.
ii. “Organic soil (O)” of the intermediate classification shall be classified into “low liquid limit
L,” “high liquid limit H,” and “volcanic cohesive soil (V)” of the small classification based on
liquid limits and observations.
iii. “Volcanic cohesive soil (V)” of the intermediate classification shall be classified into “low
liquid limit L,” “high liquid limit I-type,” and “high liquid limit II-type” based on the liquid
(h) Classification of highly organic soil Pt
“Highly organic soil Pt” shall be classified into “peat (Pt)” and “muck (Mk)” based on the degree
of decomposition.
(i) Classification of artificial materials
Artificial materials shall be classified into “waste (Wa)” and “improved soil (I)” based on
b. Soil boring log and profile
Results of field investigations such as boring surveys and soundings shall be organized together
with results of various laboratory tests in accordance with “Exploration of Ground” (by Japanese
Geotechnical Society), then they shall be used to produce soil profiles.
4.2.3 Meteorological and hydrological investigations
Items to be investigated in meteorology and hydrology include temperature, rainfall, days of frost, snowfall,
evapotranspiration, water level and discharge of rivers, groundwater level, conditions of rivers. These
data are deeply linked to each of planning, designing, construction, and operation management efforts in
determination of design discharge, sizes of canal cross sections, designing appurtenant facilities, and in
development of construction plans.
These investigations are carried out continuously for each phase from the investigation for planning to the
overall design investigation, and are used to determine basic conditions for producing the overall execution
design documents and construction execution design documents. Also, since it is possible that these data
will be re-confirmed in the construction execution investigation phase and that it takes a significant time
period from planning to design and construction, it is necessary to complementarily collect the most
updated data in each phase.
Particularly for the case of drainage plan, since the runoff ration and other factors are heavily influenced by
changes in topographical and ground surface conditions, in addition to conducting adequate investigations,
continuous observations shall be provided by setting up observation facilities for data including
precipitation and discharge at necessary locations from the planning stage.
Also, it is necessary to continue observations to collect and study the most updated data constantly at those
observation stations considered necessary even in the operation management phase.
(1) Meteorology
The meteorological data from existing meteorological stations and observation stations are preferable
to use as much as possible.
Because the area subject to large scale canal project plans extends over very wide range, the
meteorological data covering more than past 10 ~ 30 years shall be collected to the extent possible for
each block to understand the local meteorological conditions and to use the data for planning and

Rain gauge station shall be installed where influence of wind is small, and where flooding is not
expected. Observation instruments include recording rain gauge and ordinary rain gauge, and the
observation for the ordinary rain gauge shall be conducted at a certain time everyday.
1 Items of meteorological data to be assembled for irrigation canal planning
Mean amount of rainfall in summer, winter and year-round, monthly mean temperature, monthly
mean number of days of rainfall, maximum successive no-rain days, etc.
2 Items of meteorological data to be assembled for drainage canal planning
In addition to items listed above, maximum daily rainfall, maximum hourly rainfall, maximum
4-hour rainfall, 3-day continuous rainfall, maximum continuous rainfall, most frequent wind
direction, maximum wind velocity, etc.
(2) Hydrology
1 Water levels and discharges
The water levels and discharges necessary for designing, construction, and operation management
of canal are described below. In the irrigation canal planning, the observation shall be performed
continuously for the period longer than one irrigation season at water intake sources such as rivers.
In the drainage canal planning, since the outer water level (high water level of the main drainage
stream) and its duration are important factors, it is necessary to collect the most updated data for a
long time period. Especially, when the main drainage stream is a river, the water levels and
discharge are influenced by factors including river improvement situations, changes in river bed,
forest conservation and flood control in upstream of the river, or changes in ground formation. Thus,
it is desirable to pay adequate attentions to changes in those situations, and to establish observation
facilities as needed to provide observations.
Additionally, the following are observation items for the water levels and discharge necessary for
designing, construction, operation management of canal.
a. Flood level, flood discharge
b. High water level, high water discharge
c. Ninety-five-day water level, ninety-five-day water discharge
d. Annual mean water level, annual mean water discharge
e. Ordinary water level, ordinary water discharge
f. Low water level, low water discharge
g. Drought water level, drought water discharge
2 River conditions, etc.
Investigation of river conditions is to understand conditions of the river to which the canal will be
connected in order to secure the functions of the canal. The investigation shall mainly focus on the
river bed formation (plain views, longitudinal and transverse sections), the river bed variations, and
the river bed materials.

