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Men's Course, Day One


September 21, 1985


Los Angeles, CA


… Believing that each one of you wants to have a temperament that you can stand the pressure of
the ups and downs of life, we have this millet diet so that it may… it is a food for the pigeons, not for
human. That’s what they describe it and I wrote a preface to it, can you read this preface? I mean,
the preface explains it very well, how much we need… Oh you have the same problem? I thought (?).

Student(Sat Simran): I would like to share a very personal moment with you. I feel blessed to write
the preface to this book. It assures me that now millet will be tasty and shall now have a wonderful
aroma. Millet is a cereal, which people feed to pigeons; in India it is sometimes nicknamed “pigeon

(Students' laughter)

Student(Sat Simran): Pigeons are known as birds of peace, tranquility and beauty. That is why at
every Olympic game all nations release pigeons as a symbol of peace for mankind. Understand that
you are what you eat. When I went through this diet, millet took care of my high blood sugar, high
blood pressure, high Triglycerides and fifty pounds of excess weight. Millet restored my body to
normalcy and brought tranquilitybalance to my overworked, fatigued twenty hour a day routine. I
know that with millet my diet my temperament, my blood sugar, my blood pressure and my self will be
peaceful and calm, able to fly high like a white pigeon, symbol of peace against the vast blue sky.

YB: The only difference I am grateful is that it’s very hard to just boil millet and eat it.

(Students' laughter)

And there are recipes in it, which can make it a normal tasteful diet and I will say time has come that
millet should be your priority than anything else because one thing I have learned is it kept the sugar
at a constant level and specially you have, those who have sweet tooth and temperamental
problems, I think this is the best you can look for.

Today I sit among you as a man and I do understand if I share with you something which can in my
eyes make you a man, I shall carry the day. Otherwise neither it will be good for my tomorrow nor for
yours. What we are heading towards today is a very unpeaceful, untranquil and a situation, which is
dramatic for us to face. The problem is… give me those papers.
We nutshell the problem in few lines and… because the fundamental problem is that if we start… I
am not against therapy, but life cannot become therapy. I don’t believe doesn’t matter what cost I
have to pay for it, I don’t believe that my life should be based on any therapy. When therapy is
needed I am wiling to go for it. If medicine is needed I am willing to go for it. But to admit myself that I
am a sick forever, I am a basket case forever, I need a therapy forever, or I go through therapy
session just as a social thing to let people know that I have somebody to talk to. I am willing to admit I
am not perfect but I am not willing to admit I am sick for all time for all purposes and some of you are
willingly declaring this. You are trying to explain everybody in the world that it is all right to be sick for
a while but you are declaring to the world it’s all right to be sick for all the time. That is not acceptable.

I am willing to agree that you didn’t get parental care. I am willing to agree you didn’t get parental
security, I am willing to agree your wife is bitchy, I am willing to agree your neighbors are no good. I
am willing to agree anything you want me to agree to; but I am not willing to agree that all that
pressures are responsible for you not being you. That I am not willing to agree. So we are going to
have a battle today in hand because I cannot accept the God didn’t make you in His own image and I
do not want to accept that God could make better than what you are. I am convinced that you each
one of you is best in his own right. We got messed up or goofed up, that’s an item. That can be
handled. But the classic question here is, a simple confrontation between you and you as a self,
which you are very scared to do.

The main problem which we go through in our life is I don’t want to confront myself. I don’t want to
know myself. I want somebody to tell me what is wrong with me and somebody to tell me what is the
solution for that and then even I don’t want to do it and then there has to be parapsychology, there
has to be psychology, there has to be psychiatry, there has to be counsel, there has to be
environmental pressure, and this spiritual thing. That is another thing.

What is spiritual? And what is what is not spiritual? You don’t want to listen to anybody, you don’t
have to, you don’t want to talk to anybody, you don’t have to, you don’t want to be with anybody, you
don’t have to, you want your pants and a tent, please wear it but just carry it. Wear the pants, be the
man, be the macho man, be the biggest man, be a joint but just remember how may you be, you
have to carry whatever you are, gracefully. You have to learn as a man the most fundamental. You
have to carry yourself.

You are a man, all right? Whether you have long sexual organ or small sexual organ or you are
phobic, your muscles are good or not, whether you ejaculate fast or not, whether you are dumb or
you are silly, or you know your self-condemnation is contained in these papers, but anyway, I am not
looking into it. I am going to ask her to read it. But I wanted to give it a female touch. But what I am
trying to explain to you is, these things are not things at all. For every man what I am going to share
with you is how to understand, you are a man, now you cannot become a female, you may try, I
mean to say medically it is possible, perhaps Dr. Alan can suggest you this or he can do himself the
surgery to change your thing.

(Students' laughter)

I am not, I am not saying it is not possible, I am not challenging the theory, I mean to say, you want to
be a female, it is fine, you want to be a male it is fine. You want to condemn yourself or you don’t
want to condemn yourself, that’s fine too. But God, don’t you understand one thing that now you got

You have a pound of meat hanging between the legs, whatever you do with it, it is your problem not
mine, but that does not decide the total life, that’s just one of the chakra. It’s called second chakra.
You have a situation bad and good; that’s the first chakra. You have a fear and anxiety and power
and to be; that’s the third. You have the compassion, and you want to give, you are afraid to give,
that’s the fourth. You want to speak, you cannot speak, that’s the fifth. You want to be conscious, you
are not conscious, that is the sixth. You want to know and you don’t know, that is the seventh and
you want to be and not to be, that’s the eighth.
So every chakra has a polarity and each chakra makes you what you are but fact is, you are a human
being and you have to carry yourself gracefully. It is not enough to be a man, it is only to be a man
and deliver your self in a style of a man. In the delivery of you in a manly style, which is more
important than you being man and you being phobic and you being neurotic and you being muscular
and you being skinny and you being nervous and you being macho, all those are qualities. Sand is
red, green, yellow, pink or white but sand is?

Students: Sand.

YB: What you want to do with it, how you want to deliver it, which truck will carry it and which building
will be built out of it, that’s all is a different story. It is not enough to be a man; that God made it.

Let us accept our element identity that we are men, is established though you have some doubt
about it, right? You even doubt it you are a man. That we will handle later. Let us read this.

Student(Sat Simran): Men seem to define themselves; this is based on the papers?

(Students' laughter)

YB: Go ahead.

Student(Sat Simran): Men seem to define themselves by how big or small their sex organ is, whether
a woman wants him sexually or whether they want a woman, how successful they are in work and
are they accepted in the social group. Using this criterion it leaves most men feeling very insecure
and doubting themselves. No one identify themselves through the experience of their soul. They live
in such pain holding on to the western definitions of masculine or manly.

The following are few examples of the thinking used by the men regarding identity. Little boys
touching each other’s genitals resulting in guilt or questioning whether they are homosexual. The
social pecking order around me dictated subservience abuse and humiliation. Almost impossible for
me to do anything but conform to peer pressure. I want to be great and don’t feel like I am. I look at
Playboy magazine and masturbate. I had sex three times a day. Throughout most of my life people
have told me I am no good.

Other issues were mother phobias. For example, I developed temper tantrums, became afraid of
leaving my mother at home, but wasn’t comfortable with her either. Difficult time controlling
ejaculation. Rape type sexual fantasies. Scared to make it with a girl, mother’s way to keep me by
her side.

Father phobias: Examples:-Father was very emotional, dishonest and unreliable, used to yell and
scream, wake me up in the middle of the night. I became afraid of men and afraid of fighting. Father
never beat me, but threatened with it a lot. My father was teaching me to tie my shoes and my father
became very angry because I didn’t get it.

Fear of success: Examples: My strong perseverance and determination was directed at my self-
destruction. I lacked power to stay with a project or process, I am afraid to be the whole and powerful
being I could be. I seem to do things that make me look bad. Could not stick to something and do my
best with it. I hate wealthy people but want to be wealthy. If I become wealthy will I hate myself?

