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The World of Coding.

Choose Your Beginning.

It was the middle of my last year in high school and I only had to make one of the most important choices of my life when I was
barely 17... No big deal... At least I already had a goal: I wanted to be an audio programmer in a video game studio. I was
preparing to choose the college I wanted to apply to, so I went through what I had to scale my options: I had a diploma of
Secondary Education in the 2nd most expensive high school in Montreal with physics and advanced mathematics, I had 14
years of musical experience and graduated from the Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal but I had kind of bad grades, so I couldn't
really be picky with the school I chose.

Choice 1 : Apply to CEGEP Saint-Larent in a double DEC in nature science and music

Choice 2 : Apply at CEGEP Montmorency in Multimedia Integration Techniques (possibility to continue music at school outside
of the program)

Choice 3 : Apply at Maisonneuve College in Multimedia Integration Technology (Possibility to continue music with my teacher in
private lessons)


I was accepted in the double DEC in nature science and music program!! But I still needed to graduate from high school. I was
juggling between school work and my job in the choir. I didn't even have time for time management. Of course, as if the year
wasn't going to be bad enough, I learned that the selection for the music program in high school was random. That is how they
thoughtfully explained to me that I wasn't accepted but a guy, who applied because he thought it was free points and later quit
because it was too hard, was. Let's just say that my goal wasn't really set on performance. Fortunately, a new virus called
COVID-19 spread and turned into a pandemic forcing the government to suspend school for a few weeks. When school started
again they announced that the last semester wouldn't count. We only had to attend the online classes. I was so relieved! Since
I was already accepted and had passing grades I didn't have to worry about school. Then, all that was left was to decide what
to do during the summer break.

Choice 1 : camping.

Choice 2 : party hard.


Unfortunately, My grades weren't high enough and I wasn't accepted. I had to try my luck somewhere else.

Choice 1 : Choose Your Beginning.


I was accepted in the multimedia integration technology program!! But I still needed to graduate from high school. I was juggling
between school work and my job in the choir. I didn't even have time for time management. Of course, as if the year wasn't
going to be bad enough, I learned that the selection for the music program in high school was random. That is how they
thoughtfully explained to me that I wasn't accepted. Even worst, I learned that a guy, who applied because he thought it was
free points and later quit because it was too hard, was accepted. Let's just say that my goal wasn't really set on performance.
Fortunately, a new virus called COVID-19 spread and turned into a pandemic forcing the government to suspend school for a
few weeks. When school started again they announced that the last semester wouldn't count. We only had to attend the online
classes. I was so relieved! Since I was already accepted and had passing grades, I didn't have to worry about school. Then, all
that was left was to decide what to do during the summer break.

Choice 1 : camping.

Choice 2 : party hard.


I decided I wanted to make a few expeditions during the summer and contacted my friends with whom I did the greatest
expedition I had ever done: 21 days of canoe-camping on the Missinaibi river. As soon as I asked, all of them responded
almost simultaneously: Yes!! We immediately started the preparations and two weeks later, we were on the first of many
expeditions of the summer. All of them were exceptional. We went through many trials and created a bond with nature that
would later change my life. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The summer ended, and I now had to face a
new challenge: College.

Choice 1 : First year.

party hard.

I decided that I wanted to spend my last summer of high school having fun. I wanted to make sure it would be memorable. I
contacted all of my friends and tried to get invited to as many parties as possible. I made a lot of new friends and even learned
to dance!... Well, at least that's how my drunk self perceived it. Still, I had a lot of fun! I wanted to have a memorable summer
and memorable it was. I was now ready to face college without any worries!

Choice 1 : Death.

Choice 1 : first year.


I decided that I wanted to make a few expeditions during the summer and contacted my friends with whom I did the greatest
expedition I had ever done: 21 days of canoe-camping on the Missinaibi river. As soon as I asked, all of them responded
almost simultaneously: Yes!! We immediately started the preparations and two weeks later, we were on the first of many
expeditions of the summer. All of them were exceptional. We went through many trials and created a bond with nature that
would later change my life. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The summer ended, and I now had to face a
new challenge: College.

Choice 1 : First year.

First year.

