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Muscular System


Different types of Muscle
Different categories of
Muscle Different Types of muscle
• Voluntary (skeletal) • Agonist (prime Mover)
• Involuntary (Smooth) • Antagonist (relaxes)
• Cardiac (heart) • Fixator (Stabilizer)
• Synergist (Assists
• Muscular Strength
– Strength is defined as the
maximal force that a muscle
or muscle group can generate.
– strength is defined as the
maximal weight the individual
can lift with one single effort.
– This is referred to as 1
repetition maximum, or 1RM
– To determine 1RM in the
weight room or fitness center,
people select a weight that
they know they can lift at least
one time
• Muscular Power
– Power is defined as the rate
of performing work, thus the
product of force and velocity.
power = force X distance/time,
where force = strength
and distance/time = speed.
– example: Two individuals can
each bench press 200 kg (441 lb)
, moving the weight the same
distance, from where the bar
touches the chest to the position
of full extension. But the one
who can do it in half the time
has twice the power of the
slower individual.
• Muscular endurance
– Endurance is defined as capacity to
perform repeated muscle
contractions, or to sustain a
contraction over time
– Examples of muscular endurance
include performing sit-ups or push-ups,
or sustaining force for an extended
period of time,
– assess the maximum number of
repetitions one can perform at a
given percentage of 1RM
– example, a man who has a 1RM for the
bench press of 100 kg (220 lb) could
evaluate his muscular endurance
independent of his muscular strength
by measuring how many repetitions he
could perform at, for example, 75% of
that load (75 kg, or 165 lb)
• Aerobic Power
– Aerobic power is defined as the
rate of energy release by
cellular metabolic processes
that depend upon the
availability and involvement of
– Maximal aerobic power refers
to the maximal capacity for
aerobic resyn- thesis of ATP
and is synonymous with the
terms aerobic capacity and
maximal oxygen uptake (V.
• Anaerobic Power
– Anaerobic power is defined as
the rate of energy release by
cellular metabolic processes
that function without the
involvement of oxygen.
– Maximal anaerobic power, or
anaerobic capacity, is defined
as the maximal capacity of
the anaerobic system (ATP-
PCr system and anaerobic
glycolytic system) to produce
• Flexibility: The ability to move a joint
smoothly through its entire range of
General Principles of Training
• Principle of Individuality
–Variations in cellular growth rates, metabolism,
cardiovascular and respiratory regulation, and
neural and endocrine regulation lead to tremendous
individual variation
• Principle of Specificity
–exercise adaptations are specific to the mode and
intensity of training,
• Principle of reversibility
–“Use it or lose it.” A training program must include a
maintenance plan.
• Principle of Progressive Overload
–systematically increasing the demands on the body
is necessary for further improvement.
• Principle of Variation / principle of periodization,
–one or more aspects of the training program should
be altered over time to maximize effectiveness of
training. The systematic varia- tion of volume and
intensity is most effective for long-term
Muscle fibre types
• differ according to their contractile and
metabolic proportion
• Categorized into three types;
– fast contracting fibres with a predominantly
glycolytic metabolism (type IIb fibres);
– Fast contracting fibres with a more oxidative
metabolism (type IIa fibres)
– slow contracting, oxidative fibres (type I fibres).
– type IIc fibres are thought to be fibres in transition
from type II to type I, and are uncommon except in
muscle undergoing intensive training, or in young
developing muscle.
Muscle cell structure
Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle

