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Samuel Black

Professor Mannarino
UED 444

Chapter 12: Supporting Effective Teaching with Professional Development

12.1 Terms to definitions

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. j
5. f
6. e
7. g
8. i
9. d
10. h

12.2 Multiple Choice Questions

1. c
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. b
8. d
9. d
10. c

12.3 Essay Questions

1. As a teacher I could go to a literacy coach, the individual or group could assess student
work samples and tell me what types of difficulties students are having. The literacy coach could
also provide help in collaboration among specialists in the school. Learners who struggle in
reading may have one or more other classifications. Working alongside a literacy coach, he or
she could help me in my journey to find appropriate materials for my students to help them on
their educational journey.

2. I would respectfully respond to my colleagues that our job is to help make students
lifelong learners. Reading is a key component in education, it being on of the big three: reading,
writing, and arithmetic. I would also let my colleagues know that teachers and literacy coaches
are supposed to work together to help create strategies that could help in content area classes.
The one benefits the other. I would also remind my coworkers that successful collaboration leads
to strengthened professional knowledge, development of a community, and better instruction. It
behooves everyone to learn new strategies outside of the norm.

3. I would tell the literacy coach that the students need to assess the content area literature
and discover its structure. The student must then ask questions, draw connections, make
inferences, and use prior knowledge to draw meaning from the text. Along with doing these
among other things the student should be understanding the text on various levels: literal,
inferential, and by evaluation. By following these skills, the student should be well on their way
to being good content literature readers!

4. Characteristics of effective teachers say that collaboration is very important. I would

take the raw data taken from among my students tests and apply that to see which educational
strategies were most successful at helping students grasp concepts. We would need to conduct
conferences with teachers to explain our findings. There will need to be time to ask questions,
explain what coaches noticed, offer a coaching point when it is appropriate to do so, Brainstorm
next steps, then finally link these things to teachable classroom content.

5. Teaching like life needs to be examined. By examining our practices this is where we
find areas for improvement. Professional development helps teachers move beyond basic assign-
and-tell routines to more complex strategies; for example, before-, during-, and after- reading
model to their lesson or unit of study. Professional development helps teachers see the field of
teaching as a lifelong journey. Teaching is an artform that is not mastered overnight but requires
consistent time and attention to master. Some goals would be to integrate new literacies into my
teaching. Locate more appropriate texts, apply new imaginative strategies for activating students’
background knowledge, etc.

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