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PUP - Sta.

Maria CampusSEMA 30193: TTL II


Name: Dejucos JohnLloyd A. Section: BSED MT

Surname First Name Middle Name

Choose a Content Area in the K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide and pick one unit from Grades 7 to 10. (A
unit refers to a collection of closely related competencies, e.g., the unit on polynomials, the unit on circles, etc.)
Craft one learning activity* with the indicated components in the table below. Be able to identify specifically
the 21st Century Skills that will be touched by this activity.

First degree Equations and

Content Area: Patterns and Algebra Unit:
Inequalities in one variables
Inclusive M7AL-IIh-3
Grade Level: Grade 7
Competency Codes:


Materials Chalk/blackboard, PowerPoint Presentation

Aim/Goal ● To demonstrate the difference between equations and inequalities

1. All of the students are involved and this games called group
2. The students needs to do is to group them self in every time the
teachers write a mathematical statement in the blackboard
3. The mathematical statement write by the teacher is about
equations and inequalities
4. If the teachers start writing the mathematical statement in the
blackboard the students also start to group themselves according
to the mathematical statement. For example, the mathematical
statement is 3 = 3 the students start to make a group to represent
the 3 = 3. In order, to do that they need to make a two group the
one group is composed of three members and the another group is
also composed of three members to show to us the representation
of 3 = 3, the first groups of students to make group themselves they
are the winners
5. After the game all of the winners in the game they will get a plus
points in the quiz after the lesson

Indicator of Success ● Knowing the different between equations and inequalities

Learning and Innovation ● Communication skills

PUP - Sta. Maria CampusSEMA 30193: TTL II
Skills ● Collaboration skills

Information, Media and ● Make a collaboration to other and make a individual contribution
Technology Skills ● Respecting the decision of each other

Life and Career ● Decisions making

Skills ● Making connections

*The learning activity can be a game, an oral exercise, a written exercise, a project, etc.

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