For determining the sill heights of intakes and drainage outlets or designing facilities such as
connection headraces or flood ways, it is necessary to investigate changes including rises or drops
of the river bed. When existing data is unavailable, it is necessary to investigate changes including
rises or drops of the river bed by means including interviews.
3 Groundwater level, etc.
Since groundwater, spring water, and leakage from other facilities greatly impact the design and
construction methods for canal structures, adequate investigation efforts shall be provided from
planning stage. It is also important to define the groundwater level (final stabilized water level), the
spring water (location of springs, water inflow), the leakage (location of leakages, leakage volume)
within the project area by conducting detailed investigations during geological surveys such as
borings supplemented by data obtained from data research and site reconnaissance.
(3) Others
1 Water quality
It is possible that the functions of the canal is degraded or its working life is reduced due to
attachment or deposition of suspended solids and sediments on the canal side walls and bottom
surface. Therefore, water quality investigations for the water quality and drainage of the intake river
shall be performed. Items to be investigated shall include sediments and suspended solids,
hydrogen-ion concentration, and salinity concentration in the flowing water.
2 Rubbishes
Since rubbishes greatly impacts functions and security of the canal by causing head loss and flow
inhibition due to its drifts, additional maintenance and operation efforts, etc., it is important to
adequately investigate the actual conditions regarding amount and quality of rubbishes expected to
flow in.
3 Others
Investigations are also performed for items such as records of disaster occurrence, data related to
the ground surface conditions and water temperature as needed.
4.2.4 Investigations of site conditions
Since social and environmental conditions in addition to natural conditions can be important requirements
during construction of canals, it is necessary to perform the investigations of site conditions concurrently
with or in advance of other investigations as necessary.
(1) Investigations regarding social conditions
In investigating and designing canals, relevant social conditions shall be investigated to serve to
protect and coordinate land use, farming improvement, existing facilities, and rights.
1 Land use status and regional development program
Since arrangement of route system of the canal will be an important requirement that defines
conditions such as land use and living environment due to irrigation and drainage of the
surrounding areas, the land use status, settlement conditions, farming status and regional
development programs shall be adequately investigated to consider harmonization with land use
and/or living environment within the regional community.

2 Irrigation and drainage network and other purpose water
Since it is important to understand current situations of the irrigation and drainage network to
determine the routes and sizes of canals, in addition to performing adequate investigations for them
from the planning stage, studies for maintaining and improving existing facilities shall be
performed. Also, since there are sometimes cases where existing canals are used for water for rural
life and environments with multi-purpose uses, diversified investigations are required when the canal
runs through urban areas, etc.
3 River structures and custom of water use
Status of river structures within a series of irrigation and drainage network, their relation with flood
controls and water utilization, and situations of vested water rights and custom of water use shall be
investigated. Since these are interrelated in a broad sense, investigations shall be performed in terms
of a series of canal network as a whole.
4 Others
Since there are sometimes cases where canal routes are not determined solely by technical and
economical reasons, it is also important to investigate social conditions from every angle.
(2) Investigations regarding construction conditions
In investigating and designing canals, it is also necessary to investigate construction conditions such as
positions and sizes of construction facilities, procurement and process of materials, power availability.
1 Construction facilities
Since temporary facilities including construction roads, borrow pits, disposal areas, and others are
important issues to support the construction execution, preliminary investigations shall be
performed during selection of tentatively proposed routes to prevent major changes later in
construction execution stage.
Especially, in case of a long tunnel, since the route is closely related to the planning of adits,
inclined shafts, and vertical shafts for construction purposes, most economical construction
methods have to be considered.
While the investigation for construction roads focuses on its alignment plan and the field conditions
such as traveling performance, since there are cases where they are related to existing or future
public roads, or to operation management roads, they shall be determined based not merely on the
economical efficiency of construction but also on studies of other social conditions.
2 Construction materials and equipments
Generally in the canal construction, since a continuous long structure is being built sequentially,
investigations related to supply-demand trends shall be performed to study whether materials and
equipments necessary for the construction can be acquired in the neighborhood of the project
according to its progress rate.
Additionally, in planning items such as special temporary materials, a large amount of materials,
and construction equipments, adequate investigation and study have to be performed in advance to
see their availabilities.
3 Others
Since the canal construction involves a lot of human-power work, the worker supply-demand
situation shall be investigated as necessary. Also, when the canal system includes large structures, it
is necessary to investigate situations of electrical power availability for the construction power. Also,
in order to select appropriate construction methods, in addition to understanding the groundwater
levels and ground conditions, means including the disposal methods for materials generated on the
construction site have to be concurrently investigated and studied.
(3) Investigations regarding lands and compensations (Reference)
Investigations for compensation is to investigate items such as land acquisition for facilities,
compensations for establishing sectional surface rights relating to maintenance of facilities or for land
use by temporary works, and various associated objects (buildings, garden trees and shrubs, power
lines, telephone lines, water supply and sewage lines, gas lines, industrial water, agricultural water,
etc.) subject to compensation in order to secure lands for facilities including canals necessary for the
construction, or lands for temporary facilities necessary for the construction.