(Students' laughter)

Fear of failure: Examples:-Great potential; average performance. Afraid to demonstrate a skill in

group situations.

YB: The idealistic situation which we have understood, we gave you those papers last time, many of
you replied very honestly, many of you replied as best you could. And many of you just replied as you
could think of replying, not there was lot of lack of reality and I went through those papers and I saw
honesty, I saw dishonesty, and I saw cheating and I saw clarity. But the only best thing, which I could
do is to ignore what you are telling me to find out what you are. Not telling me and let you know
through the letter in a very simple honest modern way, spend hours to work it out, and the basic idea
is not to feel that your feelings I agree with. I mean to say, it’s a combat situation where you are
challenging this is my problem and I am telling you these are your problems, thank you, add some
more. But still we can be successful.

The basic item we are going to deal today is the key to success as a man. Now let us go to the
Mother Nature. All the way up there. Male is considered to be a sun and woman, female is
considered to be earth. So what has happened as a male we have visited the earth. There is our
faculty and our frequency of our psyche, totally directly, indirectly, positive, negative thought form or
practically is running around a hub called female and that’s what female is.

Female means the hub Report an issue • Copy  of the male. And if you really look deep down to your
success and your failure you will find it ultimately it boils down to your love, anger, your feeling,
projection, your betrayal of that of a female because you are a byproduct of a female. You are born of
a woman. Sun is born of earth. And in this birth you have forgotten that you are sun and you have
forgotten the principles. Sun has no more capacity than being a light. Heat, warmth and light.

Whenever you as a male will try to succeed through any other caliber than be the light of the day, you
shall fail, because then you will be acting against the basic principle. Elementary principle you cannot
cross. Whatever the situation is, you have to be warm, you have to be lively, and you have to be
bright. There is no other choice. There is no other choice left for you to be what you are. You are
afraid of a woman, you have mother phobia. You wanted always to be a mother. But you have been
made to leave, you are not happy with her, you can ask three hundred things which have been
bothering you. Your mother was neurotic, she was angry with you all the time, you are scared, now
you are adult and you have a woman and you want to deal with her and you want to deal with her not
what your mother deals with you.

Now question is your wife, your woman, your girlfriend is not mother. Don’t mix oil and water, it can’t

The fundamental position of failure is where you are taking mother syndromes and experimenting
with your wife because that’s an available woman. It will end up as a failure. Because you cannot put
water and oil, doesn’t matter how much you churn it, when you will leave it, water will be water, oil will
be oil. Your wife cannot become mother and your mother cannot become wife. Well, though these
days in certain cases that may be happening, I am not sure.

Reality is to acknowledge you are a man. And that is not enough. That’s not enough. To
acknowledge you are a man is not enough. Acknowledge you are a man and it is good.

Can you all close down your eyes just for a meditative purpose, just for experience? Close down your
eyes and very honestly repeat it “I am a man.”

Students: I am a man.

YB: And I am good.

Students: And I am good.

YB: Check your feeling how honest you are about it. This is the basic requirement which you are
doing. Work it out. Sit down and concentrate and fight it now, say I am a man.

Students: I am a man.
YB: And I am good.

Students: And I am good.

YB: Hypnotize yourself in this. Hypnotize. Go to sleep on this thought. I am a man.

Students: I am a man.

YB: I am good.

Students: I am good.

YB: Cross the physical level, and go into Infinity. On one word, one line, I am a man, I am good, I am
a man I am good, I am a man I am good, I am a man I am good. Create self-hypnosis. Tranquilize, go
in your depth, repeat it, repeat it, repeat it, and totally go into the self-hypnotic state, every human
has that right. And just this one line, I am a man, I am good.

This is a priceless moment when you can assert yourself and bring yourself to self-hypnotic state. Go
into deep self. Touch your soul. Touch your own sun, own light, own soul. Don’t let your mind create
a game with you. Go in your depth. Your strength is in your life, your life is in your soul, and your
power lies in your radiant body, the tenth body where your presence should work. When you present
yourself before somebody, somebody says wow. The whole world should see light around you.
Concentrate deeply on the self-hypnotic principle and bring your light out and repeat this mantra till
you feel that stability, that stability, I am a man I am good.

And now create a circle of light around you. Create a heavy-duty circle of light around you. Go to
sleep with the strength of this thought that you are a bright shining light. You are a man, you are a
man, you are good, and you are lit all around. Heal yourself of any dark spot.

Your success does not lie how your sexual intercourse is, your success does not lie how your poverty
or richness is, your success does not lie how much money and how much not money you have, your
success does not lie how much educated or uneducated you are. Your success lies how jubilant,
radiant and self-confident you are. You have to concentrate on your good, how good you are.
Therefore recite this again and again, I am a man, I am good. I am light. I am the light.

We are starting in a offensive way over our all neurosis and I want to see by the evening you cleanse
out of your problem. And you are capable to demonstrate your own strength. And if you concentrate
really good, it should not bother you to meditate on this.

Guru Teerath Singh, stand up and keep your eyes closed, as loud as you can speak, speak on the
phenomenon ‘I am a man, I am good, I am light,’ as you are addressing the entire universe without
fear, without reservations, and without anything else. Keep your eyes closed.

Guru Teerath Singh: I am a man, I am good, I am a light. I am a man, I am good, I am a light. I am a

man, I am good, I am a light.

YB: Explain it now.

Guru Teerath Singh: I am a man, God is in me and the light of God glows through me.

YB: Keep on talking.

Guru Teerath Singh: When I act in that flow from God I am good. When I act in that flow I am a light. I
act in that flow I am a man.

YB: Guru Bacchhan, stand up. Speak.

Guru Bacchhan: I am a man, I am good and I am the light. I am a man, I am good and I am the light.

YB: Explain.

Guru Bacchhan: I am a man because God has made me a man. I am good because God only makes
good and I am a light because God only makes from Himself that which contains the light.

YB: John, stand up.

John: I am a man…

YB: Loud, the whole world has to hear you.

John: I say I also contain loving kindness and compassion and…

YB: Many people have not heard you.

John: I am a man and I work on myself all the time bringing out (?) generating love and compassion,
goodness to the mankind (?) to all the human beings throughout the world, bringing peace and
happiness to the world, world in myself and world around me (?) my associates. My whole life is to
generate love and compassion, kindness, (?) friendship, well-being amongst all to bring (?) and
peace to the man, which (?) love and compassion as well because I am the light and I set the way.
(?). It’s your way (?) which is not wrong, (?). To generate compassion in the way, (?) all the way.
Without compassion, without love, without Divinity everything is (?) with it the world will be saved, it
takes each one of those each individual (?) to generate this love and compassion (?).

YB: The other John.

John 2: I am a man, I am good, I am a light. I am a man, I am good, I am a light. I am a man, my role

is to uplift and to trust my brothers (?). (?) establish the trust with others and to trust others. I must
have faith in God and to live with God (?).

YB: Guru Charan long beach.

Guru Charan: I am a man.

YB: Loud.

Guru Charan: I am a man, I am God, I am good, I am the light. My light travels to the (?) streets of the
universe, and light opens the path before me and light touches and uplifts others, gives them hope,
my light is warm, my light is everlasting, it has no beginning and no end, that light is infinite, that light
is life, that light is love, that path is the destiny of the love, and destiny of service. I am a man, and I
serve that light, I am that light, and I share that light. That light expands the understanding, expands,
that light becomes brighter as I become a man.

YB: Vikram.