College was new to me. It was like taking everything I disliked about school and throwing it away to create a great learning
environment. I especially liked the program I chose because it was specific and interesting. I discovered I had a great affinity
with programming and I could learn and understand new concepts with ease. I learned a lot during the year and even made my
first two games! The first year I spent in college was great and I couldn't wait for the next one. This time, for summer, I decided
that I wanted to be productive, so I gave myself two options. I could accept the internship proposition and work as an intern in
the audio studio of Reflector Entertainment to gain experience and make contacts in the industry. Or, I could spend all my time
and energy to work on my portfolio in order to have something substantial to present when I apply for a job.

Choice 1 : Internship.

Choice 2 : Portfolio.

Choice 1 : Summer Job.

First year.

College was very intense. I had never thought that having to deal with two programs at the same time would be so difficult. I
only applied to that program because I wanted to continue music while progressing my studies to go in video game
programming in university. All those boring classes were so terribly difficult! Never before in my life had I wanted to quit school
so much. In the end, I decided to drop the program and go in the multimedia integration technology program at Maisonneuve
College to make a new start.

Choice 1 : First year.


Unfortunately, I didn't take the pandemic seriously. I wanted to have fun so much that I completely forgot about the quarantine
and I got infected with COVID-19. I got unlucky and died of it. I died ashamed to have participated in the transmission of the
virus and to have infected my family with this terrible disease.

Choice 1 : The end


I thought it might come in handy to set a foot in the door of the video game industry and learn the ropes while working as an
intern in the audio studio of Reflector Entertainment. For me, it was the perfect occasion to give the industry a little test drive
and see if it suits me. Having 15 years of musical experience at 18 really came in handy while learning the ropes because,
frankly, I would have been overwhelmed by the speed at which I had to learn in order to meet the deadlines. I consider myself
very lucky to have been part of this great team who immediately accepted me as a member of the family. Before, I thought that
the pressure of the competition between studios would overwhelm me, but, thanks to them, I test drove the work environment, I
learned the ropes and I overcame my insecurities. I was now more ready than ever to enter my second year of college.

Choice 1 : Second year.


I wanted to work on my portfolio. I spent the whole summer honing my skills in programming, video editing, sound editing,
design and special effects. I completed many projects and posted the best ones on my website. I was very proud of my
accomplishments during the summer and felt that I was ready to learn more techniques during my second year of college.

Choice 1 : Second year.

Choice 1 : Portfolio.

Choice 1 : Second year.

Second year.

The second year started, and I was very excited to finally learn new techniques and languages. We started learning 3d
programming and 3d animation. I was already figuring out ways to combine the new knowledge with what I already knew and
apply it on ideas. The year before, I noticed the similarity between coding in video games and reality, but during the second
year, I was amazed at how close it was to reality and how it's possibilities were infinite. The year ended with a team project to
create a fully animated video game in 3d. After we formed the teams, I had to choose which section I wanted to do. There was
interactivity, the link between the player and the game, all the coding behind the physics, the animations and the controls; and
there was design, the visual aspect of the game, everything that the player sees and the first contact between the player and the

Choice 1 : Interactivity.

Choice 2 : Design.

Choice 1 : Interactivity.

Choice 2 : Design.


Because of my passion and affinity with interactivity, I decided we should challenge ourselves and create a game that is
complete, complex and fluid. The development was doing well, so in order to spice things up we decided to implement ragdoll
physics on the rigid body of our characters which is something we hadn't learned to do yet.

Choice 1 : Hard win.


I chose design. Since I find design pretty easy, I hopped we could make something complex and challenging, but I got unlucky
with my teammate because he wasn't very good with interactivity. Since he chose that discipline to get better, I worked with him
and decided to help him. I ended up having to work on both design and interactivity, so we looked at the criteria and decided to
make something simple but efficient that fits all the requirements.

Choice 1 : Modest success.

Choice 1 : Hard Win.

Choice 1 : Modest success.

Hard win.

It was hard work but it was well-worth it. The game was flawless and very addictive. We were satisfied with our grade of 100%
and proud of our game. We even published it as a prototype, and we plan on further working on it when we get some free time. I
was tired and decided that I needed some good sleep before starting the third year.

Choice 1 : Weird Morning.

Modest success.

Even though I would've wanted to do something more complex, there is something very satisfying about simple and efficient
projects. We got an A for it, and we were happy about it. I was tired and decided that I needed some good sleep before starting
the third year.

Choice 1 : Weird morning.

Choice 1 : Third year.

Choice 1 : Third year.

Weird morning.

