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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬

‫ عبدالرحهي عثهاى‬/ ‫ م‬. ‫تن بواسطه‬

2222/81 ‫الجروب الخاص بالشباب والبًات الهتقدوني في اعالى وظائف ورص للطرياى‬
‫ رابط الجروب‬:
‫ رابط جروب الفيس بوك‬:
‫اضغط على الروابط السابقه للزميد وي الهرتيال‬

Very important for exams

‫مهم جدا لالمتحان‬
1- I am sorry that I wasn’t able to phone you yesterday.
- (Am being able- wasn’t able to- am able to- was able to)
2- I dread going to the dentist.
- (Go- gone- goes- going)
3- What do we call the reddish brown stuff that forms on metal (rust)?
- (Sand- skin- rash- rust)
4- The sting )‫لسعه‬/‫ (الم‬in her stiff knees brought tears to her eyes.
- (Fleshy ‫سمين‬- stiff- bone- smooth)
5- In the savanna, herds of buffalos are everywhere.
- (Flocks- swarm- herds- packs)
6- If you decide to save money each month for an important, you should set it
- (Hand it out- throw it out- give it up- set it aside)
7- Employees will be given 20$ per diem/premium per hour for expenses.
- (Fees- wages- salaries- per diem / premium)
Dime = 10 cent = 10 t
Wages = amount of money usually every week
Fee = an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a
particular right or service.
Salary = money paid on a regular basis of doing something.
8- The commander just issued the evacuation order for those remaining.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (Evacuation- regulation- instruction- impression)
9- To whom were you speaking to a few minutes ago?
- )Who’s- whom- whose- who)
10- He didn’t wear a helmet when he rode his motorcycle, thereby risking
severe injury in case of accident.
- (Risked- risks- risk- risking)
11- If you donate money to a charitable organization, you make a
- (Concession- contribution- contrition- construction)
12- The USO is a service organization which entertains ‫ يلهى‬the US troops and
improves their morale.
- (Cack-luster ‫لمعان‬/‫بريق‬-lum ‫قدر المدخنة‬-morale)
13- Most flowers bloom in the spring
- (Brace ‫دعامة‬/‫مشبك‬-bun ‫كعكة‬-blend-bloom).
14- He was blind drunk. He couldn’t even walk properly.
- (Flat – blind- bone – fast).
15- Rationing ‫التعيينات‬/‫ التقنين‬is a system for Allotting scarce resources.
- (Allotting ‫تقنين‬/‫توزيع‬/‫ تخصيص‬- abandoning- appraising ‫تقييم‬- adapting)
16- Wetlands provide refuge for many species of birds, reptiles, mammals,
and amphibians .‫برمائيات‬.
- (Remnant ‫ –بقية‬riddles ‫لغز‬- rumors- refuge ‫ ملجأ‬/ ‫)مأوى‬
17- In 1821, the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, was laid out in a design
patterned after that of Washington D.C.
- (That patterned- was patterned- a pattern- patterned)
18- She’s not quite cut out for the job as a teacher. She knows her stuff but
can’t keep control of the class.
- (Point out for- sum off in- cut out for- shut down to)
- Not cut out for sth = not be the right type of person for sth
19- She had many problems when she first joined the class, but bob is
indulging in ‫ تدليل‬/ ‫ تسلية‬for her.
- (Indulging in- halting on- looking up- moving by)
20- A filter placed in front of a camera lens changes the color of the light that
reaches the films.
- (A filter placed- placed a filter- a filter is placed- when a filter placed)
21- Crop rotation is one method of preserving soil fertility.
- (It is one method- is one method- one method- a method is one)
22- The air line blundered ‫ارتبك‬/‫تخبط‬, it sent me to Atlanta but my luggage to
- (Beckoned ‫ –أشار‬bolstered ‫ –دعم‬bartered ‫بدل‬/‫قايض‬- blundered)
23- The organs of taste are the (taste buds ‫ براعم‬, groups of cells) which are
mainly located on the tongue.
- Taste buds, groups of cells.
- Taste buds, are groups of cells.
- Groups of cells, are taste buds.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- Taste buds, these are groups of cells.
24- As a wave rolls towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with
the shallow sea bottom.