Vikram: I am a man because God has made me a man. I am good because I am from God and God
is good. I am the light because I am the sun. I project with the light of God, this God has given me to
project, to lead, to warm, comfort, to nurture, to teach, to help, and to give support to all around me. I
am a man because I have to lead. I have to lead because that is the path. The light is given to me by
my Guru. In the path of truth, as the truth is to walk as a man, the commitment and the courage to
lead the way to give and share, to help, to serve. My service comes from humility, my humility comes
from my strength, my strength comes from my life, my life comes from my goodness, my goodness
comes from God because I am a man.

YB: Sat Peter.
Sat Peter: I am a man, I am good, I am light. I am a man because I have been given a choice to the
freewill to choose the path projecting light, love it’s the grace of God, that has given me that choice
and the vision to see the power of my own soul, the power to uplift, the power to change the
environments around me and the power to appreciate the light of God in every soul, the power to
shine without shadows, without fear.

YB: Now touch the tip of the tongue with your upper palate and try to keep it there as far as possible
and utter the word, I am man, I am good, I am light.

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light.

YB: Try to keep the upper palate and the tongue together and utter these three words. I am man, I
am good, I am light.

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light.

YB: Wait a minute. If you keep the upper palate and the tongue touched, whatever you will speak you
will hear. It will penetrate like a lance right through you. You won’t forget it. I am man, I am good, I am

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light.

YB: Keep up.

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light. I am man, I am good, I am light…

YB: There is a place above teeth in the back of that place where tongue fits in. If you fit in the tongue
with the upper palate and… You cannot talk lot, but there are only certain words, which you can
clearly talk and one of the word is I am man, I am good, I am light. See how clearly I can speak, other
things I may not speak but these three words I can clearly speak and I won’t let the tongue and the
palate disconnect. All right, touch it, fix it and speak.

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light.

Students: I am man, I am good, I am light…

YB: Okay relax, open up your eyes, come back, feel good.

Take care of your face, your hands, relax your body. I don’t know how hypnotic it was, but little bit
whatever you have got is fine.

The second criteria is to become man, to become good and to become very much light, then what.
You ought to be successful. Success is your birthright. Not to succeed is your creative habit, to
succeed is your elementary desire and confirmed gift. Every man is born to succeed. Otherwise it's a
insult to God. You don’t need have to have prayer, you don’t need have to have religion, you need
not have anything, all that is there because you blow it up. Your elementary birth is success. As man
you must succeed. You are born in the image of the infinite. In the image of God. And there is ten
trillion Gods in you. Every cell of you is a part of God. It's a pranic Shakti. Therefore you cannot fail.
You fail because you forget that success is your elementary right. Success is not your secondary
right, success is your…

Students: Elementary right.

YB: Elementary right. What is your elementary right, you don’t think it is your elementary right, how
can you succeed? You don’t have to hassle, you don’t have to plan, you don’t have to go crazy to be
The way to succeed and being successful is just an understanding that it is your elementary right. To
succeed is your…

Students: Elementary right.

YB: Failure is your secondary right. See the difference. Now it gives you a knot at your stomach, now
to say it. If you just feel, just feel it, just feel, there is a lot of energy and you just feel it. Success is my
elementary right.

Students: Success is my elementary right.

YB: Now you can't play the ego now, so if you understand success is your elementary right and
failure is your secondary right you will not accept failure. That’s where ego will be helpful. Your own
ego, which is otherwise a disaster. Ego is a disaster. But it will be totally helpful, if you understand the
will of God, will of reality that each man is born to?

Students: Succeed.

YB: Did your mother tell you that?

Students: No.

YB: Did your father tell you that?

Student: No.

YB: Your school told you that?

Students: No.

YB: I even didn’t tell you that, I have to tell you today, because you were not ready to listen. But don’t
take it away from your children. Tell them. Each man is born to succeed. Say it loud and clear to
yourself. I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right, I’ll repeat.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Now put the tongue where you put it and now speak it.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Do you understand the difference of normal speaking and that speaking? That speaking goes
right into the brain, the other doesn’t. Speak normal.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Say it again.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Say it again.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Now put the tongue with the upper palate, fix it there and now say it.

Students: I am born to succeed, success is my elementary right.

YB: Don’t worry how you feel about it, but it goes right in. When you touch the tongue and pressurize
the hypothalamus through the meridian point and the upper palate and you create this sound, you
become that sound. You become that being.

These secret kriyas of yoga are taught heart to heart. Generation to generation, master to student, for
centuries. And within the few years I have with me, I have brought you to a point where I want to give
you my going away gift, I want to give you these secret kriyas. As you have stuck with me all these
years I want to also do my job. I want you to elevate yourself with a confirmed attitude. Success is
your right. And it's your primary right, it's your elementary right. It's not your secondary right.

Life is your primary right, so is success. There is no flaw in God. It is everywhere, but you can't see it,
you can't recognize it, because you do not have those eyes. There is a bacteria in the water, you
have to have a special lens to see it. God is everywhere you have to see it with you, with you, with
you. And you have to become a lens to understand and see the dance of ten trillion cells which is
you. And as those ten trillion cells can dance in absolute successful, total rhythm, absolutely flawless.
So you. Or the most successful manifestation of God. You are the most successful manifestation of

The greatest tragedy which mankind was given to understand or believe that you have to find God.
You have never ever to find God. You are God. Part of God. And the whole God is with you, behind
you and within you. Stop searching God and start searching to prove God and elementary right to be
successful is your elementary right. Work is not for anything but to prove success. The whole system
of you is geared towards one point. Work to prove success. And not prove to somebody but prove to
you. Therefore work is a experience of self success. Work is a?

Students: Experience of self success.

YB: Whenever you work with the attitude or with understanding the work is a experience of self
success, you shall be successful. And it is your elementary right. It is God. There is no other God.
There is but one?

Students: God.

YB: And that is?

Student: No other God.

YB: And that is success through the experience of your work.

Your work, your experience and your success is manifestation of you and within you of God. It should
be your primal achievement, because it's your prime right.

When you choose other things, that is where you mess up. Because you are manufactured… Your
faculty and quality of manufacture is to succeed. You don’t have to worry to be successful. You don’t
have to hassle to be successful. You just have to flow with the life energy, being living is successful.
Just live and once you live, you let other live. You will create such a goodwill, everything will come to
you. Live, let live. Live, let live. Every life, every energy will be with you. Because you are a living
energy. Don’t kill.

That’s why in the Bible those ten commandments one is, thou shall not…

Students: Kill.

YB: Because once you kill, you can kill yourself. Because there is nothing else outside there but you.
All is you. All in the same. It is just but one God. There was nothing, there is nothing, and there shall
be nothing but you. If you succeed in recognizing you, in anything, it will become you. All hands, if
your hand can see in all hands you, all hands will become you.
The greatest power of a man is when he stands before another man, he becomes that man, he
becomes double, triple, quadruple, ten, twenty, hundred, thousand, million. Merge, merge, merge,
merge and flow, a drop of rain, drop of rain, drop of rain, drop of rain, drop of rain, drop of rain, then
brook of rain, brook of rain, little river, river of rain, big, big river of rain, rain, rain, rain, ocean of rain.
It's all rain. From the ocean clouds of rain. Rain, drops of rain. River of rain, ocean of rain, it's all rain.
It's the system. Drop by drop. Drop, merge with the merge. With the drop, merge drop, merge drop,
merge. Become brook. Become river, become ocean, same drop, become clouds. Same drop
become rain, same drop merge, become rain. Become brook. Become river, become ocean.

Put your these two thumbs under your cheekbone, press the meridian there and put your hands like
this. Press this, pull it up, there is a place, this thumb is not designed to just keep you otherwise
happy. It doesn’t work lot of the time, but this is the work. Put it under and put it like this and push it
up. Got it? It hurts little bit, but that’s not that bad. Push it, push it up. Close your eyes, push, push,
push, you have to push it up. Push. And then put your tongue up in the palate and just speak, I am

Students: I am all.

YB: Put the tongue up. All is me.

