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The Early Modern period f © The Catholic Monarchs » Milestones © The major events of the Early Modern period were: » © The emergence of authoritarian monarchies. » *& The division of Christendom. » & The Renaissance. _. * Major geographical discoveries. 2° The development of trade. 2° The rise of the bourgeoisie. » The discovery of America On the 12 of October, 1492, three ships under the command of _ Christopher Columbus reached America. It was the first time Europeans a had set foot on the American continent. = Ferdinand Il and Isabella | | ~The Catholic Monarchs, or Isabella | of Castilla and Ferdinand II of i " Aragén, were proclaimed the first sovereigns of the Spanish monarchy, __ although they governed their own separate territories. _ One of their main aims was to establish political unity by incorporating Navarra, Granada and Portugal into their territory. They also wanted to achieve religious unity and did so with measures like the Inquisition and the expulsion of all Jews who didn’t convert to Catholicism. The Spanish nobility were powerful in the Middle Ages, but this was changed by Ferdinand and Isabella. They strengthened their own power by setting up royal councils, groups of professional advisers who assisted the monarchs with specific affairs or territories. The Catholic Monarchs also strengthened the justice system by creating royal tribunals called Audiencias. 1a) When did the Early Modern period begin? b) What were the Audiencias? The Spanish monarchy at its peak Charles I: conflicts in Spain | Ferdinand II and Isabella I's policy of creating political alliances with other European countries through strategic marriages resulted in their grandson, Charles |, succeeding them to the throne. Charles was unpopular with his Spanish subjects: he had not grown up in Spain, so his Spanish was poor; in addition, he appointed foreigners to positions of power and imposed heavy taxation. Growing resistance to Charles led to revolts in Castilla, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. However, by 1520 AD, he was King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor. His title as emperor was Charles V. Conflicts abroad The reign of Emperor Charles V was marked by three main problems: © Wars with France. Charles spent many years fighting over the territories of Navarra, Franche-Comté and Naples. The threat of the Ottoman Turks. They were a threat to the Central European and Mediterranean Empire. one Bae MR ys © The spread of Protestantism. Br eee In 1520, Martin Luther, a German eB *% monk, separated from the —Miggyfeytmystawntnores ll eonepatert antes Roman Catholic Church. This Hi coh ral acre tar eran caused a great division within the Church. His followers were called Protestants. pom i cena wandnote, oi iS LD ae Facing opposition from Charles V, Protestant princes in German states formed an alliance called the Schmalkaldic League. Although they were initially defeated, they rebelled again and the emperor was forced to sign a treaty called the Peace of Augsburg (1555), which formally recognised religious freedom in Germany. 1 Look at the map above. Who gave Charles | the most territory? Philip ti Charles was succeeded by his son Philip II in 1556, the most powerful king of his time. In Spain, Philip faced the Alpujarras Revolt (1568), arebellion by Moriscos in Granada that ended with most Moriscos being expelled from Spain or scattered throughout the peninsula. He also faced the Revolt of Aragén (1590). The Spanish monarch dealt with many threats abroad, including: * Wars with France over the control of Italy, ending with a Spanish victory in the Battle of Saint Quentin (1557). * The Ottoman Turks, who were defeated by the Spanish in the Battle of Lepanto (1571). * The Low Countries. The Protestants fought for independence and finally broke free from Spanish rule in 1579 calling themselves the United Provinces. * England. English pirates, helped by the Queen of England, were disrupting trade with the Americas. Philip responded by sending the Spanish Armada, a supposedly indestructible fleet, to attack England, but the Armada was unsuccessful. a. ee AMERICA’ i rscinie Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones in your notebook. 1 King Charles | was also known as Emperor Charles V. 2 Charles faced three main problems outside of Spain: wars with France, the threat of the Ottoman Empire and the spread of Protestantism. 3. In 1579, the monk Martin Luther broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, leading to the emergence of Judaism. 