- )A wave’s rolling- a wave rolls- as a wave rolls- during a wave rolls)
25- What makes the monarch butterflies, migration so incredible is that
these insects successfully migrate to places that they have never seen.
26- Automatic teller machines provide a convenient means of banking
twenty-four hours a day.
- (Convenient- cozy ‫ مريح‬/ ‫ –دافئ‬crooked ‫ملتو‬/‫ –اعوج‬cordial ‫ودى‬/‫)شراب مسكر‬
27- People with ulcers ‫ قرح‬must eat bland ‫غير حريف‬/‫ لطيف‬food.
- (Bold- barren ‫غير مثمخر‬/‫مجدب‬- bland- bulky)
28- I wouldn’t employ him, he is bone idle = extremely lazy.
- (Dog- bone- stone- flat)
29- Ahmed, the first director of Smithsonian institute, was president’s advisor
on scientific matters.
- (Was the- as the- the- to be the)
30- Elfreth’s Ally in Philadelphia is the oldest residential street in the U.S
which houses are dated from 1728.
- (Houses dating- the dates of the houses- houses are dated- the dating of
the houses)
31- We shouldn’t brag about our last winning game, as we still have harder
games ahead of us.
- (Recite ‫يتلو‬/‫قرأ‬/‫ – روى‬strive ‫اجتهد‬/‫كافح‬- brag ‫تباهى‬/‫تفاخر‬- conceal ‫تستر‬/‫)اخفى‬
32- In the U.S, water treatment is generally the responsibility of municipal
- (In which water treatment- water treatment- for water treatment- where
water treatment)
33- She did very badly on the exam, so she’ll have to retake it.
- (Did- makes- is taking- does)
34- After a tasty meal of fried chicken at home with Mrs Swift, sandy was so
- (Tasty- salty- terrible- awful)
35- The teacher gives too much homework.
- (Too much homework- too many homeworks- too much homeworks-
homework much)
36- It’s quite humid today.
- (Not very- slight- very- a little bit)
37- Do not sit in that seat, it has just been painted.
- (Just has been painted- has just been painted- has just painted- painted)
38- A thermostat maintains and regulates the temperature of the room.
- (Regulates- requires- installs- causes)
39- The check has to be cashed by tomorrow.
- (To be cashed- are cashed- be cashed- cashed)
40- Going back home in a few weeks is something, I anticipate.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (To be go- going- go- to going)
41- We ought not to smoke in class, should we?
- (Do we- don’t we- should we- ought we)
42- Of all the jobs mark could have chosen, he now regretted being police
- (Been- be- had been- being)
43- Skidding ‫تزحلق‬on the treacherous ‫غادر‬/‫ خائن‬ice on the road, my car spun
out of control.
- (Spin- span- spun- spinned)
44- To whom were you speaking to a few minutes ago?
- (Who’s- whom- whose- who)
45- He didn’t wear a helmet when he rode his motorcycle, thereby risking
severe injury in case of an accident.
- (Risked- risks- risk- risking)
46- Every child feels displaced to some degree when anew sibling arrives.
- (Friend- principle- colleague- sibling)
47- After the workers are drained working on the project, they take time off.
The workers are fatigued.
- (Fatigued- well of- culled‫انتقى‬- relaxed)
48- Don’t throw these tools away my son uses them quite put them aside.
- (Put aside- keep out- hang in- turn in)
49- Fred’s beliefs about a supreme being reveal that he is less of an atheist
than he thinks he is.
- (A steward- a ruffian- a chaperon- an atheist)
50- A thick layer of fat ‫ دهن‬called blubber ‫ دهن الحوت‬keeps whales’ ‫ الحيتان‬warm
even in the coldest water.
- (In the- the- although the- of the)
51- Small sailboats can easily capsize ‫ تنقلب‬if they are not handled carefully.
- (If- but- which- so)
52- The refugees made an arduous ‫متعب‬/‫ شاق‬journey through the mountains.
- (Strenuous‫مرهق‬/‫شاق‬- amusing- tranquil‫ساكن‬/‫هادئ‬- facile‫سطحى‬/‫رشيق‬/‫)سهل‬
53- After the tragic loss of his family in the accident, he never recovered his
stability, and later did himself in.
- He was admitted to hospital
- He committed suicide.
- He cited the occurrence.
- He gave himself up.
54- I could have helped you if you had been here yesterday.
- (Was- are- were- had been)