Students: All is me.

YB: Speak, speak.

Push, push, push, push the tongue and push the cheek.

Students: (----).

YB: Now please meditate and feel you have become just a pouch of water. Total water, dissolve your
muscles and your bones. Your skin is just nothing but a pouch of water.

Pull your cheekbone up, pressure it with those two thumbs.

Keep your tongue fixed with the upper palate and turn yourself into a water pouch.

Try to understand in a conscious way you can totally eliminate your all neurosis now. Because you
have tied in, in a different section. Different timeslots. Every therapy will take about six months to six
years and six-ten thousands of dollars, you may end up as nuts. But you yourself can do it this
minute. Because you have taken the central energy force into the hypothalamus tranquility and you
have absolutely basically both nerve, Ida and Pingala in the control center and all you have to do is
just to understand you are you. It is just do yourself kit. And if it is true that you are born in the image
of God, if it's true, first believe. It's a belief system. Then you are born to succeed. You are not
succeeding because you don’t understand that you are born to succeed, it’s your elementary right.

You want to get an expert in your businesses, the guy takes away ten-twenty thousand of your skin
and give you a garbage which you cannot even practice. Why don’t you give yourself a kit to
succeed? Why don’t you give yourself your own expert opinion? It’s your sweat, it's your life, it's your
home. It's your children, it's your wife. You can't control your wife, you can't understand her, marriage
counselor is going to do it, idiots! You give yourself a secondary position, you give other the first
position, you eat junk and you go to a doctor and tell him to heal you. You must be crazy.

Pull your meridians up, concentrate, let the hypothalamus work. Pressure it and just think these
thoughts, give you a chance, because God cannot come on earth and shake hands with you. God
gave you a chance to make you as you. Good and bad other may think. You are the best. If God
could have produced better than you, He would have. Either the guy is imperfect, neurotically idiot,
couldn’t produce better and if it's Almighty God, He produced you, accept it. And accept it now.
Consciously, talk to yourself. Turn in yourself in the tatva of H2O, water, aqua. And that will take
away the neurosis, simple therapy, don’t you have to go to anything. Costs nothing. Plug the central
nervous system and just turn your pouch into water and do it good.

This therapy is known to mankind for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. People used
themself. Water keeps all levels equal, so neurosis and wisdom will come to an equal bar circulation.
You understand that what a easy way to get rid of being neurotic, be traumatic?

Come on, push well, some of you just are just now, they can’t… What use this thumb is, can’t it go
under the cheekbone? Pull your scene together. Give yourself a chance. Just understand there is no
God, but one God and the only man has a primary right to be born and to be successful. Failure is
your secondary thing. To be neurotic and unwise is your third. To be emotional and be yoyo is your
fourth. Concentrate on your first. And then the opportunities will come to you.

Where there is a light, all comes there. Concentrate in this position, let the energy flow, let it rinse up
in you the deficiency and defects which you create because your mental sublet flow, sublet flow
comes to you from other people. ‘Oh! Mr. John, you don’t look good.’ Does John look good, and is he
good, what do you know about it? You are good because God made you good. Don’t barter your
goodness for any expression. Good is good forever. Concentrate.

Now inhale deep, deep, deep, hold the breath, hold it tight, hold it, and feel good about it. Good, very
good, very best, very better, whatever. Relax.

Okay, okay, you all have cheek signs, you can believe in me (?). So God has kissed you on the
cheeks, right? Okay just shake your hands little bit and be normal.

Third project which I am going to take with you is fear. Fear.

What is fear? What is fear? Oh! Give me a break, come on, you all know English. What is a fear?

Student: Lack of trust in God.

YB: Lack of trust in God. That’s too philosophical. What is a fear?

Student: Lack of trust in self.

YB: Lack of trust in your self, still what is a fear?

Students: (----).

YB: It's a instinct to protect yourself.

Student: (----).

YB: No, no, no, that’s too much philosophical psychiatry. No, no, no place here.

Fear is a natural instinct for self protection against something in which you are not sure. It's
automatic. Somebody say this, you blink your eyes, you close your eyes, automatically. The fear of
hurt will make your eyes syndrome immediately close itself and you can pick up that within the aura,
eighteen feet both sides. Fear is nothing but a very self protecting device. But if you know there is
nothing to protect, you will not have fear. You are protecting against what? You are protecting against
bad people. Actually there are no bad people, every person has a bad and good in him. If you know
how to take the good out of the person leave the bad with the person, you are the best. What are you
afraid of?

You are afraid of bad company, right? What is a bad company? There is no such thing bad and good,
it is half, forty-sixty-seventy-thirty, it's a proportion. Everything is a proportion. It’s a ratio in proportion.
What you have to do with the bees? Take the honey and get away. Yes. If you entangle with the bees
you are the end. If you are not dead you come out as swollen, at least. You know what I am saying?
You want the honey, get the honey, get away. There is a fear if I am going to get the honey, I am
going to get caught, then what? Then earn the honey. Don’t steal it. So what man did? He built up a
little wood, burn it up and then dealt on it and let it smoke. When the big cloud of smoke went to the
beehive, they couldn’t breathe. They fled away. It gave man a chance to vent up, cut down the honey
and there he ran.

That is where you built up a line of activity. You built up a smoke screen. You built up a identity
around you, a diplomacy around you to cover your fear. The entire built up is to cover your

You cover yourself against your own weaknesses. Never try to cover against your own weaknesses,
just try to know your weaknesses and get rid of them. They say drop them in the desert. They will die
of thirst. And you can walk straight. Whenever you know your weakness, repeat it.

Students: Whenever you know your weakness…

YB: Do not cover it.

Students: Do not cover it.

YB: Get rid of it.

Students: Get rid of it.

YB: How does it sound?

Students: Good.

YB: It's very good.

The time, the money, the energy you waste to cover your weakness, it is going to (?)… Listen, listen,
listen, you may put a dead man at the bottom of the sea he is going to come up. Weakness is a
weakness, it will come up. Drop it. Whenever there is a gangrene what do they do?

Students: (----).

YB: Habitual weakness is a gangrene. Habitual weakness?

Students: Is a gangrene.

YB: Either cut it or it will kill you. Is that understood?

Students: Yes sir.

YB: Clear?

Students: Yes sir.

YB: Sound and clear?

Students: Yes sir.

YB: Habitual weakness is a?

Students: Gangrene.
YB: Cut it…

Student: (----).

YB: Or it will?

Students: Kill you.

YB: Thou shall not?

Students: Kill

YB: So cut it. There is no choice. Cut it. Cut… You know, learn from the Hollywood. When things go
wrong what they say? Cut.

Students: (----).

YB: They do it, why can't you do it?

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Call yourself cut. If there is a fight between husband and wife, call cut. She says, “What is it?”

You say, “That’s it. No more movie.”

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Cut. We are not going to work on this subject anymore. That’s it. Cut. Call cut, call?

Students: Cut.

YB: Make it a primary thing in your life when there is a trouble and you are getting in, rather putting
your head into it and putting head in the sand and suffocating and dying, just call cut. And no more.
Don’t continue the drama. Because each drama will become trauma. And each trauma will cost you
your life, part of your life. For each trauma you pay through the cost of your?

Students: Life.

YB: You have nothing. Except life. You turn your life into labor and labor turn into money and money
buy other services and goods to keep the life, is that true or not? So you have nothing but?

Students: Life.

YB: Only butter it in a right way. And who gave you life? God. God gave you life, you have nothing
but life, you got to turn the life into labor. Precious, expert, productive, labor and that will give you
medium, money. Money is the media of services and goods. Money is what money does. It's a
exchange store, money is nothing but exchange store. Therefore you don’t ever use money as a tool.
Arey, I am telephoning, somebody is listening and if exchange starts interfering, will anybody use that
line? Money is exchange. Store.