4. King Charles I was the most powerful king of his time. The decline of the Spanish empire A century marked by change The Spanish empire was ruled by three monarchs during the 17 century, a period during which Spain experienced many changes: © The population dropped and Spain experienced an economic recession due to outbreaks of plagues, famines and costly military conflicts such as the Thirty Years War. Anew trade system based on exchanging goods for gold and silver developed. Absolute monarchies, in which rulers held unrestricted power over their subjects, gained force. ° Spanish hegemony (Spain's imperial dominance) came to an end. Different marginal groups appeared. Trade between Spain and its colonies were threatened by piracy. A new figure in Spanish politics, the valido, or royal advisor, emerged. The three monarchs to rule Spain during this century delegated their power to their validos, who ran the country on their behalf. Philip Ill ruled Spain from 1598 to 1621. He and his valido, the Duke of Lerma, focused on securing peace with England and the United Provinces. One of his most significant acts at home was the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609, which had very negative effects on Spanish agriculture, and consequently on the economy. Philip III's son, Philip IV, reigned from 1621 until 1665. Along with his valido, the Count-Duke of Olivares, he led Spain back into war with France and the United Provinces. He financed these wars by imposing heavy taxes on peasants and merchants, leading to revolts in Catalonia, Andalucia and Portugal. It was during his reign that Portugal gained independence from Spain. Finally, Spain's defeat in its war with France marked the end of Spanish hegemony in Europe. Charles II inherited the throne in 1665 from his father, Philip IV, and ruled until 1700. He was weak and sickly so his mother and his validos, especially the Duke of Medinaceli, handled the affairs. He died without offspring and his death marked the end of the Habsburg Spain. His will named Louis XIV’s grandson as his successor. He was known as Philip V and became the first Bourbon king of Spain. Work with a partner. List five important changes that Spain experienced during the 17 century. n4e. “ES 2 The Spanish Golden Age Ironically, this period of political and economic crisis was also one of great intellectual and cultural achievement. The period from 1580 to 1660 marked what historians call the Spanish Golden Age. The Renaissance The Renaissance developed in Italy and then spread throughout Europe and Spain. During this period, artists revisited ancient Greek and Roman works. Many sculptures and paintings of the period depicted the ideal human form, but Renaissance architecture emphasised straight lines and simplicity. Renaissance artists and intellectuals celebrated the potential of human beings which started a movement called Humanism. The Renaissance brought developments in: Architecture. Two main styles emerged in Spain during this period: Plateresque buildings had ornately decorated facades, while Herrerian architecture (named after Spanish architect Juan de Herrera) was extremely simple and sober. ° Sculpture. Polychrome wooden sculptures depicted _ religious themes. Alonso de Berruguete was a notable Spanish sculptor of the period. Painting. El Greco was one of the most important figures of Spanish Renaissance painting. He was greatly influenced by Itali altorpiece ot the Cathedral of Toledo, ae 7 7 ND ecg of cht "How long did the Golden Age last? ing, in which he wrot= rom right to left. Nobody really knows why! Maybe e wanted to keep his ideas a secret! Work with a partner. Choose a development brought about by the Renaissance from the text above. Use the Internet to research an example. Share your findings with the class. The baroque style The elaborate baroque style spread to Spain from Italy in the 17% century. In architecture, artists used strong curves and richly detailed adornments. Sculptors and painters transmitted a sense of movement. They used strong contrasts between light and dark in their work. In Spain, the influence of the baroque style was felt in: ¢ Architecture. The new Churrigueresque style (named after the Churriguera brothers, all influential architects of the period) featured elaborately decorated facades. . Sculpture. The most common medium was wood. Gregorio Fernandez and Alonso Cano were important baroque sculptors Painting. Spanish baroque painting varied in subject matter: there were religious and mythological scenes and also portraits. Some of the greatest baroque artists were from Spain. Literature eae In Renaissance Spain, poetry and theatre gained popularity and picaresque novels and mystical literature flourished. Important works include the picaresque novella Lazarillo de Tormes and the writings of Teresa de Avila. Baroque literature gave Spain its most famous writer, Miguel de Cervantes, and his novel, Don Quixote. The period produced important writers like, Francisco de Quevedo and Luis de Géngora and famous Barca and Tirso de Molina. Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones in your notebook. 1 The period from 1580 to 1660 is known as the Spanish Age of Exploration. 2 The Renaissance developed in Spain and then spread throughout Europe. 3 El Greco was one of the most important figures of Spanish prehistoric painting. Brainstorm with your class to name as many characters as you can from Don Quixote. aaa atlas eae Vlei comin Bit Cons The tite poye of the first playwrights, including Lope de Vega, Calderon de la caitionof bon Quote. The 18" Century and the Bourbons The War of Spanish Succession The main European powers were not happy with the choice of Philip as king because they feared it would mean the union of Spain and France. They supported the Archduke Charles of Austria for the throne. This conflict resulted in the War of Spanish Succession. The war ended with the Treaty of Utrecht (1713) and Rastatt (1714), where Philip V agreed to three main concessions: © To give up his right to the French throne. © Give territories in the low countries and Italy to Austria. © Give the territories of Gibraltar and Minorca to Great Britain. Enlightened despotism The 18" century had four Bourbonkings: Philip V , Ferdinand VI, Charles Ill and Charles IV. Each of these had the ultimate power to make legal, social and educational reforms. This style of governing became known as enlightened despotism. Philip V centralised the government. Ferdinand VI maintained his father's centralised government. His reign was marked by neutrality and peace. Charles III enacted many reforms. He instituted numerous laws and institutions throughout the kingdom, modernised the economy and public education and encouraged the study of science and the arts. Charles IV ruled through his valido, Godoy. Godoy allied Spain with the French Revolution and later with Napoleon, rather than with anti-revolutionary Great Britain. This resulted in conflicts with Great Britain and in Napoleon eventually taking control of Spain The Age of Enlightenment The Age of Enlightenment, often called the Enlightenment, developed in France in the 18" century and then spread throughout Europe, thanks in part to the Encyclopédie. King Charles III was an important precursor of enlightened ideas in Spain. The Enlightenment was a cultural, scientific and political movement that emphasised education and reason; science and technology; and democratic ideas. gof 0g iS % a ae ttlionys ow The Early Modern period in Andalucia The 16" Century The 16" century was an important time period in Andalucia. The population of Andalucia grew quickly. Thanks to the discovery of America, the economy also grew quickly. Trade and industry increased, as did cultivated land. Important buildings were constructed during this time period, some of which are considered to be authentic works of art, such as the Palace of Charles V in Granada. The 17* century In the 17* century, Andalucia and Spain entered into a period of crisis. The population stopped growing due to wars, emigration and epidemics. The production of arable farming decreased and trade was affected considerably. Only art experienced a great period of splendour. The baroque style of art reached its peak with artists like Velazquez and sculptors such as Martinez Montanés. The 18" century During the 18" century Andalucia prospered. The population increased again, as did the economy. Arable farming expanded. This was the most important activity in Andalucia. Industry developed. New factories were built, such as the tobacco factories in Sevilla, which were the biggest in the world. Also, new localities were created, such as the Carlota. The surrounding areas of Despefiaperros were inhabited by 3 000 settlers of different nationalities. Important buildings were constructed in Sevilla and Granada, such as the sacristia de la Cartuja de Granada and the fagade of the Palace of San Telmo in Sevilla. In your own words, describe what Andalucia was like during the 18% century. ‘Modern hort i Andalucia Project Renaissance research a i a The Renaissance was a period of great artistic, social and scientific progress. You are going to do some research on the many important (figures who contributed to this progress and make posters to decorate your classroom. Work with a partner. You will need: a. Large pieces of cardboard (one per pair) ° Pencils, coloured pencils and felt-tip pens | Acomputer for online research | 5 i | | Step 1 Step 2 Step 3. Step 4 Leonardo da Vine! Choose one of the figures from the box below. Artists Historical figures Botticelli Christopher Columbus Giotto Nicolaus Copernicus Leonardo da Vinci Vasco da Gama Masaccio Martin Luther Michelangelo Ferdinand Magellan Perugino Raphael Titian Verrocchio Do some research on the person you chose and take notes. a) Write down: 1 When and where he was born and when he died. 2 What he did (Was he a painter? A sculptor? An explorer?).. 