I woke up in the morning because of the weird feeling of a hard bulge on my back. I could hear the wind blowing in the leaves,
birds chirping in the trees and the runoff of a stream. I opened my eyes to find out that I wasn't in my bed anymore. In fact, I
wasn't even in my house and I couldn't recognize where I was. I only knew I was in a forest. I saw in the distance an opening
between the trees. I went there to have a better look at my surroundings but I couldn't believe what I saw. I was on a cliff with
the magnificent view of a majestic landscape. Close to me, there was a path leading to stairs going down the mountain. At the
foot of the cliff lay a large river with boats sailing on it. The path led to a small wooden bridge and ended at the walls of a great
medieval city.

Choice 1 : Go to the city.

Write a choice here.

Weird Morning.

I woke up in the morning because of the weird feeling of a hard bulge on my back. I could hear the wind blowing in the leaves,
birds chirping in the trees and the runoff of a stream. I opened my eyes to find out that I wasn't in my bed anymore. In fact, I
wasn't even in my house and I couldn't recognize where I was. I only knew I was in a forest. I saw in the distance an opening
between the trees. I went there to have a better look at my surroundings but I couldn't believe what I saw. I was on a cliff with
the magnificent view of a majestic landscape. Close to me, there was a path leading to stairs going down the mountain. At the
foot of the cliff lay a large river with boats sailing on it. The path led to a small wooden bridge and ended at the walls of a great
medieval city.
Choice 1 : Go to the city.

Go to the city.

I decided to walk towards the big city. On my way there, I saw a majestic creature flying above me. It was like a giant hawk with
the body of a lion covered in a shining coat of golden feathers. I was speechless at the sheer size of the creature. You could've
fit at least fifteen times my height in the width of its wings. I was sure I was dreaming but it looked so real! It seemed like it was
also headed towards the city, so I thought, if it isn't hostile, maybe I'll be able to get a closer look at it. When I got to the city
gates, there were two guards inspecting the line of people coming in. I put myself in the line but when my turn came one of the
two guards approached me and said, "Do you have your passport with you?" I answered him that I didn't possess a passport
and tried explaining to him my situation. He started laughing and said, "Well your an original one I'll give you that." Then got
more serious, "But no passport no passage. Come back when you get one." He then waved his hand to call the next in line and
asked me to move away.

Choice 1 : Go to a quieter place to assess your situation.

Choice 2 : Try to look for someone who could help.

Go to a quieter place to assess your situation.

I turned back and went to a small bench on the side of the road to think about my situation. First, I tried to pinch myself as hard
as I could to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but to no avail. I had to start believing that maybe I really was in another world or
dimension. Since I had only seen humans, I deducted they were probably the dominant species of this world and apparently
also spoke the same language as me. Even with all those similarities, I also couldn't exclude the possibility of the existence of
other mythical creatures like the one that looked like a griffin. As I was thinking, I noticed a mysterious caped woman with a staff
looking at me. She started walking towards me and I noticed the fluidity in her movements. She was moving through the crowd
like water flowing between rocks in a river. When she reached me, she asked where I was from. She listened carefully as I told
her my story and looked very interested. She introduced herself as Ellana, great-mage and vice-headmaster of the Academy of
mages, then asked if I wanted to stay with her until I can either manage on my own or return to my world.

Choice 1 : Accept to follow Ellana.

Choice 2 : I'd prefer to stay on my own.

Try to look for someone who could help.

As I looked around, I saw the griffin from earlier with an armored noble looking man riding it. The man seemed trustworthy, so I
decided to go talk to him. "Hello sir could you please help me?" The man asked me what was the matter and I explained my
situation from my arrival to this world to my conversation with the gatekeeper. The noble man seemed very surprised and
intrigued by my situation. Then, the man presented himself as Duke Carwel headmaster of the Academy of mages and offered
me to stay in his mansion until I learn how to manage myself in this world.

Choice 1 : Accept Duke Carwel's offer.

Choice 2 : I'd prefer to stay on my own.

Accept to follow Ellana.

I accepted Ellana's offer, and we started walking towards her home. On the way, I could glimpse the takeoff of a griffin and
noticed a strange behavior in it's trajectory. It was as if there was a very powerful ascending vertical wind coming from under the
wings of the creature.
Choice 1 : Think about it and try to figure it out.

Choice 2 : Ask Ellana about it.

I'd prefer to stay on my own.