God given you life, you have nothing but life, you turn life into labor, intelligence, special, productive,
labor. Labor is bought and sold and certain prices given, that’s called money. Therefore in your entire
life never use money as a control. But you want control. Don’t you? You do. You all want control. You
all want control, you don’t have to use money as a control, you cannot use life as a control, then how
you will control?

Student: (----).
YB: Elevate.

The only way to control things in life make others successful. Elevate. Don’t control people to make
them subordinate. Control people to elevate; in gratitude they will be good to you. Never ever try to
control anybody. When you control somebody even you leash a dog, you are tied in with the dog.
You can't let leash go, you can't let the dog go, you can't let yourself go. Have you seen something,
somebody hustling with his own dog? Dog wants to run, he doesn’t want to run, he pull the leash, dog
pull him, he falls apart, breaks his butts. Dog runs away, afterward dog comes without leash, he has
lost he leash. Never be a leash to put leash around anybody or collar around anybody.

One thing when I became the student in Kundalini yoga the first lesson I learnt, you are not initiated
and I had to repeat that I am not initiated, I am not initiated for one week. This was my mantra, ‘I am
not initiated,’ can you believe how idiot I must be looking? I am not initiated, I am not initiated, I am no
initiated, seven days. I couldn’t even ask a question why I am being asked to ask this. And if I would
have gone after seven days and the question was asked, you are not initiated. And I had to answer it,
if I said I am not initiated, then I have to repeat it seven more days, till I do not find the answer, I will
always keep on initiating myself, I am not initiated. But God was kind to me, merciful, after seven
days when I went, in the audience my master told me, “You are not initiated.”

I said, “Sir, I have initiated myself being not initiating.”

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: That was the answer. Correct answer. Because if you cannot initiate yourself, nobody can initiate

So you have to initiate yourself, being not initiated. It means you have become fearless. You are
ready for the teachings and that was the key, that was the puzzle which each student has to solve.
So you sit seven days, I am not initiated, then if you are not initiated, then what the hell you are doing
there. What do you want? There were million questions which went through my mind. Million. They
went through it, I asked, I discussed, but I kept saying, ‘I am not initiated, I am not initiated…’ What
the idiot I am then.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: I am not initiated, what the hell I am doing here. I am not initiated. What's going around me. I am
not initiated, why I am sitting and saying it. I am not initiated, looks idiot to me, I have to keep on
saying and keep on questioning and then finally answer came to me, I am not initiated, I am initiating
myself. I am living myself, I am successful myself. I don’t need public opinion.

Nanak says,

‘En janta ke paas kuch nahi.’

These people are just like you. They just pretend to be expert to take away your money, they pretend
to be this to take away your money. They are all after your money because money comes from labor,
labor comes from life, they are all after your life. Nobody wants you. When you are dead they box you
up and put you in the ground, don’t you understand.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Only few visit your graveyard, on special Sunday and that too to look good. Nobody does it for

(Students’ laughter...)
YB: All these hugs and kisses, has anybody taken the coffin out and gone in and kissed and hugged
you? How many of you have done it, huh?

This is all but life. Life is given to you as a gift and life has also been given as gift of success and
have no fear being successful.

Fear is a instinct to protect your life. Not to protect being successful, you mix it. Fear is a instinct to

Students: Protect your life.

YB: Protect your life. If somebody poke a finger in your eyes, eyelid will close, fear is an instinct to
protect life, but it's not instinct to protect success, you use it to protect success. Because you use fear
for anything, it has no other purpose but life. And life can always be turned into labor. But don’t be
afraid of labor. You are afraid of labor. This job I am not qualified, this job I am not qualified for and
this job doesn’t seem to make me feel qualified. Yeah, it’s all nothing. You have the right to change
your life into labor. And you have the right to charge the price for your labor. And you have the right to
exchange in life through labor for other labors, goods and services. You have no right to be afraid of
labor and of success. You have every right to use fear to protect your?

Students: Mind.

YB: You know what fear is? This is how it is fear. Let us all do this. Okay. Sit down properly,
cooperate with me. Go through it. I will repeat and you will repeat putting the palate of the tongue and
combination. They call it PT Kriya, we used to call it easily to be convenient about it, palate and
tongue put it together and repeat after me what I am saying and you will be surprised how effectively
you understand that, okay. I am, I am.

Students: I am, I am…

YB: I am, I am…

Students: I am, I am…

YB: I have no fear.

Students: I have no fear.

YB: I have no fear.

Students: I have no fear.

YB: I have no fear.

Students: I have no fear.

YB: I have labor.

Students: I have labor.

YB: I have labor.

Students: I have labor.

YB: I have life.

Students: I have life.

YB: I have profit.

Students: I have profit.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: You ask this but put your upper palate and the tongue together and utter these two words. Life.

Students: Life.

YB: Lives. And then say wife.

Students: Wife.

YB: See how difficult wife is.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: You won’t believe it? Say life, it is convenient, say wife, it is difficult.

Students: Life, wife, life wife…

YB: I am not kidding, because in life you carry yourself, in wife you carry two. It becomes double
weight sound. These words are not manufactured just because somebody spoke it, they have certain
basic meaning. Put the combination, okay. And I am going to say it in ordinary language and you will
repeat it. With my light.

Students: With my light.

YB: I shall carry my wife.

Students: I shall carry my wife.

YB: No, no the tongue and the upper palate should not separate, keep it fixed, okay. With my light.

Students: With my light.

YB: I shall carry my wife.

Students: I shall carry my wife.

YB: And children too.

Students: And children too.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: As you will expand the family you will find it difficult and difficult… It is true. I just wanted you to

There is a one word in English, it is called crystal clear. Have you heard of that?

Students: Yes sir.

YB: What do you mean by crystal clear? Guru Charan, stand up and explain to this audience your
notion of crystal clear. Now listen to him very carefully.
Guru Charan: Crystal clear is when you turn into yourself in tuning the God exists within you.. God
exists within you, you are everything and in that clarity realize Cherdi Kala. Maha mantra keep up. In
that clarity when you experience that clarity, when you experience that keep up, you have faith, you
have trust, you have Divinity. And you have that experience of crystal clear.

YB: Great, Sada Sat stand up.

Sada Sat: Crystal clear is without a flaw. Crystal, total clarity, like a pure white crystal, pure white

YB: Green crystal is not a crystal?

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: No it's all right. Good, good, sit down. Narayan Singh.

Narayan Singh: (-----)

YB: David? Scientist?

David: (------)

YB: Sat Shakti Singh. Shakti. San Francisco.

Sat Shakti Singh: (-----)

YB: Aha, good sit down. You egomaniac.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Don’t worry, they laugh or not, you do your job. Come on.

Sat Shakti Singh: (-----)

YB: Good, Guru Amrit.

Guru Amrit: (-----)

YB: Krishna Singh, the oldest graduate of 3HO.

Krishna Singh: (-----)

YB: Doctor, metro, weather man. Up, hey. The most qualified man folks, in the universe. Forget about
this little thing who sells knives outside, that’s his hobby to look humble. But in the weather world and
the ocean and all that, he has by his own right lot of qualities, anyway.

Doctor: (----)

YB: Now give a definition which fits in your degree, otherwise we are going to write to your university
to take it back all the stuff you have.

Doctor: (----)

YB: Let it flow.

(Students’ laughter...)
YB: You see now ask me, crystal clear.

Students: What's crystal clear?

YB: Which is clear like crystal.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: That’s the difference between me and you. You like to explain things and woman hates when a
man explains her anything other than what it is. And that’s why you have all sick relationships,
women don’t like you, you have a sex problem, your wife is divorcing you, she calls you a shit, you
call her, ‘you are a idiot, you are bitch,’ she is calling ‘you are a dog,’ and all this fight is only on one
thing. Because you like to explain to a woman the meaning of things which do not mean other than a
simple what it is. Whole…


YB: Never ever explain to woman anything more than what it exactly means in dictionary. You will
have no trouble. Call quit. Call cut, call quit. Because any man who has a crystal
clear consciousness, if will ever cannot see that woman is a lunar subject and don’t make it lunatic
object, you will have her around your neck rest of your life and you can't handle it.

