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Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 8 Mei 2020
Kelas/Semester : III (Tiga)/ 2 (Dua)
Sekolah : SD Kristen IPEKA Makassar
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 

1. Memahami cerita lisan sangat sederhana dengan bantuan gambar.
2. Memahami kalimat, pesan tertulis dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat
dan benar dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik
3. Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara benar
4. Memberi informasi secara lisan.

1. Peserta didik mampu menuliskan huruf sesuai dengan deskripsi gambar yang didengarkan.
2. Peserta didik mampu melengkapi kalimat dengan kata kerja yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik mampu menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks bacaan.
4. Peserta didik mampu menulis sebuah paragraf sesuai dengan tema yang diberikan.
5. Peserta didik mampu menceritakan gambar secara lisan.

1. Student Book page 126, 123, 130, 132, 133.
2. Petunjuk pengerjaan soal dapat dilihat di link ini

A. Listening and Language
I. Look. Listen. Write the letter. TR 40. (1 point each)
Example ...
1. ...
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. ...
II. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. (1 point each)

celebrate dance dress up play watch

Example : Yesterday, I danced at the party. That was great.

1. Yesterday, we ………………………. in costumes.

2. Did you ………………………. the parade?

3. Yesterday, we ………………………. mom’s birthday.

4. Yesterday, they ………………………. games.

III. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. (1 point each)

Example: They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

1. Yesterday, he give me a present.

2. My sister flied to Singapore last week.

3. I ride my bike this morning.

4. My brother wear his costume last night.

5. Did Maria drove to work this morning?

B. Reading
“Festival of Lights”

Diwali is a Hindu holiday. It is both alike and different from holidays celebrated by people of
other religions.
People who live in India and other countries celebrate
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, for five-days. It is a happy holiday
that is celebrated with good food, fireworks, and special
candles. It is celebrated every year. Some years it is in October,
other years it is in November.
Those who celebrate Diwali, clean their homes for holiday
visits from family and friends. Some families decorate with
designs made of colorful sand. Families dress in new, colorful
clothing. They go to temples together, and they make special
foods to share with others.
Diwali is as important a holiday for Hindus as Christmas is
for Christians. Diwali celebrates the inner light that protects us from darkness. Families place
clay pots with lights outside of their homes.
Children create a design called Rangoli to hang on their doors or windows. They believe
that while they are asleep, Lakshmi (a Hindu goddess) visits their homes and brings them
sweets and presents. The children leave food for Lakshmi.

I. Write T for True and F for False. (1 point each)

Example: Diwali is a festival of lights (T)
1. People in India celebrate Diwali for a month. (....)

2. There are fireworks at the Diwali celebration. (....)

3. Families dance and sing at the festival of lights (....)

4. The festival of lights celebrated twice a year. (....)

II. Answer the following question based on the text “Diwali Festival of Lights” (2 points each)

1. When do people celebrate Diwali?

2. What do families do during the Diwali festival?

a. ………………………………………………………

b. ………………………………………………………

c. ………………………………………………………

d. ………………………………………………………
3. Why do Hindus celebrate Diwali?

C. Writing
Write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) about “Wedding Party”. Write a title for your
paragraph. What did you wear? What did you see? What did you hear? What did you

D. Speaking
Tell about the picture below. What are they doing? Tell me what things you see in the
picture. (Record your voice).
Catatan :
1. Nilai penugasan ini diambil sebagai Penilaian Harian (PH).
2. Jawaban ditulis tangan pada lembaran ini atau di buku catatan.
3. Audio untuk Listening terlampir bersama email.
4. Untuk tugas Speaking, murid merekam suara (bukan video). Durasi maksimal 2 menit.
5. Tugas dikirim ke paling lambat tanggal 13 Mei 2020. Mohon
tugas difoto dengan baik agar bisa dibaca dengan jelas.

Mengetahui, Makassar, 8 Mei 2020

Kepala SDK Ipeka Makassar, Guru Bahasa Inggris,

Sherly Mendo, S.S Resvi Dora’, S.Pd

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