1 Investigation during investigations for planning phase
As a first step to tentatively determine the canal routes, explanations regarding situations such as
entering the lands for purposes including route investigation shall be provided to local people
concerned and to municipalities in order to ask their understanding and to obtain acceptance for
spot investigations. Therefore, in this investigation stage, topographic map and reconnaissance are
mainly used to investigate compensation overviews for housing and plow lands.
2 Investigation during overall design investigation phase
The purposes of compensation investigation in this stage is to define the land area involved in the
canal route determination, to understand overview of the objects whish are subject to compensation,
and to prepare for the actual compensations. For that purpose, descriptions of objects including
houses, lands, and public facilities shall be defined by site reconnaissance and researching
registered records, etc.
3 Investigation during construction execution investigation phase
When the canal design is finalized, documents related to compensations are prepared based on the
execution investigations including land surveys and investigations regarding objects in the presence
of parties concerned, then compensation criterion is submitted to initiate compensation negotiations.
Investigations for various compensations include the following.
a. Investigations related to land and general compensation subjects
Land investigation: After the compensation area is defined, investigation regarding description of
the land titles within that area shall be performed for each parcel which is the basic unit of land.
The purpose of the investigation is to investigate the location, shape, acreage, titles involved,
profitability, site conditions, etc., and its results shall be used to produce land documents in order
to obtain confirmation by the owner of the subject land and other right holders.
Object investigation: When there are objects within the compensation area, investigation shall be
performed for the use, size, structure, articles, quality, elapsed years, titles involved regarding
each of such objects. When the objects are items such as garden trees and shrubs, the
investigation for garden trees and shrubs shall be performed regarding tree type, age of tree,
inventory, quality, profitability, titles involved, trading conditions, etc.
b. Investigations related to public compensation subjects
For subjects related to public compensation, sufficient discussions with agencies concerned for
facility relocations and others shall be conducted in order to restore their existing functions.
4.2.5 Investigations regarding the environments
Sufficient consideration is required in modifying current conditions such as natural and social environments,
historical and cultural environments, and ecosystem environment, as well as in preserving them, and the
canal plan shall be developed in conformity to relevant regulations regarding environmental impacts. The
investigation is performed to produce necessary documents to take measures to meet such situations.
The environmental investigation consists of two separate investigations that are the general investigation to
understand the environment of the region level and the detailed investigation to understand the environment
of each district and location level.
While Table 4.2.14 is provided for reference as examples of the content of environmental investigation,
necessary investigation items shall be studied to perform actual investigations.
Also, since there are cases where natural environment varying along with seasonal changes needs to be
addressed, sufficient considerations including a year-round investigation for necessary investigation items
are required in terms of the scale, scope, and timing of the investigation.

