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Document No.

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DATE SUBMITTED: October 15, 2021

ACTIVITY TITLE: Term-End Assessment: Essay on One’s Existence


Part-1: Give your thoughts on how the course can help you in achieving your potential as a person and your
goals. (week-1 submission)
Student’s Answer:
Why did I choose Architecture? Is it the course that will help me achieve my
potential and goals as a person? Is it what I want? Is it my dream job? Will I be happy if I
pursue this course? The answer is yes.

I have so many questions for myself. Is architecture really for me? Do you think I
can do this? Am I good at this course? It's hard for me to believe that I can do it since I'm a
pessimistic person. But, think about it, why am I here? I am here to learn. I'm ready to learn
more and achieve my dream. The architecture will help me become the best version of
myself. Learning this course will help me improve and harness my skills. It will take the best
out of me. Even it isn't easy; I'll surely enjoy this field since this is what makes me; love the
thought of building structures. I want to create my own and leave a signature. I want to see
my future self-looking up watching what I built.

I have so many goals in life. Being the best architect is one of them. Yet, the most
straightforward goal is to live a simple life with my own family. If I became a successful
architect, my family would be so proud of me. And that's the best feeling ever.

Therefore, I'm taking this course step by step. It might be a long journey, yet it's worth it. I'll
keep fighting and learn harder to be able to become the best. And I will work hard beyond
my limits. I shouldn't let myself be eaten by negativity. I'm going to be the best architect.

Part-2: Give your thoughts on the learnings you gained through this course and its relation to your life.
(week-9 submission)
Student’s Answer:

This course has taken me on a reflective journey towards an increased understanding of my qualities and
the skills and abilities gained from my life experience, including my caring role. After learning and
participating in the reflection activities, I've considered how I want to envision myself in the future: where I
want to be and how I may plan my first move toward my objective.

NSTP empowers me and guides me to have a better life. To learn how to be conscious in my
surroundings and my community. It taught me to be a better citizen and taught me how to help others in case of
Document No.:
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an emergency. Also, it helps me become a better person.

For me, the NSTP was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Because it enables me to form new
acquaintances while also assisting me in becoming a better student. Our teacher was likewise a fantastic
educator. When he starts his lesson, he usually brings amazing stunts to make the students happy and jolly.
From him, we've gained a great deal of knowledge.
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Submitted by: Verified by:

Asebuque, Jazzminn Kathy C. Estipona, Rodmann Joanino


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