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214 • Crown Him With Many Crowns

Tune: DIADEMATA (DSM) Text: Matthew Bridges (†1894)

1. Crown him with man - y crowns, the Lamb up - on his

2. Crown him the Lord of life, who tri - umphed o'er the
3. Crown him the Lord of love, be - hold his hands and
4. Crown him the Lord of Heav'n, en - throned in worlds a -
5. Crown him the Lord of lords, who o - ver all doth
6. Crown him the Lord of years, the Po - ten - tate of

throne. Hark! How the heav'n - ly an - them drowns all

grave, and rose vic - to - rious in the strife for
side, those wounds, yet vis - i - ble a - bove, in
bove, crown him the King to whom is giv'n the
reign, who once on earth, th’in - car - nate Word, for
time, Cre - a - tor of the roll - ing spheres, in -

mu - sic but its own. A - wake, my soul, and

those he came to save. His glo - ries now we
beau - ty glo - ri - fied. No an - gel in the
won - drous name of Love. Crown him with man - y
ran - somed sin - ners slain, now lives in realms of
ef - fa - bly sub - lime. all hail, Re - deem - er,

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sing of him who died for thee, and
sing, who died, and rose on high, who
sky can ful - ly bear that sight, but
crowns, as thrones be - fore him fall; Crown
light, where saints with an - gels sing their
hail! For thou hast died for me; thy

hail him as thy match - less King through

died e - ter - nal life to bring, and
down - ward bends his burn - ing eye at
him, ye kings, with man - y crowns, for
songs be - fore him day and night, their
praise and glo - ry shall not fail through -

all e - ter - ni - ty.

lives that death may die.
mys - ter - ies so bright.
he is King of all.
God, Re - deem - er, King.
out e - ter - ni - ty.

The Vatican II Hymnal contains the complete Readings (Years A, B, & C), Sung Propers (with Latin incipit), Responsorial Psalms,
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