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IB Mathematics HL

(i) Consider the function f : x → x−x 2 for −1 ≤ x ≤ k , where 1<k ≤ 3.

(a) Sketch the graph of the function f .


Consider k =3

IB Mathematics HL

(i) Consider the function f : x → x−x 2 for −1 ≤ x ≤ k , where 1<k ≤ 3.

(b) Find the total finite area enclosed by the graph f , the x-axis and the line x=k


Area= ( 2+2 k 3−3 k 2 )

[ ] [ ]
k 1 k 2 3 1 2 3 k
x x x x
Area=∫ f ( x ) dx=∫ ( x−x ) dx−∫ ( x−x ) dx= −
2 2
− −
0 0 1
2 3 0 2 3 1

2 3
1−0 1−0 k −1 k −1 1 (
= 2+2 k −3 k )
3 2
¿ − − +
2 3 2 3 6

IB Mathematics HL

(ii) Give exact answer in this part of the equation.

The temperature g(t ) at time t of a given point of a heated iron rod is given by

ln t
g (t)= , where t >0.
(a) Find the interval where g' (t ) >0.


0<t <e

g (t)=
' 1 ln t 2−ln t 2

g ( t )= 3
− 3
= 3
> 0⇒ 2−ln t >0 ⇒ ln t <2⇒ t< e
t 2
2t 2
t 2

But t >0

∴ 0<t <e 2

IB Mathematics HL

(ii) Give exact answer in this part of the equation.

The temperature g(t ) at time t of a given point of a heated iron rod is given by

ln t
g (t)= , where t >0.
(b) Find the interval where g' ' ( t )> 0 and the interval where g' ' ( t )< 0


g (t)> when t >e 3
g (t)< when 0<t <e 3

ln t
g (t)=
' 1 ln t 2−lnt

g (t )= 3
− 3
= 3
t 2
2t 2
t 2

−2 √ t−3 √ t( 2−ln t) −√ t(8−3 ln t)

∴ g (t ¿ =
4t3 4t3
g (t)>0 ⇒ - {sqrt {t} (8-3 ln {t} ) } over {4 {t} ^ {3}} >0 ⇒ 3 ln t−8> 0⇒ ln t> 8 ⇒ t> e 3
g (t)<0 ⇒ - {sqrt {t} (8-3 ln {t} ) } over {4 {t} ^ {3}} <0 ⇒ 3 ln t−8< 0⇒ ln t< 8 ⇒ t< e 3
But t >0 ⇒ 0<t <e 3

IB Mathematics HL

(ii) Give exact answer in this part of the equation.

The temperature g(t ) at time t of a given point of a heated iron rod is given by

ln t
g (t)= , where t >0.
(c) Find the value of t where the graph of g(t ) has a point of inflexion


( )
8 −4
e3 , e 3

The point of inflexion is the point where second derivative is zero.

∴ g (t)=0 ⇒ - {sqrt {t} (8-3 ln {t} ) } over {4 {t} ^ {3}} =0 ⇒t= or t=e 3

( )
8 −4
Since t >0, point of inflection is e , e3 3

IB Mathematics HL

(ii) Give exact answer in this part of the equation.

The temperature g(t ) at time t of a given point of a heated iron rod is given by

ln t
g (t)= , where t >0.
¿ ¿ ¿
(d) Let t be a value of t for which g ' ( t )=0 and g left ({t} ^ {*} right ) <. Find t


¿ 2
t =e

' 1 ln t 2−lnt
g ( t )= − = =0 ⇒ 2
3 3 3 ln t=2 ⇒ t=e
2 2 2
t 2t t

−e ( 8−3 ln e2 ) −1
g (t)=- {sqrt {t} (8-3 ln {t} ) } over {4 {t} ^ {3} ⇒ g' ' ( e2 )= 6
= 5 <0.
4e 2e
So, for t=e 2, which g ' ( t )=0 and g left (t right ) <

∴ t ¿=e2

IB Mathematics HL

(ii) Give exact answer in this part of the equation.

