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1. Make a copy of this Google Doc. Do this assignment on the copy you make.

2. First, copy and paste the story you wrote for the Tell a Story Part A assignment. Then
underline all of the simple past verbs in you

A couple years ago, my wife and I traveled to a beautiful place in Colombia. The
name of that place is “La Guajira”. On that trip we saw many cities in the north of
the country. Our final destination was “Distracción” , a beautiful place in the
middle of the desert landscape. Distracción is a kind of oasis.

This story begins in another town, next to the beach, “Palomino”. One day my
wife and I woke up early in the morning. We took a shower because the weather
was really hot and our journey was long; We put in order our hotel room and we
were ready for a 8 or 9 hours trip, 3 hours to the destination, a short visit in the
town and 3 hours to come back.

Our first challenge was to get a ride, because we realized how difficult it was to
take a bus. All the buses were full. Meanwhile on the other side of the road a guy
was preparing an old car for a trip. He asked us if we needed a ride. When we
were answering, a beautiful car stopped in front of us. “I’ll take you” said a kind
man, we took that car and our trip began. The beautiful landscapes, the stories
we heard, everything was beautiful. In our destination, Distraccion. We found
friends, a couple of hours later, the people began to call me cousin, and I realized
my wife was a cousin of them too. Everything was a kind experience. We met
new food and new friends. The next day we came back, and that trip was hard.
We had many problems finding a car. In the end everything was good. Many
other things happened to us but, I hope to tell you all those stories in another

3. Write a list of all past tense verbs (regular and irregular) you use in your story. If you use
negative verbs, don't forget to write the negative form: didn’t + base verb.
● Traveled
● Saw
● Was
● Woke up
● Took
● Put
● Were
● Realized
● Asked
● Needed
● Stopped
● Said
● Began
● Heard
● Found
● Came
● Happened

And more if you have them!

4. Put your simple past verbs into 2 groups: regular (base form + ed) and irregular:

Regular (base form + ed) Irregular

Traveled Saw

Realized Was

Asked Woke up

Needed Took

Stopped Put

Happened Were





5. Put your regular verbs into 3 groups by the -ed pronunciation: /t/ /d/ /Id/

/t/ /d/ /Id/

realized traveled needed




6. Upload your Google Doc as a File Upload to this assignment on D2L.

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