I apologized then walked away to try to find a way to enter the city. After a long day of failed attempts to get past the city walls, a
subtle rain turned into a giant storm. The rain fell so thick that I could barely see in front of me as I wandered around to find
shelter. After an hour of walking aimlessly, I started to see a vague silhouette of a forest in the distance. When I got to the
forest, I found with great relief that the branches and leaves of the trees were thick enough to block the rain. I was cold, my
clothes were soaked, I was tired and I was hungry. After a while, I started coughing and my nose was running. I was so tired
that I fell asleep on the ground with my wet clothes on.

Choice 1 : Death.

Accept Duke Carwel's offer.

He said to the guards that I was with him and took me to his mansion. As we were walking, I noticed that the streets were lined
with street lamps and holes which lead me to believe that there was also a sewer system in the city. When we got there, I was
amazed by the size of the mansion and it's Gothic architecture. It was a two story mansion with an attic and great gardens on
both sides of the front door. The roof had multiple chimneys and was supported by massive stone walls with many windows.
The interior was surprisingly humble with only a few wooden statues carved in the pillars supporting the roof. I was taken to my
room and told to try to get some sleep.

Choice 1 : The test.


It turned out that what I thought that was a cold was in fact a disease that originated from this world and was unknown to my
body. Without any means to defend myself against this new virus, I died in the night during my sleep.

Choice 1 : The end

Think about it and try to figure it out.

I thought to myself that I should try to come up with a hypothesis before asking for the answer. Judging from how it simply
extended its wings and started to move vertically, I first thought that it could simply be extremely light and used the wind to
takeoff, but I remembered how massive it looked in the forest and how much wind it created when flying above. Then, I
remembered that she introduced herself as a mage and mentioned the Academy of mages which implies that there is magic. If
magic and spells exist, then the griffin might've been able to magically created a powerful wind under himself to be able to
takeoff more efficiently. Then, when I asked Ellana to confirm my hypothesis, she stopped walking and I could see in her face
an expression of surprise that was quickly replaced by excitement, interest, and enthusiasm. She confirmed my hypothesis and
then started explaining to me the universal laws of this world. From the exterior, her house looked like like a small log cabin at
the edge of the forest. When we got inside, there was the main room separated from the small kitchen by the counter and in the
back was a door leading to a small toilet. In the center of the main room, there was a dining table and on both sides were two
large beds fixed to the corners of the cabin and in the corner opposite to the kitchen was a fireplace and a small chimney. We
sat at the table, and she told me that she was very impressed by my deduction skills and my tendency to always try to figure out
things I don't understand before asking instead of asking immediately for the answer. After that, she asked me if I wanted to
study magic under her guidance as her apprentice. She also asked that, if I didn't want to be her apprentice, I would at least
accept to pass an evaluation of magic potential.
Choice 1 : Accept to become her apprentice.

Choice 2 : Refuse to become her apprentice.

Ask Ellana about it.

I asked Ellana about it, and she looked surprised by my perception but said that she was a little disappointed that I didn't try to
figure it out on my own before asking. She still answered my question and said that the griffin used wind magic to propel itself in
the air which, at the same time, taught me that magic was real in this world. Seeing that I didn't know about magic, she briefly
explained to me the universal laws of this world. From the exterior, her house looked like like a small log cabin at the edge of the
forest. When we got inside, there was the main room separated from the small kitchen by the counter and in the back was a
door leading to a small toilet. In the center of the main room, there was a dining table and on both sides were two large beds
fixed to the corners of the cabin and in the corner opposite to the kitchen was a fireplace and a small chimney. She cooked us a
meal we ate at the table. While we were eating, she told me that she would take us in the morning to the mansion of duke
Carwel, the headmaster of the Academy of wizards, in order for me to pass a test of magic potential. After eating, she told me
that the duke would decide of what to do with me and recommended that I accept whatever offer he would make.

Choice 1 : The test.

The test.

