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LITO: We have now come to the end of this 3-day training.

I am certain that everyone is satisfied with the learnings
they gained from this activity. To our Education Program
Supervisor in DSO, Ma’am Aroline T. Borja, To our active
Municipal Sports Coordinator – Sir Pedro S. Frias Jr., to our
hardworking School Principal – Sir Ronald R. Refre, to our
guests, to the trainers and to the participants.

BOTH: Good Afternoon!

JUDY: Vince Lombardi, a famous American Football coach

once said, “a quitter never wins and a winner never quits”.
We have heard of this saying at least once in our lives.
And we all have had the opportunity to apply the saying to
a part of our lives, be it in sports team, in academics, at
work or even at relationships.

A winner is someone who is determined to reach his

goals, no matter how arduous the journey may be. A
winner is ready to face challenges and obstacles that may
come in between him and his goals. On the other hand, a
quitter gets perturbed by challenges, and in the midst,
gives up. Because he is not determined to face the
difficulties, he never reaches his goal and is declared a
LITO: To give up midway is easy but to continue despite
challenges is difficult. That is why only winners are
remembered for a long time. They are our role models,
who teach us that it pays to never quit. Success only
knocks on the doors of winners because they are
determined in life. On the other hand, a quitter lives most
of his life in regret because of his lack of motivation and
dedication. So, as a teacher-trainer we should teach our
students to never quit in life. We should push them to the
best they can.

JUDY: At this point, may we all rise for the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem. After which, we shall remain
standing for the Opening prayer to be followed directly by
singing the Islang Catandungan.

LITO: You may now be seated. At this juncture, to deliver

the welcome remarks, we are pleased to have, Sir Joel P.
Datoon, Head Teacher III of Balognonan ES.

*Thank you, Sir.

JUDY: Now, let me call in Ms. Clariji B. Bonifacio, one of

the participants in Arnis to share to us her impression for
this 3-day training.
LITO: Another participant from Badminton will be
delivering his/her impression, I would like to invite here in
front Ma’am/Sir?

*That was full of insights. Thank you,

JUDY: Of course, hindi mamawala jan ang Basketball

team. To give his impression. Let’s call in Sir Vincent

LITO: At syempre, hindi magpapatalo jan ang mga taga

Dancesports. So, to share to us his thoughts on this
training, I would like to invite him in front, ang dyosa ang
pinaka maganda Sir Shervin Icawat.

JUDY: of course let’s have the representative from the

Futsal __________ to give his/her impression.

LITO: One more participant from Taekwondo team will

share to us her impression on this training. May I have
Ma’am Emmalyn D. Gianan.

Thank you, ma’am.

JUDY: At this point, let’s come now to the highlight of this

training. The Presentation by Events. So, for us to be fair
kung sino ang mauunang mag perform. Magbubunutan po
tayo. (May I request…..)
LITO: Now, let us lend our ears to our Education Program
Supervisor in DSO, Ma’am Aroline T. Borja as she delivers
her message of thanks.

*Thank You, Ma’am…

JUDY: Thank you so much, Ma’am Aroline! We are more

grateful to experience such kind of event in our school
together with all other teachers in the municipality of
Pandan. Now, let us welcome Sir Pedro S. Frias Jr for the
acceptance of challenge. Aroud of applause, please.

LITO: Thank you, Sir Pedro! Now for the closing remarks,
may we all welcome on stage our dearest and ever active
school principal, Sir Ronald Refre.

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