55- Harvard University has two major art museums, the fogy ‫الرجعى‬and the
- Harvard University has.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- There at Harvard University.
- Harvard university with its.
- At Harvard university.
56- Peer group ‫مجموعة االقران‬relations, the relations with friends and
acquaintances ‫ المعارف‬, play a major role in the social development of
adolescents‫ المراهقين‬.
- By peer group relations, we mean.
- Peer group relations are.
- What are called peer group relations are
- Peer group relations, the.
57- The room is so messy; you will be grounded ‫ يوضع على االرض‬/ ‫ يعاقب‬if this
room isn’t cleaned up by noon.
- (Praised- grounded- saluted- appreciated)
- A child or young person who is grounded is not allowed to go out as
a punishment
- I smashed some stuff and now I'm grounded for a week.
58- When swimmers allow fear to overwhelm ‫ يربك‬/ ‫ يقهر‬/ ‫يسحق‬, they stop
making rational / ‫ منطقى‬/ ‫عقالنى‬decisions and begin to flounder.
- (Flounder‫تعثر‬/‫ – تخبط‬floss ‫ – دودة الحرير‬flunk ‫ سقط فى امتحان‬/ ‫خفق‬- flush‫ توهج‬/ ‫)تورد‬
59- She mistakenly believed that she could get away with not paying her
- (Mistakable- mistaken- mistakenly- mistake)
60- The Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean, have a balmy ‫شافى‬/‫منعش‬
- (Baffle‫اربك‬/‫ – حير‬blurry‫ – ضبابى‬brittle‫ هش‬- balmy)
61- He was never seen again, he just seemed to disappear into thin air.
- Vanished into thin air (idiom) = disappear suddenly and completely.
62- Despite his cloak ‫ عباءة‬and dagger ‫ خنجر‬life style, mark is no spy.
- (Free agent/ cloak- and- dagger/ free living/ drump -beat)
- Cloak-and-dagger = describes an exciting story involving secrecy and
mystery, often about spies, or something which makes you think of

63- He strolled ‫ تجول‬/ ‫ تمشى‬into the classroom and walk out on a note book
computer lying on the table near the door.
- (Walk out to- walk off with ‫سرق‬- walk in off- walk out on ‫)ترك‬
- Walk out on= to leave an event such as a meeting or performance
because you are angry or disapprove of something
- All the parents walked out ( of the meeting) in protest.
64- I don’t know what to make of ‫ يفهم طباع شخص اخر‬her, one minute she’s
friendly and the next she’s incredibly rude.
- (Make of- glint in‫يتالال‬/ ‫يومض‬- appear in- seem to)
65- He couldn’t hear a thing he was stone deaf = completely deaf.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (Pitch- dog- bone- stone)
66- Burning rubber produces an acrid ‫ الذع‬smoke.
- (agile‫رشيق‬- austere ‫صارم‬/‫ –قاس‬arid‫جاف يابس‬- acrid ‫قارص‬/ ‫)الذع‬
- Acrid = describes a smell or taste that is strong and bitter and causes
a burning feeling in the throat
67- Most minnows are tiny fish, but squaw fish, which can weigh as much as
30 pounds, are actually huge.
- (Grave ‫ –مقبرة‬gaudy‫ مأدبة‬/ ‫ مزوق‬/ ‫مبهرج‬- gregarious ‫اجتماعى‬- huge)
68- We have inclement ‫قاسى‬/‫ صارم‬weather.
- (Rough- dry- sunny- mild)
69- Scientists cannot agree on how fleas ‫ برغوث‬are related to other orders of
- (How fleas are- how are fleas- that fleas are- fleas that are)
70- We are planning a surprise party for John please doesn’t let on ‫يفشى سر‬.
- (Let to- let in ‫يسمح بالدخول‬- let up ‫ توقف او تطور موقف‬- let on)
71- The Wasatch Range, which is a part of the Rock Mountains, extends
from southeast to northern Utah.
- It is a part of the Rock Mountains.
- A part of the Rocky Mountains.
- Which is a part of the Rock Mountains.
- Apart of the Rock Mountains.
72- You can’t be put in prison if you’re not guilty.
- )Don’t put- can’t be put- can’t put- will not put)
73- This course is known to be so tough.
- (It needs a lot of work- it’s for beginners- it can’t be difficult- it’s a short
74- All the competitors were required to run 10 km in 40 min.
- (Had to- having to- has to- have to)
75- After some placed the picture on the internet it was quickly disseminated
‫انتشرت‬around the world.
- (Exploited ‫استخدم‬/‫استثمر‬- spread- deleted- vanished)
76- Each seed of a flowering plant is covered by a dense protective coat.
- (Each- one each- each of- that each)
77- Today people are increasingly linked over long distance by electronic
communications, but many of them still prefer face-to-face encounters.
- (Today people- despite people- the fact that people)
78- Steel isn’t as brittle as cast iron, it doesn’t break of easily.
- (Brisk ‫ رشيق‬/ ‫ –ناشط‬brittle ‫هش‬- brilliant)
79- When I saw him in a new sport car, I was green with envy.
- (Green- red- black- white)
80- His innovations ‫تجديدات‬/‫ ابتداعات‬and his unconventional views about the new
production line caused alarm, and in 1953 he resigned ‫استقال‬/‫ تخلى‬his view were
- (Rapid- placid ‫هادئ‬- unorthodox- idealistic)

