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General Instructions

1. The question paper consists of 3 Subject (Subject I: Physics, Subject II: Chemistry, Subject III: Mathematics).
Each Part has two sections (Section 1 & Section 2).

2. Section 1 contains 2 types of questions [Type A and Type B].

Type A contains SIX (06) Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

Type B contains SIX (06) Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.

3. Section 2 contains THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph.
The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value
of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the
 sign for positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50,
3.25, 0.08)

4. For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided separately. Please fill your Test Code,
Roll No. and Group properly in the space given in the ANSWER SHEET.
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SECTION-1 | Type A
 This section contains SIX (06) questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of
these four options is the answer. For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

SECTION-1 | Type B
 This section contains SIX (06) questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to correct answers,
choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (D) will get +2 marks;
choosing ONLY (A) will get +1 mark;
choosing no option(s) (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks and
choosing any other option(s) will get –2 marks.

 This section contains THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each
Paragraph. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct
numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to
TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the
OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be
bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct Integer value is entered. There is NO negative marking.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.


SECTION-1 | Type A

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 2 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
1. Two boats start from mid point of a river in case (i) and from mid point of a pond of still water in case (ii).
If all velocities shown in figure are relative to water, then mark the correct option about time taken to reach
the nearest bank.

(A) Boat A takes least time (B) Boat B takes maximum time

(C) All the four boats A, B, C and D take same time

(D) Time of reaching bank cannot be compared

2. A projectile is fired vertically up from the surface of earth with a velocity kVe, where Ve is the escape
velocity and k < 1. The maximum height upto which the projectile will rise from the surface of earth is:

Rk2 R R
(A) R ( k 2  1) (B) 2
(C) 2
1 k 1 k 1 k 2

3. A small solid cylinder of mass M and radius R slides down a smooth curve of height h from rest and gets
onto the plank of mass M which is resting on a smooth surface as shown in the figure. Take  as the
coefficient of friction between plank and the cylinder. The minimum length of the plank required for pure
rolling of the cylinder over plank is : (where V0  2 gh )

(A) 5V02 / 8 g (B) 3Vo2 / 8 g (C) 3V02 / 16  g (D) 5Vo2 / 16  g

4. Starting from rest, a particle of mass m moves in a circle of radius r with constant tangential acceleration a.
The net work done on the particle during its first complete revolution in the circle is :

(A) 82 mra (B) 42 mra (C) 2 mra (D) zero

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 3 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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5. A horizontal pipe with two parts of different areas of cross-section A

and a as shown is initially empty and exposed to atmosphere. Now
water starts flowing at constant volumetric flow rate V in the pipe. The
difference in height of water in the two arms of the U-tube after the flow
becomes steady is:

V2  1 1  V2 V2 V2
(A)   2  (B) (C) (D)
2g  a 2
A  2 gAa 2 g ( A2  a 2 ) 2 g ( A2  a 2 )

6. The system shown is released from rest. The pulleys and string are ideal
and all surfaces are smooth. If the acceleration of the wedge is a, the
acceleration of the block is:

a a cos 
(A) (B) (C) a 5  4cos  (D) a 3  2 cos 
cos  1  cos 2 

SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.
7. A closed vessel is half filled with water. There is a hole near the top of vessel and air is pumped out from
this hole. Assuming water to be incompressible, which of these statements are correct?

(A) The water level will rise up in the vessel

(B) The pressure at the surface of water will decrease

(C) The force by water on the bottom of the vessel will decrease

(D) The density of water will decrease

8. A solid sphere A is rolling without slipping on a rough surface with angular speed ω as shown in figure. It
collides elastically with another identical sphere B at rest. Assume no friction acts between the spheres
during collision. Then : [Radius of sphere is R]

(A) After collision A and B move in opposite directions

(B) After collision A and B move in same direction

(C) After collision A stops permanently and only B moves

(D) Velocity of centre of B after it starts pure rolling on the surface is ωR

9. Two particles A and B are projected simultaneously from two points on a horizontal ground as shown.
 ,   0, 90 
Mark the correct choice(s) : 

(A) B moves in a vertical line relative to A if u1 cos   u2 cos 

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 4 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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(B) B moves in a straight line path relative to A

(C) B moves in a parabolic path relative to A

(D) The particles collide mid-air if their time of flight is equal

and sum of their horizontal range is greater than d

10. Two planets A and B of mass 4M and M, and radius 2R and R have their centres at x  0 and x  6 R
respectively. A small particle is projected along the line joining the two centres with velocity v as shown.
Ignore the effect of motion of the two planets. Choose correct options:

