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// Chess Game using C++ OOP

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

Using namespace std;

Int rollTurn(){

Srand((unsigned) time(0));

Int rTurn = (rand() % 2) + 1;

Return rTurn;

Char cBoard [8][8] = {









Int pathBoard [8][8] = {










Bool moveBishop(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Int I;

Int x = sRow – 1, y = sCol;

If (sRow == eRow && sCol == eCol) return false;

If (sRow < eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol){ // Up

For (I = sCol; I <= eCol; ++i){ // Upper Right

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;


If (cBoard[x][I + 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (eRow == x && eCol == (I + 1)) return true;

Else if (sCol > eCol){

For (I = sCol; I >= eCol; --i){ // Upper Left

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;

If (cBoard[x][I – 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (eRow == x && eCol == (I – 1)) return true;


Else if (sRow > eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol){ // Down

For (I = sCol; I <= eCol; ++i){ // Lower Right


if (cBoard[x][I + 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

else if (eRow == x && eCol == (I + 1)) return true;

Else if (sCol > eCol){

For (I = sCol; I >= eCol; --i){ // Lower Left


if (cBoard[x][I – 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

else if (eRow == x && eCol == (I – 1)) return true;


Bool eatBishop(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Int I;

Int x = sRow, y = sCol;

If (sRow == eRow && sCol == eCol) return false;

If (sRow < eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol){ // Up

For (I = sCol; I < eCol; ++i){ // Upper Right

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;


If (cBoard[x – 1][I – 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (eRow == x && eCol == (I + 1)) return true;

Else if (sCol > eCol){

For (I = sCol; I > eCol; --i){ // Upper Left

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;


If (cBoard[x – 1][I + 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (eRow == (x + 1) && eCol == (I – 1)) return true;

Else if (sRow > eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol){ // Down

For (I = sCol; I < eCol; ++i){ // Lower Right

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;


if (cBoard[x + 1][I – 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

else if (eRow == (x – 1) && eCol == (I + 1)) return true;

Else if (sCol > eCol){

For (I = sCol; I > eCol; --i){ // Lower Left

Cout << x << “ “ << I << “ | “ << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;

if (cBoard[x + 1][I + 1] != ‘-‘) return false;

else if (eRow == (x – 1) && eCol == (I – 1)) return true;

//return true;

Bool moveRook(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Int I;

If (sRow == eRow && sCol == eCol) return false;

If (sRow == eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol) { // Horiz

For (I = sCol + 1; I <= eCol; ++i) // Right

If (cBoard[sRow][i] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {

For (I = sCol – 1; I >= eCol; --i) // Left

If (cBoard[sRow][i] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (sCol == eCol) {

If (sRow < eRow) { // Vert

For (I = sRow + 1; I <= eRow; ++i) // Down

If (cBoard[i][sCol] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {

For (I = sRow – 1; I >= eRow; --i) // Up

If (cBoard[i][sCol] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {return false;}

Return true;

Bool eatRook(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Int I;

If (sRow == eRow && sCol == eCol) return false;

If (sRow == eRow) {

If (sCol < eCol) { // Horiz

For (I = sCol + 1; I < eCol; ++i) // Right

If (cBoard[sRow][i] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {

For (I = sCol – 1; I > eCol; --i) // Left

If (cBoard[sRow][i] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else if (sCol == eCol) {

If (sRow < eRow) { // Vert

For (I = sRow + 1; I < eRow; ++i) // Down

If (cBoard[i][sCol] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {

For (I = sRow – 1; I > eRow; --i) // Up

If (cBoard[i][sCol] != ‘-‘) return false;

Else {return false;}

Return true;

Bool moveKing(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Bool eatKing(int sRow, int sCol, int eRow, int eCol){

Void showBoard(){

Int yCol1 = 8;

For (int xRow = 8; xRow > 0; xRow--){

Cout << yCol1 << “ |”;


for (int yCol2 = 0; yCol2 < 8; yCol2++){

cout << “ “ << cBoard [xRow – 1] [yCol2] << “ “;

Cout << endl;

Cout << “ |------------------------” << endl;

Cout << “ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 “ << endl;

Void gInstructions(){

Cout << “Toss a coin, or pick who should go first!\n” << endl;

Cout << “Upper Case = ‘WHITE’ Pieces; Lower Case = ‘black’ Pieces” << endl;

Cout << “r = Rook, n = Knight/ Horse, q = Queen, k = King, p = Pawn\n” << endl;

Cout << “Choose a number between 11 and 88.\nNumbers outside of them will be invalidated!” <<

