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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

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Simplified analysis of MHD flow in a porous surrounding bounded

by an oscillating vertical cylindrical surface
Yunyun Wu a, *, Jia Xu b
Department of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, No.8, Wenyuan Rd, Nanjing, 210 046, China
Data Analytics in Social Policy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19 104, USA


Keywords: This study developed the relatively simple mathematical model by adding a radiation effect and
MHD transverse magnetic field to the physical model, taking into account heat and mass transfer of a
Porous regime permeable, saturated porous medium, infinite oscillating cylindrical plate. In comparison, mag­
Radiation netohydrodynamics reality flow pattern in most earlier works was ignored in porous media. We
Laplace transformation have performed a semi-analytical method for numerical inverse Laplace transformation into PDEs
of radiation on Newtonian fluids’ heat and mass transfer. The numerical stability method is used
to analyze the influence of parameter variation for different values of M and N. We took into
account both the local flow velocity distribution and concentration profile with the effect of Sc
and time t and the skin friction against time t. There are several variations examined between the
heat transfer under the cylinder boundary conditions and the plane boundary conditions. The
findings given by empirical and numerical approaches are in good agreement. As seen in the
literature, the numerical results on the local flow velocity agree closely with the solutions
available. Our observations, meanwhile, show that the rate of heat transfer can be boosted using a
magnetic field. The curved surface of the boundary configuration will restrain velocity and the
temperature rise, while it has little effect on the mass transfer rate.


u flow velocity (m ⋅s− 1)

r radius coordinate (m)
g gravity acceleration (m ⋅s− 2)
T temperature of fluid (K)
C fluid concentration (kg ⋅kg− 1)
B0 uniform magnetic field (T)
K permeability of porous medium (m2)
cp specific heat (J ⋅kg− 1 ⋅K− 1)
D mass diffusivity (m2 ⋅s− 1)
qr radiative flux (W ⋅m− 2)
aT heat sink coefficient (m− 1)

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Wu), (J. Xu).
Received 11 October 2021; Received in revised form 14 December 2021; Accepted 24 December 2021
Available online 27 December 2021
2214-157X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

aC radiation absorption rate (K ⋅s− 1)

u0 amplitude of oscillation(m ⋅s− 1)
R radius of cylinder coordinate (m)
km mean absorptivity (m− 1)
σs Stefan-Boltzmann constant (Wm− 2K− 4)
Re Reynolds number
Gr Grashorf number
M Hartmann constant
Kr Darcy number

Greek symbols
μ dynamic viscosity (m2 ⋅s− 1)
βT thermal expansion coefficient (K− 1)
βC concentration expansion coefficient (kg ⋅kg− 1)
σ electric conductivity (S ⋅s− 1)
ϱ fluid density (kg ⋅m− 3)
α thermal diffusivity (m2 ⋅s− 1)
γ frequency of oscillation (Hz)
τ dimensionless time

∞ bulk parameters
0 initial condition
T temperature related coefficient
C concentration related coefficient
w wall condition

