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Universidad especializada de las Americas

Licenciatura en Docencia en Ingles


Composition II


Gerardo de León


German Martinez Powell




April 13rd, 2022

Connecting Topic Sentences and Supporting Details
In a paragraph good supporting details support the topic sentence. Supporting details are
related to the topic sentence that they support.

Activity 13 Brainstorming for Topic Sentences

For each topic below, brainstorm ideas for a topic sentence.

1. A happy, surprising moment in your life.

My brothers birth.

Delivery of our own house.

My first job.

My first trip to another country.

Topic sentence: I always dreamed of one day traveling to another country, really the first
time I traveled was an unforgettable moment, I was very happy.

2. A famous person you would like to meet.

Ross lynch

Will Smith

Humberto Ceballos

Topic sentence: Hollywood actor Will Smith has experienced situations which made him
gain popularity among other Hollywood actors. I would like to meet him at least once in
my life.
3.Good study habits.


Take notes

Remove Distractions

Time Management

Topic sentence: One way for having good study habits is to establish a studying routine,
this helps the student to learn time management.
Activity 14 Asking the Right Questions:
Choose one of the topic sentences you created in Activity 13. Write questions for it using
the appropriate interrogative (question) words. If you cannot think of at least three
questions, perhaps your topic sentence is weak. For more practice, repeat this activity with
your other topic sentences.

1.Topic sentence: One of the best days of my life occurred last year.
Who? Who was involved in the event?
What? What happened?
When? When did this event happen?
Where? Where did the event happen?
Why? Why was it the best day?
Other: How did you feel at the time?

2.Topic sentence: One way for having good study habits is to establish a studying routine,
this helps the student to learn time management.

Who? Who benefits from establishing study routines?

What? What is one way to have good study habits?
Why? Why is good to stablish study habits?
Other: How can you learn time management?

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