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
81- Aerodynamics is the study of the forces acting on an object it moves
through the atmosphere.
- (Acted- act- acting- are acting)
82- Since advertising is so wide spread in the U.S. it has had an enormous
effect on American life.
- (Why- on account of- the reason- since)
83- It was in 1875 that Anna win lock joined the staff of the astronomical
observatory ‫ نقطة مراقبة‬/ ‫مرصد‬at Harvard University.
- As Anna win lock
- That Anna win lock
- Anna win lock who
- Anna win lock
84- Across the US, the general movement of air masses is from west to east.
- (Across- it’s across- to cross- they cross)
85- Before currency come into use, people used the barter ‫مقايضة‬for
exchanging and direction for goods.
- (Barter- blunder ‫ خطأ فادح‬- brisk ‫رشيق‬/‫ –ناشط‬sais ‫) االجهزة العليا للرقابة‬
86- She had a razor sharp mind.
- (East- razor- crystal- knife)
- Razor sharp mind = think very clearly and quickly.
87- She went to bed at 7:00 pm and she was blind at 10:00 pm.
- (Blind- bone- fast- flat)
88- The victim, failing the timely arrival of the medics.‫ طبيب‬Died.
- (Died- die- dead- was died)
89- The young man found himself unable to resist the magic effect of the
perfume as it lingered in the air.
- (Misled ‫ مضلل‬- lingered ‫تباطئ‬- crawled ‫ زحف‬/ ‫حبا‬- wandered ‫ جاب‬/ ‫)طاف‬
90- When writing research papers, writers must cite the sources they use.
- (Compel ‫ –ارغم‬co ax ‫محورى‬- cite- clash ‫)اشتبك‬
91- Penicillin can have an adverse effect on a person who is allergic to it.
- (Awkward‫محرج‬/‫ –احمق‬anxious‫ –قلق‬aroma ‫عبير‬/‫ –اريج‬adverse ‫معادى‬/‫)معاكس‬
92- Mountain climbing is an arduous ‫شاق‬/‫ صعب‬sport.
- (Anxious ‫قلق‬- astute ‫ماكر‬/‫ –ذكى‬austere ‫بسيط‬/‫صارم‬/‫قاس‬- arduous)
93- Don lobbed ‫يقذف‬/‫ تحرك ببطئ‬several grenades ‫قذيفة‬/‫قنابل يدوية‬.
- He throws some bombs.
94- Plants are grown for their strong fiber includes flax.
- (Plants are grown- to grow plants- plants grown- plants that grow)
95- For a long time, our business wasn’t going very well, but now things have
started to perk-up ‫ينتعش‬.
- (Muster ‫ تجمهر‬down- perk up- hover over- glaze ‫ زجزج‬with)
- Perk-up = to become or cause someone to become happier, more
energetic or active.
96- Profane ‫فاحش‬/‫ دنسى‬/ ‫ تجديفى‬criticism ‫ انتقاد‬was received after the government
failed to manage the crisis. The government policy in vain ‫عبثا‬/‫بالفائدة‬.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (Fruitful ‫مثمر‬- in vain- pragmatic ‫واقعى‬/‫ذرائعى‬- preminent)
97- The dancer Ruth st Dennis turned to Asian dances to find inspiration
‫ايحاء‬/‫الهام‬for her choreography ‫ وضع الحان الرقص‬/ ‫رقص البالية‬.
- (That the dancer- it was the dancer- the dancer was- the dancer)
- Choreography =the skill of combining movements into dances to be
98- I have never been to England, and my brother hasn’t either.
- )My brother hasn’t neither- also my brother too- so not my brother- my
brother hasn’t either)
99- They spoke unbelievably well for foreigners.
- (Red- terrible- incredible- unbelievably)
100- Are you taught this subject at college?
- (Are you teach- do you taught- have you teach- are you taught)
101- Mixed with air, like every other combustible gas, explosive mixture.
Acetylene mixture is inflammable.
- (Flashy- inflammable- flammable- nonflammable)
102- Some of the pie was eaten before we blew the candles ‫ننفخ الشمع‬.
- (Got ate- was eaten- were eaten- got eat)
103- The box was so heavy that I couldn’t carry it.
- (Very- too- so- much)
104- Do you have money enough to buy me 6 bottles of milk?
- (Much money- a money- money enough- many money)
105- She was fired ‫ مطرود‬/‫مفصول‬after she was caught stealing from her
- (Discharged- disengaged ‫منعزل‬/‫خال‬- employed- hired ‫)استاجر‬
106- I wish those kids would stop making such a racket ‫يحدث ضجيج مزعج‬.
- (Bad words- silly mistakes- bad remarks- loud noise)
- Racket = loud noise.
107- How do you account for / get across these low test scores?
108- I don’t entirely agree with you.
- (Entire- rarely- retire- entirely)
109- I dropped peter off then I head back to work.
- (Off- out- in- by)
- Drop off = to take someone or something to a particular place, usually
by car, as you travel to a different place.
110- I bought a little amount of sugar. I don’t use it a lot.
- (A few- a little- many- much)
111- Tom will get promoted to a manager next month.
- (Will promote- will get promoted- will be promoting- promots)
112- We leave every day at 7:00 but this morning we left at 8:00.
- (Are leaving- leave- are left- left)
113- Despite repeated assurance that the product is safe, many people have
stopped buying it.
- (Because of- despite- despite of- in spite)

