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Luthfan Nur Rochman’s Selected Portofolio

No.1 Solo Exhibition Otty Widasari - PARTISAN National Gallery of Indonesia - 2022

As Exhibition Curator

I curated Otty Widasari’s solo exhibition: PARTISAN, where I see Otty’s artistic practice as
a provocation towards established monolithic monuments she encountered in the locus of
her works, be it the physical location, the official historiography, and virtual space, using
the performativity of media technology and young people who are closely working with her.
No.2 Terracotta Connections Jatiwangi Art Factory - 2021

Research based installation

In the Indonesian archipelago, the neolithic era marked by a period of cultivation began with the discovery of
the pottery industry. The Buni Culture, a cultural complex that stretches along the north coast of western Java,
became the entry point for Candikala-Milisifilem Collective in seeking connectedness to terracotta culture. This
area is indicated by sites that lived from prehistoric times to the development of Indian influence in the
archipelago. The similarity of terracotta artifacts and the construction method of the temple structure is a
common thread that can be the basis for how today's terracotta culture can be formed in Jatiwangi.
This new research is a proposal for a long research project that dissects the imagination of land culture through
genealogy or land culture genealogy, soil diplomacy, and regional terracotta aesthetics and technology.

No.3 Terakota Batujaya 2021

Essay Film

The Batujaya Temple Complex in Karawang revolutionized the notion that Hindu-Buddhist terracotta buildings
date back to a younger age than andesite temple in Indonesia. The site that stretches from prehistoric times to
the X century is evidence of the archipelago's cosmopolitanism since the early century AD via Citarum. The
discovery and interpretation of it was also guided by Indonesian archaeologists, long after the colonial
antiquities ministry led archaeological missions in the past. This film is a poem for ancient terracotta, land,
archaeologists, and today's Batujaya residents.

Preview Link:

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