1. Introduction
Due to the potential applications of heat and mass transfer in a variety of fields of technology and science, including nuclear energy,
chemistry, metallurgy, aerospace, heat insulation, and micro MHD pumps, many researchers have focused on simultaneous heat and
mass transfer from various geometries embedded in porous material under the influence of a magnetic field.
The behavior of MHD’s boundary layer momentum and heat transfer in the presence of an external magnetic field has been a hot
issue in a variety of academic domains. Research in the field of nonlinear analysis is equally important from a theoretical standpoint.
The use of numerical analysis in partial differential equations (PDEs) is ubiquitous in the study of MHD flow. No analytical solution can
be found because of the nonlinearities in the governing equations, and the nonlinear equations are usually solved numerically with
appropriate boundary conditions. Many researchers have long used various nonlinear analysis methods to handle nonlinear problems
numerically or analytically and have looked at MHD flow and heat transfer on the extended or contracted surface from many theo­
retical and practical perspectives. Su [1] first introduced a novel method to deal with nonlinear boundary value problems in an un­
bounded domain, the differential transform-base function(DTM-BF) method. Using the analytical solution of the DTM in the form of
power series, the algebraic equation was established by Pade approximation for boundary conditions at infinity to determine the
unknown parameters introduced in the initial value problem. Finally, Pade’s approximate solution in polynomial, rational form was
obtained. They also validated the accuracy of DTM-BF method by agreeing to analytical results to numerical results using the
fourth-order Adams-Bashforth shooting method. Mohan [2] decomposed the nonlinear problem into the sum of multi-solution com­
ponents and then resolved the lower order solutions with the required accuracy. Then, the higher-order terms are quickly deduced by
using the acceleration method. The flow and heat transfer problems of unsteady extended vertical wall and wall temperature with time
in the stationary fluid were analyzed, and the effects of heat radiation and suction were discussed. Arifuzzaman [3] established a
mathematical stability model of MHD flow that includes thermal radiation, heat source, chemical reaction. They analyzed the hy­
drodynamic stability and heat and mass transfer properties by employing a finite difference scheme. By adding the reaction-diffusion
equation, their numerical solutions depend on the boundary conditions to a great extent, and stable solutions cannot be obtained for
specific problems.
The issue of an unstable boundary layer on the horizontal and vertical wall has drawn many scholars’ attention. There have been
some research findings on the problem of unstable boundary layers on horizontal and vertical walls in a static fluid, without
considering the effect of the magnetic field, mainly from the characteristics of the solution method and control equation and the effect
of related physical parameters on the transfer of velocity and temperature. Mukhopadhyay and Andersson [4] conducted a numerical
analysis to analyze flow and heat transfer on an extended, sliding wall. The method of similarity transformation has been used to
transform the original governing partial differential equation into ordinary differential equations(ODEs), and the ODEs were
numerically solved to analyze the behavior of the physical model. Kumari and Nath [5] studied the convection heat transfer on a
vertical vibrating plate in a semi-infinite electrically conductive fluid in the presence of a transverse magnetic flux. They solved the

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

nonlinear coupled PDEs analytically using homotopy analysis and the implicit difference method to deal with the unsteady mixed
convection heat transfer problem. Rashidi and Erfani [6] used a novel differential transformation-Pade approximation method to deal
with nonlinear equations with boundary conditions. Their solution is not completely smooth at the nodes of the solution, and it is
difficult for the subdomain of nonlinear boundary value problems in the unbounded domain. Parand et al. [7] discussed the flow of
magnetofluid around a stationary wedge-shaped surface without permeability. Their argument is confined to the fact that the wall is
static or impermeable. In order to research the unstable MHD flow over a stretching sheet and heat transfer in the presence of internal
heats and viscous dissipation, the Keller-Box method was used by Machireddy [8] to discretize the original partial differential
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a hybrid mathematical, and statistical approach used to design experiments based on
effective parameters. In recent years, two research studies used RSM to mathematically explore Nusselt number in a parametric
domain of contributing components to reach the optimal enclosure design in heat transfer performance. Vahedi et al. [9] used nu­
merical methods to investigate MHD flow around and through porous cylinders. RSM is used in an optimization process to identify the
optimal conditions for achieving the lowest drag force and the most significant heat transfer rate at the same time. They discovered that
increasing the magnetic field strength increases the Drag coefficient and Nusselt number. Darcy and Reynolds numbers, on the other
hand, have a direct and inverse effect on the average Nusselt number and Drag coefficient, respectively. Within a square enclosure with
an individual conductive pin fin, they also investigated the buoyancy-driven natural convection of a nanofluid modulated by a
magnetic field [10]. Compared to fin inclination angle, higher heat transfer sensitivity was observed for both magnetic strength and fin
thermal conductivity. Vahedi [11] used this method to investigate the sensitivity of the skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number.
According to their findings, the Nusselt number shows a positive sensitivity to thermal radiation and a negative sensitivity to nano­
particle volume fraction.
The researchers above used analytical or experimental methods to study the flow, heat transfer or stability of MHD flow under
external influence. They then compared the results with the available solutions or experimental data to validate the accuracy. Our
research aims to use a new simplified processing method to study the effects on the thermal efficiency of the MHD flow and heat and
mass transfer parameters of related dimensional groups such as heat and mass transfer parameters and boundary conditions with
surface curvature. The model was developed in adding radiation effect and transverse magnetic field to the physical model, while most
of the previous works ignored the reality flow pattern of the MHD in porous media. Numerical analysis of both the local flow velocity
distribution and concentration profile with the effect of Sc and time t and the skin friction against time t for various values of M and N.