Whenever a woman talks to you, remember, quote me on this; “Whenever a woman talks to you, she
wants to multiply with your moon. And moment you allow her to talk to your moon and multiply or
entangle with your moon you will become lunatic.” I am giving you a million dollar advice without
charging it. If a woman says today is a fine day, give me the reply, come on, one by one.

Students: (----).

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Come on.

Student: (----).

YB: Wait a minute. “Darling, it is a fine day.”

Student: (----).

YB: Yeah! It is… Involve first yourself, she is involving you, you involve her. If you don’t involve in a
communication with a woman you are a failure. Just remember. Never cut and dry with a woman.
She is a lunar principle. She needs you when she talks to you, she needs you when she is with you,
she needs you good or bad, I won’t discuss that, that I’ll discuss tomorrow. But today I will discuss
the simple communication principle. She says, it is a fine day. Replies, “Oh yes, it is.” Oh yes, loud…

Students: Oh yes, it is.

YB: It is small, it is small, it is confirmatory, oh yes communication, involvement. It is called buttering

the soul of the mate. No commitment, no involvement, no money cost, nothing. At the same rate. Say
it in a way, learn to say it in a way… You can rebuke a woman. If you want to and that will hurt her
more than any rebuke you want to give to her. She said, “It is a fine day.” What you are going to say?

Students: (----).

YB: No, no, no, good enough. And then take the car and leave.

(Students’ laughter...)
YB: If you say good enough and you can be found out, you don’t have a chance. No chance. You buy
her a billion dollar worth of a present and you do anything you want but just reply in a curt language
and then you can be physically found out and she is not going to wrap you up as a present wrap,
then she is not a woman, there is something wrong with her.

Never ever blame a woman, she is just a reflection. That’s the lunar principle. That’s the greatest
problem you all are suffering. You are suffering with the problem of partnership. You are suffering
with the problem…

Students: (----).

YB: Of partnership. She is suffering with the problem of reflection. Can you see you through her? Can
she see you through her? Yes. If she cannot see you through her, you don’t exist. You think by
money, by sexual relationship, by feeling her, kissing her, hugging her, giving her this, taking her that,
you are going to continue? Forget it, won’t work. Never has worked nor will work nor can work.

Every woman desire to see the man through her. And let her pass crystal clear. Let her pass?

Students: Crystal clear.

YB: Crystal will not burn out, it will not be scratched, it will not be roughed up, there is no problem.

As a man, be crystal clear with female you deal with at anytime, all the time, all circumstances,
personal-impersonal. If she is a neurotic help her. If she is a psychotic help her, if she in love help
her, if she hates you help her, she abuse you help her, she loves you help her. Crystal clear.

You have only one place for a woman that you are a solid help. She will never trust you. She will
never love you, she will never be with you, she doesn’t need you. She can masturbate. She can have
as many men she wants. She can lie to you, she can make fool of you. She can do anything she
want, you are born out of her, she knows you. She knows you by instinct. By a natural instinct, why to
play a game.

A woman needs in a man only one thing. You think she needs money? You are crazy. You think she
needs your body? You are fool. She needs your wisdom? Shut up.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: She needs your game? Forget it. She knows everything. All she needs is one and only one thing,
you are there always ever and this must be in her crystal clear. Got it? Now you understand crystal

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Now what do you want to know?

Student: (----).

YB: Wait a minute. Base of every talk you must know. Base of talk is, is she is coming from a

I was talking to this man this morning and yesterday I was counseling somebody, she is a battered
woman. Okay, what is a battered woman? Battered woman is who has been beaten up by
circumstances and beaten up and get angry and get release. Okay? That’s what it is. And she has
only one desire to provoke you to the point of insanity that you become physical. And when you beat
her up and be angry and yell and scream she loves it. And then you beat her up and beat yourself up,
some men do also, they break the wall, break the windows, do the whole thing, it is sixty to six
hundred dollar worth of loss, plus you eat her up and after that they get released and then they may
have intercourse and love and go to a movie and all that but that release…

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Yeah, yeah, lot of you do it, I know that. It's called North Pole combination. North Pole
combination, it's called North Pole connection or North Pole combination. North Pole combination is
you heat up, you boil up, you beat up, you get that chaotic situation and then you both trump, relax
and make love, become real and that release is more than one hundred sexual ejaculations. It is
needed, it's so good for nervous system. And that’s what the battered woman does; she creates
opposition, she creates that… she nails you down, she pins you up, she provokes you, she does
everything. It is so systematic, she nags you to death. You don’t know what to do with it. You can't
handle it, most men can't handle. They want peace, they leave the house. Moment the dialogue
starts they leave the house, they shut off the telephone, they do so many precautions. There is no
precaution for it. Stay crystal clear.

Anybody who feels he is very angry, I need volunteers, I want honest workshop and I want honest
volunteers. People among you who feel they are inward very angry. Oh yeah, that’s the best
example, I know him very well, come on. Okay. Now watch this, this is something very unique. And I
am doing this therapy to just make you (?). Sit down, put your hands like this, okay. Concentrate.

You have agreed to this voluntarily and you are willing to go through it.

Student: Yes sir.

YB: All right. Now concentrate with your utmost anger. Feel as angry as you can. Keep feeling angry,
why you are giving up? What happened to the anger? No, no, keep on, be angry. Just try. Try little…

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Try little more.

Now he has relaxed, get away from here.

Anybody who feels that he can maintain anger more than this?

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Come on, come on, somebody who is really one. Okay that’s good one. Put your hands straight.
No, no, come nearer. Put your hands straight up here. Okay straight, now try to involve your anger,
think some angry situation, whatever you are angry about, okay. Try to do that, right. Okay?

Keep up.

Inhale deep, hold it. Let it go, relax. Therapy is very simple. Anybody else?

Go, go enjoy yourself.

Anybody else? All right you come. Kriya, Kriya. Now analyze it like a scientist okay. And rather than
going through it and aggravating it or relaxing or releasing it, try to concentrate and explain to
everybody for their information what you go through, okay. Let them know, explain it stage by stage.

Student: Well, to start with, the first few things really intensifies the anger, creates sort of a
concentration and takes sort of a diffused overall very fuzzy feeling and makes it very tight and
compact, so that it's clear. And there is an effect that’s almost like a stroboscopic flashing as the force
is applied to the hand and the first section is very intense when it becomes concentrated, then it
starts to… It seems to have an effect on the nervous system where, as it becomes concentrated
there is a differential force, it's like having a jeweler or a gem cutter fastening a stone and it creates
on the right and left side the differential, that just sort of vibrates, you know, after you have
concentrated this act. It vibrates that anger in that experience and begins shaking different parts of
and it just sort of crumbles, giving it a totally intellectual thing, there seems to be a stimulation of the
vagus nerve.

YB: You are not angry now.

Student: Right.

YB: Sampuran, speak your experience quick fast, hurry up, I have somebody else to go through.

Student: I found that as, I just kept getting angrier, and angrier and angrier, and I was really angry
and the lighter, the lighter Yogiji hit my hands I was even angry and I kept thinking myself, “What the
fuck is this?”

(Students’ laughter...)


Student: And then I inhaled and exhaled and it was like a… it was… I wasn’t angry anymore.

(Students’ laughter...)


YB: Who was the first? Yeah.

