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Knowing how to refuse is as important as knowing how to grant.

Baltasar Gracian

Il est tout naturel d'imputer des erreurs a ceux qui ont trouve des

verites. – Voltaire

Time, which alone makes men's reputation, ultimately renders their faults respectable. –


God built men with the tears of his heart.- proverb egiptean

What we call today 'economics' has become the subtle art of making predation into a

science. – Pierre Rabhi

To know a man, see the means he uses. observe what he is looking

for, examine what he puts his happiness into.- Confucius

You make a big deal out of nothing, because you need to be right and prove others wrong. –

Don Miguel Ruiz

Good health is not only an opportunity, it also results from certain behaviors. – Christophe


One gets used to seeing ugly faces, so one can also get used to merciful moods. There are

rebellious minds, with whom and without whom we cannot live. – Baltasar Gracian
Don't be rapacious, even when you have to act against the one who is

rapacious. – zicere egipteana

To transform the world, we must start with ourselves. And, reciprocally, to transform oneself

is to transform the world. – Krishnamurti

A happy-hearted woman brings balance. – zicere egipteana

And then we foolishly fear some kind of death, when we have already

passed and are passing so many others. – Montaigne

It never occurs to man's mind that happiness may not be the end of

human existence. – Yvan Amar

It is in love that the subject goes beyond himself beyond narcissism. – Alain Badiou

Who wants to retain his good friends, let him start by removing the

bad ones. – Le Yi Jing

I have often seen glory go before merit and often pass it by a long distance. / J'ai vu fort
souvent la gloire marcher avant le merite et souvent le depasser d'une longue distance. –

Wanting is not enough: you have to desire in order to succeed –

I was furious that I didn't have shoes; so I met a man who had no

feet and I found myself happy with my lot. / Mong-tseu

Ideas are not the truth. The truth must be lived from moment to

moment. – Krishnamurti

Happiness comes from paying attention to little things, and

unhappiness comes from neglecting little things. – Liu Hiang

Whenever there is talk of good and bad, it must be remembered that

he who is bad has first been good. - Zen

Les deux ennemis de l'amour: la securite du contrat d'assurance et

le confort des jouissances limitees.

The two enemies of love: the security of the insurance contract and

the comfort of limited enjoyments. – Alain Badiou

A bird is only an egg's way of making another egg. – Samuel Butler

On what we cannot talk about, we must remain silent. – Ludwig


Submitted to desire, there is no lasting happiness. – Arthur

There is hope in man, not in society, in systems, in organized

religious systems, but in you and in me. – Krishnamurti

Never give satisfaction to those who do not ask for it. – Baltasar


Sin is nothing other than forgetting, deliberate or not, of the behavior in which one should

lead one's life. – Yvan Amar

We all worry about the population explosion, but never at the right

time. – Arthur Hoppe

It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are lovely

or boring. – Oscar Wilde

It is better for men that whatever they wish does not happen. –


You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. – proverb

The declaration of love is the passage from chance to fate. – Alain

Man satisfied with his function, whatever it may be, achieves

perfection. – Bhagavad-Gita

Everything is impermanent, because everything is in perpetual

change. – Thich Nhat Hanh

May wealth not fail you, so that it may be seen to the test how vile

you are. – Heraclite

All those who appear crazy are, and even half of those who do not

appear. – Baltasar Gracian

If you are aware of your inner strength, no one will have power over you. – Anselm Gru..n

He who is disloyal to the truth is also disloyal to a lie. –


Death is the beginning of immortality. – Maximilien de Robespierre

Before you speak, make sure you can do what you say. – Proverb

Love is a stubborn adventure. – Alain Badiou

When the man is at the bottom of the well, stones are thrown at him.

– proverb chinez
You must neither love nor hate forever. - Baltasar Gracian

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. – oscar


Try again. Fail again. Fail better. – Samuel Beckett

Flirting is like fishing, you never know what you're going to

stumble upon. – Me/lanie Klein

Men willingly worshiped anything. But their worship most often knocks at the wrong door. –

Arthur Schopenhauer

Pleasure can be based on illusion, but happiness is based on truth.

– Nicolas de Chamfort

Stop evil before it exists, calm disorder before it breaks out. – Lao Tseu

Fashion is what you follow when you don't know who you are. –

Quentin Crisp

Gold does not belong to the avar; it is the avar who belongs to gold. - proverb chinezesc
It’s not easy to believe or to love. - Baltasar Gracian

There are no facts, only interpretations. – Friedrich Nietzsche

The truth is simply what is beneficial to the thought. – William


Young people should inspire respect in us. How do we know that their

future will not be worth our present? – Confucius

Our body is the anchor point of our

consciousness in the world. –
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Earthly truth does not last longer

than earthly beauty, but it is
nonetheless precious. – Friedrich
von Schiller

We suffer and we cause suffering: this is our

destiny. – Voltaire
Do not engage with someone who has
nothing to lose. – Baltasar Gracian

Be rich and your words will be held

to be true; be poor, they are not
taken to be true. – proverb

Pleasure alone does not make a

happy life. – Platon

We must reinvent risk and

adventure, against safety and
comfort. – Alain Badiou

To die is nothing. So start by

living. It's less funny and longer.
– Jean Anouilh

We love love, we love to love, but

we also love that others love. –
Saint Augustin

It is only if I love my body, as it

is, that it will become beautiful.
– Anselm Gru..n
Love is an event that was not
predictable or calculable according
to the laws of the world. – Alain

A man who lifts a cat by the tail

learns something he will not learn
otherwise. – Mark Twain

We must not act and speak as if we were

sleeping. – Heraclite

Being natural is a very difficult

pose to hold. – Oscar Wilde

Know thyself? If I knew myself, I

would run away. – Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe

No one will ever win the war of the

sexes. There is too much
fraternization with the enemy. –
Henry Kissinger
The difficulty is not to be with
your friends when they are right,
but when they are wrong. – Andre/

Remember the benefit, never the

insult. – proverb

Women who want to be equal with men

lack ambition. – Tomothy Leary

Whatever they do, women have to do twice as

good to be considered half as competent as
men. Fortunately, it is not too difficult. –
Charlotte Whitton

Living in peace with yourself

necessitates taking the step of
verifying that no one is perfect
around you. – Christophe Andre/

Man is condemned to be free.

Condemned, because he did not
create himself, and otherwise free,
because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he
does. L'homme est condamne a etre
libre. Condamne, parce qu'il ne
s'est pas cree lui-meme, et par
ailleurs libre, parce qu'une fois
jete dans le monde, il est
responsable de tout de qu'il fait.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Contrary to what many complex

people think, good self-esteem lies
not in the absence of faults, but
in not focusing on them. –
Christophe Andre/

He who loves is ready to take blows, to expose

himself to ridicule and suffering. He fights for the
other. – Gilles A. Tiberghien
Ceea ce merită să fie făcut, merită să fie bine făcut.
citat clasic din Nicolas Poussin

Giving birth and nourishing, making without possessing, expecting nothing in return. To

grow, yet not to control: This is the mysterious virtue. Lao tseu
wherever there is joy there is creation – Henri

Ura este iarna inimii. – Victor Hugo

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