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
114- The normal behavior might depend on genetic makeup of the person.
- (Genetic makeup- diet- environment- story live)
115- I’m most terribly pleased to hear that you’re got a job.
- (Terrible- more terribly- most terribly- terribly)
116- This soup is very thick; I think you might need to add some water to it.
- (Thin- fat- thick- bad)
117- Living on base suits me better.
- (In- on- at- of)
118- Many deer are seen on the mountains during the summer.
- (Is- are- was- were)

119- The news appears to be very bad.

- (Appear- have been- have appeared- appears)
120- Neither the players nor the coach has much energy today.
- (Have- is having- having- has)
121- It is wrong to cheat on a test.
- To cheat is wrong
- Is wrong to cheat
- Cheat is wrong
- Cheating it is wrong
122- At the ceremony as the announcer mentioned something about a fallen
comrade ‫صاحب‬/‫رفيق‬we suddenly heard the bugle ‫بوق‬call. What did they hear?
- (Maps- flaps- laps- taps)
123- Spoken language is generally more casual than written language.
- (Capable- cautious ‫ –حذر‬caustic ‫كاوى‬/‫ –الذع‬casual ‫)غير رسمى‬
124- She has a dream about being an engineer.
- (On- for- about- at)
- Dream on = used to tell someone that what they are hoping for is not
likely to happen or to be true
- Dream about = to think about something that you want very much
125- When added to a liquid, anti freeze lowers temperature of that liquid.
- (When- it is- that- as is)
126- The bark ‫قشرة‬of a tree thickens ‫تغلظ‬/‫تتخن‬with age.
- (With age- as older- it gets older- by age)
127- One cause of the American Revolution was a dispute over taxation.
- (Delusion ‫غرور‬/‫ –وهم‬drawback ‫يتراجع‬/‫متدارك‬/‫ –عائق‬dispute ‫خالف‬/‫ –نزاع‬desist ‫يكف‬
128- It was 2 a.m but I was still wide awake.
- (Wide- open- sound- flat)
129- It was pitch dark. I couldn’t see a thing.
- (Wide- flat- pitch- stark ‫شديد‬/‫)تماما‬
- Pitch dark = extremely dark.
130- That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the
topic up again that night.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (Idea- source- topic- subject)
- Bring sth up = talk.
131- It’s an amazing price, dirt cheap.
- (Paper- dirt- stone- rock)
- Dirt cheap = very cheap.
132- The Democratic Party is older than the other major. American political
party, the Republican party.
- (It is the Republican party- the Republican party- the Republic party-
which the Republican Party)
133- These boxes are extremely heavy.
- (Boxs- box’s- box- boxes)
134- When Tom was young. He always was skipping classes at school.
- (Was skipping- were skip- skips- skipped)
135- The team went on a 5 kilometer road run.
- (At- in- of- on)
136- If I am trying to scale my meals better, I need to consult a nutritionist.
- (Exceed ‫ –تخطى‬portion ‫قسم‬- scale- part ‫جزأ‬/‫)قسم‬
137- In class, students sometimes introduce a red herring ‫ فكرة لتشتيت االنتباه‬to
