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practitioners. Save: UK.

Child Reactions to Crisis10

chological first aid: guide for field workers. WHO: Geneva – and (2) Save the Children (2013). Psychological first aid workshop manual for child
All material is taken from two main sources: (1) World Health Organization, War Trauma Foundation and World Vision International (2011). Psy- A child in distress experiences one or more stress symptoms, which usually results in them being unable to function to their optimal level
Common reactions to stress for all age-groups Signs of fear that the event will take place again Reactions to seeing their community destroyed
Worry that their loved ones or they themselves will be Reactions to separation from parents and siblings
hurt or separated Sleep disturbances
Common reactions to stress in the function children ‘Clinging ‘to their caregivers Poor concentration
aged 0-3 years Regress to behavior when younger Hyperactive
Changes in sleep and eating pattern More demanding

Irritability Change in play

Afraid of things Crying
Common reactions to stress in the function children Clinging to adults Easily confused
aged 4-6 years Regress to younger behavior Poor concentration
Sleep disturbances Inactive / hyperactive
Changes in eating patterns Stop talking
Take on adult roles Stop playing
Irritability Anxious or worried
Common reactions to stress in the function children Withdrawn Aggression / restless
aged 7-12 years Concerned about other affected Poor memory and concentration
Sleep disturbances Somatic symptoms
Changes in eating pattern Feel confused
Feel / express fear Talk about the event
Irritability Self-blame/guilt
Common reactions to stress in the function children Intense grief Increased risk taking
aged 13-17 (teens) Show excessive concern for others Changes in relationships
Self-conscious Aggressive
Feel guilt and shame Self-destructive
Self-absorbed Feeling hopeless
Defiant of authority Relying more on peers
Common reactions to stress for all age-groups that Tiredness Stomach ache
impact the body (psychosomatic/ physical reactions) Tight chest Dizziness
Shortness of breath Shaking
Dry mouth Headaches
Muscle weakness General aches
Very serious distress reactions in children when they Withdrawn or very quiet with little or no movements Physical symptoms of not feeling well: Shaking, head-
occur most of the time Hide or shy away from other people aches, loss of appetite, aches and pain
Do not respond to others, do not speak at all Cry a lot
Scared, panicking, hysterical Aggressive, trying to hurt others
Worried Clinging to their care-givers
Confused or disorientated

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