(A) The minimum value of v so that the particle reaches the

surface of B is

(B) Just after the particle leaves the surface of A, its

velocity is increasing

(C) If the particle reaches x  4 R, then it will reach the

surface of B

(D) Net gravitational force on the particle is zero at x  4 R

11. A mercury barometer is used to measure air pressure in an elevator. If the elevator is stationary,
the reading of the barometer is 76 cm. Assume air pressure to remain unchanged, choose correct

(A) If the elevator is accelerated upwards, the reading of barometer is more than 76 cm

(B) If the elevator is accelerated upwards, the reading of barometer is less than 76 cm

(C) If the elevator is moving upwards with constant velocity, the reading of barometer is 76 cm

(D) If the elevator is accelerated downwards with acceleration less than g, the reading of
barometer is more than 76 cm

12. A plank of mass m0 and length  moving with velocity v0 on a smooth

horizontal surface passes under a stationary hopper. Sand spills from the
hopper at a constant rate of  kg / s, falls through height h onto the plank and

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 5 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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sticks to it. Let v be the instantaneously velocity of plank, choose the correct

(A) Horizontal component of force exerted by falling sand on the plank is proportional to v.

(B) Vertical component of force exerted by falling sand on the plank is proportional to h

(C) Acceleration of the plank is proportional to v

m0 v0
(D) Velocity of the plank after it completely passes from under the hopper is v0 e

This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer.
If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).

Paragraph for Questions 1 - 2

The fresh water (density 103 kg/m3 ) behind a reservoir dam is
15 m deep. A horizontal cylindrical pipe 4.0 cm in diameter passes
through the dam 5.0 m below the water surface as shown in figure. A
plug P secures the pipe opening. Ignore atmospheric pressure & take

g  10 m/s 2 and   3.

1. The minimum friction force between the plug and pipe wall so that plug does not eject out is ______ (in N)

2. When the plug is removed, what volume of water (in m3 , rounded off to nearest integer) flows out of the
pipe in 3.0 hours? (Assume negligible change in dam water level due to outflow of water)

Paragraph for Questions 3 - 4

A variable force F  t is acting on block of mass ‘m’ at an angle  with horizontal as shown.

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 6 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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 1 2
 m  1kg ,   3N / sec  s  0.75,  k  3 , g  10 m /s 
 

3. Minimum possible time after which block can start moving is _____ (in seconds).

4. Speed of block when it leaves the horizontal surface for   37  is ____. (in m/s, rounded off to nearest

Paragraph for Questions 5 – 6

A man is travelling on a car which is moving up an inclined plane at a speed of 5 m/s as shown. He throws a ball
towards a stationary hoop located perpendicular to the incline in such a way that the ball moves parallel to the slope
of incline while going through the centre of hoop which is 4m high from the man's hand. ( g  10 m/s2 )

5. What is the time (in seconds) taken by the ball to reach the centre of hoop?

6. If the displacement of ball is 4 5 m from the moment it is thrown till it passes through the hoop, then the
speed with which man throws the ball (with respect to himself) is ______(in m/s)

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SECTION-1 | Type A
This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. The correct order of electron affinity of the following elements is:

(A) Cl > O > N > C (B) Cl > O > C > N (C) Cl > N > C > O (D) Cl > C > O > N

2. The incorrect statement among the following is:

(A) Bond angle in NH3 and NF3 are same
(B) Bond angle in CH4 and CF4 are same
(C) Bond angle in PH3 is greater than AsH3

(D) Bond angle in BH 4 and BF4 are same

3. Solid NH4HS was heated at 100°C in a closed container. The following equilibrium was established

 NH3 (g)  H 2S(g)

NH 4 HS(s) 

KP for the equilibrium was found to be 0.36 atm2 .

The total pressure of the mixture of gases at equilibrium is:

(A) 0.6 atm (B) 1.2 atm (C) 0.18 atm (D) 0.9 atm

4. In hydrogen atom during de-excitation of electron from an excited state to ground state, 15 spectral lines
are emitted. Find the longest wavelength of U.V. region during de-excitation.

4 36 25 16
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3R H 35R H 24R H 15R H

5. How many gram of magnesium carbonate (Molar mass = 84 g/mole) can be completely dissolved in 3.26
litre of 5M HCl solution according to the following reaction ?

MgCO3  2HCl 
 MgCl 2  CO 2  H 2O

(A) 1369.2 (B) 342.3 (C) 171.2 (D) 684.6

6. The energy of the first orbit of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. If the fourth ionization enthalpy of beryllium is

expressed as Y 10 19 J, what is the value of ‘Y’ ?