The temperature g(t ) at time t of a given point of a heated iron rod is given by

ln t
g (t)= , where t >0.
(e) Find the point where the normal to the graph of g(t ) at the point ( t , g ( t ) ) meets t-axis.
¿ ¿


( e 2 ,0 )

Since g' ( t ¿ )=0 , at t=t , tangent is horizontal.
¿ ¿
So, equation of normal at t=t is: t=t ⇒ t=e 2

Which meets the t-axis at point ( e 2 ,0 )


IB Mathematics HL

(i) Let S be the group of permutations of { 1 , 2, 3 } under the composition of permutations.

(b) Let p0 , p 1 , p2 be three elements of S, as follows:

p0= [ 11 2 3
2 3 ] [
, p1 =
1 2 3
2 3 1
, p 2=] [
1 2 3
3 1 2
. ]
List the other elements of the S and show that S is not an Abelian group.


[ ] [
p0= 1 2 3 , p1 = 1 2 3 , p 2= 1 2 3
1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 ] [ ]
p =[
, p =[
, p =[
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
3 4 5
1 3 2 1 3 2

[ 11
p3 ∘ p4 = ∘ ][
2 3 1 2 3
3 2 2 1 3
1 2 3
3 1 2 ][ ]
4 [2
p ∘p = 13
1 3] [ 1
3 ∘ 1 2
3 2] [ 2
3= 1 2
3 1]

Here we can observe that p3 ∘ p4 ≠ p 4 ∘ p3. Which proves that S is not an abelian group

IB Mathematics HL

(i) Let S be the group of permutations of { 1 , 2, 3 } under the composition of permutations.

(a) What is the order of the group S?


S is group of permutation of 3 numbers { 1 , 2, 3 } .

∴ Order of S = 3! = 6

IB Mathematics HL

(b) Show that the set M = {[ ] [

0 1 0 −1 0 1][
1 0 , 1 0 , −1 0 , −1 0
0 −1 ][ ]} forms a group under matrix



Here, [ 10 01] ∈ M
[ 10 −10 ] ⋅ [ 10 −10 ]=[ 10 01] , [ 10 −10 ] ⋅ [−10 01]=[−10 −10 ]
[ 10 −10 ] ⋅ [−10 −10 ]=[−10 01] [−10 01] ⋅ [−10 01]=[ 10 01]
, ,

[−10 01] ⋅ [−10 −10 ]=[ 10 −10 ] ,[−10 01 ]⋅ [ 10 −10 ]=[−10 −10 ]
[−10 −10 ] ⋅ [−10 −10 ]=[ 10 01] ,[−10 −10 ] ⋅ [−10 01]=[10 −10 ]
[−10 −10 ] ⋅ [ 10 −10 ]=[−10 01]
Which shows that M is closed with respect to matrix multiplication as the binary operation.
Here we can observe that the product of each element with itself is the identity, which means
that every element of M is its own inverse.
Hence we can say that M is a group.

IB Mathematics HL

(c) Can M have a subgroup of order 3? Justify your answer.


M cannot have a subgroup of order 3

Order of group M = 4
Corollaries to Lagrange's Theorem:

Using this corollary, Index of subgroup ¿ ∉N
Which proves that M cannot have a subgroup of order 3.

IB Mathematics HL

(a) Define an isomorphism between two groups ( G ,∘ ) ∧(H , •)


Given two groups ( G ,∘ ) ∧( H , •),

They are said to be isomorphic if there is a one-to-one transformation f : G → H such that for all
u and v in G it holds that
f ( u ∘ v )=f (u)•f (v )

IB Mathematics HL

(b) Let e and e ' be the identity elements of groups G and H respectively. Let f be an
isomorphism between these two groups. Prove that f ( e )=e '


Given two groups ( G ,∘ ) ∧( H , •),

f : G → H , f ( x ) ∈ H for some x ∈ G.
We know that e is identity element of G.

∴ f ( e ∘ x )=f (x)

We know that e ' is identity element of H.

∴ e ' • f ( x )=f ( x )=f (e ∘ x)

But f ( e ∘ x )=f (e )• f (x )

∴e ' • f ( x )=f (e)•f ( x )

∴e ' =f (e)

IB Mathematics HL

(d) Consider Z 4, the additive group of integers modulo 4. Prove that Z 4 is cyclic. Is Z 4
isomorphic to M in part (ii)(b) under matrix multiplication? Justify your answer.