2. Model and equation

The physical heat and mass transfer structure and coordination system of a viscous incompressible MHD laminar flow past a semi-
infinite cylindrical oscillating porous plate is schematically illustrated in Fig. 1.
The axis r is set to be perpendicular to the surface of the porous plate, and the fluid movement is in the x-direction that brings the
cylinder upwards, and the r-axis is normal to the surface. The cylinder and the fluid are initially resting at the same T∞ temperature
with C∞ concentration at all points, where C∞ and T∞ are the bulk concentration and the uniform flow temperature, respectively. The
cylinder is vertically supplied with an oscillation of velocity u = u0 cos(γt) at the time t > 0, where γ denotes oscillating frequency and

Fig. 1. The schematic geometry of considered problem.

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

the amplitude of motion is u0(constant). Mass is simultaneously diffused from the ambient boundary, and the cylinder plate tem­
perature increases over time. The r-direction magnetic field with a uniform strength of B0 is presumably normal for the flow region. The
inductive magnetic field and dissipation effect are assumed to be negligible as the chosen magnetic Reynolds number is small. In the
flow regime, the model studied in the paper is without a chemical reaction, and the equations of Boussinesq govern the unsteady flow:
( 2 ) ( 2 )
∂u ∂ u 1 ∂u σ B0 ν
=ν + + gβT (T − T∞ ) + gβC (C − C∞ ) − + u (1)
∂t ∂r 2 r ∂r ϱ K
( )
∂T ∂2 T 1 ∂T 1 ∂qr
=α + − + aT (T − T∞ ) + aC (C − C∞ ) (2)
∂t ∂r2 r ∂r ϱcp ∂r
( )
∂C ∂2 C 1 ∂C
=D + (3)
∂t ∂r2 r ∂r
The term for radiative heat flux, simplified by using the Rosseland [12] approximation, is expressed as

σs ∂T 4
qr = − (4)
km ∂r
in which σs and km represent the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and mean absorptivity, respectively. Considering that the temperature
variation within the flow is sufficiently small in our discussion, T4 can be truncated into a linear function of the temperature of the bulk.
This is done by extending T4 to T∞ in the Taylor series and disregarding higher-order terms, so that T4 can be represented as T 4 =
4T 3∞ T − 3T 4∞ . The radiation flux derivative in Eq:(2) becomes,

1 ∂qr 4σs T 3∞ ∂2 T
− = (5)
ϱcp ∂r ϱcp km ∂r2

The conditions of original and boundary are as follows:

t=0: u(r, 0) = 0, T(r, 0) = T∞ , C(r, 0) = C∞
r=R: u(0, t) = u0 cos(γt), T = Tw , C = Cw (6)
r → +∞ : u = 0, T = T∞ , C = C∞
Following previous study [13,14], we transform the system of equations into dimensionless form after introducing the similarity
variable shown as follows:

tu20 r u
τ = , η= , ψ=
ν R u0
T − T∞ C − C∞
θ= , φ=
Tw − T∞ Cw − C∞
To prevent solutions that are independent of the flow regime’s geometry, substituting from Eq. (7) into Eq. (1), Eq. (2) and Eq. (3),
the following dimensionless equations are obtained:
( 2 )
∂ψ 1 ∂ ψ 1 ∂ψ ( )
= + + GrT θ + GrC φ − M + K −r 1 ψ (8)
∂τ Re 2 ∂η2 η ∂η
( )
∂θ 1 ∂2 θ 1 ∂θ ∂2 θ
= + + N 2 + Aθ + Bφ (9)
∂τ Pr · Re 2 ∂η2 η ∂η ∂η
( )
∂φ 1 ∂2 φ 1 ∂φ
= + (10)
∂τ Sc · Re 2 ∂η2 η ∂η