Table 4.2.14 Examples of environmental investigation contents

  General investigation Detailed investigation

Spatial coverage Region level District/location level
Understanding skeleton of the region and the Understanding current status of the environment and
direction of town and village communities. issues to be improved.
View points Experts/planners level Citizens level
Data Mainly general purpose data Mainly data obtained from field investigations
  • Natural environment • Canal environment
  • Social environment • Environmental assessment
Contents • Direction of regional development • Attitude survey of citizens
• Attitude survey of citizens (Subjects relating to the canal)
(Subjects relating to the entire region)
  Meteorology - Air temperature, rainfall, wind direction, wind force, snowfall, etc.
  Geography - Geographical category (mountainous land, plateau, lowland), slope, elevation
  Soil - Soil group (volcanic ash soil, forest soil, lowland soil, gley soil, peat soil, etc.)
Natural Geology - Bed geology
environment Water resources - River system, rivers, lakes, main canal, irrigation and drainage systems
Vegetation - Existing vegetation, potential natural vegetation, specified endangered species, etc.
Animals - Habitats, feeding grounds, spawning grounds and others of fishes, insects, etc.
Landscape - Viewing points, sights, etc.
    Population - Trend, age distribution
    Village configuration - Village area, number of housed per village, age distribution, population of
    village member employed
    Industry - Production, population by industries, composition, etc.
    Agriculture - Production, chief crops, population by business units, status of
  infrastructure (plans)
General   Land use regulations - Agricultural developing area, city planning area, scenic area, nature
investigation Social conservation area, etc.
environment Traffic - Traffic stream line (trunk and branch lines), commuting stream line, bus
routes, etc.
Cultural properties - Cultural properties (including buried cultural properties), historic
buildings, historic sites, etc.)
Facilities - Cultural and educational facilities, welfare facilities, medical facilities,
assembly facilities/community centers, parks, open spaces, etc.
Environmental standards - Status of setting, current conditions (air, water quality, noise, etc.)
General development programs, etc. Economic development projects in the area
Status of facility utilization Current utilization status of recreation facilities, public facilities, etc.
Figure 4.2.8 Examples of items for environmental investigation
(1) General investigations
The general investigation is to organize and analyze, in a comprehensive manner, how the canal plan
is perceived within the project area. While necessary items for the investigation shall be determined in
accordance with objectives of the canal and site conditions, it is desirable to include every
environmental factor in the investigation (Figure 4.2.8).
(2) Detailed investigations
The is to investigate in details about issues that had been revealed in the general investigation and
should be reflected in the design for the purpose of rediscovering the regional resources and to
defining what to be preserved, improved, or eliminated. Then, the results of detailed investigation will
be used to define the contents of consideration items in harmonizing with the environment within the
canal plan (Figure 4.2.9).


      Canal network - Canal system, canal type, diversion, drops, spring
    water, wells, etc.
  Water quality - Transparency, distribution of aquatic animals and
    Environment of plants, drainage, etc.
    canal Revetment - Concrete, stone masonry, earth canal, etc.
  Water utilization - Wash place, gardening water, recreation space, etc.
    Conditions along the route - Vegetation, fences, bridges, etc.
      Road network - Trunk and branch lines, community roads,
  school-commuting roads
    Traffic volume - Through-traffic, frequency of usage
  Environments of   Road width
canal and others Environment of Historical buildings
  others Conditions along the route - Vegetation (roadside trees, planting fence), guardrails,
    stops, etc.
Installed objects - Signs, advertising displays, power poles, etc.
    Woodland distribution - Principal member of species, independent trees, aged
trees, planting fences, landmarks
    Open spaces - Empty land, wasteland, grove, etc.
  Environment of Distribution of life forms - Investigation through all seasons, vegetation fitted to the
  green space region
Distribution of farm lands - Paddy fields, uplands, orchards, idle fields, conversion of
    land category, etc.
Detailed   Planting around facilities - Tree types, amount, etc.
  Historical resources - Shrines/temples, statue of guardian deity of children,
statue of Buddha in the fields, statue of guardians for the
environment community, stone pagoda on mound, etc.  
Events and festivals - Places for village festival and Bon Festival dance, sacred
palanquin parade routes, etc.
  Production facilities - Lifting and drainage pumping stations, machine storage
Agriculture facilities, rice-centers, etc.
related facilities Other facilities - Agricultural structure improvement centers, etc.
Public facilities Assembly houses, refuse transfer stations, direction boards, etc.
and others
Environmental assessment: selection of good items and problem areas (Items listed below are some examples)
• Good views • Historic facilities and sites • Outstanding stone masonry and revetment
What to be preserved. • Regional irrigation • Valuable natural resources • Traditional landscape composition
• Traditional arts • Places for adventures and plays • Walkways, cozy places
  • Landmark water utilization facilities
• Hazardous places • Regional irrigation • Waste disposal
What to be improved. • Places with water pollutions • Places with strong offensive odor
• Places inundated by flooding • Inconvenient facilities and/or obsolete facilities
Figure 4.2.9 Example of items for detailed investigation
1 Environments of canal
Investigations for existing canals are most important because thoughtful considerations toward
“harmonization with the environment” of the canal often result in enhancement of the environmental
functions of existing or alternative canals. In addition to detailed investigation items, investigations
deemed necessary from various view points relating to the canal, including history of canals,
inhabitation of animals and plants, canal structures (e.g. revetments, etc.) to be preserved, groundwater
recharging effect provided by the canal, and other various usages as the regional irrigation water, shall
be also performed.
When investigations for particularly valuable plants, animals, fishes, etc., are necessary in the
environmental investigation, the following items shall be kept in mind.
a. Plants (valuable plants and plant communities)
(a) Valuable plants
i. Species with academic values
Endemic species, species of disjunct distribution, rare species, southern limit species, northern
limit species, etc.
ii. Endangered wildlife (the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Plant species belonging to the national rare wild flora and fauna, international rare wild flora
and fauna, specific rare wild flora and fauna, or emergency designation species. (species listed
on the Red Data Book)
iii. Protected species according to the laws for the protection of cultural properties. (objects
designated by national, prefectural, and municipal governments)