 Individual muscle fiber contraction is “all or

 Within a skeletal muscle, not all fibers may
be stimulated
 Different combinations of muscle fiber
contraction give variations in response
Energy for muscle contraction
• Resting muscle: fatty
• Moderately active
muscles: blood glucose
• Extremely active
muscles: glycogen
• Isotonic contraction – The muscle’s length
changes and the tension remains
Types of Muscle Contractio
• Muscle Contractions can be divided into:
– Isotonic (meaning same tension)
– Isometric (meaning same distance or not moving)
– Isokinetic (meaning same speed)
• Isotonic Contractions
– Isotonic contractions are those which cause the muscle to
change length as it contracts and causes movement of a
body part. There are two types of Isotonic contraction:
• Concentric
– Concentric contractions are those which cause the muscle to shorten as
it contracts..
• Eccentric
– Eccentric contractions are the opposite of concentric and occur when
the muscle lengthens as it contracts.
• Isometric Contractions
– Isometric contractions occur when there is no
change in the length of the contracting muscle.
• Isokinetic Contractions
– Isokinetic contractions are similar to isotonic in
that the muscle changes length during the
contraction, where they differ is that Isokinetic
contractions produce movements of a constant
speed. To measure this a special piece of
equipment known as an Isokinetic
Dynamometer is required.
Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle
Strength (1)
• Strength =/= Muscle Size
– Size is extremely important, However, the mecha-
nisms associated with strength gains are very
complex and are not completely understood.
• Neural Control of Strength Gains
– Enoka has made a convincing argument that
strength gains can be achieved without structural
changes in muscle but not without neural
• Synchronization and Recruitment of Additional Motor
• Increased Rate Coding of Motor Units
• Autogenic Inhibition
• Other Neural Factors
Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle
Strength (2)
• Muscle Hypertrophy
– Transient hypertrophy is the increased muscle size
that develops during and immediately following a
single exercise bout.
– Chronic hypertrophy refers to the increase in muscle
size that occurs with long-term resistance training.
• increase in the size of existing individual muscle fibers
(fiber hypertrophy)
• Increase number of muscle fibers (fiber hyperplasia),
– Mechanism :
• related to disruptions in the sarcomere Z-lines. This
disruption had originally been labeled as muscle
damage but is now thought to represent fiber protein
Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle
Strength (3)
• Muscle Hypertrophy
– Fiber Hypertrophy
• increased numbers of myofibrils and actin
and myosin filaments, which would provide
more cross-bridges for force production
during maximal contraction.
• Mechanism : Result from a net increase in
muscle protein synthesis
– During exercise, protein synthesis decreases,
while protein degradation apparently
increases. This pattern reverses during the
postexercise recovery period. even to the
point of a net synthesis of protein.
• The provision of a carbohydrate and
protein supplement immediately after a
training bout can create a more positive
nitrogen balance, facilitating protein
synthesis and maximizing the skeletal
muscles’ adaptive response to resistance
Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle
Strength (3)
• Muscle Hypertrophy
– Fiber Hyperplasia
• Studies on cats provide fairly clear
evidence that fiber splitting occurs with
extremely heavy weight training
• Researchers are still uncertain about
the roles played by hyperplasia and
individual fiber hypertrophy in
increasing human muscle size with
resistance training.
• With this intense strength training,
selected muscle fibers appeared to
actually split in half, and each half then
increased to the size of the parent fiber.
• Mechanism :
Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle
Strength (3)
• Muscle Hypertrophy
– Fiber Hyperplasia
• Studies on cats provide fairly clear
evidence that fiber splitting occurs with
extremely heavy weight training
• Researchers are still uncertain about
the roles played by hyperplasia and
individual fiber hypertrophy in
increasing human muscle size with
resistance training.
• With this intense strength training,
selected muscle fibers appeared to
actually split in half, and each half then
increased to the size of the parent fiber.
• Mechanism : (next Slide)
The satellite cell response to muscle injury.

• satellite cells, which are the myogenic stem cells involved in skeletal muscle
regeneration, are likely involved in the gen- eration of new muscle fibers
• Muscle injury can lead to a cascade of responses, in which satellite cells
become activated and proliferate, migrate to the damaged region, and fuse
to existing myofibers or combine and fuse to produce new myofibers.
Immediate effects of exercise on
the muscular system

• Increase in muscle
• Increase in blood supply
to the muscles as the
capillaries dilate.
• Muscle temperature
increases- warm muscles
are more pliable and the
risk of damage and injury
is reduced.
• Fatigue and build up of
lactic acid
Long term effects of exercise on the
muscular system
• Increased numbers of mitochondria (the
cells powerhouse) means an increase in the
rate of energy production.
• The amount of myoglobin within skeletal
muscle increases, which allows more
Oxygen to be stored within the muscle, and
transported to the mitochondria.
• Muscles are capable of storing a larger
amount of glycogen for energy.
Long term effects of exercise on the
muscular system (cont.)
• Tendons that connect muscle to bone part muscular
system, become stronger
• Increase in Muscular Strength/Endurance/Power/
• Muscle fibres become bigger and more efficient,
slow & Fast twitch fibres increase in size.
• Muscles hypertrophy - they become bigger and
individual muscle fibres become thicker.
• Fast twitch fibres increase in size meaning become
able to cope better with lactic acid.
• Muscle Atrophy or muscles become smaller or
weaker if inactive e.g. because of injury or gap in
Muscular Hypertrophy -
is the increase of the muscle size and mass
Muscular Hypertrophy Muscular Atrophy
Rest Required for Adaptation
• Rest allows muscles
to repair the damage
caused by exercise,
rebuild before the
next exercise session
and strengthen. This
is how muscles
Potential for injury
• The most common muscular
injuries are strains, pulls and
• The small muscle fibres may
be torn away from their
attachment to the tendon.
• During in intense competition
the muscle fibres contract very
quickly and this can cause a
tear in the connective tissue.
• A thorough warm up can
greatly reduce the risk of injury.
• Terima Kasih

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