where η is the radial dimensionless coordinate, τ is dimensionless time and ψ denotes fluid axial dimensionless velocity, and the other
u0 R gβT ν(Tw − T∞ )
non-dimensional parameters are: Reynolds number, Re = ν , Grashof number, GrT = u30
, mass Grashof number, GrC =
σB20 ν Ku20 3
gβC ν(Cw − C∞ )
, magnetic parameter, Hartmann constant, M = ϱu20
, Darcy number, Kr = ν2 , Prandtl number, Pr = αν , N = ϱc4σks Tu∞2 νR2 , A = auT2ν,
p m 0 0

B = auc2ν(T
(Cw − C∞ )
w − T∞ )
, Dufour number, Du = T∞(T(Cw −w −T∞C∞) ), Schmidt number, Sc = Dν . The constant A and B here are often very small and can be

omitted in practice. The initial and boundary conditions associated are

τ = 0, θ = 0, φ = 0, ψ = 0
( )
η = 1, ψ = cos 2 τ , θ = 1, φ = 1 (11)
η → +∞, θ = 0, φ = 0, ψ = 0.

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

3. The solution to the governing problem

After employing Laplace transformation to the coupled partial differential Eq. (8) (9) (10) and adopting corresponding boundary
conditions from Eq. (11), when considering radiation heat transfer, the MHD flow format equation is transformed as follows:
( 2 )
1 d Ψ 1 dΨ ( )
sΨ(s, η) = + + GrT Θ + GrC Φ − M + K −r 1 Ψ (12)
Re 2 dη2 η dη
( 2 )
1 d Θ 1 dΘ d2 Θ
sΘ(s, η) = + +N 2 (13)
Pr · Re 2 dη 2 η dη dη
( 2 )
1 d Φ 1 dΦ
sΦ(s, η) = + (14)
Sc · Re 2 dη2 η dη
The constants A and B are discarded without loss of accuracy. Exchange variable η with z = sη into both Eq. (13)(14) which yields
two homogeneous Bessel-Euler type equations:
( ) 2
1 dΘ 1 1 dΘ
Θ= 2
+N + (15)
PrRe dz2 PrRe2 z dz
( 2 )
1 d Φ 1 dΦ
Φ= 2 2
+ (16)
Sc · Re dz z dz

Where s is the parameter in Complex Laplacian Field, Θ, Φ, and Ψ are Laplace transformation of θ, φ, and ψ with respect to time-
variable τ respectively. The boundary conditions are transformed into
√̅̅ u20 1 1
z = s(η = 1), Ψ= ( )2 , Θ= , Φ= ,
s2 + 2
γν s s (17)
z = +∞(η = +∞), Θ = 0, Φ = 0, Ψ = 0.
Equation for Φ is a parametric Bessel equation of the second type and the formal solution is obtained in the Laplacian domain:
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Φ(s, η) = P1 I0 (Re Scs η) + P2 K0 (Re Scs η) (18)
In the expression, I0(x), K0(x) are Bessel function modified of order 0. With boundary condition Φ(s, + ∞) = 0 and notice that Bessel
function of the first kind Ip(x), p = 0, 1, ⋯ blow up at infinity, which yield constant P1 = 0, by another condition of Φ, the constant P2
can be determined and finally the solution for Φ is
K0 (Re Scs η)
Φ(s, η) = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (19)
sK0 (Re Scs )
Solution of Θ are quite different with the former, take differential transformation
Pr NPrRe2
x = Re 2
z, Θ(z) = xλ y(x), λ = (20)
1 + NPrRe 2(1 + NPrRe2 )
to Eq. (15) and the following parametric spherical Bessel Equation derived:

d2 y dy ( )
x2 + x − x2 + λ2 y = 0 (21)
dx2 dx
Solution structure for this parametric Euler-type Eq. (21) can be expressed as the linear combination of the second type of Modified
Bessel functions:
( ) [ ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) ]
sPr sPr sPr
Θ(s, η) = Reλ 2 ηλ P I
3 λ Re η + P4 λ Re
K η
1 + NPrRe2 1 + NPrRe2 1 + NPrRe2

with boundary condition Θ(s, + ∞) = 0, Θ(s, 1) = 1s , we get

( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )
ηλ Kλ Re sPr
Θ(s, η) = ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) (23)
sKλ Re 1+NPrRe 2