The next day, duke Carwel took me to a vast round room with a crystal in its center. The crystal was in the middle of a big circle
carved in the ground with runes. He explained to me that it was made to test the magic potential within someone and it would
also unlock the magic potential that would be otherwise unusable. "Magic potential, said the duke, is the capacity of a person to
use magic and perform spells". He asked me to put my hand on the crystal and to focus on my respiration. He started chanting
an incantation and the magic circle on the ground began to glow. I could feel a warmth inside my chest that spread first to my
arms, then went to my waist, my legs, up my neck and to my head. The crystal turned purple and started glowing intensively
until the floor cracked and broke the magic circle. Calm was back in the room. Carwel seemed very surprised. He told me that it
was the first time he had ever seen such enormous magic potential. After he was done with the repairs of the circle, he offered
me to join the academy and learn magic with him as my private teacher. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, and I was
curious to learn how magic works, so I took him up on the offer. He made the arrangements for me to start the next week.

Choice 1 : The academy of mages.

Accept to become her apprentice.

When I accepted her offer to become her apprentice, she had a big smirk stamped on her face as she asked me to follow her
outside. When we got outside, she closed the door and touched the runes that were engraved on it. The runes glowed for a
moment, and she said, "Welcome home. Welcome to my library." She reopened the door, and we walked inside to see a vast
hall of stones with a tower in its center. The hall, which was as tall as the tower, was shaped like a circle and its walls were
covered with bookcases and spanned countless floors. A maze of stone staircases connected the tower to the floors and there
were rooms placed inside the staircases. The whole structure was supported by magnificent pillars and lit by undying bright
torches and lamps. After giving me a map and explaining to me how to find my way around in the library. She told me that she
would take me to the mansion of Duke Carwel, the headmaster of the Academy of mages, in order to go test my magic
potential. She walked to a door and magically connected it to a door in the headmaster's chambers. We went in and then I
waited for Ellana to go talk to the headmaster.

Choice 1 : The test.

Refuse to become her apprentice.

She looked a bit disappointed as I refused her proposal but respected my decision. Since I still agreed to pass the magic
potential evaluation, She told me that she would take me to the mansion of Duke Carwel, the headmaster of the Academy of
mages, in order to go test my magic potential. She walked to a door and magically connected it to a door in the headmaster's
chambers. We went in and then I waited for Ellana to go talk to the headmaster. Duke Carwel took me to a vast round room with
a crystal in its center. The crystal was in the middle of a big circle carved in the ground with runes. He explained to me that it
was made to test the magic potential within someone and it would also unlock the magic potential that would be otherwise
unusable. Magic potential, he said, is the capacity of a person to use magic and perform spells. He asked me to put my hand on
the crystal and to focus on my respiration. He started chanting an incantation and the magic circle on the ground began to glow.
I could feel a warmth inside my chest that spread first to my arms, then went to my waist, my legs, up my neck and to my head.
The crystal turned purple and started glowing intensively until the floor cracked and broke the magic circle. Calm was back in
the room. Carwel seemed very surprised. He told me that it was the first time he had ever seen such enormous magic potential.
After he was done with the repairs of the circle, he offered me to join the academy and learn magic with him as my private
teacher. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, and I was curious to learn how magic works, so I took him up on the offer. He
made the arrangements for me to start the next week.

Choice 1 : The academy of mages.

The academy of mages.

I spent the first few months at the academy trying to understand the fundamentals of magic without success. Seeing how I
struggled to grasp the process of creation behind magic, the headmaster decided to try a different approach. He gave me
multiple ready-to-use basic spells and explained to me what they did. He then asked me to find new ways to use those spells
and combine them to create different effects. I quickly understood the principle of concatenation of spells which is a sequence of
spells put together to create a new spell with another effect. After a year of researching with this method, I was already able to
create about three hundred variations using only two basic spells as a starter.

Choice 1 : Spell Designer Ending.

The test.

Duke Carwel took me to a vast round room with a crystal in its center. The crystal was in the middle of a big circle carved in the
ground with runes. He explained to me that it was made to test the magic potential within someone and it would also unlock the
magic potential that would be otherwise unusable. Magic potential, he said, is the capacity of a person to use magic and
perform spells. He asked me to put my hand on the crystal and to focus on my respiration. He started chanting an incantation
and the magic circle on the ground began to glow. I could feel a warmth inside my chest that spread first to my arms, then went
to my waist, my legs, up my neck and to my head. The crystal turned purple and started glowing intensively until the floor
cracked and broke the magic circle. Calm was back in the room. Carwel seemed very surprised. He told me that it was the first
time he had ever seen such enormous magic potential. I walked out of the room while duke Carwel was repairing the magic
circle on the floor and told Ellana what happened. For the third time that day, I could see the expression of surprise on her face,
mixed with excitement and enthusiasm.