Z 4= { [ 0 ] , [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] }

Let ¿ 4 be the binary operation. ¿ 4 ❑

Now, [ 1 ] ¿ 4 [ 1 ] = [ 2 ] , [ 1 ] ¿ 4 [ 2 ] =3 , [ 1 ] ¿ 4 [ 3 ] =[0 ]

So, we can observe that [ 1 ] is a generator of group ( Z 4 , ¿ 4 ) and Z 4 is cyclic.

Every element of M is of order 2 while Z 4 has element of order 1. And M is not cyclic.

So, Z 4 is not isomorphic to M .


IB Mathematics HL

(a) Give a definition of the adjacency matrix of a directed graph G .


An adjacency matrix is a matrix which describes a graph by representing which vertices are
adjacent to which other vertices.
If G is a graph of order n, then its adjacency matrix is a square matrix of order n, where each row
and column correspond to a vertex of G.

The element a ij of such a matrix specifies the number of edges from vertex i to vertex j.

IB Mathematics HL

(c) What is represented by the sum of the entries of the j th column of the adjacency matrix of G


The sum of the entries in column j equals the indegree of vertex j .

Or we can say the number of directed edges to vertex v j


IB Mathematics HL

(b) What is represented by the sum of the entries of the i th row of the adjacency matrix of G ?


The sum of the entries in row i equals the outdegree of vertex vi .

Or we can say the number of directed edges from vertex vi


IB Mathematics HL

(a) Draw a directed graph whose adjacency matrix A is given by the following:


IB Mathematics HL

(b) How many paths of length 2 are from vertex v 2 to vertex v 4



As we can observe in directed graph, there is only one path v 2−v 1−v 4 of length 2.

IB Mathematics HL

(iii) Let k 4 be the complete graph of order n and k m ,n be a bipartite graph of orders m and n .

(b) Show that k 3,3 has a Hamiltonian cycle, giving appropriate reasons.


Graph k 3,3 is shown above.

Here every vertex has degree 3.

This circuit shows that there is a circuit which goes through each vertex exactly once. Which is a
Hamiltonian circuit.

IB Mathematics HL

(iii) Let k 4 be the complete graph of order n and k m ,n be a bipartite graph of orders m and n .

(a) Explain the following, giving one example of each:

(i) k 5, the complete graph of order 5,


A complete k 5 is a graph with 5 vertices, every vertex is connected to every other four vertex.

It is shown below,

(ii) a bipartite graph k 3,3 .


In k 3,3, vertices are divided into two disjoint set X and Y. Both the set has three vertices such that
no two vertices in X are adjacent and no two vertices in Y are adjacent. And every vertices of set
X are adjacent to every vertex of B.

Graph k 3,3 is shown above.


IB Mathematics HL

(a) Prove that if two graphs are isomorphic, they have the same degree sequence.


The degree of sequence is the number of edges at each vertex.

Two graphs which contain the same number of graph vertices connected in the same way are
said to be isomorphic.
So, an isomorphism always preserves adjacency of vertices.
So, if two groups are isomorphic and the degree sequences are not the same then the
isomorphism cannot preserve the adjacency of vertices contradicting definition.
This an isomorphism must preserve degree sequence.

IB Mathematics HL

(iv) The following floor plan shows the ground level of a new home. Is it possible to enter the
house through the front door and exit through the rear door, going through each internal
doorway exactly once? Give a reason for your answer.


We can show our path as graph shown below.

Here we can observe that vertex v1 , v 5 , v 7∧v 11 has odd degree.

So, there are more than two vertices with odd degree, then there us no Eulerian path.
Hence it is not possible to enter the house through front door and exit at the rear door,
travelling through the house going through each internal doorway exactly once.

IB Mathematics HL

(b) Are the following graphs isomorphic? Justify your answer.



The degree sequence of the graphs G is 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4

The degree sequence of the graphs H is 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 2 respectively.
We can observe that they are different, so, they are not isomorphic.