Eq. (12) changes to Eq. (24) after the substitution with Θ and Φ

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

( 2 )
1 d Ψ 1 dΨ ( )
sΨ(s, η) = + + f (s, η) − M + K −r 1 Ψ (24)
Re 2 dη2 η dη

where the function f(s, η) is known and can be used to simplify calculations
( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )
ηλ Kλ Re 1+NPrRe
2 η
K0 (Re Scs η)
f (s, η) = GrT ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) + GrC √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (25)
sPr sK0 (Re Scs )
sKλ Re 1+NPrRe 2

Now the dimensionless velocity equation Ψ can be simplified with regard s as constant. Eq. (24) is a non-homogeneous ordinary
differential equation with the variable η, which solution can be derived analytically, utilizing the variation of the arbitrary constant

d2 Ψ dΨ
η2 +η − μ2 η 2 Ψ = 0 (26)
dη2 dη
The corresponding homogeneous equation of Eq. (24) is solved by the same procedure as before
Ψ(s, η) = P5 I0 (μη) + P6 K0 (μη) (27)
In general, μ = Re M + K−r 1 + s is taken as positive constant. The expression of solution of non-homogeneous Eq. (24) can be
obtained from the theory of constant variation method:
{ ′ ′
P5 (η)I0 (μη) + P6 (η)K0 (μη) = 0
′ ′ ′ ′ (28)
P5 (η)I 0 (μη) + P6 (η)K 0 (μη) = − Re2 f (s, η).

work out the parameter for P5(η), P6(η) and the solution to Eq. (24) is
f (s, η)I0 (μη)
Ψ(s, η) = K0 (μη)Re2 dη
0 μ(I0 (μη)YK1 (μη) + I1 (μη)K0 (μη))
∫η (29)
f (s, η)K0 (μη)
− I0 (μη)Re2 dη
0 μ(I0 (μη)K1 (μη) + I1 (μη)K0 (μη))

The integration should be careful with the initial condition of Ψ, a relatively large parameter can be set appropriately to replace the
infinite boundary conditions. Another way to facilitate the calculation is to discard the Bessel function I0(μη) directly because the
exploding rate of I0(μη) is much bigger than that of K0(μη). To accommodate the boundary condition of Ψ(s, 1), the solution of Eq. (24)
takes the form only left with the K0(μη) function explicitly:

γνu20 K0 (μη)
Ψ(s, η) = (30)
u40 s2 + γ2 ν2 K0 (μ)
When the image function of Φ, Θ, Ψ is very intricate, the Bromwich inverse Laplace transform method can get the function
expression on the real number field. In a situation where the Bromwich integral containing the modified Bessel equation is difficult to
obtain the residual zero analytically, the analytical-closed solution of Eqs. (19), (23) and (30) is generally not feasible. Fortunately,
several methods of numerical inverse Laplace transformation have evolved over the last few decades.
∫ σ+i∞
φ(τ, η) = esτ Φ(s, η)ds
2πi σ− i∞
∫ σ+i∞
θ(τ, η) = esτ Θ(s, η)ds (31)
2πi σ− i∞
∫ σ+i∞
ψ (τ, η) = esτ Ψ(s, η)ds
2πi σ− i∞
A relatively straightforward numerical method is the Stehfest method that can obtain inverse Laplace with very high precision and
has also been in application to numerous transport problems [15]. Notable attention for the Stehfest method is that the original
numerical method is very complex and not widely used [16], some modifications can be made as follows [17].
( )
ln 2 ∑N ln 2
φ(τ, η) = VjΦ j, η (32)
τj=1 τ
( )
ln 2 ∑N ln 2
θ(τ, η) = Vj Θ j, η (33)
τ j=1 τ