distract ‫يحيد‬/‫يصرف‬/‫ يشتت‬the teacher from his subject.
- (A white lie- a green belt- a red herring- a red tape)
- A red herring = a fact, idea or subject that takes people's attention
away from the central point being considered.
138- To be fair, lows must be uniformly applied to all people.
- (Vaguely ‫ –غامض‬urgently ‫حاال‬/ ‫ –ملح‬uniformly ‫مستو‬- vitally)
139- This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.
- (Toes ‫اصبع القدم‬- finger- arm- palm)
140- Even though they are tropical ‫استوائى‬birds, parrots ‫ببغاء‬can live in
temperature or even cold climate.
- (Nevertheless- even though- despite- but)
141- Contrary to the outcome of our last successful skirmish with the enemy,
we were knocked off ‫ توقف عن العمل‬this time like sitting ducks.
- The enemy was victorious.
- Our strategy paid off.
- The enemy was so scared.
- The ducks was shot at.
- Sitting duck = someone or something that is very easy for an enemy
to shoot or attack.
142- The meeting dragged on ‫ يمتد لمدة أطول‬for half the morning without reaching
any decisions.
- (Dragged on- dragged to- dragged off- dragged in)
143- Intelligence and good honor are among her personality.
- (Traits‫ مميزات‬/‫سمات‬- rewards- potentials)

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
144- Sponsored by the U.S. state department. Jose Limon’s dance
troupe ‫ جماعة‬often toured ‫جال‬abroad.‫بالخارج‬
- The U.S state department sponsored it.
- Sponsored by the U.S state department.
- The sponsorship of the U.S state department.
- The U.S state department, which sponsored.
145- Darkness began to fall, the sounds of nocturnal ‫ليلي‬insects began to rise,
mysterious ‫خفى‬/‫ باطنى‬unidentifiable sounds began to merge so to flush out any
intrudes. Sgt Don lobbed several grenades around the platoon position. He
threw some bombs.
- (Stole- hid- threw- saved)
146- Joe has a new pair of shoes, doesn’t he?
- (Can- haven’t- doesn’t- do)
147- His performance in dealing with the ongoing ‫متطور‬/‫ مستمر‬issues was
remarkable display of political savvy ‫الذكاء السياسى‬.
- (Productivity- personality- know how-behavior)
148- I heard on the weather forecast that there is a possibility of snow.
- It’s not definite.
- It must snow.
- I am sure about that.
- It’ll be humid.
149- Mayor Smith is to be removed from office. Mayor Smith is accused of
being ineffective.
- (Energetic- dynamic- productive- ineffective)
150- I would be careful with my answers if I were you.
- (Am- had been- will be- were)
151- Contrary to public opinion, our employees want an increase in their
wages, rather than more time off. What do employees want exactly?
- Higher salaries
- Greater freedom
- More training
- More time
152- I am still not very good at grammar.
- (By- of- at- to)
153- Our supervisor tells us all the time to follow the instructions.
- (Instructions- instructer- instructing- instructor)
154- She speaks Russian very well.
- (Good- well- better- goodly)

