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Professor: Sir Joshua Coronel

Source: PDF

 The best way to make decisions

OUTLINE especially to us nurses, is
I. Netiquette
3. Think before you reply!!! Do not write
anything online if you would not say the
NETIQUETTE same think to the recipient face-to-face.
Be professional about what you write to
others (E-mail can be forwarded, and
 CODE of INTERNET because the many people have ended up having the
internet is a NETWORK and message forwarded to the person being
ETIQUETTE is a CODE gossiped about).
 Comparable to appropriate manners in a 4. As a general rule, focus on one subject or
professional or academic setting topic per e-mail message. Keep your
 Only used for formal means and online message brief and specific (a maximum
communication guideline is one or two e-mail screens
Use of NETIQUETTE:  For applications in the general
 Proper netiquette discourages people future, this rule is mostly applied.
from flooding another person’s e-mail Do not make an application that is
inbox with spam mail or forwarded three (3) or more pages long; an
messages or misusing social network application letter mostly consists
sites by posting personal information of the following: introduce
unrelated to the online course. yourself, educational attainments,
 In addition, especially in an online class, and qualifications.
netiquette includes using standard fonts Whenmessaging, one should keep
and font sizes that are a readable size only one topic per chat bubble for
formal chats
Netiquette Guidelines 5. Make the visual layout of your message
pleasing for the recipient. It should be
1. Always be polite and considerate of
easy to read, watch your spacing, lower
others. Never send or keep anything that
and upper-case usage, indentation,
you would mind seeing broadcasted on
spelling, and etc.
the Evening News.
 The most important thing to look
 Think before you communicate
out for in your messages are the
in social media.
lower and upper cases, since it is
2. Do not send mail or reply to mail when
a general idea that only using
you are “flaming”, in order words angry,
upper case in a conversation
tired, upset, or irritable. Cool off first.
usually means that one has strong
Wait until you calm down or can speak to
emotional antonations in their
the person directly.
message, i.e. one may be angry.
 Control your emotions.
 Indentations are also important,
because the format nowadays for
writing letters have no more
special indentation at the
beginning, and the sentences start
at the left most side of the page.
 Correct spelling is also a must,
especiallywhen it comes to a
formal message as it could cause
confusion within the message.
 Observing appropriate spacing
from each word in a message is a
given, if spacing becomes an
issue, one must inform the
receiver of such issue. This is Character Definition
important as to not cause
confusion such as:
6. Do not capitalize an entire message like
Use a combination of upper and lower-
case characters, just as you would if you
were writing a pen and paper letter or
7. Always begin an e-mail message with a
descriptive Subject Heading in five Don’t forget
words or less. An appropriate subject line Before you post “THINK”
allows recipients to organize their e-mail
messages using keywords or subject T- is it True?
headings. H – is it Helpful?
 Follow instructions on how to
construct your subject line if the I – is it Inspiring?
recipient has given a specific
N – is it Necessary?
format as this makes it easier for the
recipient to receive and read your K – is it Kind?
e-mails. Generally, a subject with
all uppercase is likely for urgent Core rule of NETIQUETTE
matters, as such it is used in that Remember the human:
way, although one should not
always use uppercase always as it is  in cyber, there are real people out there.
strictly for urgent uses.
Adhere to the same standards of behavior online
8. Express emotions gracefully. Use
that you follow in real life:
“Smileys” to add an indication of your
emotional intent. Don’t ever use this in  be ethical. Breaking the law is bad
formal setting/Document netiquette.
 You are breaking the law when you
Know where you are in cyberspace:  Our digital footprints are monetized by
organizations with which we have no
 Netiquette varies from domain to domain
relationship and which we can’t control.
 Observe then participate.
Few internet users realize how intimate
Respect other people’s time and bandwidth: their digital footprints are or how
commonly the resulting data is shared by
 It’s your responsibility to ensure that the third parties
time they spend reading your post isn’t  One online security company has
wasted. identified more than 200 Third-party
 You are not the center of cyberspace. Advertisers and 630 Tracking
 Don’t waste other people’s time. Think Technologies collecting individual data
twice before you hit the send or publish on the web. e.g., facebook, twitter,
key. google.
Make yourself look good online:  They are tracking your visits to any web
page with a like, tweet or plus one button
 Know what you’re talking about and whether or not you click on that button.
make sense.  Every site you visit gives them more
Do not swear! information to store and commercialize.
there’s an implicit bargain there but
Share expert knowledge: who’s getting the best of it?
 Sharing your knowledge is fun! Other reasons why digital footprint matters
Help keep flame wars under control: 1. Protecting your Reputation