(A) 348.16 (B) 195.84 (C) 48.96 (D) 544

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SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.
7. Which of the following will exist as dimer?

(A) CH3Li (B) Si(CH3 )4 (C) Al(CH3 )3 (D) N(CH3 )3

8. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for molecular speeds of a gas is shown in the figure at given
temperature T

In the figure H is the height of the peak, L is the location of the maximum and W is the width at
half height. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding this graph:

(A) For a given gas, as the temperature decreases, H decreases, L increases and W
(B) At a given temperature, as the molar mass decreases, H increases, L decreases and W
(C) For a given gas, as the temperature decreases, H increases, L decreases and W
(D) At a given temperature, as the molar mass decreases, H decreases, L increases and W

9. The paramagnetic species out of the following is/are :

(A) O 2 (B) N 2 (C) O22 (D) N 22

10. When 5.0 mL of a 0.1 M HCl solution is mixed with 5.0 mL of a 0.1 M NaOH solution, temperature of
solution increases by 2°C. Which of the following can be predicted accurately from this observation ?

(A) 10 mL of same HCl is mixed with 10 mL of NaOH, temperature rise will be 4°C

(B) 10 mL of 0.05 M HCl mixed with 10 mL of 0.05M NaCl, the temperature rise will be 2°C

(C) If 5 mL of 0.1 M HCl is mixed with 5 mL of 0.1 M NH3 solution, the temperature rise will be less
than 2°C

(D) If 5 mL of 0.1 M CH3COOH mixed with 5 mL of 0.1 M NaOH, the temperature rise will be less
than 2°C

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 9 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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11. Choose the reaction(s) from the following options, for which the standard enthalpy of reaction is equal to
standard enthalpy of combustion.

(A) C(diamond) + O 2 (g) 

 CO 2 (g)

(B)  2H 2 O()
2H 2 (g)  O 2 (g) 

(C) C6 H 6 ( )   6CO 2 (g)  3H 2O()
O 2 (g) 

(D) S8 (s)  8O 2 (g) 

 8SO2 (g)

12. Select the incorrect statement(s).

(A) IE1 of nitrogen atom is less than IE1 of oxygen atom

(B) Electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is less than selenium

(C) Electronegativity on Pauling scale is 2.8 times the electronegativity on Mulliken scale.

(D) Cr 6 is smaller than Cr3

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 10 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If
the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).

Paragraph for Questions 1 - 2

When a sample of hydrogen atoms is irradiated by electromagnetic radiations of suitable wavelength, all the
electrons jump from the ground state to the ninth orbit. As the electrons cannot remain permanently in the ninth
orbit, they de-excites to the ground state making one or more than one transitions. Each transition results in the
emission of an electromagnetic radiation of a particular wavelength. When these radiations pass through a prism,
they deviate with different angles resulting in the spectral lines.

1. Number of possible spectral lines which may be emitted in brackett series in H-atom, if electron present in
9 th excited level returns to ground level, are ________.

2. What is the maximum number of spectral lines, if the sample is containing only one atom?

Paragraph for Questions 3 - 4

Le Chatelier performed an experiment in science academy. He introduced excess of solid NH 4 HS into a closed 5.0
L vessel containing NH 3 gas at a partial pressure of P mm of Hg and at temperature 300 K. Due to it, dissociation
of the solid takes place and at equilibrium, he measured the partial pressure of NH 3 gas equal to 625 mm of Hg
and the total pressure of gases equal to 725 mm of Hg.

3. The value of P (in mm of Hg) is _________.

4. What would have been the partial pressure (in mm of Hg) of NH 3 , if excess solid NH 4 HS had been taken
in an evacuated vessel of the same volume at the same temperature?

Paragraph for Questions 5 – 6

As a result of the isobaric heating by T  72 K , one mole of a certain ideal gas obtains an amount of heat
Q  1.60 kJ (Use R  8 JK 1mol 1 )

5. The magnitude of work performed by the gas in J is______.

6. The value of  for the gas is _______.

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 11 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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SECTION-1 | Type A
This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