(b) Valuable plant communities
i. Specific plant communities covered by the nature environmental conservation basic research
ii. Protected species according to the laws for the protection of cultural properties. (objects
designated by national, prefectural, and municipal governments)
iii. Plants communities of natural or quasi-natural vegetation
b. Animals (valuable animals)
(a) Species with academic values
Endemic species, species of disjunct distribution, rare species, southern limit species, northern
limit species, etc.
(b) Endangered wildlife (the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Animal species belonging to the national rare wild flora and fauna, international rare wild flora
and fauna, specific rare wild flora and fauna, or emergency designation species. (species listed on
the Red Data Book)
(c) Protected species according to the laws for the protection of cultural properties. (objects
designated by national, prefectural, and municipal governments)
(d) Valuable species covered by the nature environmental conservation basic research
Endangered species and academically important species selected by the Environment Agency of
Valuable species selected by prefectural governments
c. Natural landscape resources (valuable natural landscape resources)
d. Landscape (external landscape: the landscape of the planned canal routes viewed from a distance)
2 Investigations performed concurrently with construction execution
Investigations and observations required monitoring the effects associated with the construction on
existing ecosystem and vibrations/noises shall be performed. The results of the investigation shall be
used to study measures and construction methods to minimize such impacts.
4.2.6 Investigations for operation management
It is necessary to plan the canal system, water management methods, and operation management facilities
with overall perspectives for the operation management structure after completion of facilities. Therefore,
the operation management patterns and structures of the project area or similar neighboring areas are
investigated at first. The resulting data related to water management methods and operation management is
then used as reference to determine the water management methods, the level of water control, and others
for the period after the project is transitioned into the operation management. Also, if someone is
commissioned to the operation management, it is recommended that the range of facilities to be
commissioned and methods of maintenance/operations are investigated to determine how to handle those
Once the future water management method and the level of operation management are roughly determined,
specific operation management facilities consistent with its management method will be determined.
Therefore, data of managed objects in the project area such as meteorology, hydrology, and river conditions
will be necessary. These data shall be collected, organized, and analyzed to define which items should be
managed, and shall be used as basic data in selecting various operation management equipments including
equipments for observation, control, communication, and recording. Additionally, it is important to select
operation management equipment with the best economical efficiency and operability so that the level of
management for the project area is conformed.
1) The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Surveying Work Procedure & Application Standard (1997)
2) Editing by Japan Geotechnical Engineering Society: Exploration of Ground, Japan Geotechnical Engineering
Society (1996)
3) Editing by Japan Geotechnical Engineering Society: Methods and Explanations for Exploration of Ground,
Japan Geotechnical Engineering Society (1999)
4) Editing by Active Center for Rural Environment Support: The Science of Rural Environment Support (1995)
5) Agricultural Structure Improvement Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: Land Improvement
Project Program Design Standard. Design “Farm Road” (1998) 


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