IB Mathematics HL

(vi) Apply Prim’s algorithm to the weighted graph given below to obtain the minimal spanning
tree starting with the vertex A .

Find the weight of the minimal spanning tree.



S is set of vertices and T is the set of edges. Start with point A.

Initially, S= { A } ,T =ϕ

Add edge h, ⇒ S= { A , D } , T ={ h }

Add edge e, ⇒ S= { A , D , E } , T ={h , e }

Add edge d, ⇒ S= { A , D , E , F } , T ={h , e , d }

Add edge a, ⇒ S= { A , D , E , F , B } , T ={h , e , d ,a }

Add edge i, ⇒ S= { A , D , E , F , B , G } , T ={h , e , d ,a ,i }

Add edge g, ⇒ S= { A , D , E , F , B , G ,C } , T ={h , e , d ,a ,i , g }

Now, S has all the vertices and we have obtained minimum spanning tree.

The weight of the minimal spanning tree ¿ 5+3+5+7 +5+6=31


IB Mathematics HL

(i) A supplier of copper wire looks for flaws before dispatching it to customers. It is known that
the number of flows follow a Poisson probability distribution with a mean of 2.3 flaws per meter
(a) Determine the probability that there are exactly 2 flaws in 1 meter of the wire.



e−λ λ x
P ( x) =
Take x=2,

e−2.3 (2.3 )2
∴ P ( 2 )= =0.265

IB Mathematics HL

(i) A supplier of copper wire looks for flaws before dispatching it to customers. It is known that
the number of flows follow a Poisson probability distribution with a mean of 2.3 flaws per meter
(b) Determine the probability that there is at least one flaw in 2 meters of the wire.



Here Poisson distribution mean ¿ 2.3 flaws per meter ¿ 4.6 flaws per 2 meters.
e ( 4.6 )0
Now, P ( X ≥1 ) =1−P ( 0 )=1− =0.990

IB Mathematics HL

(i) Let S be the group of permutation of {1, 2, 3} under the composition of permutations.
(c) Find a subgroup of S of order 3.


[ ][ ][
p21= 1 2 3 1 2 3 = 1 2 3 =p 2
2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 ]
p =[
2 ][ 2 1] [ 1 3]
3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 = =p 0
3 1 3 2

Here, p0 is the identity of the group S.

Hence { p0 , p 1 , p2 } forms a cyclic group of order 3 under binary operation of composition of


IB Mathematics HL

(a) Let A be the set of all 2 ×2 matrices of the form [−ba ba] , where a and b are real numbers,

and a 2+ b2 ≠ 0 . Prove that A is a group under matrix multiplication.


Let A= {[ ]
a b
−b a
:a, b∈ R ,a +b ≠ 0 .

Let [−ba ba] [−dc dc ]

and be two elements of A.

Now, [−ba ba][−dc dc ]=[−bc−ad

ac−bd ad +bc
−bd +ac ] =[
−β α ]
α β
where α =ac−bd , β=ad+ bc

Since a , b , c , d are real number, α , β are also real number. So, we can say that A is closed under
matrix multiplication.
Associativity follows from the fact that matrix multiplication is an associative binary operation
on collection of all 2×2 matrices.

Now, [ 10 01] ∈ A and it is an identity matrix

because [−ba ba][10 01]=[10 01][−ba ba]=[−ba ba]

and |−ba ba|=a + b ≠0
2 2

[−ba ba] [−ba ba] = a 1+b [ ab −ba ]

So, has an inverse. 2 2

[−ba ba]( a +1 b [ ab −ba ])= a 1+b [ a +b0 a +b0 ]=[10 01]

2 2
Now, 2 2 2 2 2 2

So, inverse exist for every element of A .

Which proves that A is a group under matrix multiplication.


IB Mathematics HL

(ii) A market research company has been asked to find an estimate of the mean hourly wage
rate for a group of skilled workers. It is known that the population standard deviation of the
hourly wage of workers is $4.00. Using a confidence interval for the mean, determine how large
a sample is required to yield a probability of 95% that the estimate of the mean hourly wage is
within $0.25 of the actual mean.


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