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Ingles: “The return of the Best Job in the World”

Student: Valentin Diaz.

Location: near of snowy mountains
Working hours: 7 or 8 hours
Duties: read books and movies evaluator
Salary: €500 per day.
Perks: exercise my mind and increase my ability to evaluate.

B. This role involves travelling and blogging about those adventures
C. People applied through videos
D. Australia wanted to fill many vacant posts in their tourism industry.
● Lifestyle photographer: the responsibility of documenting Melboune's unique culture and
● Outback a adventurer: this role requires discovering the best holiday experiences in the
northern Australian outback.
● Park ranger: this job prioritizes protecting Australia's native plants and animals and
informing people about them.
● Chief funster: in charge of promoting and reviewing concerts, parties, VIP events and
festivals in Sydney.

No one coincide whit my ideas

Word Store 5A
1. Draw up
2. Keep him
3. Pick up
4. Stepped down from sth
5. Taken on
6. Took up

1. Take on —> In 2009.
2. Pick up —> Travelling and blogging about his adventure.
3. Keep on —> Yes, they keep him on
4. Took up —> He became an official ambassador for Tourism Queensland
5. Stepped down from —> I believe that he was a little bit disappointed but he also knew that his
time there was up, and that he could learn some new skills in another work
6. Draw up —> The candidates flew in to Australia for an interview.

Word Store 5B
1. A contract expires = a working relationship is over.
2. Expressed interest = reflects the idea of a strong desire to work in that area
3. Fill many vacant posts = assign a specific activity to an interested person
4. Living expenses = the money that has to be spent on food, housing , clothes, transport etc.
5. Primary responsibilities = indispensable and necessary (main) objetives to be realice.
6. Selection process = consists of choosing, following certain parameters and conditions, te most
suitable people.
7. A sense of adventure = motivation in reference to an event.
8. Target the youth market = to focus the marketing efforts and resources of a business towards a
specific group of customers.

1. Fill
2. Expires
3. Expressed
4. Sense
5. Market
6. Expenses

2. Express concern = I’m worried about the future of Argentines.
3. The college sector a vacant post =
4. Living application
5. Create responsibility
6. Standards procces
7. A sense of achievement
8. Target collective

Word Store 5D
2. Campaign.
3. Employ.
4. Interview.
5. Recruit.
6. Revise.

1. Revise
2. Interviewer
3. Recruit
4. Campaign
5. Recruitment

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