Choice 1 : Learning magic.

Learning magic.

After a good night of sleep in the cabin, we went back to the library to begin my studies. In the first few weeks, Ellana taught me
the basic elements of magic with their runes and then started to teach me the runic grammar. After the first month, I managed to
grasp the process of creation behind the spells and was already able to figure out by deduction how to create spells without
having to be taught. I found that magic in this world is very similar to programming in my world. It works with the principle of "if-
then else-then", has the possibility to create functions (a reusable portion of code in programming) and, if you're skilled enough,
you can even integrate loops and arrays(loop is a portion of code that repeats itself endlessly and an array is a portion of code
that can contain objects which can then be verified and utilized using loops on the array). Once I understood that magic was
basically programming reality, my progress in magic skyrocketed. After only one year of studying, I started optimizing Ellana's
spells and could help her in her research to create new spells.
Choice 1 : Spell Programmer Ending.

Spell Programmer Ending.

It's been four years since I surpassed Ellana as a rune-master. During that period, I created the first portable teleportation
device available for public use. I also created a glove enchantment to transform anything into a flying device and control it with a
holographic interface but I didn't want to share that one, so I kept it to myself. During this time, Ellana and I also researched
what caused me to be brought to this world and today, we finally figured it out. There are two main factors that caused it. The
first one was the bond with the forest and the crave for adventure I developed during my expeditions in the summer after high
school. It created a link between me and this world since it's almost completely covered in magical forest and has the perfect
conditions for adventures due to it's early stage development. The second one was my unbelievably strong magic potential. It
was so powerful that, when I finished the game project at the end of my second year in college, it reacted to my subconscious
desire to escape and transported me into this dimension. Though I sometimes miss my old world, the bond I developed with this
world grew so strong over the years that I decided to, instead of going back, I would send a message to my friends and family
explaining to them my situation and giving them the opportunity to join me in my new world. P.S. Congratulations on avoiding
the death endings and making it to the Spell Programmer Ending!!

Choice 1 : The end

Spell Designer Ending.

It's now been four years since I graduated from the academy. During that period, I used my knowledge of spell fusion to invent a
way to instantly write a book by copying your knowledge and pasting it into a book. This spell enabled me to write about a
thousand different spell books and publish them throughout the country. It was fairly simple really, all I had to do was to combine
illusion, conjuration, and enchantment. Illusion (which is used to enter the mind and force it to see what you want) was to search
the mind and visualize the knowledge you want to write, conjuration (which is basically summoning whatever you picture in your
head) was used to bring the book from your mind into reality and enchantment (which is used to give an aspect or buff to
something) was used to make the book tangible and permanent. During this time, the headmaster and I also researched what
caused me to be brought to this world and today, we finally figured it out. There are two main factors that caused it. The first one
was the bond with the forest and the crave for adventure I developed during my expeditions in the summer after high school. It
created a link between me and this world since it's almost completely covered in magical forest and has the perfect conditions
for adventures due to it's early stage development. The second one was my unbelievably strong magic potential. It was so
powerful that, when I finished the game project at the end of my second year in college, it reacted to my subconscious desire to
escape and transported me into this dimension. Though I sometimes miss my old dimension, the bond I developed with this
world grew so strong over the years that I decided to, instead of going back, send a message to my friends and family
explaining to them my situation and giving them the opportunity to join me in my new world. P.S. Congratulations on avoiding
the death endings and making it to the Spell Designer Ending!!

Choice 1 : The end

Go to the city.

I decided to walk towards the big city. On my way there, I saw a majestic creature flying above me. It was like a giant hawk with
the body of a lion covered in a shining coat of golden feathers. I was speechless at the sheer size of the creature. You could've
fit at least fifteen times my height in the width of its wings. I was sure I was dreaming but it looked so real! It seemed like it was
also headed towards the city, so I thought, if it isn't hostile, maybe I'll be able to get a closer look at it. When I got to the city
gates, there were two guards inspecting the line of people coming in. I put myself in the line but when my turn came one of the
two guards approached me and said, "Do you have your passport with you?" I answered him that I didn't possess a passport
and tried explaining to him my situation. He started laughing and said, "Well your an original one I'll give you that." Then got
more serious, "But no passport no passage. Come back when you get one." He then waved his hand to call the next in line and
asked me to move away.

Choice 1 : Try to look for someone who could help.

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