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Ingles básico

Proyecto Final

Presentado por:

Manuel Fernando Suarez Rodríguez

Número de identificación

cc.1´057.593.912 de Sogamoso 

Modulo unidad cierre


Fundación Universitaria San Mateo

18 de junio de 2022

Bogotá DC.
Actividades Integradoras

Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.2.10 (unidad 1)................................................................3

1.2.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U1 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)...........................................4
Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.3.10 (unidad 2)................................................................5
1.3.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U2 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)...........................................8
Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.4.10 (unidad 3)................................................................9
1.4.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U2 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN).........................................12
Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.2.10 (unidad 1)

Personal presentation

Hello my name is manuel fernando suarez rodriguez I am 28 years old, I am from sogamoso


I am a technologist in supervision of mining work

I am currently working in the municipality of samaca boyaca in the company carbones andinos

I am a student of the engineering program in safety and health at work at the San

Mateo University Foundation

my family is made up of my parents victor suarez and luz marina rodriguez my two sisters

paola and milena they live in sogamoso boyaca

I have a pitbull dog named kaiser and I currently live with my girlfriend laura

chaparro who is an administrator in occupational safety and health we lived in samaca 4

years ago.

1.2.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U1 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)
Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.3.10 (unidad 2)

 Oraciones en presente progresivo, sobre la imagen. 5 positivas y 5 negativas

Oraciones positivas

1. he is watching the sunset, 

2. he is resting from a long day, 

3. he is looking for his flock

4. he is waiting for someone,

5.  he is a little disoriented

Oraciones negativas

1. the cowboy does not focus on the mountain, 

2. the cowboy does not know where he is going,

3.  he does not contemplate the dawn

4. the cowboy is not found hunting,

5.  the cowboy is not resting

 Oraciones con GOING TO, sobre la imagen, 5 positivas y 5 negativas.

Oraciones positivas
1. my family wants to go eat dishes of the casanare, 

2. I want to go take a selfie in that place,

3.  I want to go see that sunset

4. I am going to travel in next trips to the plain, 

5. I want to go and know a little more about the fauna in the plain

Oraciones negativas

1. we can not go in May because of the heavy rains, 

2. you can not go camping on the plain, 

3. we can't go to the zoo on Monday because it's closed

4. I can't go to the plain without my vaccinations, 

5. I can not go by train to the plain

Oraciones con WHEN, BEFORE Y AFTER. (se debe evidenciar el uso de las estructuras y

los tiempos aprendidos en esta unidad).

1. before going to the plain I must get vaccinated count the yellow fever, 

2. when I can go to the plain I will make the most of the time,

3. after arriving from the plain I have to work,

4.  when I am in that place I plan to eat a lot of mamona, 

5. before traveling I must know the state of the roads

6. before going to the plain I must request my vacation to the company, 

7. when I get to the plain I must stay to sleep where my uncle

8. after arriving at the plain I must wait for the bus for the zoo at 5:00pm,

9.  after traveling for 4 days with flu,
10. when I have my family I would spend going back to that place

 Realizar un texto de al menos 250 palabras, donde describa una situación o evento,

y donde se evidencie el uso de todas las estructuras y tiempos aprendidos en esta


When I learn English very well, I can go to know the United States when I am in the United Stat

es I will take many photos and then show them to all my family,

I don't think I can fully learn English this year, I must wait and finish my degree to get money for 

the trip
1.3.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U2 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)
Momento independiente actividad integradora 1.4.10 (unidad 3)

➢ Perfil del personaje

I am manuel fernando suarez rodrigiuez I am a technologist in supervision of mining bores and

occupational safety technician, I consider myself a competitive person in all aspects of work I

like to travel a lot do sports, and I am a person who likes to improve personally and strengthen

every day but my studies.

➢ Preguntas de entrevista (20)

1. What is your name?

My name is Manuel frenando suarez rodriguez.

2. Tell me a little about yourself

I am a technologist in mining work supervision and I have 4 years of experience in the field.
3. What is your biggest flaw?

My biggest flaw is that sometimes I am a bit competitive or I like to work individually.

4. What aspects don't you like in a boss?

I think I am a person who adapts to any type of work methodology.

5. What are your 3 greatest strengths?
I am very professional and committed to my work
I am very demanding and I always give a lot in everything I do.
I like to learn new things
6. I have seen that you have changed jobs several times in the last years.
What was the reason?
The reason was lack of motivation on the part of the company and lack of value in the job.
7. Do you consider yourself prepared to perform the functions of this position?

I consider myself a person largely prepared in operating methods, but I would like to learn more

in this company.

8. do you have experience in carrying out projects in teams?

Yes, I have worked in several teams with good results.

9. would you do any work that was not in your area of expertise?

If it would give a little more added value to my performance in the company.

10. would you occasionally move to other places?

In my old jobs I moved constantly, I think I could do it in this one.

11. do you consider yourself a creative person?

I don't tend to be that creative

12. What experience do you have in this type of work?
I have worked in supervision for 4 years in one company.
13. would you take work home?
I don't like to mix work and personal schedules.
14. What is your salary aspiration?

My salary aspiration is 2.500.000

15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself being a competitive professional in the area of sst.

16. Why change jobs?
I would like to start new projects in the future.
17. You do not have experience for the position
Yes, I have 4 years of experience
18. What do you know about the company and/or the position?

I do not know about the company

19. What would you do if you consider that your boss is not right?

Look for solutions and provide them

20. Why should we choose you?

I think the job offer fits my profile very well.

1.4.7 Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos U2 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)

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