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

( )
ln 2 ∑N ln 2
ψ (τ, η) = Vj Ψ j, η (34)
τ j=1 τ
The factor Vj shows in both formulae is expressed as follows:
( )
∑min j, 2 N
k 2 (2k)!
Vj = (− 1) 2 +j [ ] ( )
j+1 N
k= 2 2
− k !k!(k − 1)!(j − k)!(2k − j)!

In the computer calculation, the inverse Laplace transformation of Eq. (19) and Eq. (23) can be calculated first, then bring back into
Eq. (12) for the original image of the velocity. Inverse Laplace transform and numerical solution of the differential equation must be
carried out simultaneously. In the Stehfest step, modified Bessel equations should take the asymptotic expansion
∑∞ 1 (x)
I0 (x) = 2k
(k!)2 2

( x ) ∑+∞ 1 ( 1
1 (x )2k
K0 (x) = − I0 (x) ln + γE + 1 + + ⋯ + (37)
2 k=0
(k!)2 2 k 2

where γE = 0.577 2 is Euler constant.

4. Result and discussion

The purpose of the numerical analysis is to evaluate the transient magneto-hydrodynamic flow that passes over the porous medium
surrounded by a vertical oscillating cylindrical surface. The influence of Grashof number (Gr), Hartmann constant (M = 1 to 10), the
radius of cylinder coordinate (R), dimensionless time (τ) and Darcy number (Kr), temperature θ, velocity ψ , concentration φ, shear
stress functions were also numerically evaluated in this study to obtain an insight of the physics of the characteristics of the flow. We
now consider GrT = 5 = GrC > 0 (plate cooling), which implies that the vertical plane conveys the heat flow to the boundary layer. The
Schmidt number values selected (Sc) reflect the existence of a range of substances. Helium (Sc = 0.31), water vapor (Sc = 0.60) and
oxygen (Sc = 0.66), hydrogen (Sc = 0.20, hydrogen gas diffused in conductive air). The Prandtl number Pr of water (Pr = 7.0) and air
(Pr = 0.71) was selected as the research objects [18]. These computed results are also compared with the available solutions and
empirical data to ascertain the accuracy of numerical results.

4.1. Velocity distribution, temperature and concentration field

Fig. 2 portrays the curve of velocity distribution under different parameters of Pr and t, where the abscissa is the extent from the
surface of the cylinder to the interface of the porous medium. The solid lines represent the calculated values of the current model draw
at Pr = 0.71, 1.0, 7.0, respectively. The graph shows that the fluid velocity increases for both cases with time. In addition, the velocity
increases to its highest value and then rapidly decreases. It is noted that the gradients of all curves are rather prominent with small η
values, and they shift only in a very small vicinity of the plate. A small Pr number corresponds to a larger velocity amplitude, which can
be seen in the figure from the curve of Pr = 7 as high Prandtl counts have high viscosity fluids. This results in a slower velocity end, thus
a slower heat diffusion from the heating surface. The dotted line on the figure is a numerical solution for MHD flow in the Cartesian
coordination system by S.M. Arifuzzaman [19]through an oscillatory vertical porous plate. The comparison between the numerical
solution by Arifuzzaman and the current model shows that the cylinder’s curvature suppresses the fluid flow along the axis direction,
which means the normal component of the velocity may increase, so do the transverse heat convection.
Fig. 3 shows the effect on the dimensionless velocity of the M magnetic field parameter. The velocity profiles decrease with an

