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Week 3-4 Functions and Types of Communities

Grade 12-HUMSS


Subject Teacher

MELC #3 Analyze the functions of communities in

terms of structure, dynamics and processes.
• Community- People
• Community Dynamics- Chamges and development
• Community Action- Services and initiatives to achieve
changes and development
The community has five functions:
2. socialization,
3. social control,
4. social participation, and
5. mutual support.
• 1.Production, Distribution,
Consumption: The
community provides its
members with the means
to make a living. This may
be agriculture, industry, or
• Ex.we shop in grocery stores, at mall, at
farmer's markets, or at other businesses,
we participate in the consumption of
goods and benefit from the production
and distribution of goods. We consume
goods like food, clothing, shoes, toys,
and more

2.Socialization: The
community has means by
which it instills its norms
and values in its
members. This may be
tradition, modeling,
and/or formal education.
• 3.Social Control: The
community has the means
to enforce adherence to
community values. This
may be group pressure to
conform and/or formal
• 4.Social Participation: The
community fulfills the need
for companionship. This
may occur in a
neighborhood, church,
business, or other group.
• 5.Mutual Support: The
community enables its
members to cooperate to
accomplish tasks too large
or too urgent to be
handled by a single person.
Supporting a community
hospital with donations is
an example of people
cooperating to accomplish
the task of health care
Required Output/WW and PT
Then answer/use the guide statements
• Do Activity 1: Business Mode • 1. Express your ideas about the
• 1. Create a product/think of a following terms: production,
product out from your own effort or distribution, and consumption.
from what you have at home. • 2. What part of your activity
• 2. Try to sell it to your fellow demonstrates production,
students via online/or in your • distribution,and consumption?
neighborhood. Think of any creative • 3. Write a diary/documentation of
way on how to sell your product your work.
• 3. Video/Take a picture of the
preparation, distribution and
MELC #4 Differentiate typologies of communities.

• Communities come in different, shapes, sizes and

characteristics. It also come in different types depending
on the quality of human association, the scope of
geographical boundaries, functions of subdivisions, and
avenues of social interactions.
1.Urban communities - pertains to cities or big towns
where there is a large high- dense and
heterogeneous population.
2.Rural communities - it refers to territorial enclaves or villages
where there is a small, low-density and homogeneous population
3.Suburban communities – are residential or mix-used areas
located at the city outskirts or within the commuting distance of a city.
Two Types of Community in terms of geographical
• 1.Local community - is term often used to denote a
geographically bounded community such village, town
barangay, city, municipality, province, region or even the
entire country.
• 2.Global community - is term used to characterize the
interconnectivity of people and countries all over the world.
• Community Sector – it refers to the subdivision of the society that
represent cluster of social institution according to their social,
economic and political function.
• 1.Public sector
• 2.Private sector
• 3.Non-profit organization or non-government organization (NGO)
• 4.For-benefit corporation
• Social Space – refers to either geographical or virtual community
where people gather or network with one another due to common

1. Tell what type of community sector is being shown in the picture.

2. Give one function
“The Pros and Cons”
Direction: Blended learning, which is one form of social space, is currently adopted in the
Philippines in this time of pandemic affecting all communities across the globe. Considering the
situation, write the advantages and disadvantages of social space in terms of the country’s
educational system.

Advantages Disadvantages

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