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For a certificate of participation from (not the college) the facilitator, who was certified by
PMI as a Project Management Professional and by SAVEI as an Associate Value Specialist;
interested student must bring with him/her a signed parental consent and a COVID19
vaccination card, and observe the minimum health protocols all throughout his/her

The names of interested student-participants will have to be submitted ahead of session date(s)
to the workshop facilitator for approval by filling out this registration form —, prior to joining.

Name of student-leader :
Course and year :

Parental Consent/Waiver

I/We are allowing our son/daughter, (name)

___________________________ to physically attend the value engineering
workshop on all/any [specifically on __________________] of the days as

Moreover, while understanding that the workshop facilitator takes safety of utmost
priority, I//we will not hold him, the college, and other participating faculty
members liable should any untoward incidents ever happen.

Signature over printed name of father/date Signature over printed name of mother/date

Record Code: CEAFA-IND-3.1

Page No. 1 of 1
Date: 31 March 2022

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