Fig. 2. Velocity distribution for Pr and τ

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

increase of the magnetic parameter M. The explanation for this is that a rise in the magnetic field creates an impediment force opposite
the fluid flow, called the Lorentz Force. Kataria provides an empirical approach to MHD flow with a steady shift in the conditions of
vertical boundary temperature. The numeric solutions have been converted into our symbol convention. The dotted line in Fig. 3 is the
ramped temperature boundary with a flat plate. It is noticed that the climax of ψ shifted to the left near the wall compared with the
cylinder case. Same as Fig. 2, the maximum value of the velocity retarded to η = 3.3 because of the effect of surface curvature. A similar
research focused on vertical rotation cone was done by Sulochana [20]. The cone boundary data was plotted in Fig. 2. The difference
between them is that the fadeaway time advanced at about η = 2.7. This can also be explained as the radial force component in the cone
surface prevents the increase of velocity and the attenuation stimulation of ψ . The higher the magnetic parameter, the smaller the
maximum axis velocity is. This is because the Lorentz force can be ignored when the magnetic field parameter is minimal.
Fig. 4 illustrates the difference in temperature under various Prandtl number selected values. The numerical solutions indicate that
the Prandtl increase leads to a decrease in temperature.The results in Fig. 2 show that with the increase of Prandtl number, the
thickness of the thermal boundary layer decreases, decreasing the temperature difference between the two sides of the boundary layer.
As more miniature Prandtl figures are equivalent to a greater thermal conductivity of the fluid, thermal dissemination of the heating
surface is easier. Therefore the thickness of the thermal boundary layer gets thicker at lower Prandtl numbers, and the heat transfer
effect decreases. Kataria’s data [21] is also plotted with the variation of time as time goes by, the temperature decreases and fade away
rapidly, opposite with the velocity profile situation.
Fig. 5 shows the effect of the N radiation parameter on temperature profiles. An increase of the radiation parameters is observed to
result in an overall rise in the flux temperature profile. Lorentz force is a form of restricting force that impedes fluid flow and eventually
leads to temperature accumulation. The porous media surrounding increases the resistance in the flow, so the velocity decreases, and
this also gives a proper explanation of temperature increase. Osman studied the temperature and concentration changes in MHD flow
accompanied by chemical reaction and thermal radiation effect [13]. Fig. 5 shows that chemical reaction has little impact on the
temperature variation under heavy radiation N, and a good agreement with our model before η = 4.5 but with an extended temperature
vanishing time η = 6.0 under M = 5.0.
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 indicate the effects of the N and Sc parameters on the concentration profiles. The concentration and velocity curves
decrease simultaneously as the Schmidt number Sc increases. The two - dimensional MHD flow solved by Javaherdeh is the variation of
the temperature and concentration near the wall presumed to be in accordance with the power-law form [22] distribution, numerical
results are compared with our model under Sc = 0.7. It shows little effect on the concentration reduction rate under the surface
curvature effect, which means that the cylinder surface differs from the flat surface condition we often encounter in practical con­
ditions. Simultaneous increases in the concentration profiles accompany reductions in the radiation parameters. The responses are
evident from Fig. 6. The MHD boundary layer distribution on vibrating flat vertical plate [23] analytical resolves the linear tem­
perature and the concentration distribution. After comparison, the radiation parameters can weaken the concentration distribution
under the cylindrical surface at the same position η. The plate boundary condition can prolong the concentration vanishing time.

4.2. Heat and mass transfer effect

The local friction, heat and mass transfer coefficient can now be determined once the numerical solution of the velocity, tem­
perature, and concentration has been obtained. In previous investigation [24,25], where the combination of heat and mass transfer
occurs, several meanings of heat and mass transfer coefficients exist. Our previous analysis [14,17] shows the transient Nusselt
number, Sherwood number, and skin friction with regard to dimensionless parameters,
( )⃒
∂ψ ⃒⃒
τx = − (38)
∂η ⃒η=1

Nu = (39)
θ − θ⃒

Fig. 3. Velocity distribution for Pr and M.

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

Fig. 4. Effect of parameter Pr and τ on temperature profiles.

Fig. 5. Effect of radiation parameter on temperature profiles.

Fig. 6. Concentration profiles for radiation parameter N.

