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Name: Teopiz, Mark Jovan Jr.

Date: November 27, 2020

Section: 2-A


1. Nature of the problem 2/3 x 1= 0.67 It is considered as a health threat because
(Health Threat) with an improper garbage disposal, insects
have a chance to breed and may cause
disease to a person like dengue
2. Modifiability of the Problem 2/2 x 2 = 2 It is easily modifiable since the family is
(Easily Modifiable) cooperative and follow the health education
in proper garbage disposal
3. Preventive Potential 3/3 x 1 = 1 It is highly preventive since we had health
(High) teaching to the family about the importance
of garbage proper disposal.
4. Salience of the Problem 0/2 x 1 = 0 It is not perceived as a problem of the family
(Problem needing urgent) because they can manage to live on it and
still no.
Total: 3.67

Family Data Analysis

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