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Choose your Character

Question One. Do you have a general idea in mind for the type of character you might like to be?

Not just, like, ‘a wizard lol’, but a concept or personality you’d enjoy playing? A jobsworth? A
charmer? A fish out of water? A grizzled veteran? A wannabe hero? A bookish nerd? A gossip?

Jot down your thoughts, doodles or whatever comes to mind! You might have a name and
playstyle already in your head, or just an image in your mind’s eye.

Top tip: Think of characters you love in TV, books or film. It’s totally OK for this to be stereotypical, not very ‘colourful’ or
completely derivative! Often old fantasy tropes like Gimli the Dwarf or Sam the wide-eyed Halfling can be really fun to play.

Question Two. What is their personality like in a handful of words?

You might consider… How do they speak? Are they similar to you or are they different? Are they jolly
and cheerful? Dry and dour? Boastful? Measured? Almost inaudible? Young? Old? Norwegian?

Think how you’d describe a workmate, what are they like in a few words, a sentence or two?
Like, Gimli? He’s the short welsh guy. A really good laugh, he’s fun to work with, dry sense of
humour, doesn’t suffer fools though and I wouldn’t cross him.

Top tip: Accents can be great but hard to maintain, and swapping gender is a cringe minefield. Bear in mind you don’t need
to be super unique like a long haired anime hero! Tropes can be fun for a reason and you’re just one member in a party.

Question Three. Let’s get more specific. Give me one thing your character likes, one positive
adjective and one negative adjective…

You can be straightforward or idiosyncratic. For example, Gimli the hot-headed Welshman really
cares about small woodland creatures, he’s a loyal friend, but he’s quick to anger.

Something you like A positive adjective A negative adjective

Question Four. Let’s think about how you fit into a party. What broad archetype suits you best?

This isn’t to pick your class or to get into the mechanics, it’s more like what’s your star sign. There are
some broad roles in a fantasy setting and a good balance makes a good team…

Warrior Thief Healer Mage

The raging barbarian, The sneaky rogue, the The stoic paladin, the The bearded old
the noble knight, the swashbuckling pirate, holy priest, the wizard, the wild eyed
young gladiator or the forest archer, the charming and sorcerer. Whilst not
war veteran. You get nimble duellist. You’re encouraging leader. physically gifted, you
stuck in, you’re on the more cunning than You keep everyone alter the world with
front line, swinging at strong, with a sharp else going, a rock for your own complex
your enemies eye and sharp weapon others to lean on arcane rituals or spells

Tick the box that makes the most sense for the character concept you’ve got in mind, or tick up to
two if you think a mixture makes more sense or is more fun.

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