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Modular Course of Mineralogy.

Why is Hematite so Important? Morphology, Formation, Deposits, Hematite Types and


Morocho Erreyes Marlon Ulises.

School of Earth Sciences Energy and Environment, Yachay Tech

Azam Soltani Dehnavi, PhD.

School of Earth Sciences Energy and Environment, Yachay Tech

November 28, 2021


Hematite is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth's surface and in the shallow crust.
Originally named about 300-325 BCE by Theophrastus from the Greek, "αιματίτις λίθος"
("aematitis lithos") for "blood stone". Translated in 79 by Pliny the Elder to haematites,
"bloodlike", in allusion to the vivid red color of the powder, (2021). Hematite is
the most important ore of iron. It is an iron oxide with a chemical composition of Fe2O3. It is
a common rock-forming mineral found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks at
locations throughout the world.

Hematite has a wide variety of other uses,

but their economic significance is very
small compared to the importance of iron
ore. Although it was once mined at
thousands of locations around the world,
today almost all of the production comes
from a few dozen large deposits where
Fig 1: Hematite from the Wessel Mine
significant equipment investments allow (Northern Cape Province, South Africa)

companies to efficiently mine and process the ore. Most ore are now produced in China,
Australia, India, Russia, Canada, Venezuela, and the United States. The mineral is used to
produce pigments, preparations for heavy media separation, radiation shielding, ballast, and
many other products. In this paper the main objectives are: studying the morphology and
formation, verities, deposits and uses of that ore.
Morphology and Formation.

Hematite is found as a primary mineral and as an alteration product in igneous, metamorphic,

and sedimentary rocks. It can crystallize during different steps for cooling magma process or
precipitate from hydrothermal fluids moving through a rock mass, also hematite can form
during contact metamorphism when hot magmas react with adjacent rocks. The most important
hematite deposits formed in sedimentary environments. About 2.4 billion years ago, Earth’s
oceans were rich in dissolved iron, but very little free oxygen was present in the water.

The bacteria used solar energy like a source of power to convert carbon dioxide and water into
carbohydrates, oxygen, and water. This reaction released the first free oxygen into the ocean
environment. The new oxygen immediately combined with the iron to form hematite, which
sank to the bottom of the seafloor and became the rock units that we know today as the banded
iron formations. Soon, photosynthesis was occurring in many parts of Earth’s oceans, and
extensive hematite deposits were accumulating on the seafloor.

This deposition continued for hundreds of millions of years - from about 2.4 to 1.8 million
years ago. This allowed the formation of iron deposits hundreds to several thousand feet thick
that are laterally persistent over hundreds to thousands of square miles. Many of the
sedimentary iron deposits contain both hematite and magnetite as well as other iron minerals.
These are often in intimate association, and the ore is mined, crushed, and processed to recover
both minerals. Historically, much of the hematite was not recovered and was sent to tailings
piles. More efficient processing today allows more hematite to be recovered from the ore. The
tailings can also be reprocessed to recover additional iron and reduce tailings volume.

It forms crystals that are generally tabular, rarely prismatic

or scalenohedral; occasionally also rhombohedral, giving
rise to pseudo-cubic crystals. Often found in subparallel
growths on or as rosettes ("iron roses"). Other times it
occurs in micaceous or laminar masses. Said masses can
be compact or fibrous columnar, sometimes radiant,
Fig 2: “Iron Roses” reniform, botryoidal or stalactic. Hematite appears in
contact metasomatic deposits, it can have a hydrothermal origin, be an accessory mineral in
igneous rocks or be a product of the weathering of ferruginous rocks. It can also be part of
ooliths of sedimentary origin.

Pure hematite has a composition of about 65-75% iron and 35-25% oxygen by weight. Like
most natural materials, it is rarely found with that pure composition (70-30%). This is
particularly true of the sedimentary deposits where hematite forms by inorganic or biological
precipitation in a body of water. Minor
clastic sedimentation can add clay minerals
to the iron oxide. Episodic sedimentation can
cause the deposit to have alternating bands of
iron oxide and shale. Silica in the form of
jasper, chert, or chalcedony can be added by
chemical, clastic, or biological processes inFig3: Banded Iron Formation, Western Australian
small amounts or in significant episodes. These layered deposits of hematite and shale or
hematite and silica have become known as the "banded iron formations".