1. All the five digit numbers in which each successive digit exceeds it predecessor are arranged in the
increasing order of their order of their magnitudes. The 97th number is
(A) 24579 (B) 24678 (C) 24679 (D) 24789
2. The roots of x3  px 2  qx – 9  0 are each one more than the roots of x3 – ax2  bx – c  0, where
a, b, c, p, q  R. Then a  b  c is equal to
(A) 0 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
 Cr sin 2rx
3. The value of r 0 is equal to
 Cr cos 2rx
r 0
(A) sin nx (B) tan 2nx (C) tan nx (D) 1
4. Let a series be defined such that its rth term tr is given by tr   r  1 Sr 1 for r  1, where Sr 1 is sum of

its first  r  1 terms, also t1  0 . Then for n  1,  n  N 

(A) Sn   n  1!t1 (B)  n  1 tn1  Sn  nSn1

(C) ntn 1  Sn   n  1 Sn 1 (D)  n  2  tn1  Sn   n  1 Sn1
 
5. If z is a complex number such that   arg z  , then which of the following inequality is true
2 2
(A) z  z  z  arg z  arg z  (B) z  z  z  arg z  arg z 
(C) z  z   arg z  arg z  (D) none of these

6. The values of for which the system of equations sin x cos y  a 2 and sin y cos x  a , have a solution is
1  5 5  1   1  5 5  1
(A) a ,  (B) a   , 
 2 2   2 2 

1  5 5  1 
(C) a ,  (D) None of these
 2 2 

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 12 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.

7. If z is a complex number lying in the fourth quadrant of argand plane and  2i  2 for all real
k 1
values of k  k  1 , then possible value of arg  z  is

   5
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
3 4 6 12
8. If the equation sin 2 x  a sin x  b  0 has only one solution in  0,   then which of the following
statements are correct.
(A) a  (,1] [2, ) (B) b (,0] [1, )
(C) a  1 b (D) b  1 a
9. If sum of the principal arguments of all the roots of equation x n  k is , then it can be true when
(A) n is even and k  0 (B) n is even and k  0
(C) n is odd and k  0 (D) n is odd and k  0
10. If p and q are odd integers, then the equation x 2  2 px  2q  0
(A) has no integral roots (B) has no rational roots
(C) has no irrational roots (D) has no imaginary roots.
11. If equation 16 x 4  mx3   2m  17  x 2  mx  16  0 has four distinct roots forming a geometric

progression, and one of the roots is , then:
(A) Common ratio of G.P. is 4 (B) m  170
(C) Sum of the roots  (D) One root is 1
12. Gaurav and Saurabh are Algebra genius. In a game Gaurav is going to pick three non-zero real numbers
and Saurabh is going to arrange the three numbers as the coefficient of a quadratic equation

ax2  bx  c  0 . Gaurav wins the game if and only if the resulting equation has two distinct rational
solution else Saurabh will win.
(A) Saurabh has 100% chance of winning
(B) Gaurav has 100% chance of winning
(C) Both have 50% chance of winning
(D) 1 may be a root for winning strategy

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 13 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If
the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).

Paragraph for Question 1-2

If 1  x    nCr xr , than the sum of the binomial coefficients can be obtained by substituting x  1.
r 0
But in case we have to find the sum of coefficients in some particular order, we can substitute x by ix or

 x or 2 x depending upon the requirements.

1  n  
1. If  n C0  n C3  n C6  .....   2n   cos    . Then the value of    is
3   
3n r 1 3n
2. If n is an even positive integer and k 
, then the value of   3 C2 r 1 is equal to
r 1

Paragraph for Question 3-4

Let Vr denote the sum of first r terms of an arithmetic progression (A.P.) whose first term is r and the common

difference is  2 r  1 . Let Tr  Vr 1  Vr  2;

1 1
Qr  Tr 1  Tr , Wr   and X r  3Qr for r  1, 2,.....
Tr 4  r  1
n 1
3. If  k 1Vk  a n  n  1  bn2  n  c  & Tr   dr  1 er  1 then the value of a  b  c  d  e is

4. If Wr  , and common difference of Q1, Q2 , Q3 ,...... (which is an A.P .) is , then the value of
4  rq  1
p  q + , is

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 14 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

Paragraph for Question 5-6

k black balls are placed in a row with gaps between them. The balls are then numbered such that nth ball from the

 
left has n 2  n imprinted on it. Now white balls are placed in the gaps such that the number of white balls in a

gap is equal to the difference of the numbers on the two consecutive black balls between which white balls needs to
be placed.
5. If the number of white balls available is 340, then number of black balls is

6. If the number of white and black balls available are 140 and 12 respectively then the least number of
white and black balls which should be discarded for given arrangement to be possible are respectively 
and . . The value of    is

   End of JEE Advanced – 3 | Paper - 1 |JEE -2023 (GEN 1 & 2)  

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 15 JEE Advanced-3 | Gen 1 & 2

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