Student: Well, I found it pretty interesting because when I first raised my hand to come up I was really
angry right then. And so when I got up here, put my hands out and he started slapping it, again it
intensified this anger in me. And then when he started just tapping it lightly it was just like, it just
melted away and I got the sort of, it's like a baby’s bottom, you know, baby’s bottom is just real kind
of smooth and soft you know, and towards the last I just felt like I was being reparented or something,
and I just… And I tried, I started thinking about my mom, and you know my dad, and I just, I tried to
be angry and I couldn’t (?).

YB: Krishna Singh, is that? Now you, you. Where are you now? You are basically from Denver.
Phoenix now. Oh you are from Phoenix… Oh you are the kid, okay…

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Because of (?) you want to sleep with every woman.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Sorry, it's sometime problem with me to read an aura and not to keep my mouth shut, you know
and things leaks out. That’s why sometime I pay very heavy karma. Okay, strong enough son, today
is the day that you have to deal with your one problem, and I am sick and tired of getting complaints.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: Okay, ready. Look in my eyes and be firm. Be firm.

You got to go through it. Inhale deep, pull your navel, strong. Strong, pull it, pull it. Let it go. Inhale
again. Let it go. Oh!! God.

(Students’ laughter...)
YB: Mike is yours.

Student: I am still angry. It's a very intense experience. Sitting in front of Yogiji, and gazing into his
eyes and calling up every anger you have ever felt and just focusing it on this one man, just enough
energy that you can drive up higher right into his chest and just watch him explode and the more it
strikes, the more anger, the more anger the more it strikes and it's just a positive feedback and he
didn’t seem to stop, it's just a deep, deep, deep well, as far as I have experienced.

YB: Try to be angry now. Now you only think you are angry.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: You can ask my hands.

Student: (?) to action.

YB: Even now you try to be very angry, it will be very impossible. Take little of time.

We are basically angry people. We create war, we believe in war, we believe in killing. We are angry
at people who we love. Because we use love as a hook, we want them to be under our control and
we are angry when they don’t listen to our line of action. And we create little wars in which we lose or
we win, that’s the situation, sometime we lose, sometime we win, but basically the idea is to, we are
warmongers. We are warriors, we are social warriors. We keep our little world and we create our
social wars and we create with those whom we love the most.

Actually purpose of love is to give. Not to take. Don’t love someone if you have to take something.
Take it by right, by fight. But if you have to give, then love. Love and giving go together. Love and
control do not go together. We are angry because we have been betrayed, we are angry because we
have made to fail, we are angry because somebody pulled the rug under our feet, we are angry
because we were deceived, we were cheated… You can say hundred things. But actually, if you
want to look at it you are angry because you couldn’t be wise.

Wise men are never angry men. If you ever want to be wise, never to be angry; that’s all it is. If you
ever want to just satisfy or graduate yourself to be wise, if that is ever the intention, ever, that you just
want to be wise, by reading books you are not going to wise, by following a religion you are not going
to be wise, by following the biggest philosophy or the greatest teacher you are not going to be wise,
you shall only be wise when you shall not be angry. Not to be angry is called wise. Is that

Suppose you are afraid and you feel the danger. You are afraid and you feel the danger. The fear
and the danger makes you to do something to react. Insecurity and anger, insecurity and anger have
to blend itself to become revengeful, it brings you the vengeance. You understand that? And
vengeance is your small scale war between you and whatever is around you. But utter one word. Let
it unfold, say it.

Students: Let it unfold.

YB: Let it unfold. The secret of your success is, let it?

Students: Unfold.

YB: Don’t use anger, don’t use insecurity, don’t use danger, don’t use any stimulant. These are all
stimulants. Vengeance is the most powerful stimulant for a human. But it may not make you
successful. You want to be successful. And the key to be successful is, let it?

Students: Unfold.
YB: Let it unfold. Let it?

Students: Unfold.

YB: Let it create the environments with your patience which will pay lot of dividend. Let it?

Students: Unfold.

YB: Never love a woman who you do not want to unfold. Never marry a woman who you do not want
to unfold. Neither be with a woman who you cannot stand that she unfolds herself.

Let every woman unfold, because no nectar can be picked up to make honey, the sweetness in life if
the flower does not unfold. Every flower has to unfold to give you sweetness of life. Every person is a
flower and only let it unfold. Your power is making it and when the sun shines, flowers?

Students: Unfold.

YB: When the sun shines?

Students: Flowers unfold.

YB: And when sun is gone, then?

Students: (----).

YB: They close. So you can pick up when there is unfoldness.

A close closet woman or a person shall give you nothing in your life but weight. Which you have to
carry and drag and it will make you sweat and miserable. That is where you buy misery of your life.
You deal with unfolded creatures. You are the sun, you are the light. Shine and everything shall
unfold. Let it unfold. The entire mystery shall unfold before you.

There are ten trillion Gods dancing in you called cells. Each human is a living psyche of the total
Infinity and beyond. Holding is your be littleness, your anger, your opaqueness. Your shutters are
shutting you up. The blind folders which you have put. Let it unfold. What can happen to you?

Who has ever lived? You don’t want to die now, you want to die later? But the only way not to die and
to live forever, can anybody tell me? There is one way, the only way. The my way. Let it unfold. You
will live forever.

Elevate everybody to the fulfillment that they will be left with no option but to unfold. Those who will
drop they will rot, they will stink, little bit will happen, it's just like a big huge tree. Some things do not
ripe, they fall, they rot, they go away. That is the action of fate. But those who belong to destiny, they
shall unfold, they shall ripe, they shall come to the fulfillment.

When somebody does the number to me, I am very happy inside and outside I pretend concern. And
then that stimulates prayer, isn't it? Isn't this how we work in 3HO?

So every year before summer solstice something goes wrong heavily. Clouds come. So everybody
start chanting, meditating, then we go to summer solstice, we meditate, then the whole summer we
meditate. Then comes the fall and we come back and we say, well we are good and well.

The greatest thing in a human is which can lead to you within you to a prayer. Prayer is a very
humbling experience. But it's the greatest power. What is a prayer? You think it's a great thing or a
small thing. It's the greatest thing. Because prayer is when yourself tune in into “Real or imaginative
higher self, infinite self.”
What's a God? Bigger than you, powerful than you, aha that’s not true. God is within you, ten trillion
Gods are within you. All that prayer does is put them together. It makes you to fold your hands, to
unfold your strength. Whenever you tune in, in your strength to Infinity and you do it in a crystal clear
manner and you understand you are part of that Divinity, you manifest you again. And that is

Prayer is not a ritual nor it is a right, nor it is a reality. It's a experience. When you fold yourself within
you, when you?

Students: Fold yourself within you.

YB: And unfold your energy, it's a complete action. Prayer is a complete action. You fold within and
unfold your energy. You are complete.

If somebody thinks I am a devil, that person is meditating on devil. He is seeing the devil in him or in
her, in me through her eyes, through her thoughts, through his eyes, through his thought, devil is
projecting. If somebody sees me as a God, then God is projecting. I am, I am. It will never change.

What you are unfolding at a given time, at a given space is called karma. And it is called cause and
for every cause you shall reap the effect. If you do not want the effect, don’t cause the cause. “So
shall you sow, so shall you reap.”

Students: Reap.

YB: Then what you should sow? “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

You don’t have to go to east to Japan to learn it, I mean it's right with us here. “So shall you sow so
shall you reap.” If you won’t listen to me, you will weep. Just understand that. Cause has a effect,
equal and…

Students: Opposite.

YB: Newton's third law of force. Call it theory of karma, doesn’t matter what do you want to call it.
Then question is what you shall sow so that you can reap, you got to reap, you got to sow. Is that
clear? It's clear like crystal? You got to sow, you got to reap. You are a man. You have to turn your
life into labor and the fruit of labor should be excellent. How that can happen? “Early to bed, early to
rise, make s a man…”

Students: Healthy, wealthy, and wise.