Hematite is rather variable in its appearance - it can be in reddish brown, ocherous masses,
dark silvery-grey scaled masses, silvery-grey to black crystals, and dark-grey masses, to name
a few. What they all have in common is a rust-red streak. Black crystals may be confused with


Hematite is a very widespread mineral. The crystals from the Cavradi gorge ( Grishun ,
Switzerland ), the Rio Marina mine ( Elba island ), and from Minucciano , Pietrasanta and
Vagli Sotto ( Tuscany , Italy ) are notable . Likewise, in Mount Salza ( Piedmont ), aggregates
of hematite crystals in the form of an iron rose have been discovered whose diameter reaches
3-4 cm. In France there are also important deposits in Pontgibaud ( Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
),Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ( Great East ) and Saint-Maime mines ( Provence-Alpes-Côte
Spain has hematite deposits in the Alquife ( Granada ) mines —where it appears crystallizing
on its own ocher and with calcite—, in El Pedroso ( Seville ) and in the province of Jaén .
Likewise, very interesting specimens have been found in El Llagú (Asturias) as well as in
Tierga ( Zaragoza ).

At the gemological level , the Bawpadan ( Mandalay , Myanmar ) and Jos ( Nigeria ) deposits
stand out ; in this last enclave sapphires are extracted that are associated with hematite, goethite
and gibbsite.

Hematite on Mars

Fig4: Image mosaic from the Mars Exploration Rover Microscopic Imager showing hematite spherules
partially embedded in rock at Opportunity's landing site. The image is about 5 cm (2 in).

The spectrographic signature of hematite was seen on the planet Mars by the spectrometer
infrared sensors aboard the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey of NASA orbiting the
planet. The mineral was seen in abundance in two places on the planet: at Terra Meridiani ,
near the Martian equator at 0 ° longitude, and at Aram Chaos , near Valles Marineris . In other
places it also appeared, especially in Aureum Chaos .

Because terrestrial hematite is a mineral that typically forms in aqueous environments or due
to disturbances due to water, this detection was scientifically interesting enough that the second
of the two Mars Exploration Rovers was sent to a site in the region of Terra Meridiani called
Meridiani Planum . Research in situ carried out by the rover Opportunity showed a significant
amount of hematite, much of which was in the form of small martian spherules that were
informally called " blueberries " by the scientific team. Analysis indicates that these spherules
are apparently concretions formed by a solution of water.

Hematite is used for a number of other purposes. It is a very dense and inexpensive material
that is effective at stopping x-rays. For that reason, it is used for radiation shielding around
medical and scientific equipment. The low cost and high density of hematite and other iron
ores also makes them useful as ballast for ships.

Hematite can also be ground to a fine powder that when mixed with water will make a liquid
with a very high specific gravity. These liquids are used in the "float-sink" processing of coal
and other mineral material. The crushed coal, which has a very low specific gravity, is placed
on the heavy liquid and the light clean coal floats, while high-specific-gravity impurities such
as pyrite sink.

Some people believe that carrying pieces of tumble-polished hematite, known as "healing
stones," will bring relief from certain medical problems. There is no scientific proof that this
use of hematite has any positive effect beyond being a placebo. Using hematite as a "healing
stone" or a "healing crystal" can actually be harmful because it diverts people from seeing a
doctor who can provide proper care. Then when the person with the problem finally decides to
see a doctor, their situation is more severe.

Hematite is a minor gem material used to produce cabochons, beads, small sculptures, tumbled
stones, and other items. The material used to manufacture these products is a silver-colored
hematite with a solid, uniform texture. The bright silver color of hematite and its "weighty feel"
make it a very popular tumbled stone.

The name hematite is from the Greek word "haimatitis" which means "blood-red." That name
stems from the color of hematite when it has been crushed to a fine powder. Primitive people
discovered that hematite could be crushed and mixed with a liquid for use as a paint or
cosmetic. Cave paintings, known as "pictographs," dating back to 40,000 years ago were
created with hematite pigments.

Hematite continues to be one of the most important pigment minerals. It has been mined at
many locations around the world and has been traded extensively as a red pigment. During the
Renaissance when many painters began using oils and canvas, hematite was one of the most
important pigments. Hematite color was opaque and permanent. It could be mixed with a white
pigment to produce a variety of pink colors that were used to paint flesh.

Geoscienceworld.Org. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from

NASA MGS TES Press Release, May 27, 1998 " " Mars Global Surveyor TES Instrument
Identification of Hematite on Mars " " . May 13, 2007 . Retrieved November 7, 2021 .

Bandfield, JL (2002). "Global mineral distributions on Mars" . J. Geophys Res. 107 . Bibcode
: 2002JGRE..107.5042B . doi : 10.1029 / 2001JE001510 .

Glotch, TD, and Christensen, PR (2005). "Geologic and mineralogic mapping of Aram Chaos:
Evidence for a water-rich history". J. Geophys. Res. 110 : E09006. Bibcode :
2005JGRE..11009006G . doi : 10.1029 / 2004JE002389 .

Glotch, TD, Rogers, D. and Christensen, PR (2005). "A Newly Discovered Hematite-Rich Unit
in Aureum Chaos: Comparison of Hematite and Associated Units With Those in Aram Chaos"
. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI . Bibcode : 2005LPI .... 36.2159G .
December 17, 2008

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