155- The medic applied a tourniquet to stop the flow of blood.

- (Plastic bag- band of cloth- piece of wood- piece of leather)
156- What ecologists ‫علماء البيئة‬call a “gallery forest “is a narrow strip ‫ممر‬of
woods along a stream ‫مجرى‬in an open grass land.
- What do ecologists call a gallery forest.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- Ecologists use the term gallery forest.
- Gallery forest is the term ecologists use.
- What ecologists call a gallery forest.
157- Dynamite is ordinarily detonated with a device called a blasting cap.
- (A device is used- the use of a device- with a device- that a device)
158- The head of an academic department at a university should be not only a
distinguished scholar ‫عالم مميز‬/‫باحث‬but also an able administrator.
- (Ailment ‫مرض‬/‫قلق‬/‫داء‬- able- abrupt ‫متقطع‬/‫ –مفاجئ‬agile‫)رشيق‬
159- There was a crack in the back part of the plane.
- (Bow- wing- rear- cockpit)
160- Usually political cartoons appear on the editorial section of newspaper.
- (Appear- where appearance- when they appear- by appearance)
161- The damaged ship has been drawn to the harbor.
- (Draw- been drawn- drawn- has been drawn)
162- He acts as if he had never seen a beautiful woman before.
- (Did never seen- had never seen- was never seen- never seen)
163- Plumber ‫السباك‬use wrench.
- (Strainer ‫ –مصفاة‬hubcap ‫ –غطاء الجنط‬wrench ‫مفتاح ربط‬- mixer)
164- The meeting is scheduled in the afternoon.
- (At- in- on- by)
165- The picture was painted by a famous artist.
- (Paints- was painted- painted- painting)
166- Did I fall asleep last night while watching TV?
- (Fill- feel- fall- fell)
167- You are being very strong lately, aren’t you?
- (Are- be- was- are being)
168- The Scott’s house seems better looking than any other house on the
- (Seem- seems- seeming- is seeming)
169- A: can you swim 5 km in 5 minutes?
B: I can definitely do that.
- (To do- done- doing- do)
170- Monkeys are classified as primates.
- (Compelled- clashed- classified)

171- The pulse indicates the heartbeat.

- )Brain’s intelligence- body temperature- stomach’s capacity- heartbeat)
172- This party is very loud.
- (Loud- loudly- louder- loudest)
173- At this time tomorrow, I am going on my way to the club.
- (Go- am going- will go- be going)
174- Of your daughters which one is the oldest?
- (The older- the old- the oldest- oldest)
175- I got this part of shoes for a half price.

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬
- (On sale- to sale- in sale- for sale)
176- We need to contact the manufacturer to ask about the operation of the
machine. The person who should talk to is the maker.
- (The owner- the messenger- the maker- the delivery person)
177- During the last storm many houses were destroyed.
- (Have been destroying- destroying-destroyed- were destroyed)
178- I don’t have many friends. But I love the ones I have.
- (More- much- many- money)
179- One more ticket was given to my sister yesterday.
- (Given- was given- gave- gives)
180- Tom has been working on his project for more than three hours now.
- (Has been working- has worked- been working- is working)
181- In 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the U.S and they
produced over a million bicycle.
- (Because in- in- it was in- that in)
182- Canada adapted the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.
- The Canadian adaption of.
- It was adapted by Canada.
- Adapted by Canada.
- Canada adapted.
183- The teacher asked do you know how to solve this math problem? I think
it’s insoluble” the teacher thinks nobody can work it out.
- (Look it over- work it out- cheat it- hand it in)
184- Do you like playing soccer?
- (To play- for playing- play- playing)