 Strong and heated arguments must be  it’s appropriate to every audience
operated. all time. Digital footprints can be
taken out of context and
Respect other people’s privacy: misinterpreted.
 reputation is a social interpersonal
 Self-explanatory.
judgement tempered by forgiveness
Don’t abuse your power and forgetfulness. You can’t rely on
the internet.
Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes 2. Maintaining your ability to decide where
 Think twice before reacting. and how your personal information is
Digital Footprints  everyone has information that
they only want to share in
 “Out of sight, Out of mind”. It’s hard to
specific contexts
manage something you’ve never seen.
It’s not uncommon for people to say “I  you may share medical
have nothing to hide, so why should I information with family but not
care about my digital footprints”. necessarily your boss in some
countries it may be important
 The simplest reason: The digital
that your religious beliefs are
footprints reveal a lot about you. They
known only to a few
build up into a detailed picture of your
likes and habits and that information has  there are probably substances
commercial value. which you’re comfortable
sharing personal information
with organizations through the credit limit had been lowered
internet but wouldn’t want that from about eleven thousand to
same data spread around four thousand the credit card
 Today’s tracking mechanisms, company explained that other
most internet users don’t have customers who use their card at
the control to prevent that kind of establishments where you
spread. There is no easy way on recently shopped have a poor
the internet to say no to most repayment history based on
forms of tracking and certainly similar kinds of data and
no way to say you can share this inference financial services
but not that company could steer you to
 Commercial Tracking aside, credit card offers with higher
there’s also a law enforcement interest rates and lower credit
aspect Microsoft, google, twitter, limits an insurer could deny you
Facebook and yahoo have all coverage or charge you more for
released user data governments it based on your digital footprint.
on demand and there is growing 4. Preserving your freedom
concern about the number of  maintaining your freedom your
apps that leak user’s personal digital footprints can also affect
data your freedom to express yourself
 Online services can greatly and in some places even your
reduce subscriber’s ability to liberty and well-being.
control their own information.  many governments routinely
3. Preventing Financial loss track social media sites instant
 Identity theft is a global issue as messaging services and chat
digital foot prints are aggregated rooms and some may arrest
into larger databases. Digital people for political statements
thieves can obtain data about made in these venues.
tremendous numbers of people  Surveillance software may be
facilitating identity related crime used to intercept
 User authentication systems add communications to and from
detail to these databases for human rights activists and this
example: has resulted in cases of arrest and
“What was your first pet’s torture. Recently, some mobile
name?” which we might already phone users in kiev received a
have disclosed in some other text message saying dear
context without thinking about it subscriber you have been
registered as a participant in a
 When such an aggregation of mass riot based on the location of
data is hacked it’s all the easier their handsets not necessarily on
for criminals to impersonate whether they were there or what
others for financial gain or other they were doing law
purposes, even other people’s enforcement action based on this
digital footprint can affect your kind of inference comes with a
credit worthiness. high risk of air and injustice
 Example: one returning  There are softer forms of
honeymooner found that his freedom too. You may find your
freedom to access information,
limited based on assumptions
Click on : “how can I manage my digital
about where you are
 Using data from your digital
footprints that may or may not be Explore the other links on that page for
reliable. Imagine for a moment background information and practical tips.
that based on your online
activities your reputation was  Digital footprint can be controlled on
tarnished your intimate details IOS
were broadcast to the world you
were defrauded or even that you Professor: Sir Joshua Coronel
were arrested and jailed any one Source: PPT
of those outcomes could be
devastating but the more of our
lives we conduct online the more
exposed we are to these kinds of
risk how do people feel about
 Research in India found that 40
% said they shop online using
unsecured wi-fi networks and
about 20% share passwords with
 On the other hand, in a
Malaysian survey 86% said they
are concerned that mobile apps
might be collecting personal
information without their
permission and more than half
(>50%) of those with concerns
state that they limit their use of
 Among readers of the wall street
journal 60% expressed concern
about the loss of online privacy
and the figure is almost 70%
percent for US consumers as a

People's perception of the risks clearly varies

greatly but we think it's vital to understand how
your digital footprints relate to your privacy and
safety and what you can do about it. For tutorials
and suggestions about how to manage your digital
footprint visit

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