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If I have to talk about a lesson that I still remember well, I’ll definitely pick computer

science lesson where I got a chance to use a PC for first time in my life. Because of
my childhood, a computer was seldom seen in Vietnamese households due to the
price of a computer was extremely high. 

So, other students and I were allowed to practice what we learned on PCs in the
lesson. There were only a couple of kids, and fortunately, there were enough
computers for everybody, so we did not have to take turns. The teacher first guided us
through how to access different folders on a hard drive, after which
she demonstrated creating files. Typing commands performed every task on the PC.
Moreover, when we finish our task, we can play video games still class end. 

How the computer operated was akin to magic in the eyes of a kid like me. From then
on, I felt as if a passion for computers and technological devices was brewing inside.
And now, looking back at it as a product owner, I think this lesson led me to the
current job I love, which will always have a special place in my heart.

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