YB: What else you want? If you are healthy, wealthy and wise, what is the problem then? Is there any
problem? Isn't simple?

Fear is there to protect you. Don’t fear success, don’t fear to unfold, don’t fear to cut what is going to
kill you.

Just remember, by early evening to rest and by early morning to wake up, keep your life force at a
very exalted space. The most difficult thing in a human is when the sun is down and its rays start
projecting at sixty degree, then forty, then twenty, then at zero level, then you call sunset. In the
morning, the dawn, sun is sixty degree, forty, twenty, eleven, ten, twenty, that way. It reaches ninety
degree, then start sliding that way. Just see your energy goes that way. And men who are not
specially careful about themselves are not well trained, who keep late hours are acting against

As a male never sleep north, south. You are totally blending your energy with the axle, axle is zero.
Axle has no movement.
With people of knowledge when a person has to die they put him north and south, so that he can die
easily. So the soul can leave. You need the soul, you need the energy, sleep west or east, east and
west, doesn’t matter whichever suits you. And everybody can afford five dollars in compass, right.
You can always know where north is. You always know where north is. You should always know

Students: North is.

YB: And be a compass, just compass, just point towards north. Be one pointed. Always point towards
north. What is north? Means nothing. Have you gone to North Pole it's nothing, all snow. There is

I went over at once. ‘The pilot, the captain said, we are right now going over exact North Pole,’
everybody went to the window, I mean there was a glass, nobody leaped out, but everybody, you
believe what a rush it was. And you know, there was nothing but lot of snow down there.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: And if you ever be there, you will freeze to death. Nothing, just nothing.

It's a small trip to this earth, averaging sixty-five to eighty-five years, maximum hundred, you got to
go. And just understand it is just a hotel, big hotel where you live and you pay. You pay the rent.
When you become parent that’s what it is. Pay the rent. And living cost. What you pay for living on
the earth? Pranas. The life. The pranic breath. You turn the pranic breath into labor and you pay the
rent. And whenever you go they close you like a book, put you in a closet or they call it ‘coffin’ and dig
a piece of land and stick you in. Isn't that your library? Earth. Then they say dust to dust, soul to the

There are two ways your soul can go. Either to rest or to rust. Whichever you want. You can cause
the cause to cycle and cycle and cycle and cycle and you can cause the cause to end and end and
end forever. Why you cannot cause the cause to end because you do not let it unfold, not others but
even you. So unfold yourself. And there is a Kriya for it.

Put your tongue back, sit smart, we are going to go through this experience now. Sit smart, straight.
Turn your tongue backward as much as you can. Almost there is a very soft place backward, if you
can touch it, it will be nice. Har, Har, Har, Har…

The class chants: Har, Har, Har…

YB: No, no, no, say it two times, Har, Har… go and when you are going to say go, tongue is going to
flat out and that is where your unfolding works, keep it there. If you can keep the tongue there you
can keep everything under control. At the word ‘Go,’ tongue is going to go. Because you have to say
Gobind. Har, Har, gobind, Har Har, Gobind…

The class chants: Har, Har, Gobind, Har, Har, Gobind…

YB (Over chanting): I have a experience, you have to learn to do it. But keep it up, it will then fix up.

No John, turn it in.

Relax, relax, relax.

(Chanting stops.)

YB: This is what you have to do, turn the tongue in and turn it really good and hold it there. It's a very
special Kriya, they call it very secret. And blah-blah-blah, no big deal and they say yogi pull his
tongue and tongue and cut it out and turn it in, fix it up, you read the yoga mudra and yoga kriyas, my
God! There are so many pages about it, it is nothing. That is very hatha thing, physical. But
in Kundalini yoga it's so simple. Turn the tongue in, there is a very soft place up, it is called zero
meridian. And you just stick it there and don’t pressurize the teeth, it's not required but sometime you
don’t know what else to do, so you do like (?). This is layman practice, I can understand that. When I
started I did the same thing, so it's not you are doing something abnormal but if you really try to do it,
it will be Har, Har, Gobind, Har, Har Gobind… and you know, this side of mine will start getting hot
and hot, these two channels of Ida and Pingala crossing to shashra start activating. It is catching
this Ida and Pingala right in the return, it's so simple, it doesn’t make lot of progressive technological,
yogic transformation. It's so simple, you know. Yeah.

Student: (----).

YB: Har, Har, Gobind, Har, Har Gobind… I even don’t bother my lips do what and my teeth do what,
all I know is that once my tongue is fixed, it's right there in the back. Yeah.

Student: (----).

YB: Normally when you say Goo and you do not have a typical control on it, it is (?) so it goes. So
basically you stick it up, it will stay.

Student: (----).

YB: It remains there whole time.

Student: (----).

YB: Anytime. It's playing with your own energy, it's not something playing with the neighbors.

Student: (----).

YB: Back in the upper palate and if you just keep on doing it, after a while you will find there is a little
hole, then you can stick the tongue in that hole. It's the blow of the nostril it’s very simple, very easy, I
sometime stick it there, you know. It's easy. The great secret mudra. It takes twenty-two years to
hatha yogi to do it, we did it anyway.

Student: (----).

YB: Find it.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: You can find the weather, you can’t find the effect? Cause the cause you are going to find the
effect. There is never a reason to cause a cause and not to find the effect. You know what we were
doing? What we said what we were doing, anybody remembers it?

Students: (----).

YB: Unfold. We were unfolding ourself to ourself. First introduction between the two friends, the self
and the self. It was meeting of the ways between two friends. The given self and the creative self.
And we are unfolding the mystery. Because these two self react each other and creates lot of
problems and who wants problem, we want peace. There are two ways to go, you want peace, you
want problem. You want problems, have them, as many you want. You want peace there is only one
thing. Let it…

Students: Unfold.
YB: Isn't simple? I just have fallen in love with you. And I want to do the thing and we are giving you a
paper tomorrow, you have given us a paper today and this is lot of work and we want to pick it out of
the profile, personality profile and the projection, possibility, we will write you a letter, send you bill

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: And pay the previous one, it takes long hours of typing and reading and I am just telling you
something more. Those who have got a bad handwriting we are going to charge them more, it takes
a big that magnifying glass to read your handwriting, I don’t know what you write. You think, you are
going to write lines? Somebody has to have eyes, put the glasses has to read it. And then we do not
know what you write. It takes much, much of the time. So make it easy so that we can read your
paper at least. And answer it very honestly. And then we will pick up the profile and keep that letter of
profile and in case of difficulty write us back, if you want sometime something. And we will write you
back what to do. Do it or not it's your problem, it's not ours. But tomorrow I am going to deal with you
from unfold to fulfillment, okay. And you know we really want to do a job, God knows how many days
I have more to live. Situation doesn’t seems to be very healthy.

So the idea is whatever time we have out of this mess which has been created by these communists
and the very fact that we have started a religion here and I happen to be head of that religion in this
western hemisphere, it doesn’t suit certain people and they think we are agents of America and we
have to be wiped out and I am the root cause of it, therefore I have to go and dah-dah-dah, so it goes
on and on and on. It always happens in life. But we can't waste our time with all this nonsense, so the
only way that we can make sense is to play positive roll, let it unfold and let the mysteries appear not
very mysterious and leave you fulfilled and strong, that’s the purpose. Make you men. You are men
by birth, you are men by?

Students: Birth.

YB: I want you to be men by your right. That’s the difference. That’s the total difference. Have you
seen that ad in the TV? The total difference.

(Students’ laughter...)

YB: And thank you very much, may the long time…

The class sings: 'May the long time sun shine upon you...'

YB: May thy grace bless us, may thy grace unfold among us, may thy grace give us the clear crystal
way of life. May the word of the Guru exalt us and may we share with all. May giving become our
habit and our habitat. May we all excel in thy glory, in thy name, Sat Nam.

Thank you for coming we will see you tomorrow.


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