Void gameStart(){


string pWB;

int totalTurns = 1;

int gameTurn = 0;

int sMove = 0;

int eMove = 0;

int sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol;

bool gPass;

bool gameEnd = false;

while(gameEnd != true){

cout << “\n”;


gPass = false;

if(gameTurn == 0){pWB = “WHITE”;}

else if(gameTurn == 1){pWB = “black”;}


cout << “It’s “ << pWB << “’s turn!” << endl;

cout << “Turns: “ << totalTurns << endl;

while (!gPass){

cout << “\nPick your piece: “;

cin >> sMove;

sRow = (sMove % 10) – 1;

sCol = (sMove / 10) – 1;

if (cBoard[sRow][sCol] != ‘-‘){

cout << “To: “;

cin >> eMove;

eRow = (eMove % 10) – 1;

eCol = (eMove / 10) – 1;

cout << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;

// Checks if the tile is empty

If (cBoard[eRow][eCol] == ‘-‘){

If (gameTurn == 0){


Case ‘P’:

If (eRow == (sRow + 1)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘P’;


Case ‘N’:

If ((eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2))){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘N’;


Case ‘R’:

moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;
cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘R’;


Case ‘B’:

Cout << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;

moveBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘B’;


Case ‘Q’:

moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘Q’;



Cout << “Invalid Move!” << endl;


Else if (gameTurn == 1){


Case ‘p’:

If (eRow == (sRow – 1)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘p’;


Case ‘n’:

If ((eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2))){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘n’;


Case ‘r’:

moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘r’;


Case ‘b’:

Cout << eRow << “ “ << eCol << endl;

moveBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘b’;


Case ‘q’:

moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(moveRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘q’;



Cout << “Invalid Move!” << endl;


// Piece eats a piece


If (gameTurn == 0){


Case ‘P’:

If ((((int)cBoard[sRow + 1][sCol – 1] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[sRow + 1][sCol – 1] <= 114

&& sCol > 0) ||
((int)cBoard[sRow + 1][sCol + 1] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[sRow + 1][sCol + 1] <= 114 &&
sCol < 7))){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘P’;


Case ‘N’:

If ((eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2))){

If ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘N’;


Case ‘R’:

eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘R’;


Case ‘B’:

eatBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘B’;


Case ‘Q’:

eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘Q’;


Cout << “Invalid Move!” << endl;


Else if (gameTurn == 1){


Case ‘p’:

If ((((int)cBoard[sRow – 1][sCol – 1] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[sRow – 1][sCol – 1] <= 82 &&

sCol > 0) ||

((int)cBoard[sRow – 1][sCol + 1] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[sRow – 1][sCol + 1] <= 82 &&

sCol < 7))){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘p’;


Case ‘n’:

If ((eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol + 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 2) && eCol == (sCol – 1)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow + 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol + 2)) ||

(eRow == (sRow – 1) && eCol == (sCol – 2))){

If ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 82)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 82)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘n’;


Case ‘r’:

eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 82)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 66 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 82)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘r’;


Case ‘b’:

eatBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatBishop(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘b’;


Case ‘q’:
eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol);

if(eatRook(sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) == true){

if ((((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)) ||

((int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] >= 98 && (int)cBoard[eRow][eCol] <= 114)){

gPass = true;

cBoard[sRow][sCol] = ‘-‘;

cBoard[eRow][eCol] = ‘q’;



Cout << “Invalid Move!” << endl;


If (!gPass){cout << “Invalid Piece!” << endl;}

If (gameTurn != 1) {gameTurn++;}

Else {gameTurn--;}


Int main(){

//string name;

//cout << “Simple Chess Game” << endl;

//cout << “1 – Player vs Player” << endl;

//cout << “2 – Player vs AI” << endl;

//cout << “\nChoose number: “;

//getline (cin, name);


#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

Int Main()

Int I, j, rows;

String b, w, t;

B = “black”;

W = “white”;

Cout << “nn Display checkerboard pattern with the words ‘black’ and ‘white’:n”;

Cout << “---------------------------------------------------------------------n”;

Cout << “ Input number of rows: “;

Cin >> rows;

For (I = 1; I <= rows; i++)

For (j = 1; j <= rows; j++)

If (j % 2 != 0)

Cout << b;

If (j < rows)

Cout << “-“;

Else if (j % 2 == 0)

Cout << w;

If (j < rows)

Cout << “-“;

T = b;

B = w;

W = t;

Cout << endl;

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