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Student Post-Philosophy Statement

Giselle Lowe

College of Southern Nevada



Looking back to the beginning of this class, I do believe that my viewpoint or perception

of the Special Education field has not significantly altered. I maintain that the least restrictive

environment is the optimal learning setting for students with disabilities, bearing in mind that the

circumstances must maximize and facilitate the individual’s access to educational development.

In situations where the student is not benefitting from a learning environment, alternative

strategies need to be considered, whether they include support in a separate classroom, e.g.

resource room, or services within the general education setting. This is fundamentally where the

role of the special education teacher, in collaboration with the grade educator and specialists,

really comes into effect. Students who appear at risk, or show indicators of special educational

needs, require assessment and an appropriate supporting plan created in the form of an IEP. The

importance and benefit of early intervention is widely recognized and maintained by research,

highlighting the need to be aware of ‘red flag’ behaviors associated with special needs.

Students with disabilities, just like typical students, learn in many different ways; the

learning strategies that connect with pupils are as unique as the individual, essentially one size

does not fit all! It is the teacher’s goal to create bridges for the student to access the learning

world, to modify or mold our teaching to reach the student, and not for the student to mold

themself. A learner’s goals should always be appropriately set, expecting progress at a rate

consistent with the pupil’s ability; this expectation is an essential component of providing an

appropriate education.

I believe an effective special education teacher needs first, and foremost, to keep an open

mind that considers the student’s perspective and seeks to facilitate access to learning. The love


of learning is as important for the teacher as it is for the student, an inspiring educator continues

to seek out further and deeper knowledge of their field, equipping themself with an array of

educational strategies and tools for use in the classroom. As a potential teacher, I endeavor to

maintain the curiosity I hope to instill in future students.

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