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3/22/22, 2:12 PM Caustic Recovery Plant Survey 2022

Caustic Recovery Plant Survey 2022

The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete.

* Required

1. Write down the name of your Production Unit. *

ACS Textiles (Bangladesh) Ltd.

2. Write down the PU SPUR ID of your production unit. *


3. Write down the person's name and designation who fill up the survey. *

Md. Abu Solayman, AGM, Compliance

4. Write down the contact number of the person. *


5. Do you have Caustic Recovery Plant? *


No… 1/3
3/22/22, 2:12 PM Caustic Recovery Plant Survey 2022

6. What is the capacity of your caustic recovery plan per day? *

6000 ltr.

7. What is the Avg. (in Kg) consumption of caustic soda per day? *


8. What amount of caustic soda you can recovery per day (in Kg)? *


9. What is the avg. inlet pH range of your caustic recover plant? *


10. What is the avg. outlet pH range of your caustic recover plant? *


11. What is the cost of per Kg caustic soda recovery of your plant? *

2.42 per ltr.

12. Do you have Denim dyeing facility? *… 2/3
3/22/22, 2:12 PM Caustic Recovery Plant Survey 2022



13. Do you have Woven dyeing facility? *



14. What is your Woven dyeing production capacity per day? *

40000 m/day


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