185- The Wasatch Range, which is a part of the rocky mountains extents
from southeast to north Utah.
- A part of the Rocky Mountains, it
- Is a part of the rock mountain
- Which is a part of the Rocky Mountains
- A part of the rock mountains that
186- Do not forget that the shift is at night and it is a hard work too.
- (Harder- hardly- hard- hardless)
187- I was completely chocked by his answer.
- (More complete- complete- most complete- completely)
188- We need to preserve our natural resources. What do we need to
- (Products and items- material- constructions- water and oil)

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬

Important vocabularies
no Word meaning ٌّ‫امىػ‬
1 Above all Most important of all ‫اَه وي اى شئ‬
2 Advances Progress – in development ‫تلدم‬/‫تطِر‬
3 Atomic Nuclear – relating to atoms ‫ذرى‬
4 Compulsory Mandatory – required ‫احتارى‬/‫حرج‬/‫وُه‬
5 Contaminate To pollute – make impure ‫ينِث‬
6 Coordinate To properly adjust ‫يٌسق‬
7 Emission Act of giving out ‫وشع‬
8 Emit To send out – give out – discharge ‫يشع‬
9 Endanger To expose to harm – risk
10 Environment Surroundings – conditions ‫امتيئث‬
11 Exhaust To use up completely – tire out ‫يرَق‬/‫يستٌفذ‬
‫ يدفع‬/ ‫يطرد‬
12 Expel To force out
13 Fume Gas – smoke – vapor ‫ دخان‬/ ‫غاز‬
14 If not Or else ‫واما‬
Plan – create – make for the first
15 Invent ‫ يخترع‬/ ‫يٌشئ‬
16 Moreover In addition to - besides ‫ةاماطافث‬
17 Plant Factory ‫وصٌع‬
18 Radioactive Harmful – quality of nuclear ‫ًفايات وشػث‬
19 Respiratory Relating of breathing ‫غىنيث امتٌفس‬
To begin /
20 The first reason is ‫امستب اماول‬
start with
21 Vanish Disappear – go away ّ‫تناش‬
22 Vicinity The surrounding area
23 With stand Tolerate – endure - resist ‫يصىد‬/‫يتحىل‬

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman

‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم (وقل رىب زدىن علما) صدق اهلل العظيم‬

A drag or gas used to make an

24 Anesthetic ‫ ةٌج‬/ ‫وخدر‬
area numb
25 As long as Provided that – since ‫ وادام‬/ ‫ةشرط‬
26 Be about to Be just already to do something ‫غنّ وشم‬
27 Dread Fear ‫ خِف‬/ ‫فزع‬
28 Even so In spite of that – though that ‫وع ذمم‬
29 Fall apart Disintegrate – break into pieces ‫ يتفكم‬/ ‫يٌُار‬
30 Filling Substance used to fill something ِ‫حش‬
31 Glance Look at briefly ٍ‫ ةص‬/ ٍ‫مىح‬
32 Go through To endure – search ‫ يتحىل‬/ ‫يتخاوز‬
33 Grind Crush – rub harshly ‫يطحي‬
In one aspect or manner of ‫فّ ًفس‬
34 In away
speaking ‫امسياق‬
35 Nonetheless Nevertheless ‫ووع ذمم‬
Having loss of sensation – without ‫ فاكد‬/ ‫وخدر‬
36 Numb
feeling ‫امحس‬
37 Regardless Despite the fact that ‫ةغض امٌظر‬
38 Relieve Reduce – ease ‫ يخفف‬/ ‫يخفض‬
39 Take effect Become operative ‫حارى امتٌفيذ‬
40 Though However – in spite of everything ‫رغه غي‬

‫ غتدامرحىي غثىان‬/ ‫ةامتِفيق يا شتاب تحياتّ م‬

Eng \ Abdelrahman Othman


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