3. His main accomplishments. 4 Any fun facts. b) Find lots of pictures of the person's work and life. Using the information you have found, make a poster. Make it colourful and creative. Be sure to include a lot of pictures! Present your poster to the class and hang up your posters around the classroom. 66 CC _— Oe 7 Check what you know! Work in your notebo @ Match the sentences halves to make complete sentences in your notebook. Charles | was unpopular with his Spanish subjects because... In the 17" century..., The period from 1580 to 1660 marked what historians call... Philip II sent the Spanish Armada to England in part because. Under Philip IV... .». Spain's population dropped and the country experienced an economic recession. ... his Spanish was poor, he appointed foreigners to positions of power and he imposed heavy taxation. ... the Spanish Golden Age. Portugal gained independence from Spain. .- English pirates were attacking Spanish ships sailing from the Americas. My Word list absolute monarchy Audiencias baroque — Charles | Charles II Charles III Charles |V Christopher Columbus Churrigueresque conquistadors councils. Early Modern period enlightened despotism Enlightenment Ferdinand I Ferdinand VI Herrerian Humanism Isabella | Martin Luther Philip II Philip III Philip IV Philip V Plateresque Protestantism Renaissance Spanish Golden Age valido Can you imagine being able to speak to the people who ruled Spain vst during the early Modern period? Listen to what each monarch has ‘to say and match the clips to the pictures of the rulers. © @ Choose the correct answer. The Middle Ages were between... a) ... 1000 AD and 2000 AD. b) ... 476 and 1492 AD. c) ... 25 AD and 1492 AD. d) ... 47 and 2000 AD. Ee @ inthe Middle Ages, what three religions existed side by side in Spain? © @ Name three advances that the Muslims introduced into Spain. @ copy and complete the following sentences in your own words. me 1 One characteristic of Romanesque art is... 2. The difference between Mozarabs and Muwallads is... BE © in your own words, explain the effects of the Spanish conquest. @© Describe the reigns of Philip I and Charles Ill. Do you think they =] were good rulers? Why or why not? @ Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones in your notebook. 1. The early Modern period began with the discovery of America. = 2 El Greco was one of the most important figures of Spanish prehistoric painting. 3. The Age of Enlightenment developed in Spain in the 17% 5 century. © wich of the following was not a milestone of the early Modern period? 68 a) The Renaissance. b) The development of trade. ©) The rise of the Muslims. _d) Major geographical discoveries. Review Units 5 & 6 © Match the terms to their definitions in your notebook. 1 conquistadors a) Aperiod of cultural, scientific and political progress that developed in the 18 century. b) The regions the Spanish colonies were divided into. " ©) A large monastery and palace built by Philip Il in Madrid. 4 Enlightened despotism — d) A period in which people revisited ancient Greek and Roman art and thought. People who explored and conquered Spain’s colonies. 2 viceroyalties 3 Protestantisn 5 Age of Enlightenment —_¢| 6 Renaissance f) Areligion that emerged after Martin Luther‘s break with Catholicism. @ inyour own words, name three things that Ferdinand Il and Isabella | were responsible for. @ Ave the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones in your notebook. 1 Christopher Columbus went to America in 1592. 2 One reason that led to the discovery of America was the desire to spread Christianity. 3 The Spanish looked for gold, animals and diamonds in the colonies. 4 The main conflicts Charles V faced were the wars with France, the rise of the Roman Empire and the spread of Protestantism. @® Look at the pictures and match them to their style. 1 Renaissance 2 Baroque 3 Gothic Romanesque vs Gothic architecture in Science Eye 0 Interior of Leén Cathedral £ 8 j Z 2 é 3 i rosea emacs SSeced Pris cone ingot oan Proce Aus ied Doda ntansa t, Ear

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