Sh = (40)
φ − φ⃒

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

Fig. 7. Concentration profiles for Schmidt number Sc

The bulk average parameters for the film are θ and φ. Eqs.contained the difference quotient. A five-point differential scheme is used
to measure (38)–(40).
The flow boundary layer exerts a traction force on the plate, as the viscous stress is generated at the wall surface. Fig. 8 shows the
viscous tension on the plate coordinate τ against time. The opposite value of the coefficient of friction reveals a drag force on the fluid.
The local skin friction rises with time, and the local shear stress increases with M due to the Lorentz force’s pulling effect, which is
traced with a dotted line in the same condition as real lines. The shear stress increases with the increases of Pr since the smaller Prandtl
number Pr = 0.71(air) corresponds to the more significant velocity gradient than for Pr = 7.0(water). The increased shear stress is
usually disadvantageous in engineering practice.
Fig. 9 shows Prandtl’s effect on the Nusselt number with various magnetic field parameters on the dimensionless steady-state. As
shown, the Nusselt number decreases by Pr. With a rise of M, the local heat transfer coefficient increases. With high levels of Prandtl,
the liquid typically achieves a low thermal conductivity, thereby decreasing the thermal power. Thus, the clinical boundary thickness
declines. As a result, while the Prandtl number lessened, the heat transfer rate of the boundary plate layer grew.
FFrom Fig. 10, we conclude that the number of the Sherwood decreases with the increase in τ time. The Sherwood number shares
this growth pattern, with M, Sc, and Pr. The growth of the Schmidt number shows a reduced molecular diffusiveness that corresponds
to a decrease in the mass transfer limit. It corresponds to the definition of Sherwood number Sh. Notably, there is no significant shift in
the average Sherwood number and Prandtl number in the period shown in Figs. 9 and 10 concerning Pr and Sc. Therefore, conduction
is the sole reason for the initial heat and mass transfer.

5. Concluding remarks
In addition to the magnetic effect and radiative heat transmission, unsteady MHD flow near a moving cylindrical surface in the
porous medium has been studied. Closed solutions for the original equation were achieved by the unique transformation technique and
the Laplace transformation process, semi-analytically inverse. The PDEs for oscillating cylinders were solved in the Laplace domain
with constant temperature limits. Introducing the second-class modified Bessel function, a series solution of the original equation is
obtained, and then, using numerical inverse transform Laplace, a numerical solution is obtained in the real domain. Several important
conclusions can be drawn from the present study:
(1)As time goes on, the flow is progressive increases first and then decreases, while temperature continues to drop with time.
(2)Temperature presents an increasing trend with the increase of thermal radiation parameter N.
(3)The Velocity decreased when the magnetic parameter M increased.
(4)Raising the Pr number helps minimize temperature and velocity profiles.
(5)Rise in skin frictions attributed to the rise in the M and thermal radiation parameters.
(6)The increase of Nusselt numbers and magnet parameters is the result of the Prandtl increase.
(7)Sherwood number profiles increase in Prandtl number, magnetic parameter, and Schmidt number.
(8)The curving of the boundary condition will restrict the growth of velocity, but the change in the concentration curve has little
(10) The average Sherwood and Prandtl numbers in a given time range concerning Pr and Sc are almost constant.
A Newtonian viscous fluid was used in the current model. Further research is still needed to broaden the study to include rheo­
logical fluids in the power law. In the future, it is also essential to analyze the MHD heat and mass transfer model with chemical
reactions within the poric media. For a broader range of situations, experiments should be attached to test the relationships between
more parameters of the new model.

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

Fig. 8. Skin friction τx for different values of Pr and M.

Fig. 9. Nusselt number Nu for different values of M and Pr

Fig. 10. Local Sherwood number with different values of M, Sc, Pr

Y. Wu and J. Xu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101737

Author statement
Under supervision by Yunyun Wu, Yunyun Wu performed modelling preparation and data analysis. Jia Xu developed Mathematical
treatment of the PDEs. Both of the authors performed comparison work with available reference. All authors read and contributed to
the manuscript.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

This work was partially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 51 520 105 009), and the author is thankful to
the referees for giving their constructive suggestions for improving this paper.

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