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Semester & year: Fall 2018

Course number – section – Title: MUSE 3160–001 Jazz Lab Band II “Jazz Repertory Band”

Meets (day, time, room): T/TR 2:00 pm-3:20 pm

Instructor: Dr. Seth Carper

Phone: 512-245-3395 Email: Office: Nueces 260, Music 116
Office hours: By appointment

Course Purposes & Objectives

Jazz Repertory is designed to offer opportunity for hands-on music-making in the big band jazz
tradition. Eras covered will range from 1930’s to the present.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the semester, students will achieve an understanding of big band jazz style,
improvisation, and performance practice.

Textbooks & Other Required Materials

You must bring to each ensemble rehearsal:
• Your Jazz Ensemble folder and music
• Pencil

Grading Policy
Each unexcused absence will lower the final grade one letter. (2 tardies = 1 unexcused absence)
Missing a performance will result in a semester grade of F.

Attendance Policy
Each class meeting is an essential rehearsal. Attendance is required at each scheduled rehearsal,
including dress rehearsals outside regular meeting time. Tardiness is unprofessional and
unacceptable. Request for excused absence must be made at least 24 hours in advance, except for
documented medical emergencies. Absence from a dress rehearsal or performance will not be
Course Outline & Schedule for Semester

Concert Dates for Fall 2017

Spring Concert 1: Wednesday, March 13, 7:30 pm PERF
Sprin Concert 2: TBA

Texas State Policies

Office of Disabilities Statement – If you are a student with a disability who will require an
accommodation(s) to participate in this course, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. You
will be asked to provide documentation from the Office of Disability Services. Failure to contact the
instructor in a timely manner may delay your accommodations.
University Honor Code – Texas State University-San Marcos expects students to engage in all
academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students found in violation of the Honor
Code are subject to disciplinary action. The Honor Code can be found at
Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated and may result in a failing grade for the course.

Civility – The School of Music supports the university’s commitment to civility. Disrespectful
conduct undermines a culture of learning, just as acts of dishonesty do. The university policy, PPS
4.02.5-6 “Courteous Behavior,” gives examples of unacceptable conduct and sets out ways of
responding to such conduct. If a student behaves in a manner that the instructor considers to be
discourteous to the instructor or to any member of the class, the instructor may, at his or her
discretion, request that the student desist or request that the student leave the classroom. A student
who does not comply with such a request may be subject to suspension from the class, action by
Student Justice or by the University Police Department. (PPS 4.02 may be found in the Policy and
Procedure Statements Index at

Certifying Attendance – The University Certifying Attendance policy can be found at PPS 4.02.
This policy outlines the documentation of student’s attendance in their registered courses and is used
to verify to the federal government that a Title IV aid recipient began attendance in courses aiding in
the documentation of student financial aid availability.

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